Author Topic: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum  (Read 33588 times)

Offline squeakytre

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Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:27:44 PM »
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Slugger and Dora were now driving back from Tockwith, in the old horsebox after a major shopping expedition that involved lots of horse feed and D.I.Y materials for Slugger, Steve and Ron to work with back at Follyfoot farm. Of course the truck itself belonged to the Colonel whom he had once cherished, having been bought brand new, some ten or more years ago however the truck these days looked prematurely aged-just like it's owner- with scratches and dents and paintwork pealing off everywhere-and with red- rust patches beginning to emerge underneath the discoloured bodywork. Even the wood panelling was beginning to rot; moss and litchens were taking up residence. The 'well worn' engine groaned and whined as Slugger changed the gears and decided to take a little detor.

'Where are we going Sluggs?' said Dora, 'we don't normally go this way.'

'I am Dora, whats known as taking a little trip down 'memory lane', replied Slugger.

After about 20 minutes, as the truck crawled up to the top of a particular hill, Dora could see a large mansion in the distance, perhaps some 2 or 3 miles away, set within a valley. Adjacent to the house, was a great sea of trees-a vast forest full of every type of tree species one could imagine- 'Robin Hood and his band of merry men' would not have been out of place-had they resided there!
As the truck carried on, the mansion seemed to disapear from view for a few minutes, then returned, looming a little larger than before.

Slugger said, 'see that old house-well that was where I briefly worked as a handyman, some 30 years or more ago.' I used to repair the old horse sheds there.They reckon the whole place is 'aunted but I can tell you I never saw anything strange goin' on when I was there.' All I heard was that the original owner back in the 17 hundreds, had caught wiff that his long affair wif' one of the local maids- who 'appened to be married to an Admiral of the Queens Navy-was found out and rumour spread like wild fire in the locale.'

Dora said, 'Oh Slugger!'

Slugger continued, 'Well the squire soon heard that a band of seamen were goin' to 'sort 'im out,' so apparently he hid in the nearby forest and lived there for a few months, until the forore had died down like- then he returned back to the house. But when he did, word got out and he fled for his life back into the woods again but this time he had apparently taken with him a treasured item-said to be a candlebra-made intirely from solid gold!' Slugger's eyes lit up and added, 'an I used to look around in the woods hoping to stumble across it like-but of course wif' my luck- I never did!'
Dora by now was completely engrossed by Slugger's story. 'Why did he take the candlelabrum with him, slugger?'
'Well, you see he did not want any of them to steal it- as a valuable 'trophy' like.' Anyhow the squire never returned back to the house and they reckon he may have been murdered in the forest. They say his ghost 'aunts the whole area bt I never saw his ghost in the 8 years I worked there.'
'But what hapened to the candlelabrum,' said Dora inquisitively. Surely someone must have known where he hid it?'

'Well rumour is, he buried it under a large rock, covered some soil over it and planted an acorn on top- 'an thats all I know Dora.'  

As they drove past, Slugger looked at Dora and grinned-they've got horses there too! Right lets get back home -it's a good 20 miles to Follyfoot 'an the Colonel will wonder where we've been.'  

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Offline Loopy

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 02:15:33 PM »
Later that night, after supper, Dora and Steve were doing a final check on the horses before bed.  "Steve, do you believe in ghosts?" Dora asked him out of the blue.  Steve looked around at her and laughed as he spoke.  "Ghosts! Where's that come from?"  Dora retold Slugger's story to Steve.  When she had finished he raised his eyebrows and smiled "Don't tell me you believe all that?" he said incredulously. Dora put her head to one side "Well.... not really." she said hesitatingly.  "It's rubbish Dora - you know it is.  They've probably made up the story to get people to visit just to make some money or something."  He could see by Dora's face that she wasn't completely convinced.  "I'll tell you what, we'll go over there together on Saturday evening and if we see a ghost, I'll take you out for a slap-up meal.  How's that?"  He smiled at her and she smiled back.  "OK, you're on." she said happily.  

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Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 03:16:26 PM »
Dora was looking forward to Saturday but curiosity was getting the better of her. It was a long way to the old mansion by road but Dora reckoned she could get there on horseback in about an hour. She couldn't wait until Saturday and decided to ride over and have a quick look around the next day. Steve was none too impressed with her when she announced her plans at breakfast.

"Why can't you wait until saturday Dora, it's only a few days to go. Just typical of you, no patience !"

"I still want to go with you Steve, but I feel drawn to the place and I need to go now...oh I can't explain it, you wouldn't understand!"

Copper was feeling fit and up for a fast ride as they set off across the fields. As she predicted they arrived at the mansion an hour later. As she rode up the long drive she felt Copper hesitate and then stop. "Come on Copper...what's wrong?" She patted his neck and tried to kick him on but Copper snorted, wheeled around almost unseating her then took off at a gallop....

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 08:36:59 PM »
'Oh Copper-whats wrong with you!' Dora shouted in alarm as she held on tightly as they both travelled fast back along the driveway and onto the fields and away from the old mansion. Dora kept pulling on the reigns but all to no avail. Finally after several minutes, Dora had managed to reign him in and they gradually stopped both exhausted.

'Oh Copper -what did you do that for? Did something scare you? It's all right now boy.' Dora was deeply concerned and puzzled by Copper's strange behavior but being a natural horsewoman she began to develop a suspicion that perhaps the present owners of the mansion did not want anyone visiting or snooping around their property-at least without prior notice first. Very reluctantly Dora decided it was perhaps best to head back to Follyfoot farm and tell Steve what had happened.

When Dora eventually rode back into the yard, Steve came out from the barn and helped her take the tackle off Copper's sweating back and went into the tack room. Dora got a blanket and placed this over his back and led him into his stable.

Steve said, 'Well what happened Dora, how did you get on? I was getting worried you might have had an accident.' If you go for a long hack, then it's best if I come with you!'

Dora knew this was true at heart but remained quiet. Then she told Steve what had happened. ' Steve as I approached the mansion, Copper suddenly began to snort and rave -then took off back down the drive and out onto the fields.' I nearly fell off him!'

'Oh Dora-I told you not to do it in the first place!' Why don't you ever listen to me for a change, girl?'

'I know Steve- but how was I supposed to know that the owners had wiped a scent onto the pillars to scare aware horses?

Just then Slugger called out,'Tea up!'


Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2010, 02:59:57 PM »
The Colonel looked stern as Steve and Dora were discussing the old mansion and their proposed visit on Saturday. “I don’t think you should visit Witherby Hall. The present owners are a bit eccentric to say the least."

“Aren’t all owners of mansions a bit eccentric Uncle?” asked Dora sweetly.

“Dora!” Slugger wagged his finger at her “don’t be cheeky to your Uncle!” The Colonel smiled indulgently at Dora but became grave again as the conversation resumed about Witherby Hall.

“It can’t do any harm to have a quick look can it? The worst that could happen is we see a few ghosts and scare Dora” Steve grinned.

Ron had been strangely silent the whole time but now perked up and said “The Colonels right Steve; I’d stay away from that place if I were you. Bad things ‘ave ‘appened there.”

“Not like you to be scared of a few old Ghosts Ron” jeered Steve. “And the chance to lay your hands on a bit of treasure and make a few buck”

But Ron wouldn’t be drawn into the conversation anymore and silently left the room.

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2010, 10:36:15 PM »
Ron had already heard about the legend of the 'Golden Candlelarbra' some years ago because he, like Slugger had worked briefly at Witherby Hall, being a stable hand and handyman. At the time, he had borrowed a mate's metal detector and tried to find the treasure but after several weeks of fruitless efforts, searching at the base of oak trees, had decided it was a myth- and a load of old coblers too!

He remembered about the candlelabra story because the owners or direct descendants had actually told him this- because they had trusted 'young Ron' -on the account of his conscientious demeanor. Whenever he turned up on his push bike to work the three days at Witherby Hall, he had always been polite and friendly and hard working! However after the 2 years stint, Ron had left to become a 'biker' and a 'free spirit', hanging around with fellow bikers, visiting pubs and chatting up birds! But to his credit, he never told them or anyone else of the golden candlelabra legend at Witherby Hall nor of his incounter with a real 'ghost' during one night searching in the woods! It was for that reason alone which forced poor Ron to leave the job! It came as a shock therefore when the story was re-mentioned again at Follyfoot.   

But Ron then began to have a re-think-'What 'appens if it realy is true? 'This golden candle holder must be worth a fortune if anyone finds it!' Ron thought again-'But what 'appens if Dora and Steve find it first instead?'

Ron then felt a little uneasy- the thought of those two finding it before him couldn't bear thinking. Then he had a idea-'what if I tried to scare them away-pretend to be a ghost or a 'monster' or something?' That might do it!

Ron chuckled to himself and began whistling as he picked up the fork and began once more to muck out. 

Offline Loopy

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2010, 12:22:24 AM »
Dora had very mixed feelings about their trip to Witherby Hall.  All day on Saturday she was excited, looking at the clock, wishing the time away so that she and Steve could leave on their ghost hunt.  But as the sun disappeared over the horizon and the moon began to climb in the darkening sky, she began to feel apprehensive.  She wondered whether they were doing the right thing.  What if the owners saw them and thought they were burglars and called the police!  What if they got lost and nobody knew where they were!  What if they did see a ghost!  Terrible thoughts were racing through her mind so that when Steve touched her shoulder to say he was ready to leave, she jumped out of her skin and screamed.  "Hey, it's only me." Steve said softly.  Dora looked so startled that he had to smile.  "If you're like this now what are you gonna be like when we're there?"  Dora looked at him with wide eyes and a worried face.  "I'll be OK." she said.  Steve put his arm around her.  "If you want to change your mind we can stay here." he said.  Dora shook her head. "No, honestly, I'll be fine... and don't think you're going to get out of buying me a meal that easily."  she laughed.  Steve grinned.   They walked to the Land Rover.  Steve checked in the back.  "Now I think we have everything we need for a successful ghost hunt... torches, camera, blankets, coffee and soup flasks, coats, wellies and spades... for digging up the treasure!"  He laughed and Dora smiled but the smile was only on the outside.  Inside she felt quite afraid.  As Dora jumped into her seat next to Steve he said "I've something else for you." and he brought out a box of chocolates.  "Thought you'd like these too."  She smiled at him and took the box.  Her favourites - Milk Tray.  "Thanks Steve." she said, feeling much happier now.  As Steve put the Land Rover into gear and pulled away she watched him.  Whatever happens tonight, she thought, at least Steve is with me, and the thought of a night alone with him put a smile on her face and an extra beat in her heart.  She opened her chocolates and started to eat them before they had even left the farm.

The moon was full and its light shone bright against the black sky.  As they neared the old mansion they noticed shadows from the surrounding trees moving across the walls making it look very eerie indeed.  All seemed very quiet and very still...

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Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2010, 02:04:57 PM »
“Better stop here” Steve pulled over to the side of the road and switched off the engine. “Can’t we drive any closer?” Dora was feeling a bit sick, a mixture of fear and eating too many chocolates. She wanted to stay in the Land Rover, protected from the outside world with its eerie shadows and ghosts. She understood now why Copper had reacted so badly when she had ridden him up this same driveway. But that had been in daylight! “Come on Dora, where’s your sense of adventure girl?” Steve smiled at her. “Your chin is covered in chocolate!” Dora grinned sheepishly. “I’ll need a brisk walk to burn off a few calories before dinner.”
Steve rummaged around in the back of the Land Rover. “Better take this torch, although the moon is bright enough at the moment.” They walked silently through the wood next to the driveway. A fox barked and Dora jumped. She slipped her hand into Steve’s. “For heavens sake don’t you dare make a sound Dora!” hissed Steve. They were nearing the mansion when a blood-curdling scream made the hairs on the back of Steve’s neck stand on end….

Offline Loopy

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2010, 08:54:39 PM »
Ron finished his pint in the busy country pub he had found, breaking his journey and using up a bit of time until midnight.  After a visit to the little boys room he bought some peanuts and crisps and went on his way.  Timing was important.  He didn't want to arrive too early or they wouldn't have been there long enough to be spooked.  He grinned to himself as the Tiger Cub purred along the dark, lonely road towards Witherby Hall.

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Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2010, 10:47:04 PM »
The 'blood -curdling scream' was nothing more than a fox on heat. Dora and Steve were now becoming quite nervous. Steve whispered, 'Don't worry Dora it's only a fox -well at least I think it was.'

Dora said nothing except to quickly nod back at Steve in complete agreement.

'My this place really is spooky, continued Steve, 'and the air is so cold and still.'

'I know Steve, even Copper had felt something wasn't right-despite someone delibrately rubbing a scent to scare away horses,'

'How do you know it was a scent Dora-it could have been something else Copper had picked up-like a sixth sense,' maybe he knows this place has a troubled past. Animals can sense these things, which humans can't. There were experiments once where ghost hunters and scientists put animals into a house that was supposedly haunted. A dog barked and growled in an empty room and a cat hissed and spat!' The scientists were quite baffled.' They concluded the animals were able to pick something else up in the room that people were'nt.'

Then Dora joked, 'Perhaps someone had delibrately put them in together!' Oh Steve, lets go home please!'

Offline Loopy

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2010, 02:27:45 PM »
An old woman stood in the large run-down kitchen of the mansion.  She was tall and lean with straight, grey, unkempt hair hanging half-way down her back.  Her eyes were closed and she was loudly humming a tune and quietly banging a beat on a saucepan with a wooden spoon.  Gradually, her cats came to her for their supper.  All shapes, sizes and breeds appeared from every direction until they numbered about thirty.  She watched them and smiled as they greedily ate their meat, some of them fighting over the same dish of food.  

She heard a scream of a fox outside and ran to the kitchen door.  “Go, go you vixen.” she yelled.  “You shall not have my cats!”  When she was sure she could no longer hear the fox she turned back to her cats… one in particular… a large, black cat with piercing green eyes.  She picked him up and smoothed his neck.  “Nobody shall have you.” She said to him quietly and he purred and rubbed his head against her, as if he was answering her.  

As she closed the kitchen door she thought she saw a light outside.  She watched for a long time.  Yes, there it was again, moving slowly along the edge of the trees.  She frowned.  “So!  They have come at last.” She said aloud and her cats looked up at her as she cackled uncontrollably.

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Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2010, 06:41:38 PM »
Ron switched the engine off, and pushed his Tiger Cub the last part of the way to Witherby Hall. Finding a suitable hiding place he shoved his bike among the bushes. He pulled a torch and a white sheet from under his denim jacket and crept furtively among the trees towards the mansion. "Right this should be close enough" he thought, and pulled the white sheet over his shoulders before sitting down on a tree stump to wait for steve and Dora. He glanced over at the mansion and to his dismay he saw a curtain twitch and then a face appear at the window. "Damn" he thought and quickly flattened himself on the floor.

Just at that moment he heard a fox bark and footsteps on the other side of the driveway. But before he could play his joke on Steve and Dora, he felt a heavy weight on his back and a shrill voice shouted in his ear "What have we got here then? Ron twisted his head around and found himself staring into the face of deranged-looking old woman.

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2010, 09:28:13 PM »
'Blimey luv!' You made me jump outa my skin for a minute!' Ron got up and removed the white sheet.

The old lady hissed back at Ron, 'and what do you think your up to hanging around here at nightime my lad?' Are you after something perhaps? I hope you were not trying to scare some old lonely 'witches' my boy! She began to laugh and cackle uncontrollably. Her breath smelled as she put her lips close into Ron's face!

Meanwhile Dora and Steve were on the other side slowly walking around the old house.
'Oh Dora- you were so keen to have got me out here to explore this place at nightime with you and now you want to go home already', said Steve. 'Look, we will just quietly look around a little longer and then we will go -I doubt if we will find any ghosts here tonight and we will certainly find no hidden treasure either'.

'But Steve, I'm not really here so much for the hidden treasure, I want to check up on their horses and make sure they are not being mistreated in any way'.

'I know that Dora- thats why I took you here.' I agree the owners here must be quite eccentric and cut off from everyone else and perhaps their horses need some attention -to make sure they are alright'.

Suddenly they both heard a heavy troting sound eminating from within the trees.

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Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2010, 09:48:10 PM »
Ron could also also hear something heavy walking down through the trees. 'What the 'ecks that luv-sounds to me like a horse crashin' through the undergrowth'. Ron became transfixed by the sound and as the sounds became nearer Ron could make out that it was indeed a horse walking across the garden, being slightly lit up by the full moon's glare. However something wasn't right because all that could be seen was the horse's white body -there was in fact no head to be seen!

'Blimey! Strewth! A blemin 'eadless horse- I'm off missus!' The old woman laughed uncontrolably as Ron raced quickly back to his bike and retrieved it from the bushes. He gave it a sudden kick start and the engine immediately roared into life. The noise was defeaning and no doubt could be heard from all around the estate but that did not trouble Ron at all-for he had seen a headless horse and that was something he was not going to forget in a hurry!

By now Both Steve and Dora had heard Ron's bike and realised Ron was about!

'Thats Ron's bike Dora-he must have followed us -he's going to wake the dead up-lets scarper Dora and get back to the jeep quickly!'


Offline Loopy

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2010, 11:53:51 PM »
Dora didn't see the black cat as she turned to run.  She fell heavily and yelled loudly as she felt her ankle twist beneath her.  Steve rushed to her side and saw her face contorted with pain.  "It's broken Steve.  I felt it snap."  She grimaced with pain and squeezed his arm tightly.  "I'll get help Dora."  "No! don't leave me alone." she cried.  "I have to.  I'll go to the house.  I won't be long."  Steve pulled himself away and ran like the wind to the huge wooden doors of the mansion.  There were no lights on and he couldn't find a knocker or a bell pull.  He hammered on the door with his fists.  "Please, I need help." he shouted.  There was no reply.  He ran around the back of the house and eventually came to a door which was ajar.  He slowly pushed it open, calling as he did so.  "Hello - is anybody there?"  He entered the room which now he could see was a kitchen.  There was a gas light flickering on a large table in the middle of the room and he could see plates all over the floor.  He felt very uneasy and called again.  Still no reply.  Then he heard a scream from outside and he knew it was Dora.  As he turned to run back to her the door of the kitchen slammed shut.  Try as he might, he could not open the door.  Steve was trapped.

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