Author Topic: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum  (Read 32427 times)

Offline loopylin

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #105 on: September 25, 2010, 09:54:09 PM »
Alexander Fielding had worked for the family law firm since before he was fully qualified. He was a thoroughly charming and honest young man and was not looking forward to meeting his cousin Duncan. He knew his way round the hall having visited on several occasions. The last time he'd come in response to a phone call from Amelia asking him to bring the contents of a locked box which the firm was holding. They also held a spare key and Amelia asked him to use that and just bring the contents. He thought it rather strange but as it was their property he had no option. When he arrived he was met by Jeannette.'Mother and aunt have had to go out unexpectedly Alexander.You can leave that envelope with me. Go to the kitchen and have a coffee. I'll take out the documents that they want and you can take the envelope back  with you when you've had a drink. Thankyou so much.' Jeannette could be so charming when she wanted to.She had made that phone call pretending to be Amelia and she had laced their midmorning drinks with a strong dose of opiate so that now they were both deeply asleep in the drawing room.She broke the seal on the envelope, quickly searched through it and extracted two wills. Then she went to the study and re-sealed the envelope with wax adding the family seal. Alex was soon back in his office where he returned the envelope to it's box and re-locked it. Jeannie and Duncan took the wills to her house in the woods and read them. 'These are only copies Jeannie.' 'Well we'll have to keep on searching in the hope of finding the originals- in the meantime- she dropped the two documents into the fire. 'Oh dear- such a shame. Well if dear Stephen ever turns up he'll have to be dealt with- just to be on the safe side
Alex of course knew nothing of this- he only knew from Duncan that some important legalities needed to be seen to following the death of Jeannie's mother and aunt. He was also not yet aware that Jeannie herself was now also dead.When he arrived at the house Duncan was nowhere to be seen.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #106 on: September 27, 2010, 02:11:51 PM »
"And who might you be?" a gruff voice questionned Alexander as he stood by the front doors of the house waiting for a reply to his persistent knocking.  He turned around quickly.  A policeman was standing right behind him.  "Ooo! You startled me officer.  My name is Alexander Fielding. My dear aunts, Amelia and Cissie, have recently passed away so tragically.  I'm acting on my cousin Jeannie's behalf as regards their estate."  The policeman looked somewhat dubious.  "Have you any identification please sir?" he asked officially.  Alexander rummaged in his briefcase and found proof of who he was.  The policeman seemed satisfied but still checked via his radio that Alexander was from the firm of solicitors he said he was.  When he finally had the all clear the policeman became very serious and said "You haven't heard then sir?".  "Heard what?"  said Alexander, who was by now beginning to lose his patience.  The policeman took his time telling Alexander the story as far as he knew it.  Alexander sat down on the concrete steps trying to take in the information he was being told.  "So Duncan is 'on the run'?" said Alexander in a dazed voice.  "Yes sir, and if you see him I would advise you to keep well away and contact us immediately."  Alexander nodded his head and stood up slowly.  "Of course constable.  Of course I will."

He descended the front steps and made his way back to his car which he had parked further down the driveway.  As he drove off he couldn't help thinking of Jeannie.  He remembered her as quite a sweet girl and couldn't believe he had been taken in so easily.  As he neared the end of the driveway he felt something against the back of his head, causing him to swerve violently.  He managed to keep the car under control and safely ground to a halt.  Duncan spoke "Turn around and get this car in the woods, out of sight." he ordered gruffly.  Alexander did as he was told and immediately turned the car around.  There was no way he was going to argue with a gun pointing at his head.   

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #107 on: September 27, 2010, 04:57:16 PM »
'I'm sorry to have to do this Alex old chap but I need to borrow your identity for a while- and your briefcase of course.' 'What are you going to do Duncan?'
'Best you don't know- then you can't be accused of being involved. Can't have the wrath of Fielding, Fielding and Fielding descending on my head now can I.Take your jacket off- there's a good chap.Alexander hesitated but finding himself looking down the barrel of the gun complied. 'And the trousers. Here put your overcoat on- can't have you getting cold. I'm sorry about this too- but I can't risk you escaping too soon' He hit his cousin on the head with the butt of the gun and then tied him up and gagged him. Then he put on Alex's clothes pleased they were roughly the same size rummaged in the glove compartment and found the sunglasses Alex kept there. 'Now to find out whether or not Stephen Ross has found his father's will and if so. 'He laughed nastily and skirted through the woods to the door where Ron had come out before and let himself in. Uncle Tom was lurking but kept out of sight .If this was a bona fide caller why were they using the hidden entrance? Amelia appeared at his side. She looked at the man and saw the initials on the briefcase. 'Alexander Fielding- our solicitor ' she said- but that's not him. 'How do you know?' He's holding the briefcase in his right hand. Every time Alexander has visited he's held it in his left hand- he's left handed.' 'Try and hold him off- I must warn Stephen' said Tom disappearing and re-appearing in the study where Dora and Steve had just hidden the wills in the secret compartment in Steve's grandfather's desk where they'd also found the diary that Steve's father had read and returned to it's hiding place. They were about to hide the candlestick too but Tom said 'No- keep it in your hand Dora and listen carefully.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #108 on: September 28, 2010, 12:56:49 PM »
"No! No! No!"  Steve was exasperated.  "I won't let you do it Dora.  It's too dangerous."  Dora pleaded to him with her eyes.  "I'll be fine.  I trust Uncle Tom and you'll be close by.  There's no need to worry."  Steve was adamant.  "No Dora.  I'll do it - not you."  Uncle Tom intervened.  "It has to be Dora, Stephen.  She found the candlelabrum.  Have you ever wondered why only she could see the stone steps that took her to the hiding place?  She was chosen.  The chosen one cannot be harmed whilst she holds the candlelabrum... you can.  Now that we've found you Stephen there is no way we're going to lose you again.  I wish you had the faith in me that your lovely lady does?"  Steve was calmer now but still worried.  "I do have faith in you Uncle Tom but if I lost Dora now I..."  Uncle Tom cut in "Faith Stephen... have faith, not just in me but in Amelia and Cissie too.  We won't let anything happen to either of you."  Steve looked at Dora and she smiled then he looked back at Uncle Tom and slowly nodded his head, "OK." he said simply but he felt very uneasy about the whole plan.

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #109 on: September 29, 2010, 02:29:23 PM »
Dora went back up to the bedroom with the secret panel.  When she reached the room she placed the candlelabrum on the table next to the bed.  She was feeling nervous but she knew that whilst she had the candlelabrum then nothing could harm her.  She trusted Uncle Tom that this was true but she prayed that she wouldn't have to put it to the test.  She hoped she wouldn't have to wait too long before Duncan arrived.  Now she was alone she suddenly felt very tired after all that had happened so she laid herself on the bed, closed her eyes and tried to sleep.  When she had fallen into sleep Amelia and Cissie appeared either side of the bed and watched over her.

Uncle Tom had located Duncan.  He was talking to a policeman outside the house.  It was a younger, greener policeman and whatever yarn Duncan had fed him worked and the policeman let him into the house.  Meanwhile, Steve was leaving the map of the house they had found in the bible, in the kitchen.  Strategically placed so that Duncan would see it easily but so that it looked as though it had been accidentally dropped.  Uncle Tom appeared.  "Stephen, he's in the house.  Take the secret passage and go to Dora, quickly now."  Steve did as he was told.

As Steve walked into the bedroom he saw Amelia and Cissie.  They put their fingers to their lips.  "Shhh! She's sleeping like a baby."  Steve whispered back to them "He's here... in the house.  It won't be long now."  They nodded.  "We'll wake her before he gets here, so she's ready." said Amelia.  "Now you go on into the secret room."  Steve opened the panel and went into the secret room.  

The lure was set, now all they had to do was wait.

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #110 on: September 29, 2010, 10:30:32 PM »
Alex Fielding had a thumpimg headache . He stuggled to consciousness and tried to think how he'd come to be in this predicament. Duncan- of course! He had a gun and Alex thought he was quite capable of using it. He was bound fast. He tried to bite through the gag or to work lose from it but he could not. He was sitting in the drivers seat. By leaning forward he could reach the horn. He connected with it using his poor sore head- painful but it had to be done. He just hoped he could attract someone's attention- even if he passed out again hopefully his head would stay on the horn. 'Eh Colonel Someone int arf 'orn 'appy.' said Slugger as the two of them waited outside the house - the police had said it was unsafe to go in as Duncan was probably on the loose inside. The colonel was beside himself- Ron was already in hospital and Steve and Dora were in real danger. 'Let's go and investigate- it's better than twiddling our thumbs here. ' The sound led them to Alex's car.' Good grief' said the Colonel. Duncan had fortunately not locked the car and they soon freed Alex with the trusty penknife the colonel always carried. Alex was aware of his state of undress.'Go to the police- tell them my cousin Duncan has stolen my clothes and my briefcase and I believe he's set on murder. 'We'll send someone to help you' said the colonel and he and Slugger ran back the way they'd come yelling at the tops of their voices 'Bert, Sam- where the deuce are you?'
'Wake up Dora' said Amelia- he's almost here. We're going to make ourselves invisible but don't worry we won't leave you' Steve had found a little chink in the woodwork and was doing his best to see through it. 'Don't worry' said Tom.'I can see.' The door opened and Duncan entered. 'Ah I was hoping to find Mr. Ross here.' 'No' said Dora- 'I'm afraid you missed him- can I help?' 'I'm sure you can- Miss Maddocks I presume? ' Dora nodded. 'Well I'm sure Mr. Ross will come back soon since you're still here. so we'll wait. I need to secure my inheritance.' 'Your inheritance?' 'Yes- since my wife has just died all her possessions including I believe this house, the grounds and everything now come to me.' 'Y-your wife?' stammered Dora. 'Yes- Jeannie and I were married a few months ago. He reached in his pocket for the gun. Dora grabbed the candelstick.' 'That's mine too- you can just hand it over.'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #111 on: September 30, 2010, 02:16:00 PM »
Dora stood her ground, grasping the candlelabrum so hard that her knuckles were white.  "I think you'll find that it isn't yours." she said.  Duncan stared at her hard and then raised his gun.  He turned his body, still pointing the gun at Dora, and turned the key in the door lock.  Dora felt herself tensing up.  "I want that candlestick now." he shouted at her.  She tried not to show on her face how scared she was feeling inside, and said. "I can't give you what's not yours."  Duncan was furious.  "Look pretty lady, I know how to use this so don't make me do it.  Hand over that candlestick."  Dora shook her head "No!" she shouted back at him.  He raised the gun but just as he was about to shoot the panel of the secret room opened and Steve rushed out.  "No!" Dora screamed at him.  Duncan pulled the trigger and Dora threw herself in front of Steve.  The bullet hit her in the stomach, the force of it pushing her back into Steve and sending them both sprawling to the floor.  Duncan laughed "You two idiots."  He dropped his gun, went over to them and picked up the candlelabrum.  "It's mine at last.  He unscrewed the bottom and looked inside for the will.  He pulled out the piece of paper, an evil smile on his lips.  He unfolded it and was about to tear it up when he saw that it wasn't a will - just an old piece of parchment with a picture of a horse on it.  His face fell. He searched again inside the candlelabrum.  As he held it he felt it getting hotter and hotter but he couldn't release it - it stuck to his skin.  He shrieked.  Suddenly, there were bright lights encircling him.  Evil visions flashed across his eyes, blinding him.  He tried to get rid of the object but he couldn't.  Voices were now in his ears - terrible screams and awful cackling laughter.  He could hear horses and cats crying out.  All that was evil was enveloping him.  As he thrashed around trying to rid himself of the candlelabrum he saw a figure standing before him.  "But you're dead?" he said.  Dora stood straight and Steve was standing next to her.  "Am I?" she said.  She reached out and took the candlelabrum from him.  He fell to the ground and passed out cold.

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #112 on: September 30, 2010, 10:35:06 PM »
'You can't go in there Colonel Maddocks. you've already been told- it's much too dangerous.' said Bert. 'I suppose that's why your lot are messing about out here. How many more people have to die for heaven's sake? I'd rather it was me than Dora or Steve!' 'Well said Colonel sir.' said Slugger, 'I'm with you.'
They forced their way into the house followed by six burly policemen. 'Dora, Steve- where are you?'  They felt themselves drawn by an invisible force although afterwards the colonel swore he heard Amelia's voice calling 'This way.' When they entered they saw a touching scene. Dora and Steve were in each other's arms crying and kissing and whispering endearments. Duncan was still out cold and although only Dora and Steve could see Amelia, Cissie and Tom were all sitting on him. At first the young couple seemed oblivious to what else was going on around them then noticing the police officers for the first time Steve said 'That's Duncan- you need to cuff him while he's out of it. He tried to kill Dora. Remembering suddenly the fact he'd seen her shot in the stomach Steve said 'We need to get you to hospital-' 'Do you see any blood?' she asked. 'No but- it's no good. I don't understand.I just want to get out of here.' 'Well sir- there are a few questions we need to ask you.' said the senior police officer who had arranged for Duncan to be removed. 'This time' said the colonel 'Slugger and I are not leaving without you. We've left Callie in charge. ' 'Ron! exclaimed Dora. We've forgotten poor Ron.' 'He's going to be fine- nothing short of a miracle.' said the colonel. Cissie and Amelia smiled. 'We'll see you downstairs when you're ready.' said the officer. 'You know Stephen- you need a good lawyer- there's lots of things that need sorting out. The danger's past but we're not finished with you quite yet.' 'By the way-' said Cissie. 'The candlestick can still harm people but not Steve now- you're part of Dora. ' 'Oh but...' they said together Steve went on as Dora blushed prettily 'we didn't- we haven't you know I'm sure even in the dream!' 'Souls, Stephen- and minds and hearts and the rest will follow.' said Tom. 'Go and see the police and afterwards perhaps we can help to answer your questions. 'I'm afraid the police won't get very far with Duncan- his mind has gone totally. By the way- Minerva has left you a very special present.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #113 on: October 01, 2010, 12:13:48 AM »
Duncan was carried away in an ambulance with a police guard.  Steve and Dora gave statements to the police but they left out some parts that they knew would be impossible for people to believe.  Alexander had joined them now, fully dressed again, and was carefully perusing the long lost will with a keen eye.  "This is amazing."  He looked up at Steve.  "Stephen, you are the heir to the throne so to speak.  Everything is yours."  Steve didn't know how he felt about it all. He was almost in a state of shock.  "You're a very rich man." Alexander continued.  Steve hadn't given the money a thought and it really didn't sink in even though he heard Alexander actually saying it.  He kept repeating the words over and over in his mind, "I am very rich."  He had always hated the way Dora used her uncle's money willy-nilly, without having to work for it.  Now, suddenly, he was in the same boat and he knew he would need good advice.  Steve turned to Alexander.  "Will you help me with all this?  I'm really out of my depth with it all."  Alexander smiled "I'd be delighted my dear boy.  Here's my card.  Just ring me when you need me."  Steve thanked him and put the card in his pocket.  Alexander passed him a copy of the will which Steve also put in his pocket.  The Colonel came into the room.  "Right, the police have said we can go now. Slugger and I will go on and you two must promise to follow straight away.  Steve and Dora promised faithfully but after they had had a last look around. 

They walked hand in hand over to the tithe barn, instinctively knowing who would be waiting there.  As they entered the large building Uncle Tom, Amelia and Cissie greeted them.  Steve and Dora could feel the different atmosphere and Steve spoke first "There's something different here - what's happening?"  "Dearest Stephen, our quest is completed, we've found you again.  There is no need for us to stay any longer." said Amelia.  Cissie looked sadly at them.  "We wish we could stay longer but it's not possible.  We promised you see."  The sisters took turns to hug Dora and Steve.  Uncle Tom shook his hand and kissed Dora on the cheek.   "We can rest in peace now my boy, knowing that everything is in safe hands."  Steve and Dora watched as Uncle Tom took Amelia and Cissie's hands.  They turned and walked down the length of the barn.  Just before they reached the other end they turned "Don't forget the present." Cissie shouted.  Then the three figures turned back and walked through the barn wall, disappearing from Steve and Dora's sight for the last time. 

All seemed so silent and still.  It was a few minutes before Steve and Dora dared to move.  Steve looked into Dora's eyes and saw the tears.  He put his arms around her and held her close.  After a few moments he said "Come on - let's go home."  "But this is your home now Steve." Dora said seriously.  Steve smiled at her worried expression.  "Follyfoot is my home Dora.  There's nowhere else I'd rather be."  She looked lovingly at him, put her arm through his and walked with him to the Land Rover. 

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #114 on: October 01, 2010, 03:37:15 PM »
'Hang on a moment love- I need to make sure that when the police have finished going over everywhere they lock up and we can have a key. In a few days perhaps we'll feel like coming back and exploring. ' 'I wonder what the present is- and where we'll find it' mused Dora. They found the senior police officer and Steve showed him the copy will and explained that Cissie and Amelia were his aunts and Jeannie his cousin. 'All the other doors have been secured from the inside, the key for the main front door is inside in the lock. I'll make sure it is delivered to Mr. Fielding who is I believe the family solicitor.' 'Yes and he'll be acting for me.' As they were on their way back to the landrover they heard a tiny mewing sound. Looking down they saw a miniature version of Minerva who rubbed round their legs and looked up at them with a knowing expression. 'I think the 'present' has found us said Dora as she picked the tiny kitten up and laid her cheek against it's head. 'We'll have to think of a name' said Steve.'Minnie of course ' said Dora. When they got home with their new pet the colonel was waiting 'What the deuce have you got there- another stray- don't tell me we're going to branch out into cats now!' Dora and Steve looked at each other 'No of course not' but both had the same thought. What had happened to all those other cats? had they all been cursed like Minerva and had they now all disappeared like her for good. There was another question in their minds about what happened when Dora was shot. Why oh why had Tom, Cissie and Amelia
gone from their lives so quickly.' 'Look here' said the colonel 'You two had better get some work done- Slugger and I are going to visit Ron.' 'But uncle- you can't expect 'his lordship' here to do such menial tasks anymore.' Steve grinned broadly and winked at her as he said 'or to sleep in a loft.' 'Well someone's got to ballywell do the work!' Steve slapped him on the back. 'It's okay- after the weird experiences we've been through lately a few hours shovelling muck will put things into perspective. After her uncle and Slugger had gone Dora said 'Where are you going to sleep tonight Steve?'  'I dunno- I know I need to be near you but- ' 'I know what you're thinking- it's scary.' 'Are you okay with it though?' 'Yes.' 'Then for the time being I'll be in the box room.'
Minnie mewed plaintiffly seeking their attention and they found a cardboard box, put and old towel in it and set it near the range but out of harm's way. They found an old saucer and gave her some milk. She lapped it up and promptly fell asleep with her head in the saucer. Steve picked her up and put her in the bed. 'Have to get a box of sawdust ready until we can get some cat litter.' he said. They found their old coats and went to renew their acquaintance with the horses working together with a will until the Colonel and Slugger returned. 'We'll go for fish and chips' said Steve.'Not for me- Mrs.Porter is making my meal' said the colonel. As well as the fish and chips they visited the nearest large supermarket for kitten food and litter tray etc.
The next few days saw normality return except for the uncanny way Dora and Steve knew what the other was thinking. Then a week after Duncan's arrst the telephone rang. Steve answered it. Hello Mr Ross- Alexander Fielding speaking I need to meet with you urgently.' 'Will you be able to let me have a key to the house?' 'Yes- but you need to be made aware of some important facts. Can you meet me there at around 5pm tomorrow?' 'Yes of course.' Dora had been standing beside him, their eyes met and held. 'Tomorrow' they said together
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #115 on: October 01, 2010, 04:10:31 PM »
The hospital was quiet as Dora and Steve walked up the corridor to Ron's room.  As they reached the door a nurse came out.  "Hello." she said brightly.  "Are you looking for Ron?"  Dora nodded "Yes, is this his room?"  The nurse opened the door.  "Visitors." she said and let Dora and Steve enter.  "Would you like me to take the flowers and put them in water for you?"  "Thank you." said Dora, handing the bunch of chrysanthemums to the nurse.  Ron was sitting up in bed reading his western book 'Hank goes West''.  When he saw his friends he beamed from ear to ear.  They could see he was pleased to see them.  Then Ron changed his expression and said "Took your time comin' to see me didn't ya?"  Dora looked shocked, but then Ron smiled and she knew he was joking.  Dora ran and cuddled him while Steve arranged two chairs by the side of the bed.  "How are you mate?" Steve asked him.  "On the mend now but I really fought I was a goner."  Dora and I thought you were too.  "I'll tell you what Steve, if it wasn't for Amelia I would have been."  "Amelia!"  Steve and Dora exclaimed together.  "She saved my life.  Don't ask me 'ow but I know it was 'er.  They bin trying to tell me it was the doctor with his blinking defibu something or other but I know what I saw and what I felt, and it weren't no blinking machine that saved me."  Steve and Dora were thinking about her broken ankle and Steve's cat scratches that miraculously disappeared.  "If you say it was Amelia Ron, then we believe you." Steve said earnestly.  Dora nodded in agreement.  "She healed my ankle and Steve's cat scratches." said Dora.  Ron smiled.  "I knew it." he said simply.  Steve suddenly remembered the box of fruit they had brought in and the Beano comics.  "Here, this should keep you going for a while." he laughed as he gave them to Ron.  "Cheers!  I'll look at 'em tomorrow cause now I wanna hear all about it - what happened after I got shot?"  Steve and Dora began the long story and Ron listened intently.  "Blimey." he said when they'd finished.  "Your filthy rich then."  Steve laughed at Ron's (almost disappointed) expression.  "Yep, I am." Steve said.  "It's alright for some."   The friends laughed and joked some more until a different nurse popped her head around the door.  "Visiting's over now I'm afraid."  Steve and Dora said their goodbyes and promised to visit tomorrow after they had been back to Witherby Hall.

When they arrived home all was quiet.  Slugger had already retired to his bedroom and Steve went to the kitchen to make the tea.  Dora searched for Minnie but she was nowhere in the house.  She started to panic.  "Have you looked on your bed?" Steve suggested.  Dora ran up to her room and there in the middle of her pillow was Minnie, curlied into a tight little ball of fluff.  Dora smiled and turned around, knowing that Steve had come up and was standing behind her.  "Look, Steve, isn't she cute?"  Steve smiled.  "I was thinking just that." he said staring at Dora.  She knew he was talking about her and not Minnie.  She blushed.  "So, am I going back to my loft room?" he asked her.  She smiled at him and tilted her head.  "You're here now aren't you... so what's the point of going out into the cold again."  Steve took her in his arms and kissed her, carefully lying her down on the bed so as not to disturb Minnie.

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #116 on: October 01, 2010, 11:07:11 PM »
Their kisses were lingering and sweet and were growing ever more passionate when Minnie woke up and began a frantic mewing. 'Excellent timing Min!' said Steve. 'Take her downstairs Steve- I don't want a mess on my bed. While he was gone Dora undressed and put on her nightdress. 'What did we forget when we went shopping Steve?' she asked when he returned. 'Oh Blazes' he said. 'Protection' 'Mhm' 'Well- I'd better go back to the boxroom.' 'No- please stay. ' 'I can't- I'm only human. We'll buy some tomorrow- I promise. ' He leaned over and kissed her, went back downstairs to check on Minnie then went outside for a breath of air. Pictures came swirling into his mind- the first night they'd spent at the hall. The eagerness of his relatives to get the two of them together in that bed where his father had been conceived and then he knew that it was meant to be there that he and Dora made love for the first time. He knew that the same thoughts would be going through her head. Tomorrow....
At precisely 5pm the next day Alex Fielding drew up outside the hall where the landrover was already parked. Alex took the key from his pocket 'Would you like to do the honours?' he said handing it to Steve. They went into the kitchen where they had sat with Steve's aunts. 'Sit down' said Alex 'I'll come straight to the point. Obviously I have not had a chance to get this property valued but the police have found bank books for Amelia and Cissie. There's a great deal of money in there- funeral expenses will have to be paid once the police have released your aunts and cousin's bodies. Jeannie had nothing. Her costs will have to be borne too. There are fortunately no outstanding debts but I must warn you that duties on the estate will be very high. You may have to sell the grounds or perhaps the house in order to pay them. Also it will not be a quick process so it may be a while before you have any money. Everything will need to be properly valued including the contents. There is much of value here. You'll need to send any bills that come in to me.I'll set the wheels in motion regarding the valuation right away then I'll be able to give you my opinion as to how much you'll need to raise to pay the duty. In the meantime please do not remove valuables from the premises. I'll be in touch as soon as I can. ' After Alex had gone they looked round the house Steve picked up the Bible noticing for the first time a series of numbers written on the back inside cover. 'Let's go look at the portrait' said Dora abd he of course had been thinking the same thing. 'I wonder if there's any writing on the back.' he said. They carefully took it down- there was nothing on the reverse but the portrait had covered a small wall safe. THey put the portrait back.'We'd best go see Ron' said Dora. 'Yes' said Steve' but afterwards let's phone Slugs and tell him we wont be back tonight. We'll go for a meal and then---' 'we'll come back here and spend the night' she finished. When they got back in the car they heard mewing. Min was curled up on the floor in the back.' 'We'd best take her home' but once again the same thought struck them both. 'no- she's meant to be with us. She's taken over from Minerva. Maybe she has something she needs to tell us too'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #117 on: October 04, 2010, 11:51:33 AM »
Ron was in fine spirits flirting with the nurses and eating all the goodies he was taken. He looked disappointed when Steve and Dora arrived empty handed. 'The hospital shop's open- we can get you anything you need' said Dora. 'I could murder a beer' Sister walked past just at that moment. 'Mr. Stryker! That's not allowed and you know it.' 'Can you get me some Chewy'
said Ron. 'I'll go love- you talk to Ron.' said Steve. 'What's he like now he's loaded?' said Ron.'The same old Steve- mind you it'll be a while before he actually has any money-then we'll see.Any idea how much longer you'll be in here?' 'Another week at least- mind you have to take things very easily for a while- no heavy lifting!' 'We'll cope.' Steve came back and handed Ron several packets of chewing gum- 'Had to go to the shop across the road to get this- mind what you do with your chewed up bits.' 'Thought I might swallow them- help my insides stick together' he said hastily stowing them away in his locker before sister saw them. Lewis came striding into the ward with a suspiciously shaped package. 'We'd best get out of here. See you soon Ron.' ' I hear you've come into a fortune Steve- half your luck' said Lewis. Outside Dora said 'Do you think he'd got a bottle there?' 'I dunno- have to hope it's squash.Now let's phone Slugs and then go to the late night chemists.' Later relaxing in a local restaurant Steve said 'You know it's ironic- all that money waiting and we have to be careful what we order in case we haven't got enough money between us to pay for the meal' 'Never mind- one course is plenty for me- I'm not really hungry.' She looked at him shyly and he took her hands in his and kissed them. ' 'I wonder what's in the safe and how it can be opened.' he said. 'If we're meant to find out we will.' They pooled their resources and paid the bill then drove to Witherby Hall.' Steve had bought milk when he got Ron's gum so they could have coffee and Minnie could have a drink too. Dora scooped her up and they went indoors where they gave her some milk then hand in hand climbed the stairs to the bedroom.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #118 on: October 04, 2010, 02:58:10 PM »
Minnie tried to climb the stairs after Dora and Steve but the step was too high and she tumbled down and landed on the floor on her back.  She rolled over and tried again but to no avail and mewed as loudly as she could.  After some minutes of crying out she gave up,  resigning herself that nobody was coming.  She wandered around the huge hallway sniffing here and there, pawing at and missing a fluttering moth in the corner of the stairs.  After many minutes she came to a door which was very slightly ajar but enough for Minnie to push her tiny frame through.  As she entered the dark room she could sense danger and she suddenly froze.  She arched her back, her hackles up, and hissed.  As she defended herself (against what, she didn’t know) she backed away and managed to slip back through the open door.  She ran towards the stairs, mewing with all her might.  She didn’t like this house.  Why didn’t anybody come for her, she couldn’t understand it.  When she eventually stopped mewing she decided that she did feel easier now that she was away from that room but she was determined she would not go in there again.  She felt quite exhausted by the night’s events and curled herself into a cosy ball in the corner of the stairs where earlier the moth had been.

The shape emerged from the kitchen and passed by Minnie without noticing her.  It went as far as a large portrait on the wall and as it passed by the portrait fell, crashing loudly in the quiet of the night.  The heavy, thick frame was intact but glass splintered dangerously around the floor.  The knife slashed quickly across the canvas, carving into the face until it was unrecognisable.  The shape disappeared as Steve and Dora reached the sea of glass.    

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #119 on: October 04, 2010, 04:06:35 PM »
'Grief- how did this happen?' said Steve. 'I thought all the evil had gone from this place but clearly I was wrong.' 'Better get this mess cleaned up.' 'What a shame- that beautiful portrait.' said Dora. Woken by the sound of their voices Minnie came in. Dora picked her up- she was shaking all over. 'She saw something Steve- if only she could talk but she's just a normal cat.
When everything was tidy again they searched the downstairs rooms. When they got to the room where Minnie had been earlier she mewed pitifully. Steve put on the light - 'There's nothing here- but it's so cold. Let's go back upstairs and make sure the candelabra is handy I have a feeling we might need it.' Minnie was glad to be re-united with her family again. It made her feel brave. 'Now then- where were we when we were so rudely interrupted?' said Steve. They began to kiss passionately oblivious to anything else except their feelings for one another, oblivious to the dark shape which passed through the locked door into the room. Immediately Minnie was on the alert hissing, spitting, mewing jumping onto the bed.
'The dead can seek revenge' said a voice. 'Jeannie' they said together. Dora reached out and grabbed the candlestick- would it offer protection against a ghost?' Jeannie laughed nastily the shape now becoming recogniseable as her living form had been. The Bible was on the bedside cabinet beside Steve and he picked that up. Dora held up the candelstick 'Go from this place and never return. ' Jeannie walked towards the bed. Taking her courage in both hands Dora thrust the candlestick into the ghostly body. The Bible had opened itself at the Lord's Prayer, Steve spoke the words aloud. Jeannie's ghost made a horrible gurgling sound and disappeared. Minnie licked both their faces and then went and curled up on a chair by the door. 'Strange how we knew instinctively what to do.' said Dora. 'I don't reckon Cissie, Amelia and Tom aren't as far away as we thought- we just can't see them anymore. ' said Steve. 'Now I need you more that I've ever needed anyone before' he said and they began their passionate kissing all over again culminating at last in them making love. Afterwards Steve said 'We got so carried away we forgot to use the protection.' 'It was meant to be that way wasn't it?'
'I believe so.' 'Do you think.....' 'Probably'.  'Then we may as well not bother using those things.' ' Well at least our baby will have a secure financial future.' said Steve. 'Love me again.' she whispered. 'I wonder if the night will bring more dreams' he said. Minnie opened one eye and purred a kitteny purr.
linda-norfolk dumpling