Author Topic: New Story told in instalments. Milly.  (Read 2640 times)

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #30 on: November 15, 2022, 10:22:33 PM »
Annabelle found them there and said they could leave it to her if they wanted to but both said that they would be glad of her help they wanted to do it together. 'She has some very nice clothes,' said Annabelle. 'We'll donate them to the Salvation Army shop in Tockwith,' said Steve.
Annabelle started to fold the dresses and coats and putting them in one of the cardboard boxes they had ready first checking all the pockets.
'It seems awful doing this, but George had a wad of notes in one of his pockets.'
'You'll probably only find an odd coin or sweet in Milly's.' said Steve.
'Were you serious about wanting to live here, Annabelle? asked Dora.
'Yes. If you say it's ok I'll put my bungalow on the market.'
'I expect you'll want to bring your own furniture.' said Steve.
'Yes, so I won't want any of Milly's.
'I think we'll store some of it in one of the barns. You never know when it might come in handy.'
Annabelle picked up a little statuette of a shepherd boy. I'd really like to keep this and the matching shepherdess as a memento if you don't mind.'
'Of course not. We'll keep some of the other ornaments too and see if anyone else would like a keepsake.' said Steve 'The rest can go to the church for the next jumble sale. We can't keep everything. ' They selected some things to take home and put the rest on the little coffee table so that their friends could come and see if there was anything they wanted. Milly had specified in her will where she wanted some of her things to go and as Dora and Steve did not know all of the people, they decided to ask Jeremy to talk to the W.I ladies to make sure they got to the right people.They sorted the pots pans and utensils, some were past their best so had to be disposed of. At lunchtime Steve said that was enough for one day. 'We can drop off some things at the charity shop before we go to school this afternoon' he said.
There were lots of people in the school hall, but they found the children without any trouble. They both had their presents from Santa which were books. Pru had found a set of new knitted clothes which would fit her baby doll and Jeff had some Lego. Dora produced a carrier bag to put everything in then she went to buy some cakes while Steve took the children to the Tombola stall. He managed to win a large box of chocolates and some toiletries. Pru had her eye on a large cuddly pony, but they didn't win it or any more prizes. 'Are you about ready to go now as we need to visit the garden centre before tea.' said Steve. Dora came up with several paper bags. 'Sausage rolls, mince pies and butterfly cakes.' she said. 'We can probably get some filled rolls to go with these for tea.' said Steve. 'Let's drop these things off and you can change out of your uniforms.' said Dora and they hurried to the car park. 'If you've got any homework, you can do it tomorrow morning before we go tree hunting. ' 'We've not got any small trees in the woods,' said Steve. I want to get some to plant outside colonel Gs so you go and look for the trees for your rooms while I see to those.' 'Don't get one any taller that 4 foot and see what decoration you can buy to remember Milly.' Pru fell in love with a singing snowman while Jeff selected a Santa Claus in a chimney which played that tune. Steve came to find them having left two  2'6'' trees by the checkout.'  How about you, sweetheart Steve asked Dora.' I like that musical Nativity. It plays 'Love came down at Christmas' I know Milly liked that. After selecting several new sets of lights, the children pointed to the trees they would like. Pru asked for a white one but Jeff went for the traditional green. Steve picked up two in boxes with carrying handles and headed for the cash desk.
'Daddy, you haven't got a decoration.; said Pru. He was about to say that he didn't need anything, but Dora flashed him a look which he interpreted as 'don't upset her.' He looked round and found a beautiful gold glass heart which sparkled when the
 light hit it's facets. 'I'll have this. Milly had a heart of gold so this will always remind me of her.'
They abandoned the idea of getting filled rolls and went to a burger bar instead. This was a rare treat as far as the children were concerned and they went home happy.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #31 on: November 16, 2022, 10:42:08 PM »
The next day after the homework was finished and with Benny safely on his lead, they went into the woods to select a tree with the help of Eddie who was a better woodsman than Steve. Everyone was wrapped up warmly with hat, scarf and gloves. Dora stayed indoors. Pru saw a tree that she liked the look of but Steve said it was much too tall. He pointed to one nearby. How about that one? It's a nice shape and it's about the right height. Everyone agreed and Eddie set about trying to dig it up rather than have to cut it down which Dora did not like the thought of. It was hard work and Steve took a turn with the spade, but they managed it. Eddie dug up a slightly smaller tree to go outside his mobile home then he said 'goodbye' leaving Steve to plant the tree in the pot he had ready outside the bungalow. Before he did so he let Benny off the lead so he could have a run about. He looked at the sky. 'I reckon we could be in for some snow.' he said. 'Oh goody, we can build a snowman.'
'It won't be good if it freezes. your mum hates the ice. After a few more minutes Pru started to shiver. Steve called Benny and put his lead back on. 'You two go indoors now. I'll just deal with this tree and he two I bought for Colonel G's then I'll be in. Thank goodness we haven't any lessons booked today!' Inside Dora had mugs of hot chocolate made for the children in minutes. She'd got out the box of decorations. Steve needed her help to get the tree indoors and while he was waiting for his hot chocolate, he attached the new lights to the tree and plugged them in. 'Oh they're lovely enthused Pru. 'Can I put the star on the top please?' Dora handed her the star and Steve lifted her up to put it on the top. They sat and enjoyed their drinks with shortbread biscuits shaped like Christmas trees then they all set to work decorating the tree with all the ornaments they had accumulated over the years. Steve put the golden heart near the top. The snowman, Santa in the chimney and Dora's nativity were place on a table near the tree. It was time for lunch which was leak and potato soup and crusty rolls which Hazel had brought over while they were outside. Afterwards Dora covered their paste table and the carpet underneath with newspaper and got out a box of things she had been saving over the past week so the children could make some decorations for their trees. Steve got them out of the boxes and put them in position. he had bought them a set of lights too and attached them.
'If we're going to have a party in colonel Gs we're going to need another tree to go in there. The artificial one we've used before is looking careworn. said Dora. Okay, I'll go see if Eddie can help me again!' 'If it's a big one we're going to need some more decorations. We never seem to have enough. ' 'Lucky I bought another set of lights then, isn't it? ' Laughed Steve once more putting on his outdoor clothes. Both children were busy all afternoon and had to be persuaded that they needed to be left to dry before they could be put on their trees. When Steve got back some time later, he said that he and Eddie had found a suitable tree and it had been installed and the lights put on. 'I've got an idea about what to do about more decorations, I'll tell you later' he told Dora.  After the children were in bed, he shared his plan. She clapped her hands and hugged him. ' The children will love that!' 'The children?' 'Oh alright, me too!'

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2022, 11:05:59 PM »
Next morning after breakfast they told the children to get ready because they were going out. 'Wrap up warm, it's very cold this morning. said Dora. 'Where are we going?' asked Pru. 'You'll have to wait and see'' said Steve. 'We'll take the land rover in case it freezes later.' Steve took the road to Harrogate and looking out of the window when they were nor far away Jeff spotted a poster for Harrogate Christmas Market. 
'It's today! ' He said. 'Is that where we're going?' When Steve nodded Pru began to jump up and down with excitement.
'We'll get some more decorations for the tree at colonel Gs, some things for the party and see if there's anything else we like.' said Dora
'Then we'll have lunch and go to the Christingle at the village church.  When the car had been parked and they were walking towards the market Pru said 'What's a Christingle?' Jeff could remember going to a service with Milly when he was younger and told her about the orange and the sweets and fruit on stick and the candle but couldn't remember what everything meant. 'Never mind, it will all be explained this afternoon,' said Dora
They had a good time looking round the various stalls. There were lots of hand-crafted items and interesting things from abroad. Pru took a fancy to some straw goats from Scandinavia, so they bought some of those, some nutcracker soldiers, wooden nativity figures and a selection of bells and baubles. There were some beautiful crackers and Dora bought 3 dozen to make sure there was enough for everyone. she also bought the same number of chocolate tree decorations. Colonel Gs was not heated so there was no danger of them melting. 'Please can we buy some party bags?' said Pru. 'Yes, but I'm not going to buy anything for them today or it won't be a surprise for you. Steve took her aside.'Look, love there's a stall with some lovely little things which would do to put in the bags. If I were you, I'd get them in case we get snowed in. I'll take Pru and Jeff on the Carousel.' Dora agreed and had an enjoyable time choosing novelties, balloons and sweets. On the way back from the ride Jeff spotted some Doggy Christmas stockings. Steve grinned and bought one each for the Follyfoot dogs.
'Do you want to go home for lunch, or shall we get something here?' said Steve. 'What time's the service?' 'Three o'clock but Jeremy said to make sure we get there early so we'll be sure of getting a seat. 'Well as it's getting on for half past twelve, we'd better get something here, but all the restaurants will probably be crowded. 'There's a stall near the Carousel with some delicious looking baguettes. Let's stow this lot in the car and go and have a look. ' They always kept blankets in the car to cover up anything they bought. After packing things away, they purchased a chicken and mayonnaise baguette each for Steve, Smaller ham and salad and cheese and tomato versions for Pru and Jeff. Dora also bought some Danish pastries for tea, and they bought hot chocolate with cream and sprinkles from another stall taking everything back to the land rover to have their meal. The Salvation army band were playing Carols around the Christmas tree, and everyone agreed they'd had a great time.
When they' finished their meal they drove back home to leave their purchases then drove to the church at Whistledown where people had already started taking their places in the church. The managed to find seats. Jeff and Pru looked at the tables at the front and back of the church laden with decorated oranges. The smell was wonderful. Everyone was smiling and chatting, and the organist was playing carols. Jeff and Pru saw lots of their school friends and waved to them. Christmas greenery adorned the church and the Christmas tree had been decorated and had pride of place at the front where the nativity stable minus the baby Jesus and the wise men and shepherds also stood nearby.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2022, 10:38:43 PM »
Where's baby Jesus and all his visitors?' asked Pru. 'Jesus and the shepherds will be put in place at the crib service on Christmas Eve. The wise men won't go in until the nearest Sunday to January 6th.' replied Dora who had been brought up to attend church on special occasions.'Why January 6th?' persisted Pru. 'Shh. The service is about to start. I'll tell you later.' 'Can't wait' grinned Steve. The music changed to a version of 'In Dulci Jubilo as the church Junior choir processed down the aisle followed by a smiling Jeremy who had his hands raised in blessing. At a signal from the verger the congregation stood, and the music changed. The tune was 'The holly and the Ivy but the words were different, and four candles were lit on the Advent wreath as this was the last Sunday before Christmas Day which was actually the following Sunday. It was a very informal service with several modern hymns which the children knew from school. Just before the Christingles were given out Jeremy explained the significance of all the components. The junior choir sang 'Bring Your Christingle' Jeremy asked them to repeat it and invited the congregation to join in as church members went round handing out the decorated oranges, then with lighted tapers began bringing light to the now darkened church by lighting the candle of the child on the end of each row asking the others to light the other candles in their row. Each orange stood in a foil dish to catch the drips. Dora had tied Pru's hair back with a red ribbon as a safety precaution. The advice had been included in the church events programme which Steve had picked up and he'd pointed it out to her. The last hymn was one everyone knew, 'O little town of Bethlehem' and after it finished Jeremy called out 1,2,3 and all the candles were blown out before everyone left the church. When they got home Dora got out the Danish pastries and toasted some crumpets setting everything on the table before getting coffee for herself and Steve and milk for Pru and Jeff. Then when they were all sat down Steve lit the Advent candle and they ate their tea by the light it gave and the tree lights.
'Thank you for a lovely day.' said Jeff. 'Oh yes 'said Pru clapping her hands.
'Auntie would have enjoyed it too' said Steve ' and we'll remember her as I blow out the candle. After school tomorrow you can help to decorate the tree in Colonel G's if you like' he said, and they both said they would. 'The decorations you made are nice and dry now so you can decorate your trees before you get ready for bed.' said Dora. 
'Please can we have 'Narnia tonight dad' asked Jeff. 'It will just make a perfect end to the day.'
The schools had decided to break up on the Tuesday before Christmas so they could have extra days off afterwards. When they woke up the next morning, they discovered that it had snowed overnight. Steve left a good bit earlier than usual so they could see the trees and the frozen lake looking like a 'Fairytale world. 'Aren't we lucky to live here?' said Dora who had gone along for the ride and to do some shopping.
'In more ways than one!' agreed Steve.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2022, 03:07:16 PM »
When the essential chores had been done Steve decided they would go into Milly's to sort through some more things. He asked Dora to go through the jewellery boxes and pick out what she wanted to keep for herself and Pru. The rest would be put on the table for friends to look throuh if they wanted to wear something in Milly's memory. 'We will hold an open morning for her church friends as i wouldn't want to leave them out.'
'Should we save these pearls for your mum Steve?'
'Well, we can keep them for her for the time being but I'm afraid if we give them to her, she'll just sell them to buy drink. ' Dora wanted to say she was sure Cathy wouldn't do such a thing but, in her heart, she knew that unfortunately she would. 'I suppose the same could be said for anything we give her except perhaps a photograph. We could get one framed or put some in an album. She showed Steve a photo taken when Milly was president of the W.I. I think this would be a nice one to frame for the sideboard. I think I have a frame that it will fit. I think we should forget about anything for Cathy unless she particularly asks us. I'm sure Annabelle, would like the pearls. They wouldn't be your thing would they love?'
Dora shook her head. 'There's a lot of these photos I haven't a clue who these people are,' said Steve. It seems a shame to get rid of them but keeping them is a bit daft. There's no-one we could ask about them except perhaps mum. They're not recent enough to be related to her life here at the church. Have you finished love?'
'Yes, I really don't feel like doing any more/ I've got several things i want to keep and a few bits for Pru. There are some commemorative crowns here including a silver one of the queen's coronation and one of Churchill. i think we should save them for the children. It will be good for Jeff to have something.
'Good idea. I want to get some more photo albums to fill and put in our treasure box. Let's go get some lunch. When they got indoors the phone was ringing. It was Ron. 'Have you looked at the weather recently?' It's been snowing really hard; I've been trying to ring you. Get here as soon as you can. They're closing the school soon. I'll take Jeff and Pru home with me, the school know us well enough to trust us. Thes're closing the senior school too and doing a round robin to parents. I've been asked to tell you to let everyone at Follyfoot know. if I were you I'd get as much of your shopping done as you can. i reckon you'll be cut off there before the day is finished.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #35 on: November 20, 2022, 11:03:23 PM »
You'd better come with me Dora to pick up the supplies. I'll go and tell Eddie. He'll need to take Mrs. Willens to get Jacob and Sandra. He should have room for Gip and Tim. We'll all meet up in the car park after we've got the children so we can get the shopping everyone needs. Lucky we both had extra seats fitted, we'll need all the room we can get I had better tell Grant too as Jodie will probably need to shop too.'
'I'll tell Annabelle. I think she's supposed to be going to Margaret's later in the week, but she might want to bring it forward. Dora took a good supply of cash and Steve took his cheque book as Dora had ordered a meat hamper as well as a turkey. When all the children had been collected Dora and Mrs Willens went to the supermarket and picked up supplies. A lot of people were doing the same thing and there were long queues at the checkout. When they returned Eddie went off armed with Marianne's list. 'We'll need to park closer to the butcher's Steve. We won't be able to carry things this far and I need to go to the greengrocer too.' 'Let's hope we can find a space then.' Mrs. Willens had got all she needed in the supermarket and did not need to go to the other shops so stayed in Eddie's car with her children and Tim. Fortunately Steve found a spot outside the Bakery which was only a short distance from the other shops. 'Give me the cheque book please Steve. I won't have enough cash for everything.' 'I'll take the kids into the bakery and get some bread and cakes. When you're ready I'll come and help with the meat. All the while the snow had been falling and was starting to lay on top of the layers already on the ground. 'Quick as you can love.'
'I'll try but there's bound to be queues!' All the shops were busy. The children were getting restless and anxious to go home to play in the snow.' At last, Dora signalled to Steve that she was ready to have the meat picked up, she'd been to the greengrocer's so there were heavy bags from there too. 'You two stay in the car and don't touch anything while I go and help mum. 'At last, with the aid of the greengrocer's sack barrow everything was loaded, and they set off for home. Eddie had already arrived back, and Annabelle was packing her car.
'Drive carefully,' said Steve. 'The snow is falling fast and obscuring the view. Keep your wipers on. It's not so bad here yet but it's definitely coming our way. 'I'll be joining the main road to Leeds so hopefully they'll keep that clear. '
When everything had been stowed away Steve took Benny and the children outside for some fun in the snow. Meanwhile Dora listened to the radio for the latest weather report and was not surprised to learn that snow was forecast for the rest of the day. Tomorrow was to have been the last day of term with a party in the afternoon, but she didn't think that was likely to happen, the teacher had said as much. Steve and the children soon came in and when they had changed out of their wet clothes, they all had a hot drink. It was now snowing hard. 'I don't envy Annabelle.' said Steve.
'Do you remember it was weather like this when Tina turned up in the middle of a snowstorm?'
'Yes, and that freezing November night when you crashed the car on your way to your uncles?'
'That was the night I fell for Jeff.' Steve grinned. 'I still fancy you as much now as I did then- in fact more.' He took her in his arms and kissed her. 'Oh yuk!' said Jeff emerging from his room. 'Less of that young man!' said Steve. 'Well, there'll definitely be no school tomorrow.'
'Oh, but we were going to have a carol service in the morning and a party in the afternoon.' 'Hopefully we can still have our party here and it might clear so we can go to the church crib service if you want to.
'I kept the chicken I bought out of the freezer, so we'll have a roast dinner tonight. Thank goodness we've got a gas oven! 
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2022, 10:38:36 PM »
'Even if we can have our party Rikki won't be able to come' wailed Pru. There's still time before the date we've chosen and the land rover will be able to get through even if it's still too bad for other vehicles. The farmers will be doing what they can to help.' 'Father Christmas will still be able to get here, won't he?' asked Pru who still believed in him. 'A bit of snow won't keep him away' said Dora shooting Jeff a warning look to stop him from blurting out that there was no Santa Claus.
'When's tea mum- I'm starving.' he said. 'Everything should be ready in about half an hour'
'I'd best go and see to our horses. I need to make sure they are snug and warm. Either of you two want to come?'
They both shook their heads. 'Take care darling.' said Dora.' 'I always do.'
'Can we watch the television mum?'
'Okay but only till tea's ready.' They were soon engrossed in the cartoons. When Steve came back in he said 'By 'eck it's cold out there!' deliberately putting on his broadest Yorkshire accent which made the children laugh. 'Mash us some tea, love! I'm chilled to the bone.'
'Make it yourself. I'm busy sorting tea out.'
'Do you want one?'
'Yes please if you're making it. Oh and could you set the table please?'
'What did your last slave die of?'
'Underwork. You two can help'
'But mum this cartoon's nearly finished.'
'Nothing's more important than seeing Jerry escape Tom!' smiled Steve adding boiling water to the teapot. I'll do it but you two can help mum clear away. He took the plates over to Dora who was ready to serve the food, then fetched the Advent candle and set it in the middle of the table. 'Right, you two- television off and go and wash your hands.' said Dora. They had lit the candle and were about to sit down when the lights went out. 'What happened, no-one switched them off!' said Pru.
'It's a power cut.' said Steve. 'Caused by the bad weather. It often happens if we get a lot of snow, but we have not had one recently.'
'I think I remember one when Pru was a baby.' said Jeff. 'When we've had tea, I'll find some more candles' said Steve.'
Lucky we've got a gas fire as well as the cooker.' said Dora. 'I hope it doesn't last too long or the food in the freezer will go off. I'll get some sausage meat and something for tomorrow's meals out of the freezer then keep it shut.'
'Can we have candles on our rooms, I don't like the dark' said Pru. 'No that's much too dangerous' said Steve but we've got a couple of battery powered lanterns, you can have one of those each till you're asleep. After tea Dora went to the freezer and Steve found candles and holders which he lit from the Advent candle before blowing it out and also got out the lanterns. 'Now you must be very careful not to knock the candles over and keep an eye on Benny. We tired him out earlier and he's still asleep but when he wakes up, he'll likely come exploring.'
'I'm bored' said Pru. 'Well, I'll boil a couple of saucepans of water to wash the plates so clear the table for me and Dad can tell you some stories.
I'll leave the things to drain. 'How about some ghost stories? ' Said Jeff. 'I don't think so. We don't want Pru to have nightmares. How about some real stories about Follyfoot. Steve you can start, and I'll join in when I've finished here.'
Steve put the gas fire on and switched on the two lanterns. 'Go and get changed into your night clothes first then if you go to sleep while we're all sitting cosily on the sofa, I'll carry you to bed. ' 'Please come with me?' said Pru. Steve walked them both to their rooms, made sure Jeff could find his pyjamas then went and found Pru's nightdress. 'Don't look!' she said as she began to remove her clothes. Steve humoured her by turning his back then picked her and her teddy up and carried her to the sofa then went to fetch a couple of blankets from the airing cupboard. When Jeff came back they all settled on the sofa where Dora soon joined them. 'Tell us something funny.' said Jeff.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #37 on: November 22, 2022, 10:48:11 PM »
Well, before we start, I want you both to make sure you know how to switch on these lanterns with your eyes closed. They both succeeded and proclaimed it 'easy'. 'They will be on your bedside cabinet all night. If you wake up and need the loo or want to come to us, make sure you put them on. No walking about in the dark. We don't want any accidents. ' Pru and Jeff nodded. Steve and Dora told how Shadow had thrown the squire's daughter into the muck. 'It wasn't funny for her, but we had trouble keeping a straight face.' said Steve. 'And then of course Ron entered him in a race, and he got dumped as well. Serve him right!' said Dora. Steve told them about Mr. Plum's horse Georgie knocking on the doors of his customers and Dora of the time she and Ron were larking about, and Steve got a face full of hay. 'But the funniest thing was dad and Ron having a jousting match. Have you seen the suits of armour in museums? ' When they both nodded, she went on 'They tried some on and could hardly walk let alone get on a horse!' Jeff vaguely knew what jousting was, but they had to explain it to Pru. 'After they had both been unseated, they started to have a fight and Slugger had to break them up. It doesn't sound funny, but it was!' said Dora. 'For all the spectators maybe but not for us!! Said Steve.
Dora then had to explain why they were jousting in the first place. It was because they both had an idea of how they wanted me to celebrate my birthday and the winner was going to choose.' 'But the last laugh was on us because we did it Slugger's way-on a raft which we had to build.' said Steve. 'But Steve provided the cake, with pink icing, and Ron the champagne. That was the day I first got my beloved Copper.' They had both got carried away sharing this story and hadn't noticed both children were asleep. Both children were carried to bed, tucked in by the light of a powerful torch, the lanterns were put in place and Dora and Steve slipped quietly away. They both had an early night too. In the morning the electricity was still off. After breakfast Pru and Jeff opened their Advent Calendars. 'After today there'll only be 3 days left till Christmas Eve and just two to the party. Hazel is doing most of the food preparation. Her electricity might not be off as they're in Leeds, but I think I'll do some baking today.' said Dora. Just then Ron rang. 'Just to confirm all the schools are shut and the road between here and your place is blocked. Farmer John Jones is going to see what he and the others can do but more snow is forecast.'
'Is your electricity off?' 'Yeah, the whole village is. They don't know how long it will take to fix but there are workmen about and when there's a break in the weather they are going to see if anything can be done.' 'Hopefully we'll see you at the party on Friday, Ron.' said Steve.
'Do you want to help me with the baking Pru? 'Yes please.' 'Well go and wash your hands and put your apron on then find me a bobble to tie your hair back.' 'What about you Jeff?'
'I don't think so' 'You can wrap up warm and come with me if you like,' said Steve. I'm going to see to our horses then go down to Follyfoot. Benny can come and you two can run about and keep warm, stay here until I'm ready to go to the farm and I'll come and get you.
It took him longer than usual because he had to clear away some snow and when he came to tell Jeff to get ready there was a lovely smell coming from the warm kitchen. Jeff had been reading and soon put on his outdoor clothes while Steve attached Benny's lead. 'Whatever you're cooking smells delicious.' 'Sausage rolls and you can have one each with morning tea when you get back.' said Dora.
The morning was very productive, and the result was sausage rolls, mince pies and scones.  Pru had also made a couple of pastry figures with currants for eyes, nose and buttons. The sausage meat, and the rolls and soup they had for lunch had all come out of the freezer last night as
had the steak and kidney pies for tea which Hazel had made previously. 'We need to use as much food up as we can. We don't want to waste too much while the electricity's off.' The words had scarcely left her mouth when there was a flicker as the lights came on. It was only briefly at first but in a little while they came on and stayed on. ' My word, someone's worked hard  in these conditions' said Steve but for now it has stopped snowing.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #38 on: November 23, 2022, 10:25:55 PM »
As the day wore on it began to thaw in earnest and by the next morning the road through to the village was clear. The day of the party was cold but bright and the Follyfoot children and Rikki enjoyed games in Colonel G's and a buffet tea provided by Hazel. Ron and Terri had brought gifts for the Rosses and received gifts from them. Hazel took charge of the preparations for Christmas day when everyone at the farm would gather in Colonel G's for Christmas lunch. True to their word, Dora and Steve took Pru and Jeff to the crib service on Christmas eve afternoon. Even Steve was familiar with the carols and when all the children were asked to stand and sing 'Away in a manger' he felt very emotional. Milly had often sung it to the children as a Christmas lullaby when they were small, and he imagined he could hear her joining in. When they were sorting through Milly's things, they found she had wrapped and labelled presents for them all including Annabelle. They had given her hers and put the rest under the tree. That night they lit the Advent candle for the last time and without prompting the children began to sing 'Away in a manger' again. Dora joined in looking at Steve as she did so and saw that his eyes were decidedly moist. When the carol ended, she got up and went into the bedroom returning with a box that Steve recognised. It contained the nativity set which always stood on Milly's coffee table at Christmas. She removed it from the box. 'Would you two like to arrange the figures?' she asked the children as she placed the stable on that very same table which now stood near the Christmas tree. The animals including the donkey, Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and the wise men
were carefully unwrapped and put in place. Lastly Dora gave Jeff the manger and Pru the baby to put in it. On top was a small platform and Steve, who had unwrapped it and held it till the put the angel on it. 'God bless you auntie' he said, and everyone said 'Amen'
'Let's hope that we have a better Advent and Christmas next year. Unfortunately that was not to be entirely the case. THE END.

Coming soon 'A troubled Advent' A post for every day in the lead up to Christmas commencing on December 1st.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin