Author Topic: New Story told in instalments. Milly.  (Read 2467 times)

Offline norfolkdumpling

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New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« on: October 13, 2022, 10:55:59 PM »
At the beginning of this story Steve and Dora's son Jeff is 9 and Pru is 7. Tony and ellie Luscombe now live in the farmhouse. Their son Charles is 3 and Ellie is pregnant again. Jode and Grant live at the Ponderossa. Adam and Evie live in the loft flat. Hazel and Ben live in a bungalow on the outskirts of Leeds and Hazel still works for the Ross Corporation mainly catering for functions at Colonel Gs with help from Jodie, Evie, Marianne and a team of local women who work when needed. Hazel also supervises the production of food for the small cafe attached to the Ponderossa. Tom has moved away. Marianne, Eddy and their family live in a mobile home on the Follyfoot touring site. Ron still works part time at Follyfoot and his wife, Teri works part time as a practice nurse in the Tockwith surgery. Their daughter Rikki attends school with Jeff and Pru. Steve's widowed aunt, Milly Lane still lives in the annex attached to their bungalow, Copper's rest.
Chapter 1 Milly causes concern.
It was a beautiful October morning. The horse had all been fed and mucked out. Steve and dora had been working together in the stables at the bungalow. 'Do you fancy going for a ride?' he asked.
'Good idea, shall we take a picnic? replied Dora.
'Okay. I'll go and tell auntie and we'll make sure we're back in plenty of time to pick up Pru and Jeff.
He went off whistling but was back before Dora started getting the food ready.
'Sorry love. Milly's not too well so I'd better stick around. you can still go though.'
'No i'll stay as well. i'll just go and see if she needs anything
Milly was sitting up in bed plucking at the covers. she was wearing a short sleeved cotton nightdress and the room felt chilly.Dora picked up Milly's woollen bedjacket and tried to help her into it.
'I don't need that. I'm getting up soon.
'Well I'll put the radiator on while you get dressed.
'Stop fussing Dora, when I want your help I'll ask for it.'
This was so unlike Milly that Dora was worried. 'I'll go and make us a nice hot cup of tea.'
Without waiting for Milly to respond Dora flicked the switch on the radiator and went to the kitchen to put the kettle on. There was a crash from the bedroom and Dora rushed back in. The bedside lamp was broken and Milly, wearing nothing at all, was lying on the floor with blood streaming from a cut on her head. Dora covered her with a blanket then went to the door and yelled for Steve at the top of her voice. she then found a clean towel and went back to Milly who was moaning softly and pressed the towel against the cut.
'Don't try and move. Steve will help me get you back to bed' she said drawing back he remaining bed covers. Steve hurried in.
'Lucky you left the door open so I heard you calling love.'he said.
'Help me get her back into bed.'
''We shouldn't move her in case she's broken anything.'
She's got no clothes on so she'll soon get cold.' Steve stripped the remaining covers from the bed and put them over Milly placing a pillow behind her head. ' Im going to call an ambulance so she can be checked over just to be on the safe side.
'When you've done that can you bring me some warm water and our first aid kit.'
when Steve got back Milly was crying 'I don't want to go to hospital'
'you might not have to.' said Steve. 'The ambulance crew will check you over just to make sure you're ok.'
'I don't want them seeing me without any clothes on!'
'It's their job auntie, don't you worry and Dora will be here with you all the time. I'll make myself scarce.'
After about 15 minutes there was a knock on the door and a cheery voice called out 'Ambulance.'  to be contined.

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2022, 07:58:02 PM »
Milly Continued.
Steve opened the door to let in the ambulance personnel.'I'll er be in the kitchen' he told Dora.
'Now what have you been up to my love?' asked one of the men.
When Milly didn't answer Dora said 'I think she must have fallen when she was getting out of bed. she knocked the lamp over and cut her head.'
'My name's Alf and this is Tommy. what do we call you?'
'Mlly Robinson- Mrs!'
'Actually it's Milly Lane, and I'm Dora Ross. Milly i my husband Steve's aunt.'
' Well Milly, let's check you out and make sure you've not done yourself any real damage.'
'But I don't have any clothes on' sobbed Milly.
'Don't you worry about that. We'll check your arms and legs one at a time just by moving the blankets. Then this young lady can pop your nightie on for you if that's okay.' Milly nodded and Tommy handed her a tissue.
'Now- have you got any pain at all?'
'My back hurts.' Carefully each limb was examined the Alf and tommy looked away while Dora dealt with the nightdress. The gently they lifted Milly onto the bed and lay her face down with a blanket over the lower part of her body They uncovered her back and gently bent each leg.
'Everything moves without causing her too much distress so I don't think she's broken anything but  I reckon there will be  fair bit of bruising. He removed the dressing Dora had put on the head wound. 'Sometimes these can bleed a lot but it seems to have stopped so i'll just put a fresh dressing on. Keep an eye on her and if you're worried phone again or take her to A and E. I reckon a nice cup of strong sweet tea would be a good idea and someone should stay with Milly for the next few hours.'
'Would you both like tea?'
'No thanks, we need to report back for duty. Nice to have met you Milly-you take care now.'
Dora went to the door with them and Steve came out of the kitchen to thank them.
'No problem, all in a day's work. I should give her a couple of painkillers with her tea. she's had a nasty shock. Try and keep her awake as there is always a danger of delayed concussion with a head wound.'
Steve took a tray of tea to Milly. Dora got her into her bedjacket and she and Steve put extra pillows behind her and sat her up.
'How are you feeling auntie?' asked Steve.
'Bloody awful!' Steve and Dora looked at each other and raised their eyebrows. Milly never swore.'
'I want my breakfast, I'm hungry.'
'What would you like?'
'A full English but you're not much good at cooking so I'll make do with cereal and toast. I'm not eating it in bed. I'm getting up now.'
'That's not a good idea auntie' said Steve- you need to rest.'
'Tosh! I can rest in my chair after I've had a good breakfast. I hope you bought the marmalade i asked you for!'
'Well at least drink your tea first and I'll go and  get your cereal while Dora helps you dress.'
'To their relief she agreed and soon Milly was settled at the dining table eating cereal. Dora and Steve went into the kitchen. 'Did Miilly ask you to get her any marmalade?' asked Steve.
'No I didn't think she liked it. I'll go and get some from next door. you make the toast.'
After she had eaten Milly said 'now both of you clear off home. I'm going to watch some daytime telly- and don't worry I won't go to sleep.'
Dora and Steve exchanged worried looks but decided to do as they were asked.
'I'll look in on you in about an hour.' said Steve.
'Do as you please. you usually do!'
Back at home Dora said 'I'm worried Steve. Auntie was a bit strange before the accident this morning and she's certainly not herself at the moment. she's never spoken to you like that before.'
'I think I'll phone and ask Annbelle to pop over .' said Steve 'and if she keeps on behaving oddly i'll make a doctor's appointment for her.
'She might not like it but it may come to that.' said Dora.
However when Steve called in later  Milly greeted him with a smile.
'Hello luv.' she said. Annabelle was busy making omelettes.
'hi auntie. i just came in to see how you're feeling after your fall.'
'A bit stiff but nothing much else. i'll come in and ge your tea later if you like.'
'It's okay, we'll be fine.'
Steve told Dora that Milly seemed back to normal so they hoped that perhaps she had had a disturbed night and that had made her in a strange mood. to be continued

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2022, 05:24:54 PM »
illy. Continued. Chapter 2 A short holiday.
Because they found it difficult to get away in the summer and not wanting the children to miss any school Dora and Steve usually tried to get away for the October half term when hopefully the weather was not too cold. They had recently bought a touring caravan and the plan this year was o take it to Blackpool so the children could see the lights. The site was already booked. Milly was not going with them as they didn't think it would be suitable for her. Since she had had her fall they were a bit worried about leaving her by herself for a week. jodie and Grant were quite happy to have her as well as the dog, Benny but Milly didn't really want to leave her home so annabelle had volunteered to stay with her for the week. Annabelle worked at Follyfoot in the office and could take Milly with her every day. she wouldn't be lonely as Jodie is always there looking after her guests but we can come back here after I've finished and be away from the noise you get down there at night from the touring and tent sites. Milly insisted she could manage perfectly well by herself provided someone regularly came to check on her.
'Sorry auntie, but that's not an option.' said Steve. 'You've always done what's best for us and now we're going to do the same for you.'
'Very well, Annabelle can move in but only for the week you're away.'
Steve hugged her 'Of course and we'll be able to enjoy our holiday knowing that you're being looked after.'
The children had really wanted to take Benny as he would have loved the beach but the idea of a boisterous dog in a caravan did not appeal to Dora and Steve so everything was arranged. Jodie and Grant had opened up some of the rooms at the Ponderossa where the students from the agricultural college used to say when doing their placing at Follyfoot but now the college had closed they now used it as a youth hostel with very homely comfortable rooms with breakfast provided. Marianne and Eddie Shaw now owned a German shepherd called Jet and his kennel was situated just outside their beautiful mobile home. Adam and Evie had a German shepherd bitch called Apple who was housed  outside their loft flat. The plan was to breed from the unrelated dogs and sell the puppies. Mrs Willens, Gip's mother had unexpectedly married the local blacksmith whom she had met at a singles club and they lived behind the forge. Gip and his young family lived in Whistledown.
Jeff and Pru were very excited about their holiday especially when they were told they might see donkeys on the beach.
'Can we have a donkey ride?' asked Pru. '
'You have donkey rides all the time!' laughed Eddie.
The family set off in high spirits on the Saturday after schools broke up. Annabelle had moved in with Milly the day before to make sure Milly was settled before they went. On the sunday Milly cooked a lovely roast chicken dinner. annabelle took her to Evensong and made sure her friends would bring her back Annabelle not being a church goer herself.
'It were a lovely service' Milly said on her return and as she made a pot of tea she sang 'Praise my soul the king of heaven.'
Next morning Annabelle was up early and was drinking a cup of tea when Milly walked in wearing only her bloomers.
'Do you need some help getting dressed?' asked Annabelle.
'Not from you I don't where's Dora.
'They've gone to Blackpool for a holiday, that's why i'm staying here with you.'
'Oh yes, I forgot. I best finish getting dressed.'
'Would you like some porridge when you're decent?'
'Decent- I'm allus decent' was the reply and Milly went into her room banging the door behind her.
Annabelle frowned and hoped they weren't going to fall out.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2022, 03:35:53 PM »
Milly continued
Annabelle busied herself with getting breakfast feeling concerned at Milly's behaviour but as it had occurred, like the last time, early in the morning hoped it was due to having a disturbed night which had left her feeling sleepy and a bit grumpy. The rest of the day passed uneventfully with Milly spending much of her time in one of the spacious greenhouses at the Ponderossa. Annabelle heard her talking to the plants sometimes but lots of people did that didn't they? When Steve phoned that night, she assured him that everything was fine.
On Tuesday morning when Annabelle got up Milly was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast and singing a hymn.
Can you take me to the W.I. meeting this afternoon please. It starts at 2pm and we're finished by 3.30. Dora usually drops me off and picks me up when she fetches the children'
when Annabelle pulled into the church car park at 1.50pm there were no other cars there. Milly explained that almost everyone lived within walking distance. She got out of the car and said 'Thanks. I'll see you later.'
Annabelle decided to wait until Milly was safely inside. she saw her trying the door and when it didn't open bang on it. finally it did open and a lady in a flowered overall stood there with a broom in her hand.
'Hello Mavis. Are you doing a bit of cleaning before the meeting?'
'What meeting is that Milly?'
'W.I of course.'
'there's no meeting this afternoon love. they're on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays and this is 24th- the 3rd Tuesday. you're a week early! It is a bit confusing with there being 31 days in October.'
'Oh dear, I feel silly now.'
'Eh don't worry love. I've just about finished if you'd like to come back with me for a cuppa.'
Milly turned and saw Annabelle was still there, 'It's okay. Annabelle will take me home. I'll see you at church on Sunday.'
Milly walked slowly back to the car, sat down and burst into tears.
'Milly love, whatever's wrong? asked Annabelle. In between sobs Milly explained. 'I'm that sorry to have made you turn out for nothing.'
'Don't you worry. We all make mistakes. Now why don't we go to  that nice little cafe on the high street and have coffee and cake?'
'Ee that'd be grand. you are kind.'
Chapter 3 Blackpool.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2022, 07:37:16 PM »
The rosses were really enjoying their time away. The weather had been kind and the donkeys were giving rides on the beach so Jeff and Pru had several rides each. There was an afternoon performance of the circus which they mostly  enjoyed but Dora frowned at the barebacked riding act. She didn't like the idea of the horse having to perform and it brought back memories of Callie stealing the circus horse and the colonel buying it. Pru didn't really like the clowns who were in full face make up but Steve was fascinated by the Wall of Death riders. Secretly he'd always wanted a Goldwing motor bike but he knew Dora would not have liked him riding one and would certainly not have ridden as a pillion passenger. Ron's tiger was as far as she would go. They had burger and chips for tea then went to the Pleasure Beach, We'll save the rides for during the last day we're here' said Steve but you can have a try at some of the stalls - no goldfish though! They had already had a succession of them from the travelling fairs none of which had survived very long. One female fish had eaten the male which had put Dora off them completely.
The hoopla proved impossible to win but Dora was lucky on the Kentucky Derby stall and won a china cup and saucer. She dearly wanted to win another one or two to go with it but Steve said it would cost too much as she wouldn't win every time. He had a try at the darts stall and managed to stick two envelopes. There was money inside which amounted to about £1 which went towards some jam doughnuts to take back to the caravan Pru wanted Candy floss but was told that it would make too much mess. By the time they got back it was too late to phone Annabelle. The next day they tried their hand at Crazy golf and visited a waxworks which they didn't think had the best models. Dora said Madame Tussauds in London was well worth a visit and hoped they could go there one day. In the evening they took a tram ride to see the lights and Steve phoned from the sea front. Annabelle said Milly had had a good day and decided not to mention the WI incident.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2022, 10:38:29 PM »
Chapter 4  More problems for Milly.
On Friday afternoon Annabelle was a little perturbed when she heard what Milly was saying to her plants. she had given them all names and was imagining they had conversations with each other pretending they told jokes and laughing hysterically. When she noticed that Annabelle was there she said 'That's you all fed, watered and settled for the night- then to Annabelle 'Helps them grow if you treat them kindly.
'Yes- so they say. Jodie's just made a pot of tea so come indoors and have a cuppa.
'I'll just wash me hands in the public toilet and then I'll be in.'
Annabelle went indoors. Jodie had poured out three cups of tea and offered Annabelle a scone. minutes ticked by, Annabelle had drained her cup and still Milly had not appeared. When another 5 minutes had passed Annabelle decided it was time to go and see where Milly was.
'She's probably got talking to somebody' said Jodie.
Annabelle found Milly standing at a wash basin, the plug was in and  the water running and spilling out onto the floor.
'I can't get my hands clean' said Milly
Annabelle pulled out the plug and turned off the tap. Taking a paper towel she began to dry Milly's hands. 'They're fine now, love. I'll just take you in for your cuppa then i'll come and dry the floor. she found the sign which indicated that the floor ws wet nd shepherded Milly inside.
'Look after her please Jodie. I need to go and mop the toilet floor.'
When Annabelle returned Milly was happily drinking a fresh cup of tea, eating a scone and occasionally talking to Jodie.
'Shall we head for home Milly?'
'Yes please, I'm a bit tired.'
This was not the end of the day's happenings. when Steve rang that night around 7pm Annabelle answered the phone sounding flustered.
'Can't stop to talk now, Steve. Milly's scalded her hand. i need to take her to A an E. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.'
'Ok- we'll be home some time in the afternoon.'
'Come on love, let's get you to hospital and get that hand looked at. she sat Milly in the car with a towel on her lap and a pack of frozen peas  wrapped in a clean tea towel around her hand.
'What's wrong Steve?' asked Dora when he got back from the phone box looking worried.
'Auntie's had another accident- scalded her hand. i don't know any more. Annabelle was just going to take her to the hospital when i rang.'
'Lucky we're going home tomorrow.'
'I promised the children a final walk on the beach and a last ride to say goodbye to the donkeys tomorrow morning. i won't go back on that. We'll have a good breakfast, the walk then be off around lunchtime. We'll play it by ear as to whether we stop for lunch on the way back.'
'Oh Steve, we've had such a lovely week. i'd have liked to stay the extra night like we said we might. i'm glad we didn't say anything to the children.

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2022, 07:53:29 PM »
Milly's hand was very painful and she was only able to get any sleep with the aid of strong painkillers supplied by the hospital. Annabelle slept in an easy chair by the bed worried in case Milly tried to get up during the night and injure herself again. When Milly woke her complaining of the pain it was too soon for her to take any more pain  killers so Annabelle made her a milky drink and put on one of Milly's favourite hymn singing tapes.
Steve went in to see her as soon as they got back. Dora took the children to pick Benny up as they could not bear to be parted from him a minute longer than necessary.
'I'm sorry , Steve. I put a pan of water on to boil some eggs and she just picked it up with both hands- the right hand got the worst of the scald. Luckily I had a thick tea towel in my hand and managed to grab the saucepan before she dropped it and hurt herself more. She's having a little nap at the moment. I gave her a couple of pain killers with her lunch.'
She went on to tell Steve about the other slightly odd things that had happened during the week.
'We'll see how she gets on now we're back and if things don't improve we'll see about getting her an appointment at the surgery. I'd prefer her to see Megan Rees but she's been on holiday like us and is probably going to have some catching up to do.'
'I'll stay on for a bit longer Steve. She shouldn't be left on her own.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2022, 10:59:32 PM »
'Thanks Annabelle. Look we didn't stop for lunch so we'll be having fish and chips for tea quite soon. Shall I get some for you and Milly? Will she be able to manage?'
'Yes. I'll cut everything up into bite size pieces and she will be able to use her fork with the left hand. We only had sandiwiches for lunch.'
Milly insisted she was fine and didn't need to see a doctor so they decided to wait a while to see how things went. Annabelle stayed on for Bonfire night which was Steve's birthday. The family were going to the village firework display and barbecue. Next day Annabelle said that there were still occasions when Milly acted a bit strangely and she wanted to stay on for the forseeable future. Other people had noticed that Milly didn't always seem herself and in the end she agreed to see a doctor. Steve phoned the surgery and managed to speak to Megan Rees who had become a friend as well as their GP as like Steve she ws on the parents committee of the children's school.
'Make her an appointment with Jenny, one of the practice nurses for a blood test and pick up a bottle so she can do a urine. I'll see her a few days later. It could be that she has a water infection so i'd like to rule that out before I see her.'
Annabelle had returned home to fetch some warmer clothes and accompanied them to the two appointments.
Megan decided to give Milly a thorough check up and while Anabelle was helping her to get undressed she told Steve that there was no indication of a water infection or anything in the blood test to explain the change in her. she spent a long time with Miilly and when Annabelle was once again helping her Megan spoke to Steve again.
'Her heart condition is getting worse, Steve and her mental condition suggests the beginning of dementia. i would seriously consider long term care. what happened with the boiling water is disturbing and I don't think it's wise for her to be left alone even though you're only next door.'
'She can move back in with us- we still have a spare room.'
'Do you think you will be able to manage with an expanding business and a growing family?'
'Our friends will help.'
Annabelle and Milly had come back into the room during the conversation and they both sat down.
'Your heart isn't sounding too good, Milly. I'm increasing your tablets and I'll arrange for you to see a geriatric specialist to see if they have any further suggestions about your care.'
Steve looked at his elderly aunt who had been there for him and Dora since Jeff had been small. His heart was heavy because he knew she would not want to give up her independence. He settled her in the car while he went to get the prescription from the nearby pharmacy.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2022, 07:56:38 PM »
While he was waiting for the tablets Steve heard the squeal of brakes,  crash and a woman screaming. Looking out of the window he saw Annabelle kneeling on the floor beside a still figure- Milly?. He rushed outside and found it was indeed his aunt , He ran over and at the same time the surgery door opened and Megan Rees and nurse Jenny made their way to the scene. Two cars had collided , one driver looked shocked and the other angry. 'Check the drivers, Jenny ' said Megan and she went over to where a young woman now knelt by Milly, Steve had got Annabelle to her feet and had his arm round her as she was visibly shaken. One of the drivers said 'She ran straight out in front of me, i braked and swerved but I still hit her side on then I crashed into this chap's car. The receptionist came out of the surgery and said she had called the ambulance. The young woman by Milly said she was an off duty ambulance driver and said that Milly had run out into the road with her eyes shut. 'Looks like she did it deliberately said another witness. Meegan looked up at Steve
She is breathing Steve . I've given her some oxygen but she's not responding to me. Will you try talking to her?'
Steve got down on his haunches and took one of Milly's hands in his.
'Auntie- it's me, Steve,can you hear me?'
Someone from a nearby house came out with a blanket. Steve git no responce from Milly either. hr driver of the second car was angry because his car was fairly new and had been quite badly damaged. A policeman had arrived on scene and took stock of the situation.
'Well sir, it seems to me that if this gentleman had not swerved he would have hit her full on and she would have stood no chance at all.'
'If anyone who witnessed the accident would give their details to my colleague you can go home and we'll contact you if we need to. An ambulance pulled up and the driver and attendant alighted. 'What do we have Dr. Rees?'
'This is one of my patients, Millicent Lane. I saw her in surgery this morning and she was rather upset with what I told her. she ran into the road while her nephew Steve here was in the pharmacy collecting her tablets.'
'I was with her in the car and took my eyes off her for a minute. she was out of the car and before I could stop her she had done this' ssaid a sobbing Annabelle.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2022, 11:10:29 PM »
Milly was gently put on a stretcher and lifted into the ambulance. Steve kissed her cheek. 'You hang in there auntie. Annabelle, you go in the ambulance with her and I'll follow in the car.'
The young police constable knew Steve and said 'Do you think you'll be okay to drive, Stev? you've had a nasty shock.'
'I'll be fine.'
Just then Ron and Teri Stryker who had been shopping and had arrived on the scene shortly  after the accident made their presence known.
'Steve, mate. We'll take you to the hospital. Our car is parked near yours in the car park. We'll phone Follyfoot and arrange for someone to bring Dora in so the car can be picked up and she can join you at the hospital. We'll pick the kids up and take them to our place till you're ready to come for them. Steve nodded. 'Thanks mate, that would probably be best. Don't let on to Dora how bad it's looking.'
Steve found Annabelle in the waiting room at A and E. 'What's happening?'
'I don't know. They took Milly into a cubicle and said to wait here.'
Every time a doctor or nurse came past Annabelle and Steve looked up expectantly but no-one came to speak to them. Dora arrived having been brought in by Grant. Tony had come too and driven the car from the town to the hospital. Grant had said if neither of them felt like driving home someone would pick them up with another drivr to fetch the car. Dora took Steve's hand in hers 'Any news?'
'Not yet.'
'Shall I fetch us some tea?' asked Annabelle. From their earlier experiences of the hospital vending machines Steve and Dora said together
'The Hot chocolate's best.'
'I'll come with you' said Dora. when they got back Steve was sitting with his head in his hands.  'Here Steve, drink this.'
All three of them sat staring into the dark sweet liquid and occasionally took a sip. Steve looked at his watch. 'It's been over 2 hours since the accident.'
'I blame myself' said Annabelle. She's been saying all day that she didn't want to be a nuisance.'
'No- it's my fault' said Steve. 'I should have told you to wait in the surgery.'
'Stop it, both of you' said Dora. 'Neither of you is to blame. you didn't know what was going on in her head!'
'I don't know if it's what she intended to do when we left home this morning or if it was a spur of the moment thing after we'd seen Megan'
said Steve.  At that moment a doctor arrived and said 'Mr Ross?'
'Yes, that's me ' said Steve. 'This is my wife and our close friend, Mrs. Seaton Carew who was with my aunt when the accident happened.'
Would you like to come to the relatives room where it's quieter and more private?'
'Is my aunt dead?' asked Steve.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2022, 11:16:00 PM »
Dora gasped at his bluntness.
'We've stabilised her for the moment but i have to say that the signs are not good. Her age is against her.
But physically she's been quite good up to now, the doctor had increased her heart tablets after seeing her today.' said Annabelle.
'What about her mental state?' asked the doctor. Steve hung his head.
'That's not been too good. She has been acting a little strange on occasions which is the main reason why we . went to see Dr. Rees today. She had hoped that her confusion was down to a water infection, but tests showed that unfortunately it wasn't. I think the plan was for Milly to be seen by a geriatric consultant.'
'Yes, that's what Dr. Rees told Milly.' Annabelle confirmed.
'Well, we'll be moving Mrs. Lane to a ward as soon as there's a bed available. in the meantime, we need to talk about what to do in the event of a cardiac arrest. Until she comes round, we can't tell if she's suffered any brain damage. It seems that her body hit the ground before her head. Her xrays show she has broken bones in both arms and legs, but we can't do anything for her at the moment because her general condition is too poor, she would not survive an operation, so we've just splinted her limbs. Her body has taken quite a battering and you need to think about whether it would be in her best interest to aggressively intervene if her heart stops.'
'Well, I would certainly want you to!' said Steve. Dora put her hand on Steve's arm.
'We need to talk about this.' she said.
'She's my aunt- not yours!'
'And you know how much I love her.'
'What you need to bear in mind Mr. and Mrs. Ross is that even if we attempt resuscitation there's no guarantee that it will succeed.'
'Can we see her?' asked Steve.
'When we've made her as comfortable as we can. then I suggest you go to our public restaurant for a drink and something to eat. When you come back, if she has not been sent to a ward you can sit with her- but you will need to make the decision about resuscitation as soon as possible'
'What happens if she arrests in the meantime?' asked Steve.
'Then of course we will do all we can for her.'
When they were allowed in to see Milly she was hooked up to machines and looked as white as the crisp white sheet that covered her. There was a nurse in the room. 'Go ahead and talk to her. She may be able to hear you.'
Dora blinked back tears remembering all those years ago when they had said the same about her uncle. Steve was remembering that too and also when Dora was unconscious after Pru's birth.
'Auntie, Dora and i want you to know how much we both love you and how we want you back home soon cookng us your special chicken casserole and looking after your plants.'
'And I look forward to our chats and listening to music with you, added Annabelle. They stayed until a nurse came in to do Milly's observations.
'Go and have something to eat and drink now and come back in about an hour. We don't have a bed for her yet but we're still trying.'
As they were leaving the department the doctor who had spoken to them earlier reminded them of the decision, they had to make.
'Do you think there's something they're not telling us because he keeps on about it?' said Steve as they sat toying with bowls of soup and nibbling at the crusty rolls that accompanied them.'
'I think he's just doing his job,'said Dora.
'Surely she should be given every chance.' said Steve.
'Do you think y0u'll be able to look after her if she comes back to live with you?' asked Annabelle echoing what Megan Rees had said earlier.
'We'll manage, our friends will help. I agree with you Steve. We need to make sure she's given every chance.
Annabelle said nothing for a few minutes, then having finished her soup said ,'Coffee anyone?'
Dora nodded and Steve said he'd have tea.
'I don't think Annabelle agrees with us.' said Dora when she'd left the table.
'She's not family,'said Steve.
After the had finished their drinks Steve and Dora headed back to A and E but Annabelle said she was going outside for some air. When they got back to the department, they heard a machine beeping and they were not allowed into Milly's room. At length the doctor they had spoken to earlier appeared,
'Your aunt arrested Mr. Ross.'

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2022, 07:57:57 PM »
We got her back this time.'
'We've made our decision. We'd like you to make every effort to save her if it happens again but we understand it might not be possible.'
The doctor nodded. ' Thank you, now if you'll excuse me the nurse will let you know when you can go back in.'
Dora was looking quite pale. 'Are you ok love'
'I can't help it Steve, my mind just keeps going back to the day uncle died. '
'Do you want to go home I don't think Annabelle will stick around much longer.'
'No, Steve, i want to stay with you. it would be much harder being at home and not knowing what was going on.'
Later that afternoon Milly was transferred to the intensive care unit and Annabelle went home. Dora and Steve stayed to see Milly settled and sat with her for about an hour talking about anything and everything. A nurse came in to do her observations every 15 minutes and at the end of the hour said  'Your aunt is stable now. you should go home and have a rest and perhaps pop in for a few minutes this evening. We have your number and will let you know if anything changes.'
They decided to go to Ron's to see how the children were getting on. They were playing quite happily with Rikki and Teri was making preparations for tea. 'Why don't you two stay too? It's only ham salad then trifle but there's plenty.'
'The hospital might ring' said Steve.
'Give them our number too. If you're going back this evening it will be a lot closer fo you and you won'tneed to disturb the children.'
Dora looked in need of a cup of tea and a rest so in the end Steve agreed and rang the hospital. They said Milly was still asleep..Soon after tea they went back to the ward and were greeted by a sister.
'Your aunt woke up a few minutes ago. She is very tired and on strong pan medication so keep your visit to 10 minutes or so. don't try to ask her questions about what happened, it will only upset her.'
They sat one each side of the bed and each took one of her hands. 'Hello Auntie' Steve whispered.
Milly turned her head to look at him 'Is Bert with you?'
'Er no- just Dora.
'How are you feeling now?' She looked at him blankly.
'How's the baby?'
Steve didn't know how to react so just said 'Ok.'
She closed her eyes again. They sat with her for a bit longer, but she didn't open them again or respond when they spoke. Steve kissed her forehead and went to find a nurse. 'My aunt seems very confused' he said.
'That's probably to be expected. Is she awake?'
'No, she went back to sleep. My wife is still with her. I'll just go back to say 'Goodnight' but i won't try and wake her. We need to go home and put our children to bed.
'Phone in the morning after 10am and we'll bring you upto date on her condition.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2022, 09:43:40 PM »
Later that evening when the children were in bed as Dora and Steve sat drinking hot chocolate, they talked about Milly's confusion.
'I dunno whether we made the right decision love. If auntie is going to be confused all the time, we might not be able to care for her  ourselves and I hate to think of her being in a care home, confused.'
'She might recover and get back to normal.'
'I hope so- but there's still the broken bones to fix and apparently at the moment she could not take a general anaesthetic.'
We'll just have to wait and see how things go. Are you coming to bed now Steve?' Dora took her empty cup to the sink and washed it. Steve had hardly touched his. 'I'm still going over t0day's events in my mind. you go, I'll be a while yet.'
'Your chocolate's getting cold.'
'I don't fancy it now. i may have something later.'
Dora went across and sat on his lap, put her arms round him and laid her cheek against his. He held her close and kissed her.
'Goodnight darling, don't stay up too long she whispered and went to look in on the children before she went to bed. They were both fast asleep. She woke in the early hours of the morning. Steve's side of the bed was empty. she got up and put on her dressing gown going quietlt through to the lounge but he was not there and she couldn't find him anywhere in the bungalow. It was only 4 o'clock. She couldn't go and search for him and leave the children. In a couple of hours some of the others at the farm would be up and if Steve was not back she would get help trying to find him. she looked out of the window. The car was still where they'd left it, Steve hadn't put it in the garage in case they were called back to the hospital. unless he had taken one of the horses which was unlikely at this hour he couldn't have gone too far. She got dressed and sat in her favourite armchair. As it was Saturday the children did not have to be up early although Pru had a ballet lesson at 11 o'clock.Dora dozed in the chair and was woken at 6 by the telephone. she looked round but there was still no sign of Steve. She thought it might be the hospital but when she answered it she heard Tony's voice.
'dora, i've just been outside to start the chores and I could see Steve sitting on the bench by the grove of trees. I went over to say good morning but he just stared ahead and started shaking his head. He doesn't have a coat on and it's quite a cold morning.'
'Tony, you know what's happened to Milly and obviously Steve's upset but I can't leave the children. Can you go and try to persuade him to come home. I've a feeling he could have been out there most of the night.'
'Good grief! I'll see what i can do.'
Dora was relieved when Tony's car pulled up about 10 minutes later and tony helped Steve inside.
'He's really cold, Dora.'
'Steve, have you been out there all night?'
'Do you think I'm daft or something?'
'Well, you weren't here when I   woke up at 4 o'clock'
'No I went outside for a breath of air around 1pm. Acorn was restless so I went and sat with him for a while and dozed off. When I woke up I felt stiff so I decided to try and walk the stiffness off. I was drawn to the grove of trees and went to look at them. I was thinking about your uncle, Slugger, Bert and then I began to worry about Milly. I've just got this very bad feeling Dora.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2022, 11:01:34 PM »
Dora began rubbing his freezing cold hands. 'Put the kettle on please Tony.' one of Steve's jumpers lay on the settee and when his hands had warmed up a bit she helped him into it. The central heating had come on and the room started to feel warmer. Tony handed Dora a cup of tea and she held the cup to Steve's lips when it had cooled down a bit. She was worried that his hands might still be numb and he'd be unable to hold it himself, 'I'll be okay now, Tony, thanks.' said Steve.
'Right well if you need anything just ring. Ellie's up already . I'll go and start the chores. I daresay Adam will be out soon.'
'You need a hot bath' said Dora when Steve had finished his tea, I'll go and run it for you.'
When Steve emerged from their room later he was wearing his old blue dressing gown which he refused to part with even though Dora had bought him a new one. He had hardly worn it at all. 'How about you have some breakfast then go to bed for a couple of hours. I'll make some porridge.'
'I'd better not. I need to get to the hospital, Pru has ballet and you have lessons booked this morning.'
'If you are going to the hospital you can drop Pru off at Ron's and he'll take her to ballet with Rikki. I'll go ahead with the lessons.
After that the days went by in a blur. They visited Milly every day but when she woke briefly she was still very confused. The following Saturday  when they were all eating breakfast the telephone rang and Steve picked it up. 'Steve Ross.'
'I'm sorry Mr. Ross. your aunt arrested again about an hour ago. We did all we could,but we couldn't get her back this time. '
'You mean she's dead? My aunt is dead?'
'I'm afraid so, yes.',
Stunned he dropped the phone. Dora moved close to him and took his hands in hers squeezing them gently. The tears fell down both their cheeks as she picked up the receiver and tried to listen to what was being said. They knew the drill of course having been through it all with the colonel, Slugger and Bert. When they had hung up the phone Dora held him close and as they cried together the children joined them. Jeff was old enough to understand that death meant you would not see that person again and he and Pru both loved Milly.
During the next few days Dora found she had to be the strong one guiding Steve through what had to be done including going with him to see the vicar because they knew that having a Christian burial service would have what Milly would want. Steve was ashamed to admit that he had no idea what Milly's favourite hymns were but he did remember her singing 'Praise my soul the king of heaven.'
'If I my suggest that Jerusalem would be a good one to include. It's the W.I's hymn and as a former president of the local group Milly would have sung it often. If we ask her friends in the congregation I am sure they will be able to suggest others. I've only been here a few months and I'm not yet familiar with everyone's likes and dislikes although I think your aunt was a bit of a traditionalist.'
Dora had to smile because Milly had gone to the welcome service for this vicar, Jeremy Fox, and he had played the guitar and sang a hymn she didn't know and asked people to join in the chorus when they got to know it. 'Not many did though I can tell you.' she said.
'I think probably those two would be enough' said Steve. He remembered Jerusalem from watching 'The last night of the Proms on T.V.
Will it be a burial or a cremation.' asked Jeremy.
'A cremation, then her ashes will be buried under the tree we planted for her husband Bert when he died. His ashes are there already.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story told in instalments. Milly.
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2022, 10:02:19 PM »
Oh, that's a lovely idea.' said the vicar. Now would you like to leave the readings and prayers to me. Then if one of you would like to say a few words about Millicent that would be lovely. If not if you write down what you would like said I'll do it for you.'
'I'd really like to do it.' said Steve but I don't know if I'd be able to without breaking down.'
'I'm sure you could, darling.' said Dora.
'If you'd like to try, let me have a copy and if it gets too much for you, I'll be able to help you or to take over.'
Steve was warming to this man. now leave getting someone to do the readings to me and if you change your mind about how many hymns you would like to just let me know. I'll be in contact again later in the week.'
'Could I ask how many you think will attend from the W.I. and the church? You see we have Colonel Gs which might be a bit too big or our bungalow which will probably be too small.'
'Would you open the gathering afterwards to all who attend the funeral?'
'Definitely- but I don't expect everyone will go to the crematorium.'
'Then may I suggest using the church hall. I'm sure some of the ladies in the W.I. would look after people till you get back. We don't, of course, have an alcohol licence which I know your venue does. There would only be a nominal fee to cover heating and lighting because your aunt was such a faithful member of the church. If you are agreeable, I can get the W.I. president to come and see you.'
'Money is not a problem, nor is an alcohol licence. My aunt wasn't a drinker, and we can take it or leave it,'said Steve and Dora nodded.
'I think the church hall sounds fine,' she said. After all we used it for Bert's funeral. Hazel will do the catering.'
'I'm sure that the W.I ladies will help out with that too. Leave things to me and I'll see that the hall is booked, I know it's available that day.'
Later, at home, Steve said 'Do you realise that we've not been inside the church since Pru's christening. We used to go to the special services at Christmas.'
'Well ,we are usually quite busy on Sundays.'
'Mmnn. ' Steve said no more on the subject. The funeral was not for another ten days, and Steve was on edge. Some days he would barely speak to anyone except Dora. The children found it very strange as normally he would ask about their day and encourage them to invite their friends round or go to one of their houses after school. He was quiet at breakfast and teatime, so Dora did her best to keep up the flow of conversation. He got up early in the mornings and went out to do the chores before anyone else was about. He sat up late and Dora was nearly always asleep when he went to bed. She missed he love making they usually shared. Sometimes Dora would find him asleep in the chair in the middle of the night with a photo album on his lap open at the last picture of her taken outside the greenhouse with one of her favourite plants.'
He was polite when they had a second meeting with the vicar and the W.I. president who was a lady they knew already because she worked in the post office. They were due to see the vicar again on the Monday before the funeral when Steve would hand over a copy of the eulogy he was writing. On the Friday before he said he would take the children to school. 'Don't get lunch ready for me. I need to be by myself for a while and I'll pick up a sandwich or something and make sure I pick Jeff and Pru up. 'Take care, darling. I love you. 'Steve took her in his arms and kissed her tenderly. 'I love you too.' When the children appeared ready for school, he took them both in his arms, kissed them and told them he loved them. He also said he was sorry he'd been so moody lately. Pru put her head on one side and said 'It's ok, daddy. Jeff said we have to make a lowance for you.'
For the first time in days Steve chuckled. 'What a lucky bloke i am to have such a lovely family.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin