Author Topic: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum  (Read 33589 times)

Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2010, 01:45:49 PM »
For the second time that evening the hairs stood up on the back of Steve's neck. The room felt icy cold and he could see his breath in the dim light. He felt aware of many eyes glinting from every corner of the room. His limbs were as heavy as lead and it felt as if some invisible being was preventing him from moving.

The kitchen door opened very slowly, squealing on it's hinges. Steve stared transfixed, unable to move, scream, do anything!

All of a sudden, in walked a tall elderly gentleman dressed in old fashioned clothes and smelling of moth balls. "Hello old chap!" he greeted Steve, who by now didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Jolly decent of you to call in, old man" The old gentleman extended his hand out towards Steve.

Steve heard Dora scream again and he was instantly galvanised into action, adrenalin pumped through his body and he hurled himself at the old man. But nothing happened, he had gone clean through him as if he wasn't there....

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2010, 08:41:13 PM »
As Ron began riding on his motorbike away from the 'headless horse' encounter, he realised there must have been a rational explanation for this but moreover he thought of Dora and Steve-he would turn around this instance- and decided to race back at full throttle to see if they were ok-and to apologise!

'Blimin 'eck what will the Colonel and Slugger say once we tell 'em,' muttered Ron aloud, as he approached the mansion just in the distance. Ron realised both Steve and Dora could be in serious trouble and this time he would show the old witch and her 'headless' horse who was really in charge!

Dora was in agony and screamed out again. She was certain her ankle was broken and she knew she was in a hopeless and helpless predicament. Where was Steve? Oh she pined! Was he alright? Then Dora suddenly watched a dark figure running back from the mansion -it was Steve! By now he was panting and breathing hard.

'Dora-are you alright?' There was no-one there, well I thought there was at first! But they just vanished before my eyes! I need to pick you up girl and carry you back to the jeep now!

Dora was crying in agony as Steve struggled to carry her. They both heard Ron's motorcycle coming up the driveway with lights full on! This time Steve and Dora were relieved he had returned!

'Ron, Ron!' Dora's hurt her ankle! Quick get her onto the bike and meet me at the jeep-she will tell you where it is-we all need to get out of this place fast! Dora was gently lowered onto the seat and straight away Ron speed off- with Dora in agony and clinging on for dear life. Steve followed behind -running as if he were in a race with the devil himself! 

Offline Loopy

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2010, 09:53:44 PM »
The Jeep wasn't where Dora thought it was.  When Steve eventually arrived, exhausted from the night's events, he shouted desperately.  "I don't believe it.  Where's the bloody Jeep - this is definitely where we left it."  He fell to his knees, taking deep breaths of air into his lungs.

Suddenly Dora fell forwards off the bike.  Ron managed to get to her before she hit the ground and gently lowered her down.  She had fainted.  "Steve, I've got to get Dora to hospital."  Ron said seriously.  Steve looked up at him.  "It means leaving you here alone."  Steve put his arm under Dora's shoulders as she started coming around.  "Dora, Dora." he called to her softly.  "Ron's going to take you on the bike to get help.  I'm staying here."  "No Steve!" she screamed at him.  Dora was so afraid she clung onto his arm.  "No - we can't leave you here."  Steve and Ron lifted her onto the bike.  "Come on girl - I'll be fine.  I'll start walking and Ron can come back for me when he's seen you safe."  Dora was crying.  "Ron we can't leave him here." she shouted.  "Steve's right girl - the sooner we go the sooner I'll be back for him."  Ron started the bike and Steve watched them until they disappeared in the night.  

An owl hooted and Steve suddenly shivered, whether with the cold or with fear he wasn't sure, but he decided he would find out what was really going on and he would start by looking for the Jeep.  He headed back towards Witherby Hall with apprehension but most of all, with determination.

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Offline Rob

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2010, 11:19:11 PM »
Dora was in agony but she managed to hold on as Ron tore along the narrow lanes and at last reached the main road. When at last he pulled up in front of the Accident & Emergency Department at Tockwith General Hospital, Dora practically fell off the bike. Ron borrowed a wheelchair and took her inside. Luckily there weren't many other patients waiting, and Dora was soon seen. Ron wheeled her in to the consulting room.

"I'm afraid you've broken it, love!" said the kindly doctor. "No more riding for you for a while!"

"Oh, Ron! What shall I do?" wailed Dora.

"Don't you worry! I'll come in early, look after the horses..."

"But what about Steve? I'm so worried about Steve!"

"He'll be alright. You mark my words."

The hospital offered to take Dora back to Follyfoot in an ambulance, and Dora reluctantly agreed it would be more sensible than Ron's motorbike. Ron left on his own and headed back towards Witherby Hall. It was very creepy in the dark. An owl hooted and a fox ran across the road in front of him. As he approached the long, tree-lined drive that led to the old mansion, he suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure ahead, striding purposefully away from the house.

"Why, if it ain't Lewis Hammond, me ole mate! Lewis, what the heck are you doing here?"

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2010, 01:56:22 PM »
Lewis looked shifty and kept glancing over his shoulder. “Er…nothing that concerns you Ron, me old mate. More to the point what are you doing here?”

“Same as you mate, nothing that concerns you Lewis.” After this bizarre conversation they parted company and Ron carried on towards the mansion looking for Steve. He heard a rustling noise. “Steve? That you?” There was no reply so Ron crept forward towards the noise. He heard a chinking sound and muffled voices. Peering over the tops of bushes he saw several members of the Night Riders. “What the devil are they up to? he thought. One man was filling in a hole and another was putting something in a sack. The third member of the gang was starting up the missing Land Rover. “So that’s their little game is it? No wonder Lewis was so cagey. Well they ain’t getting away with it. That candelabra’s mine!”

He raced back to his bike; all thoughts of finding Steve vanished form his mind….

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2010, 08:54:37 PM »
Steve was busy wondering around the estate close to where Whetherby Hall was still in view as a darkenened, many chimneyed (and many roomed) silhouetted old buiding that clearly within it's dark and dank walls, contained secrets, which only the dead were aware of. Steve was beginning to deeply regret having taken Dora there in the first place. She was not that interested in finding the golden candlelabra anyway. Admittedly they had horse stables here but why have suspicions whether the owners were neglecting them just because they were reclusive and eccentric? It was usually unscrupulous owners with big money and equally big egos that often instead mis-treated animals.   

Steve instantly heard Ron's motorbike approaching once more but this time the engine seemed to idle and the sound did not come any nearer. Steve began to walk quickly into the direction of the sounds and then heard them get nearer but once again stop suddenly.' What was Ron up? thought Steve. He decided to run in the same direction and hoped to find him very quickly.

Meanwhile Ron was back on his bike and racing over to intercept lewis and his 'Night Rider' mates. As he approached, one of them yelled -'Oi, give us a hand to start this motor up, will yer Ron!'

Ron pulled up alongside and said, 'That's the Colonel's jeep -you can't nick that mate! If he finds out, I will be in for the high jump! What's the matter- can't find the keys or something?'

'Yeah, we all had to push it a couple hundred yards -the owner's taken the keys wiv 'im. Do yer think the Colonel is chattin up the old girls in the house back there?' Everone laughed but Ron remained solemn and said, pointing to the sack -'whats in there then mate?'


Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2010, 01:16:12 PM »
Lewis had stopped listening and was staring over Rons shoulder. "What's the matter mate? Cat got yer tongue?" when Lewis continued to ignore him he turned around to see Steve. Ron recognised that look on Steve's face and winced. "I might have known you'd have something to do with this Ron" snarled Steve. Neither of them noticed Lewis and his mates slipping quietly away.

"Just you wait till I tell the Colonel about this. You'll never work at Follyfoot again if I have anything to do with it."

"It weren't nuffing to do with me, 'onest Steve" Ron whined. "aint that right Lewis?" he turned to find nobody there. "Man, what is it with this place. Were they a figment of me imagination as well?"

"Oh forget it Ron. I want to find out once and for all what is going on here. You coming?" The thought of entering that spooky old mansion didn't appeal to Ron at all. "Nah mate you go ahead if you like, I'm going to see whats 'appened to Lewis" and he scuttled off quickly.

So for the second time that night, Steve entered Witherby Hall....

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2010, 07:40:31 PM »
Slugger and the Colonel helped Dora out of the wheelchair and guided her the short distance across the yard into the cottage. The ambulance began to reverse and turn, then drove slowly away.  Slugger pushed the wheelchair around the back of the cottage while the Colonel and Dora made their way into the living room.

'Oh uncle, I'm really sorry about this'. The Colonel helped Dora into a chair. 'I persuaded Steve to drive me over to that old mansion Slugger had shown me earlier in the week. It's intirely my fault -and Steve- I hope he is alright!' Dora started to became anxious.

'Thats quite all right, said the the Colonel. He added, 'both Steve and Ron did the right thing and got you to the hospital straight away.' But fancy you riding on the back of Ron's motorcycle with a broken ankle- my goodness Dora-whatever next!' 'Witherby Hall certainly is living up to it's reputation.'

Just then, Slugger came in and grinned widely at Dora, 'You make yourself comfortable girl, cos I'll make us all a cup of tea-then you can tell the Colonel and I what actually happened.'

'Ha, ha, good idea Slugger!' The Colonel took off his coat and sat down next to Dora, who by now was sitting comfortably in her favourite armchair, with her ankle and leg bandaged in a plaster, along with a oversized red boot. Dora kept looking at this new style of footwear and started to feel self conscious and sorry for herself.....



Offline Loopy

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2010, 11:29:20 PM »
Steve entered again through the kitchen door, which was still open.  He called once more "Hello! Look I know somebody's here so please come out wherever you are!"  Everything was silent.  Steve continued.  "I'm Steve from Follyfoot Farm.  I wondered if I could see your horses?"  The floorboards behind him creaked and Steve spun around.  An old lady stood by the sink.  She was holding a black cat in her arms, like a baby, and smoothing its tummy.  "Hello."  Steve said with a smile.  She stared at him, her eyes never leaving his.  Steve had to think quickly.  "That's a nice cat you have there.  What's her name?".  "It's a he" the old woman spat at him "and you shall not have him."  Steve was about to tell her he didn't want her cat when she started humming a strange tune.   Louder and louder she hummed until Steve felt something around his legs.  He looked down to see cats rubbing up against his legs and more and more were coming towards him.  He began to feel afraid.  The cats were now clawing at his jeans and he could feel the sharp needle-like claws ripping his skin.  "Look, I don't want your cats." he shouted at the woman, at the same time shaking his legs and kicking out at the scratching felines. "Please, get them to stop."  The old woman released her gaze from Steve and clapped her hands three times.  Amazingly the cats began to leave Steve and go towards the woman.  She then raised her arms up and said "Go, my pretty ones."  Then the cats were gone but Steve couldn't work out how thy had all left so suddenly.  He thanked the woman and then rubbed his sore legs.  She was still holding her large, black tom cat, who was purring in her arms.  "Why have you come then." she said.  Her voice was shaky and sounded as though she had a sore throat.  Steve thought he should tell her the truth so he began his story.  She listened intently and nodded when he finished with an apology for trespassing on her property.  She put her cat down and picked up a huge black kettle which she filled with water from a large pitcher on the centre table.  "Cup of tea?" she asked.  Steve smiled.  "Umm, please." he said. 

Steve asked the woman if she had a horse he could use to get back to Follyfoot but she didn't answer his question. Instead she said "She'll be healed by the time you return."  Steve frowned.  "What d'you mean?" he asked.  "The pretty girl you're so worried for.  There's no need to rush back.  She'll be healed."  "Dora.  No, her ankle's broken.  She was in so much pain.  It'll take weeks to mend."  "Will it young man?  Will it indeed?  You know best then."  Before Steve could reply she said "How are your legs?"  Steve hadn't thought about his legs but now she had mentioned them he realised that they no longer hurt.  He pulled up his trouser legs and bent to inspect his scratched shins... but there were no scratches... they had completely disappeared.  He knitted his eyebrows together trying to make sense of what had happened. He looked up at the old woman.  "Who are you?" he asked.  She was about to speak when a loud hooter sounded outside and a roar of a motorbike rent the silence.  Ron had finally turned up. 

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Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2010, 08:24:39 AM »
Who’s that?” the old woman demanded “friend of yours?”

 “Yes, sort of!” Steve rolled his eyes. “Before I go, does an old gentleman live here with you?” 

The woman smiled secretively.“Why should you want to know that?”  She turned her head away and stroked the purring cat in her arms.

“Well it’s just that I came in earlier, but there was no one here and then this elderly chap appeared dressed in old- fashioned clothes but I’m not sure if I did see him now…” Steve finished lamely.

 “Oh him” cackled the old woman “that was most likely Uncle Tom, he died in a hunting accident” She grinned at Steve showing blackened teeth. Steve felt a bit queasy.

 “I’ve got to go, thanks for….well um… thanks anyway” he hurried out of the door feeling confused and angry with himself. He still didn’t know what was going on in this mansion, but he intended to find out!

 “There you are!” shouted Ron, “come on, we’ve got to get back. Dora’s worried about yer!”

 “Look Ron, can you ride down the drive a bit and hide your bike, then sneak back here? I want to look in the stables. I’ve got a weird feeling about this place. Like Dora, I think there might be something going on which concerns horses”

“Aww do I ‘ave to? grumbled Ron. Then seeing Steve’s face he shrugged his shoulders and dutifully rode off down the drive…

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2010, 08:31:55 PM »
After a couple of minutes, Ron duly returned and they both sneaked off quietly towards the riding stables. There were horses inside there because Steve and Ron could smell them first before they had approached them.

'Strewth mate, whispered Ron, I can smell 'em a mile away!' Wonder who does the muckin' out round here?'

'This proves they're not caring for their animals. Lets have a closer look!' Steve led the way.

'Lets be cautious here mate, because earlier on, I swear I saw a horse crashing around- without his 'ead on!

Steve laughed nervously ' I must admit Ron I've seen some pretty strange things going on around this place tonight -but a horse with no head? You sure you have'nt been drinking again mate?'

Ron didn't answer but both of them were unusually quiet as they began to approach the stable yard.   

They both opened one of the doors and Steve and Ron then switched on their torches. Instantly they were shocked by what they both saw! A horse that appeared to have no 'head'-staring back at them!  However it soon became very apparent that within the darkness of the smelly stable, the body was painted pure white-except the head which was painted black.

'There's your answer Ron!' Someone's been busy trying to scare people away-and I wonder why?' 


Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2010, 02:07:24 PM »
Steve was even more flummoxed now. What on earth was going on? He looked over towards a second archway and noticed more stables beyond it.

“I’m going to see what’s in those stables.” As he walked towards the arch he felt that odd feeling he had experienced when “Uncle Tom” had appeared in the mansion. The closer he got to the stables, the worse the feeling became. The buildings seemed to be shrouded in mist and he could hear voices shouting, horses neighing and dim fleeting figures of stable hands going about their work. He approached the first stable and looked over the door. And to his horror there was “Uncle Tom” giving orders to a stable lad.

“I want this horse ready by 9.00am sharp my lad, an hours grooming and no less!” He turned towards Steve and smiled. “Good morning, nice to see you again, did you want to join us with the hunt this morning? I’m sure we can rustle you up a spare horse, old chap!”

Steve shook his head and jumped violently when Ron slapped him on the back.

What’s up wiv you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Ron chuckled. He looked in the stable, which was empty and full of cobwebs. "Nowt to see ‘ere. Come on let’s get back to Follyfoot"….

Offline Loopy

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2010, 02:08:17 PM »
Dora was feeling very miserable and very sorry for herself.  To start with, she was worried that the boys had still not returned from Witherby Hall and was afraid for them.  Secondly, her uncle had decided that there was no way she could stay at Follyfoot with her ankle in plaster.  She had begged him to let her stay but he told her that as it would take quite a few weeks to heal, it wasn’t fair on Slugger to have to look after her as well as do all of his work.   She felt so useless and the thought of six weeks away from the farm depressed her greatly.   The Colonel was picking her up about midday tomorrow and she was to be ready for him.  

Dora was already bored with sitting in her chair and she’d only been there a couple of hours.  She could hear the radio on in the kitchen and knew that Slugger was listening to his favourite programme (although he was probably asleep!).  She knew she shouldn’t put weight on her ankle but she so wanted to get to the telephone to ring Ron’s house and see if the boys were there.  She pushed on the arms of the chair with her forearms and raised herself up, standing on one leg.  Once she had her balance she gingerly placed the plastered leg to the floor.  She was waiting for the pain to shoot through her leg but, oddly, she had no pain.  She applied more weight onto her broken ankle and still she could feel nothing untoward.  She was confused.  Earlier the throbbing ache was almost unbearable so why wasn’t it hurting now, when she was standing on it?  She stepped forwards with her good leg first and found that she could walk without any trouble.  “Slugger!” she called “Slugger!”  

He came rushing in from the kitchen “What the eck d’you fink you’re doing.” He shouted at her as he rushed over and took her arm “Get back in that chair at once.”  

“It’s OK Sluggs – honestly. I can’t feel any pain whatsoever and look,” she said as she pulled away from him, “I can walk.”  Slugger stared at her open-mouthed.  He couldn’t understand it either.  “P’rhaps they’ve made a mistake.” He said doubtfully.  Dora smiled.  “Please take me to the hospital Slugger – if they have made a mistake I want this plaster off right now!”  “But we’ve only got the ‘orsebox here.” He said.  “That’s OK – I don’t care.  Let’s go.”  Dora replied sternly.  Then she smiled at Slugger and said “Please.” and Slugger nodded his head.  He thought that perhaps it was a good thing for the doctor to see her because she may take notice of a doctor when he told her she had to rest!  “I’ll just phone the Colonel and tell him what’s ‘appened.” He said.  Dora looked aghast – her uncle would never believe it.  “No Slugger, let’s go now.  You can ring him from the hospital.”  

Slugger drove the horsebox carefully out of the gate and turned towards the town.          

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Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2010, 02:22:24 PM »
Dora rubbed her leg where the plaster had just been removed. The specialist scratched his head. “I just don’t understand it! This X Ray doesn’t show a fracture at all. Most peculiar.” He looked at the original X Rays again. “You are Dora Maddings I presume?” he asked as an afterthought.

“No I’m not! I’m Dora Maddocks”

“Ah, that explains it. There’s been some sort of mix-up with your file. I can only apologize, Miss Maddocks, and say how sorry I am.” Slugger looked at the specialist in disgust and was about to tell him just what he thought but Dora grabbed his arm. “Oh come on Sluggs, let’s get out of here. I just want to go home and see if the boys are O.K.”

As they walked down the corridor towards the main exit, Dora felt a shiver down her spine. She turned sharply and caught a glimpse of someone following behind them. It looked like and old woman holding a cat.

“What’s up girl?”

“I don’t know. I thought I saw…”  

She turned to look again but the corridor was empty.

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2010, 09:40:09 PM »
Steve drove as fast as he could away from Witherby Hall.  As they reached more familiar landscape near Tockwith Steve slowed down and questioned Ron.  "What was Lewis doing there Ron?"  He sounded serious.  "He was poaching." said Ron bluntly.  "Had a sack full of pheasants."  Steve glanced dubiously at Ron.  "Poaching!  Lewis?"  Ron smiled.  "That's what I thought but he said he's got buyers lined up in all the top restaurants."  Steve had to laugh "Well I don't believe that for a second."  Ron shrugged.

At last Follyfoot came into view.  Steve dropped Ron at the road and Ron lifted his bike out of the back of the Land Rover.  "I'll see ya tomorrow Steve - don't go havin' nightmares tonight mind." he smirked.  Steve drove off towards the farmhouse.

As he pulled up outside Dora came running out of the house.  "Steve, thank goodness you're safe."  She started crying as she reached him.  He stared at her.  "Dora, your ankle....." but before he could continue she flung her arms around his neck.  "I was so worried." she cried.  He liked the feel of her so close to him, the smell of her.  He felt almost intoxicated and for the first time ever he wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her tightly.  She cried on his shoulder and he closed his eyes and breathed in her perfume.  

They walked into the farmhouse hand in hand and Slugger already had the kettle on.  "Come on son, sit down here.  You look worn out. Tell us what happened."  Steve sat down in the chair by the fire while Dora helped Slugger with the drinks.  When they looked around Steve was fast asleep.  Dora covered him with a blanket and Slugger made the fire safe.  They left the lamp on low and went upstairs to their rooms, leaving him there to rest.

But rest did not come easily to Steve.  He tossed and turned and the dreams were so real he woke up with a start.  As his eyes began to focus in the dim light he saw it.  There in front of him, sitting by the fire was a big, black cat and next to the cat an old, dusty, leather bound book...

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