Author Topic: Ron's Valentine Surprise  (Read 7041 times)

Offline Jane

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Ron's Valentine Surprise
« on: January 23, 2010, 04:55:53 PM »
Dora was busy mucking out Copper, her mind on the job and not on Ron who was creeping along the wall in her direction.  Suddenly he jumped into the stable doorway, pulled a silly face and shouted “Boo!” Copper leapt in the air and landed on Dora’s foot.


“Dear dear dear, did that hurt?” said Ron grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh Ron!” She glared at him and rubbed her aching foot. “What are you doing creeping up on me like that?”

Ron looked slyly at her. “Just wanted to ask wot you’re doing next week, that’s all.”

“Next week? What’s so special about next week?” Dora asked puzzled.

“February 14th….Valentines Day.” he answered innocently.

“Oh that!” Dora said with disgust. She had always hated anything to do with Valentines Day. At her posh finishing school all the confident girls had boys queuing up to take them out, but she had shied away from that sort of thing and never received Valentine Cards.

“A lot of silly nonsense” she scowled.

“So you don’t want to come with me to the Valentine disco next week then?”

Dora shook her head.

“Pity” he said “because I know Steve is going and he’s got a date. We could have all gone together.” He walked away grinning to himself.

Dora’s bottom lipped drooped. Who was Steve going to the disco with? Huh! She didn’t care. Discos were boring anyway…..

Offline Loopy

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2010, 04:37:55 PM »
As Ron was leaving that night he saw Steve about to go in for supper.  "Hey Steve!" he shouted.  Steve walked over to him.  "What is it?" he said.  "I'm taking one of the village girls to the Valentine's disco... only she's got a friend and I wondered if you'd fancy taking her?"  Steve frowned.  He knew the sort of girls Ron hooked up with from the village.  "Nah, count me out mate, it's not my scene." he said.  "Please yourself." Ron said sarcastically.  Then he added "Shame Dora's not available or I would have asked her."  He started his bike up and revved the engine a couple of times, waiting for the inevitable query from Steve.  It didn't take long coming. "What d'you mean she's not available?" Steve questionned.  "She's got a date already - I was too late."  Ron grinned to himself and rode off out of the gate.  Hah! they're so gullible, Ron thought. I'm gonna have fun here.

Steve didn't know why he felt like he did, after all Dora was free to do what she liked, but she hadn't told him about her date and he wondered why.  Who could she be going with?

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Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2010, 06:49:14 PM »
Breakfast was another one of those silent affairs. Slugger looked at the three faces at the table and rolled his eyes. Steve moodily poked a burnt sausage with his fork, Dora stared into space and Ron….well just look at his face thought Slugger. There was the culprit of this latest hoo-ha if ever he saw it. Ron slyly looked at Steve and Dora just willing them to say something to each other about the disco. But he was out of luck; they were keeping their thoughts to themselves. This was no good he thought, I’ll have to set the ball rolling.

“Have you ever heard the song Torn between two lovers by Mary MacGregor?” Ron asked innocently “goes something like this…” and he started  singing.

Steve glowered at him knowing he was stirring things up but not quite knowing why.

“No? Don’t recognise that one? O.K. Dora, what about Abba and Dancing Queen then?”

Bang! Dora slammed her cup on the table. Crash! Steve’s chair fell back as he threw himself across the table at Ron……

Dora screamed “Stop it! Stop it!” as Ron and Steve rolled about the floor

Oh Lord thought Slugger, not again!

Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 06:48:59 PM »
The kitchen door flew open and The Colonel marched in.

"For heavens sake what is wrong now?" he demanded seeing Steve and Ron grappling with each other.

"Steve you're wanted on the telephone! Steve! he shouted. Slugger grabbed Steves arms, hauled him away from Ron and thrust him through the door propelling him into the study.

"Now get your act together and answer that phone" growled slugger.

Steve rubbed his jaw, shook his head and picked up the reciever...

Meanwhile Dora had run out into the yard. She stopped dead when she saw a car slowly drive up to the gate. She felt suddenly shy as Joe Rimmington got out.

"Hello Dora. I've also got an old nag that needs to be pensioned off. Thought you might like to have it here. Fancy a drive over to my place and have a look?"

Dora nodded. She was sick of the atmosphere between herself and Steve. She needed a break. "I'll get my coat. I won't be a minute." Her coat was in the study and Steve was laughing with someone on the phone. She didn't want to intrude but curiousity got the better of her and she did need her coat after all.

"O.K. then I'll look forward to seeing you later. Can't wait!" Steve put down the reciever and turned to see Dora staring at him.

"Who was that? She asked casually.

Steve, staring out of the window and seeing Joe Rimmington standing by his car, ignored the question.

"What does he want?" he stared hard at Dora.

She shrugged "I'm going out" and stalked from the room

Steve frowned as he watched her driving away in Joe's car. He looked at his watch. In half an hour he was meeting someone in the village. I better get a move on he thought.

Ron, who never missed a trick, had been eavsdropping and quietly slunk away.....

Offline squeakytre

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2010, 08:51:25 PM »
Joe Rimmington as everyone knew was a relatively wealthy man (although Dora's family were considerably richer) and as a keen horseman, he had from a very young age, been brought up to love, ride and train horses- especially for the grand racing events in which the stakes at winning were very high indeed. Over the recent years, Joe's reputation at also producing in particular consistant thoroughbred derby winners was second to none and his position amongst the riding fraternity was already long assured.

As they drove along the country lanes with the roof rolled back, Joe explained to Dora that the 'old nag' had in fact been given to him by a friend who had looked after the horse for several years- having bought the mare from a dealer who had wanted 'shot of her'.

'Oh dear, said Dora, 'I think if a person wants to buy a horse then it should be for life- and not passed on from one owner to the next'.

Joe laughed, 'well the thing is Dora, Joe hesitated as he slowed the car to let a tractor drive past them, 'the thing is the dealer had originally bought the horse from a farmer who reckoned the animal was 'cursed' and wanted no more to do with it.' 'This farmer had in turn aquired her from another farmer who told him he could have her cheap-on the basis never to ride her'. 'Consequently the dealer was keen to get rid of her at the nearest possible opportunity and so passed her on to my friend. Of course she was delighted at first and looked after her for a while - but only until her daughter came back home one day crying her eyes out and covered in blood- saying the animal had delibrately thrown her onto a barbed wired fence!'

Joe was shaking his head and slightly chuckling at the same time. 'The thing was, the horse should have had the correct rider from the very beginning and not passed on through different hands confusing the poor animal.'

Dora readily agreed but it did seem a little strange to her that all of the owners over the years were keen to eventually get rid of her. Still, all horses whatever their mood swings needed love care and attention-just like people, Dora thought.

Joe changed the subject, ' I see it's St Valentines next week - are you expecting a card Dora?'

Dora instantly blushed at Joe's teasing. They carried on driving back towards his home. 

Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2010, 03:21:49 PM »
Steve put on his favourite huge winged-collared shirt and a snazzy tie to go with it. He shaved carefully and splashed on some Brut. He wanted to look good for Wendy when he met her in town. She was everything Dora wasn’t….. dressed in all the latest gear, fun to be with and she owned a flashy sports car. He felt a bit guilty at these thoughts but just lately Dora had become a right pain.

“I’m off out now Slugger, don’t know when I’ll be back, so I’ll have to miss out on your lovely stew tonight” he laughed and whistled as he set off down the hill to catch the bus. No driving for him today, he intended to get plastered!

Slugger watched him through the kitchen window and shook his head. Dora would be furious when she found he had sneaked off without finishing his work in the stables. But then, what was she doing going off with Joe Rimmington like that?

Ron came crashing through the kitchen door. “Here Sluggs look at these” he said waving a couple of letters in the air. “I reckon the postman’s just delivered some early Valentines cards” and dropped two red-enveloped cards on the table. He walked off smiling to himself.

Funny, thought Slugger, I thought the postman had already been today...

Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2010, 01:06:22 PM »
“Well I suppose I’d better see to the old nags as there’s no one else about” Ron whistled cheerfully as he left the kitchen.

What’s he so happy about thought Slugger. I’ve never known him go willingly to see to them ‘orses. He picked up the red envelopes and squinted at them. No postmarks. One addressed to Steve and one for Dora. What the devil is that lad up to now he thought? He had half a mind to chuck them on the fire and have done with it. But instead he hid them behind a pot of pelargoniums on the window ledge and then sat down in his favourite comfy chair beside the range to read the local paper.

A few moments later he heard a car pull up outside, a door slam and Dora say “Bye then Joe, Thanks so much for letting me see your mare. We’ll collect her tomorrow morning.”

Oh gawd thought Slugger not another horse but his fears were confirmed when Dora raced in and said breathlessly “Oh Sluggs I’ve agreed to school a horse for Joe Rimmington. She’s beautiful!” She poured herself a cup of tea and slumped into chair opposite Slugger. He looked at her over his newspaper. “What’s wrong with it?” He asked suspiciously.

“Oh not much” Dora looked cagey but Slugger didn’t pursue the matter. Instead he said “I’ve noticed this advert in the paper about a disco in the village hall next week. You going with Steve?”

Dora scowled “No, I hate discos you know that.”

“You ought to go. Do you good. You never go out and have fun with people your own age.” Dora leapt up, suddenly angry with the way the conversation was going. As she marched towards the door her eye caught something red behind the plant pot….. 

Offline sue

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2010, 10:54:47 AM »
“What are those, Slugs?”  Dora asked with a frown on her face, as she walked over and picked up the two red envelopes.
“Those....I believe they are called cards.”  Slugger rolled his eyes.
“I can see that.” Dora turned the cards over in her hand, one for her and one for Steve. “Where have they come from.”
“Gawd, knows. Ron said they were delivered by the postman this morning.”  Slugger threw her glance.
“But there’s no stamp or postmark.”  Dora said studying the hand writing on the envelopes.
Slugger shrugged.
Dora ripped open the envelope addressed to her, her brow furrowing over the inscription and signature inside.  Throwing it on the table, she inserted her finger into the corner of Steve’s and began to rip it open too!
“Hey, girl, whatcha doing, that’s address to Steve, that is!” Slugger exclaimed.
Dora ignored him and just stood starring unbelievingly at what she saw written inside the card.

Meanwhile, Steve waited at his and Wendy's pre-arranged meeting point outside the King's Head pub in the town. For the umpteenth time, he looked at his reflection in the pub's window, straightening up his clothes and running his hand through his hair.

"all you are, and all you mean to me"

Offline Loopy

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2010, 09:32:39 PM »
"Slugger, can you manage for a bit while I pop into town?" Dora shouted through to the kitchen from the hallway.  She was half way out of the front door, pulling on her coat, when Slugger appeared.  "Ain't you gonna wait for me to answer then?" he said.  Dora smiled.  "I knew you wouldn't mind Sluggs." she said.  "Well, as it happens, I do mind.  I got supper to get ready, horses to look out for and Ron to keep in check, while you and Steve are out gallivanting."  "Steve's gone out - where to?" Dora asked.  "I dunno - he don't tell me where he's going... but it musta been somewhere special cause he was really done up and he stunk of aftershave."  "Oh!  He didn't say anything to me either." said Dora, with a puzzled frown.  How often did Steve dress up, she thought, and how often did he wear aftershave!   She looked at Slugger with pleading eyes.  "Please Sluggs, it's important or I wouldn't ask you.  I'll only be an hour... promise."  How could he resist?  Slugger smiled and Dora knew he had relented.  "D'you want me to get Ron to drop you off?" Slugger asked her as she went out of the door.  "No!" exclaimed Dora quickly.  "I'll ride Copper - he can stay with the blacksmith while I do my shopping." and she was gone before Slugger could say another word. 

After leaving Copper with Tom the Smithy, like she had done many times before on her quick trips into town, she walked towards the shops, well one shop in particular, the newsagents.  The window glass was covered in red hearts and teddies, and chocolates, ribbons and balloons were strategically placed to lure customers in.  Dora entered and went straight to the cards.  She spent some minutes looking through the large array on offer until finally she found just the thing she was looking for.  This'll give Ron a nice surprise on Valentine's day, she thought and grinned to herself.

As she was walking back to the fetch Copper, she heard a commotion across the road.  She looked over towards the King's Head pub and she stopped in her tracks at the sight that met her eyesl.  There, coming out of the pub, or, more accurately, falling out of the pub, was Steve, laughing very loudly.  Dora could see that he was drunk.  She could also see the person hanging onto his arm, her long blonde hair falling into Steve's face as she tried to straighten him up.  She was laughing too!  Dora stared for what seemed an age... and then she ran as the tears started to roll down her face.   She ran and ran and didn't look back.  If she had, she would have seen Wendy staring after her.

Someone's got to care

Offline squeakytre

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2010, 09:35:55 AM »
The following day, Dora awoke early and starred out through the window towards the far away clouds floating above. She felt terribly wounded that Steve would do that to her -to go off with Wendy -and make her upset like that!

Dora's eyes were still red and sore from yesterday's crying. She had avoided Steve at all costs late last night when he came back to the farm and he seemed to have got the message.

Dora had never experienced jealousy quite like this before which could potentially turn anyone with a kind, thoughtfull and caring, humble outlook into a cruel, possesive and mean monster!

Dora shuddered at this last thought and suddenly remembered that Joe Rimmington would be bringing along the troubled mare over to Follyfoot later that morning. The thought crossed her mind-what if either Steve or Wendy were to ride her -and then be thrown off into a pool of muddy water! Dora chuckled to herself and decided no more silly thoughts and tucked herself back under the warm blankets!

Meanwhile Steve was already up out of bed and had wondered over to the cottage where Slugger was stoking the fire and preparing some toast.

'Morning Sluggs, I hear Dora's got a new horse again- where are we to find the room? She'll never learn that girl'.

'That may well be son', Slugger replied. 'An I 'ear she's a funny one too-cursed or somethin'.

Steve laughed out-'your telling me Sluggs- I was out with Wendy yesterday and we saw Dora running off.......' Steve went quiet.

'What do yer mean? It was the horse I was refering to- not Dora'. Slugger shook his head. And added gravely, 'Yes, I heard all about that, with you and Wendy. I dont think that was a kind thing fer' a young gentleman to upset the young lady like that'.

Steve looked at Slugger slightly sheepishly.

Slugger continued, 'an I want to know what you and Ron are up to writing these bliferin' St Valentine cards.' 

'Ha- your not getting jealous too are you Slugger, said Steve. I havent sent anyone a card -it's more likely Ron up to his old tricks again.'     

Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2010, 02:44:07 PM »
Later on that day, the new horse arrived. Dora helped Joe get the troubled mare out of the horsebox. Steve stared at the sleek thoroughbred as she clattered down the ramp. “Steady girl” soothed Dora as she stroked the excited mare’s neck.

“Blimey Dora she looks a handful!” Steve scowled as the mare neighed and plunged across the yard with Dora grimly hanging onto the headcoller rope. But secretly he was admiring the horse. How come she always got the decent ones to train he thought. "I'll be off then Dora...see you in a few days time!" called Joe and Dora blushed, which didn't go unnoticed by Steve.

Dora settled the mare in a stable next to Copper. Steve looked over the stable door and watched the mare sniffing at the straw and pawing the ground.

 “Steve” Dora said without looking at him “Are you going with Wendy to the Valentines disco?”

Umm…I don’t know.  Dora I don’t like the look of that mare. I think she might have colic” he said as the mare sank into the straw and started rolling.

“She’s alright, just a bit hot and sweaty from the journey. Don’t change the subject! Are you, or are you not, going with Wendy?” she demanded.

“Well for that matter are you going with Joe Rimmington?” Steve glared at her. There was an uneasy silence broken by the roar of Ron’s motorbike starting up.

“Having a lovers tiff are we?” Ron shouted over the din of the Triumphs engine.

“Get lost Ron!” Steve made a grab at him but Ron quickly pulled away and roared out of the yard, a big grin across his face…

Offline Loopy

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2010, 10:21:30 PM »
Dora spoke again.  "Actually, I'm not going to the disco with Joe.  In fact, I'm not going to the disco at all." she said, watching Steve's face to see his reaction.  Steve looked at her with a puzzled expression. 

"Oh!  Only Ron said you had a date so I presumed it was with..." 

"...That's what Ron wanted you to presume." Dora cut in.  Steve thought about what Dora was saying. 

"He's been playing us off against one another Steve - for a laugh." 

"My God!" exclaimed Steve, realising that Dora was right. 

"He told me you had a date too, and he sent us a card each - they're in the house.  I hope you don't mind but I opened yours because when Slugger said Ron had brought them in I..."

"It's OK Dora, I don't mind.  I've nothing to hide from you anyway." he added.  She looked at him. 

"So are you taking Wendy to the disco?"  Steve looked at her, his dark eyes penetrating hers.

"No, I'm not Dora.  She wasn't too impressed at my getting sloshed in her company." 

"So she turned you down then?" Dora asked sulkily.

"No, I never asked her in the first place."  Steve said.

"Why did you get drunk Steve - it's not like you."

Steve hesitated before he spoke.  "I had something on my mind... or rather somebody." he said.

"Was it me?" she asked suddenly, taking Steve (and herself) by surprise with her bluntness. 

Steve smiled at her and then he said "Delilah".  Dora smiled back.  "Oh Steve" she said.  He took her in his arms then and kissed her tenderly. 

"I was so jealous of Joe taking you to the disco - drinking was the only way to forget." Steve whispered.  Dora laid her head on his shoulder.  "There's no need to be jealous Steve.  There's only one man for me and he's just kissed me."

"And you're the only girl for me." Steve replied. They kissed again but after it was over Steve was serious again.  "Dora, what are we going to do about our little trouble maker?" 

"Ron you mean - oh, I've been thinking about him.  I bought something in town today." she said, and she told Steve about her idea.

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Offline squeakytre

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2010, 10:17:38 PM »
Like a regular, who frequents their local pub, within a certain hour, at precisely 9.00am Ron made his usual way into the Follyfoot courtyard having hit open the main gate first with the front of his Tiger Cub wheel and then rode up to where Hazel was already cleaning out one of the stables.

'Morning girl! And I see you are right busy mucking out on this fine and fresh,sunny morning', declared Ron.

Hazel replied. 'Yes I am Ron and Slugger will let me clear out the new mare soon-he said that he best be with me too-have you seen her-she's beautifull!'

'No I havent girl- but yeah- I've heard she's a bit of a 'andfull, a 'cursed one'-ha if you know what I mean. I'll soon know if she is, cos' uncle Ron is a horse whisperer'.

Hazel laughed at his remark and watched wide-eyed as Ron made his way over to the new Mare's quarters and went briskly inside,dissapearing from view. Hazel tentatively followed him and as she quietly approached, heard Ron suddenly speaking aloud- rather than gently whispering and caressing a horse as one would assume a 'whisperer' would do- 'Well your a real, fine one, throwin' all an' sundry off yer back- when it suits you.' Well ole' whisperer Ron is going to help calm you down my ole' girl an' find out what your problem is.'

Just then, Slugger had also appeared and declared, ' Well, well if it ain't the 'Lone Ranger' himself- talking daft an' dumb as ever-thinks he's able to talk to these big brutes. My advice Ron is leave well alone with this one -she's unpredictable son!'

'Nah mate, I think I already knows what the problem is-look at the way she shakes her withers each time you go near her- I reckon theres gotta be some kind of an internal festering sore under the skin somewhere, an' whenever anyone tries to ride her, she gradually feels the pain gettin' worse an' worse an' reacts to it and stops dead in her tracks-which cant be good if your busy on top, galloping away!' Slugger and Hazel looked at each other in amazement.

'Right I need somethin in my stomach-I'm famished'. Ron strode off whistling down towards the cottage........      

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2010, 03:05:11 PM »
Ron, sitting at the kitchen table, noticed a red envelope very much like the ones he had hand-delivered to Dora and Steve. “To Ron” it said on the front “Do not open until Feb 14th” Stuff that, thought Ron and quickly ripped it open revealing a card with hearts and flowers on the front. Yeuuck, he thought, but reading the words inside brought a big grin to his face. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist opening it. Meet me at the Valentines Disco Saturday night at 7.30pm. Love and kisses from W”

“Things are looking up me old mate” he said to Slugger. “The birds just can’t keep away from me. It’s me good looks and charm wot does it. I’m meeting one of ‘em at the disco on Saturday night”

“Yeah right!” said Slugger “Charm and good looks he says. That’ll be the day”

Dora and Steve were peeking through the kitchen window. Dora giggled. “He’s fallen for it!”

“Shhh! Steve whispered, “Quick, he’s coming!” They ran across to the new mares stable and rushed inside.

Ron strutted across the yard like a peacock. “Hey Steve, he called “I’ve got a date Saturday night”

Steve looked out over the stable door, trying to keep a straight face. “Who’s the unlucky girl, anyone we know?”

“Ah shut yer face.” Ron growled.

Dora, sensing the start of an argument, quickly cut in “You were right about this mare Ron. The vet’s had a look and confirmed she has sores around her withers. He’s recommended rest and a change of saddle and then she should be as right as rain.”

“See” said Ron “I ‘aint just an ‘andsome face, I know about ‘orses too!” He swaggered off to find a nice comfy spot in the barn for a smoke and read his latest comic.

“I can’t wait to see his face at the disco Saturday night” Steve sneered. “Serve him right for stirring things up between us!”

Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Ron's Valentine Surprise
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2010, 12:15:05 PM »
It was the evening of the Disco and Ron pulled on his new waistcoat and looked at himself in the faded mirror in the hall. “This should get the birds going” he remarked to himself.

The door of the study opened and Steve appeared, followed by the Colonel and Dora. They stared at him and then Steve burst out laughing. “What is that awful thing?  Surely you’re not wearing that tonight?”

“What da ya mean "awful thing"? These are all the rage. You ought to get one and get with it mate. You’d have more luck wiv the birds if you did”

Dora, seeing Steve’s face cloud over, tried to lighten the mood by saying “You look lovely Ron, come on Steve we have to be somewhere remember? She tugged at his arm.

“Oh O.K. yeah I suppose we do” and then he smiled, thinking what a fool Ron was going to make of himself that evening.

“Behave yourself Ron” The Colonel said “And don’t be late for work in the morning”

“Course not!” Ron called back over his shoulder as he hurried out to his bike. He didn’t want to keep his mystery admirer waiting.