Author Topic: Slugger's Secret.  (Read 7775 times)

Offline squeakytre

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Slugger's Secret.
« on: November 24, 2009, 11:47:49 PM »
Slugger was already busy pushing the wheel barrow in the yard, long before the others had either woken up or had arrived to help him. In fact Slugger was like the early bird that wanted to catch the first worm- on this particularly fresh and very special morning!
Meanwhile, Dora was sound asleep in her favourite little room in the cottage- it's window directly faced out onto the farm, whilst in one of the opposite bedrooms that faced out onto the green fields and trees in the distance, Hazel was 'far away', lost in a wonderfull dream that involved a white shinning knight-about to rescue her on his beautifull black stallion! Steve was likewise asleep, snoring quietly in the upstairs hay loft, that had now been converted into a very comfy, barn bedroom.

Slugger began to whistle aloud, just like the early dawn chorus which was beginning to echo around the farm and had muttered to himself, 'Looks like I'm onto a real winner here my ole' son', as he began to take the wheelbarrow up towards the hay pile. A broad smile had remained on Slugger's face ever since he got out of bed because yesterday he had recieved a letter by hand (via the Colonel) that had initially been addressed to the mansion, rather than to the cottage instead. Slugger had only just opened it- before he had just gone to bed- having forgotten that he had left it on the mantlepiece above the fire. When he had finally read it, in fact quite a few times, he had simply been unable to sleep a wink all night!
Apparently, unknown to the others (including the Colonel) the letter was in fact from a solicitor firm, based in Sidney Australia-'Of all places', thought Slugger aloud to himself- that had specifically mentioned and refered in it's contents, that he- 'Ole Slugger himself'-again he muttered aloud, was the sole beneficiary of a very large house and prime real estate in the posh suburbs of Sidney! Slugger by all accounts (in writing at least) was now, officially a millionaire-and no-one else knew! 'Not even the Colonel knows', Slugger thought aloud. Just then a lone fox ran across the yard and back down through the gap in the main gate- 'Blinkin fox-I'll have 'im one of these days'- muttered Slugger as he dropped the wheelbarrow down with a clatter. He picked up the fork and duly stuck it in the hay and dung pile-his thoughts were now firmly focused on his newly found, wealthy status!

The reason in a nutshell, was quite simple, during his war days, fighting alongside the Colonel, Slugger had on a particular occasion bravely risked his own life to save a fallen comrade whom had been shot by an enemy sniper (hidden, somewhere in a large group of trees nearby). The Colonel had warned his men to stay back and remain alert until the sniper could be 'flushed out' but Slugger had decided there an' then that he was not going to let his best mate -an Aussie (who had been living in England) -to be used as 'target practice'- and had delibrately rushed out to him-grabbed the injured soldier and carried him back to safety, but in the process, unfortunately Slugger (or 'slugs' as he was later known to his comrades) had recieved a stray rifle bullet from the enemy, that had very painfully lodged in his (you-know-where)! Slugger had been unable to sit down properly for many weeks thereafter!

Slugger's Aussie mate had recoperated in a hospital and was eventually allowed to go back and carry on with the war effort. Sadly, he was later killed in action but the young soldier's mother (a widow) had remembered Slugger's earlier brave actions in saving her only son's life and had wished to repay Slugger in some way for her eternal gratefullness.

It turned out that the woman had been a cleaner for over 25 years for a very wealthy family, who owned several factories in Sidney. The owner of the house (in her last days) had fallen out with the younger members of her family (her husband had long passed away) and whilst on her death bed, had changed a main part of the will to let her favourite cleaner-Sluggers mate's mother-a share of her wealth! However bizzarely, in a twist of fate she herself had passed away soon after but had already decided Slugger should recieve the estate in a signed will upon her own death.          

Slugger was still mullling all this over in his mind, when a familiar sound of a motorbike could be heard approaching Follyfoot. 'My- he's early for once', muttered Slugger, 'An he's goin' to wake 'em all up too'.......

Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2009, 08:32:24 PM »
Slugger could not help smiling. He thought of himself in Australia, away from the cold biting winds of Yorkshire, the mud, the constant struggle to make ends meet. But also he thought of his friends here at the farm. He would miss them if he decided to take up residence in his posh new house. Maybe he could persuade the Colonel to move out there with him. They could set up a swish new farm and Dora, Steve and Ron could run it.

“What’s up with you me old mate? Ron said, rather bemused at the far away look in Sluggers eyes.

Slugger came back to earth with a bump. “Nothing. Just thinking how nice it would be to put me feet up and have a rest fer a change, instead of all this work, work, work.” And then the far away look reappeared. 

Ron looked puzzled. “Fink he’s finally losing his marbles” he muttered to himself and headed for the kitchen. 

Offline squeakytre

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2009, 09:02:27 PM »
Ron looked up through the kitchin window and watched as Slugger began forking up the used straw bedding, ready to go out to pasture to feed some of the local farmers in the vicinity, as well as for Slugger's private own garden-he grew some very fine vegetables for the table but as everyone knew, 'eggs and bacon' was his real speciality!
Ron poured himself a cup of tea and made one for Slugger. As he took the tea out and offered it to Slugger he said, 'Yer up an about early arn't you? Thought you wouldn't be around just yet.'
Slugger said, 'Well I've got urgent things to do aint I ? Besides how come your 'ere early too-whats your game then?' Slugger was twitchy-had Ron discovered his secret?
'Im 'ere early, cos I wanted to see if I caught that fox that's been troublin' the farmers nearbouts and takin' their chickens.' Stryker, who was a good aim with a shotgun but seldom used one because both the Law and the Colonel had told him not to discharge one-on the account he might end up attracting the wrong kind of mates- who then might decide to use it and rob an old lady or something.....
'Oh that, said Slugger,he was still thinking about Australia and his new found wealth, 'I did see 'im, just not long ago, he darted out from underneath one of the barn doors.' If I ever get hold of the bleeder-he'll know what for'

'Ha!' Exclaimed Ron. I'm trying to catch him too, so's I can then put him out of his misery-before the hunts people get him-then I can collect my reward off one of them farmers who's promised me a fiver if I bring it to him.'

Five pounds was a lot of money for a dead fox but it would cost a darn sight more, slugger thought if the animal were to be allowed to kill all the poultry roundabouts.

Just then, Steve lent his head out of the barn window, 'I might have known it was you Ron- making all that racket with that machine of yours!' It's not even 6am yet-whats going on?'   

Offline Rob

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2009, 10:41:24 PM »
“Well, Steve, me ole mate! I just thought I’d better show willing. I’ve got to work hard for the Mistress of Follyfoot!”

Steve sighed. Something must be up. In all the time he’d been at Follyfoot he could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times Ron had started work before him.

Slugger meanwhile had retreated to the kitchen and got the kettle on. He was daydreaming about Australia again when Dora came through the door and kissed him on the cheek.

“Penny for your thoughts, Slugger!”

“They’re not worth a penny, girl. Do you want a nice cup of tea?”

“Oh, yes please!”

“Well, help me with the breakfast things. Hey, I’ve just had an idea. Your Ma and Pa, they do a lot of travelling, don’t they?”

“Yes, of course, when Daddy has to go to the Embassies abroad.”

“How goes he get there?” Slugger knew he would have to go to Australia to sort out his inheritance, even if he didn’t decide to stay there. The solicitor’s letter had made it clear that his presence in Sydney was required. Besides, he would have to sort through some of his mate’s mother’s possessions. He hadn’t yet given a thought about how he would get there.

“The Government sort out all that sort of thing. I think they just issue Mummy and Daddy with the flight tickets.”

“Don’t they ever go by ship?”

“Oh, no Slugger – I don’t think anyone travels by ship anymore. Unless it’s a holiday cruise.”

“So if I wanted to go abroad, somewhere far away, how could I do it?”

“Oh Slugger – you’re not thinking of going on holiday, are you? What would we do without you?”

“Well, my girl, I’ve always told you that you ought to spread your wings, and I’ve come to the con-clu-sion that pr’haps I ought to do that mesself. Take a trip, you might say!”

“Well, there’s that travel agent’s in Tockwith, just two doors along from the Tockwith Weekly Examiner office. You could pop in there next time you’re in town and pick up some brochures.”

Slugger grinned as he poured the tea. He knew Dora would have the answer. He and Ron were due to go shopping in town after breakfast. Could he call in at the travel agent’s without Stryker seeing where he was going?

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2009, 02:02:50 PM »
"You ready then Ron?" asked Slugger as he hurriedly cleared away the breakfast things.

"Wot you so keen to get into town for? Food shopping don't normally 'ave you in such a rush to be off." Ron asked suspiciously.

"What am I in a 'urry for he says" muttered Slugger. "It's non of 'is business" he grumbled and shoved Ron, propelling him towards the door.

"Blimey, he's up ter sumthin' I just know it!" Ron exclaimed but he allowed himself to be hurried out of the door and into the landrover, as he was keen to find out just what might happen once they got into town...

Offline squeakytre

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2009, 07:08:31 PM »
Slugger parked the land rover in his usual, 'private' back street spot-as he knew Frank the butcher would let him go there because sometimes the town would be heaving with people and often it was hopeless trying to park!

As they both got out, Slugger turned towards Ron and said, 'Right we'll meet back 'ere in exactly 2 hours.'

Ron was puzzled- usually whenever they drove down town together, they went shoping together. 'Ere, Sluggs, how come's you don't want me around you then-you're not hiding something from ole' Ron eh? You're not planning to pop into the office, an' making a bid on a dead cert, are you?'

'Nuffink of the sort, I've got more important things to think about right now- an besides, I thought you had plans to go there instead?' Slugger needed to get rid of Ron for at least half an hour whilst he could inquire at the travel agents. 'Right I'm off in this direction', slugger said suddenly, 'An' the betting office is in that direction- I notice.'

'Ha,ha-very funny,' replied Ron, 'I suppose Dora has got you on some wild goose chase -an' doesn't want me to know about it.'

'Exactly son!' 'So off you tottle- pip an' look for what you want, an let me get on looking for what Dora wants.' At this, Slugger suddenly strode off, leaving Ron still standing by the land rover.

As Slugger went around the corner, Stryker decided it was time to play detective and proceeded to follow him at a short distance, occasionally hiding his face each time he thought Slugger was looking back.       

Offline Rob

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2009, 11:02:54 PM »
Slugger strode past the Tockwith Weekly Examiner office and found himself opposite the travel agent's. He looked in the window for a minute or so. It was full of posters showing pretty young girls in bikinis relaxing by swimming pools, or smiling families walking along palm-fringed beaches. He plucked up courage and pushed open the door. A bell tinkled and three identically-clad girls in smart uniforms turned towards him.

"Can I help you, sir?" said one of them.

"Well, yes, as a matter of fact. I have to go to Australia."

"Which city?"

"Sydney. It's a matter of confidential business. The sooner I get there the better."

"That should be OK". The girl showed him to a seat opposite her desk and consulted a large ring binder. "Have you thought about which way you want to go?"

"I thought aeroplanes were the only way."

"Yes, but what I meant was, which route? I could book you with British Airways via Los Angeles and Honolulu or Qantas via Bangkok and Hong Kong. It's a very long flight. Many of our customers like to stop over on the way. You could stay a few days in LA and visit Disneyland, or you might prefer Bangkok. And Hong Kong's great for duty-free shopping!"

Slugger was overwhelmed. He really had no idea what he wanted.

"And you can choose First, Business or Economy Class. And of course the flights would be from Heathrow - but we could book you a connecting flight from Leeds."

"Do you mean Yeadon Aerodrome?"

"That's what they used to call it. It's Leeds-Bradford airport now! I suppose you've got a full British passport?"

Slugger sighed. He'd had a passport some years ago in his army days, but it was sure it had expired.

"Never mind. We also offer an express passport service. I'll give you the form to fill in, and you can get some photos from the machine in the bus station." We should get it back within a few days."

"It's all so complicated!"

"Don't worry!" she smiled. I'll check which flights are available and get you some fares. Here, take these forms and fill them in while you're waiting!"

She handed Slugger a plastic ballpont that was emblazoned with the travel agency's name. He looked at his watch - plenty of time. He then glanced out of the window - hey, wasn't that Ron Stryker's face he could see across the street, just behind the lamp post? Or was he just imagining things?

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2009, 08:41:19 PM »
“What on erf is Sluggs doing in the Travel Agents?” wondered Ron. Maybe the Colonel is going abroad fer a holiday but why get Sluggs to sort it out fer ‘im? He knows nuffing about that sort of fing.” Ron shook his head, puzzled.

“I need to get closer and see wot ‘es up to” He ran across the road and stood next to the window of the shop. Very slowly he leant across and peered through the window.

He was in time to see Slugger hand several forms to a uniformed girl, shake hands with her and turn to leave the shop.

Ron ran several yards back up the road, turned and then walked innocently back towards Slugger who was just leaving the Travel Agents.

“Hey Sluggs, are we ready to leave now?”

Slugger looked suspiciously at Ron but decided he hadn’t seen him coming out of the shop. He’d have to get the photos done another time, too risky to try and get rid of Ron a second time “Yeah, let’s get back” he said hurrying towards the Landrover.

“Blimey Sluggs what’s the ‘urry? You can’t wait to get here and now you can’t wait to get back ‘ome again!”

“I’ve got the stew to make” snapped Slugger irritably.

Offline squeakytre

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2009, 07:18:46 PM »
Back at the farm the Colonel was talking to Dora, Steve and Hazel, 'Yes I agree Dora -the best thing for your latest arrival (a nag that had just been saved from the knackers yard into dogmeat, due in part to Dora's diligence by pestering i'ts previous owner incessantly)-is to put her up with old Samson.' 'Steve and Hazel can prepare the stable, whilst you and I can drive over in the horsebox and pick her up.'

Just then the landrover appeared, it's brakes squeaking to a loud halt. Inside Slugger looked as if he'd just seen a ghost, whilst Ron was grinning back at everyone like a 'Cheshire cat'.

The Colonel turned around and casually remarked, 'Any news on your holiday plans yet, Slugger?' The Colonel had been informed by Dora that he was planning to go on a visit abroad, 'Perhaps we can all come along with you Slugs, as I think we all deserve one too!'

As everyone laughed, Slugger muttered to the Colonel, ' I haven't decided as yet sir, cos Dora reckoned I should look in on the travel agents first- to see where I wanted to go first, an' pr'haps pick up some brochures on the way back like.'

Slugger was furious the others were aware that he was now planning on going on a holiday- but at least they didn't know where and what it was about - he thought.      

Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2009, 01:15:22 PM »
Steve and Hazel started to prepare the stable for the latest addition to Dora’s Collection.

“Don’t you think Sluggers acting a bit funny about this holiday of his?”

Steve shrugged and continued shaking fresh straw around the stable.

“I mean, why he is going on holiday anyway, he never goes on holiday.” Hazel persisted.

“Look just leave it Hazel, if he wants to tell us anything he will in his own good time.”

“Oh you reckon do ya?” Ron appeared in the doorway.

“Do you know something about it Ron?” Hazel grasped his arm excitedly.

“No he doesn’t, he’s just stirring things up as usual!” Steve glowered at Ron.

“Ah well that’s where your wrong matey. I ‘appened to see him in the Travel Agents ……”

“You were spying on him!” shouted Steve.

“….and he was acting very furtive like. He’s definitely up to sumfing.”

Hazel’s eyes shone. She loved to find out gossip.

“If you take my advice you’ll leave Slugger well alone the pair of you.” warned Steve.

Ron and Hazel had no intention of doing any such thing….   

Offline Rob

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2009, 08:06:58 PM »
The phone rang and Slugger rushed to pick it up. It was Lilian, the nice girl he'd been talking to at the travel agents. She'd been able to make a provisional booking for him on a flight to Sydney via Bangkok. Of course, he'd have to get his passport sorted out!

"Did you want me to book a stop-over for you in Bangkok?" Lilian asked. "Very popular, Bangkok is, with travellers."

Slugger had an idea. "Bangkok's in Thailand, isn't it?"

"That's right. Lots of things to do there. Great nightlife, and of course all the lovely old temples!"

"Do you hapen to know if it's near a place called, er, Kan-cha-na-berry?"

"Ooh, I dunno. I'll ask out Noreen. She's our expert on South-East Asia! She did the hippy trail with her boyfriend back in the Sixties!"

The line went quiet. He thought he'd got the name right. It was the cemetery where old Alf, his best mate at school, was buried. He'd joined the army and been captured by the Japanese in the War. He'd died working on a railway the Japs were building to Burma. The Death Railway, they'd called it. Thirty years ago he'd told Alf's widow that one day he'd go to the cemetery and put some flowers on the grave. And now perhaps he could.

Lilian's voice rang out "We've found it. You can easily do it as a day trip from Bangkok. There are trains and buses, or you may like to book a chauffeur-driven car from your hotel!"

Slugger thanked her and rang off, promising he'd be back the next day with the passport-sized photos. He then crept into the Colonel's study. Somewhere he knew there was a World Atlas. He found it on a dusty shelf. It was so old that half the countries were coloured the British Imperial pink! But he found what he wanted - a map of Thailand. Here was Bangkok, and there was - Kanchanaburi! He traced the route with his thumb.

"Hey there Shuggs, what's this?" Slugger jumped up as Ron put his head around the door. "Looks like you're planning a trip to the Exotic East!"

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2009, 12:33:51 PM »
Ron wants to mind his own business muttered Slugger and hastily put the atlas back.

“Come on Sluggs what’s goin’ on? Are you really goin’ on an ‘oliday?” Getting no reply he tried a different approach.

“I’ve got to go inter town, get some horse feed for the nags, you want to come?”

“Well I do have something I’ve gotta do in town so yeah, drop me off on your way through to the feed merchants.” Great thought Slugger a chance to get those passport photos done. He won’t be able to follow me if he’s doing an errand for Dora.

“Right, I’ll go and get the land rover started up” and Ron hastily left the room in search of Hazel.

On finding her in the tack room he whispered “ere ‘azel come quickly, I gotta plan to find out wot sluggs is up to.” He quickly explained. “You go and hide in the back of the land rover and when I drop Sluggs off, slip out and follow ‘im. Find out what ‘es up to”

“He’ll see me hiding, there’s hardly any room in the back of that landrover!” protested Hazel.

“Nah ‘e won’t, just throw this horse blanket over you, now ‘urry up, ‘es comin!”

“And how am I supposed to get home if it’s full of horse feed?”

“We’ll worry about that later, just ‘urry up!” Ron shoved her towards the door and Hazel raced across the yard, flinging herself into the back of the land rover. She was just flattening herself down and pulling the blanket over her head as Slugger got in the front whistling happily. At last he was getting somewhere! There would be no stopping him once he’d got his passport done…

Offline Rob

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2009, 03:47:57 PM »
The land rover came to a halt at the traffic lights near Tockwith bus station.

"You might as well drop me off 'ere!" said Slugger. I'll meet up with you back at the feed merchants."

"But that's not a safe place to stop!", said Ron. "What if the lights change?"

"You're going mad, you are!" said Slugger. Nothing coming behind us, perfectly safe!" And he opened the passenger door and slid out. Seconds later the light changed to green.

"That's messed things up! What do we do now?" shouted Hazel from the back.

"How the hell did I know he was going to hop out there?" asked Ron. "Look, he was walking towards the bus station. I'll pull in as soon as I can and you can walk back there!"

"But why do you think he wanted the bus station?"

"Dunno. He was looking at a map of Thailand last time I saw 'im. and I didn't think West Yorkshire Buses went that far!"

Slugger meanwhile was sitting on a strange circular stool in a little booth marked "Photo-Me". He had put four 10p pieces into the slot and the machine was supposed to take four different photos. The first time the flash came, he blinked. He then realised he'd left his cap on, and was halfway through pulling it off when the second flash came. But he managed to hold his pose for the last two photos - and two photos was all he needed, according to the form he'd got from the travel agents.

The machine took a long time to produce the photos. Slugger was waiting impatiently outside the machine when all of a sudden Hazel came along!

"Now, what are you doing here, Slugs?" smiled Hazel.

"Oh my Gawd!" thought Slugger, "that needs some quick thinking!" But at least Hazel was a newcomer to the farm and didn't know him all that well. He had an idea...

"Hazel, I want you to promise that you won't tell this to anybody else at Follyfoot!"

"Don't worry, of course I won't. It'll be our little secret!"

"Well, Hazel, you see, it's a hobby of mine. I'm a bus-spotter!"

"A - what?"

"I go to the bus station and write down the numbers of all the different buses. They're very interesting. That newish one there, see that's a Leyland National!" Slugger squinted at the badge on the front and hoped Hazel was taking it all in.

"But it's nice to have a hobby. My parents, they were never interested in anything. Except money. Why don't you tell the others?"

"What, and put up with all the teasing I'd get from Ron? Now listen, young lady, there's supposed to be a special new type of National Express coach due in five minutes and I don't want to miss it. Why don't you walk down to the cafe in the Shambles and order us both a coffee. I'll join you there!"

"OK!" Hazel took the proffered pound note and walked slowly away, keeping an eye on Slugger.

Slugger heard a click behind him. His four mugshots had come out of the little slot on the outside of the photo machine. He picked them up and sprinted to the travel agents.

Lilian greeted him with a smile. "Mr Jones, you've got the photos?"

"Take a look at these. Reckon that two of them may be alright!"

"I don't think the authorities would like the two in the top row, but the others should be OK. Now, I've made up a file for you with all your hotel reservations and other arrangements. And here's your bill. That includes the passport application."

Slugger took out his cheque book and wrote a cheque.

"We'll post your passport and the air tickets to... er, Follyfoot Farm, isn't it?"

"Yeah, that's right!"

"And is there anything else I can get for you?"

"Well, yes, actually." Slugger was sure he had seen Hazel pass the window, even though that wasn't the quickest way to get to the Shambles. He didn't trust her any more than he trusted Ron.

"You see that big brochure up there on Skegness?"


"Please can I have it to hide all my paperwork inside? There's certain people I don't want to know about this trip!"

Slugger walked out of the travel agents proudly carrying a huige glossy brochure on Skegness and sauntered off to join Hazel in the cafe.

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline squeakytre

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2010, 06:41:15 PM »
The door of the cafe' opened and a familiar figure walked in. Slugger could see Hazel was sat down next to the window eating a slice of cake and sipping a mug of tea. 'Ere Hazel, I'll join you in just one minute- I think I spotted a 'Devon General' earlier -what he was doing way up in Leeds-I've no idea'.

Slugger walked up to the counter and asked for a mug of hot tea and surveyed the fine aray of fresh cakes and buns orderly presented within the glass case. Like Hazel, Slugger enjoyed the odd nibble or two of a cream cake but being a lot larger than young Hazel-and older too-he had to watch his weight, although on this occasion slugger decided he could treat himself, (after all he was now a millionaire), 'I'll have that one please, luv'.

'This one?' The woman pointed at a thick, creamy coloured spongey, lemony slice that had evidently been cut from a much larger cake the night before, at the back of the shop.
'Oh yes! Replied Slugger, 'that'll do nicely'. The lady scooped it up in one go with her wide knife and swiftly plonked it on a plate. 'That will be 20 pence for the tea- an' 30 pence for the slice, sir - 50 pence then please'. Slugger gave the lady a pound note and waited for the change. He glanced back at Hazel and gave her his usual friendly nod and smile. Hazel mischievously smiled back and swigged her tea, then carried on looking through the window at the shoppers who were busy passing by.

Slugger sat down and looked at Hazel's cake now fast dissapearing and thought to himself, 'well she certainly enjoyed that one'. 'Well Hazel, as I was saying, I spotted this Devon General and......'

Next moment, Hazel shouted out- 'Oh look, there's Ron- do you think he's seen us Slugger?    

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Re: New Story - Slugger's Secret.
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2010, 10:00:28 PM »
 'Well Dora, I must say you do seem to go out of your way to find these old nags', the Colonel was driving the horsebox back to Follyfoot farm, 'as I've said before, if this carries on much longer, then there will simply be no more room left to put your strays.'

Dora was sat very quiet in the pasenger seat, mulling over her fortuitous discovery, now tied up in the back of the truck and being taken away to a new home (and a new life). Like the other unwanted, unloved horses that belonged to Dora's ever growing collection, she would make sure that this one, would spend his final days in the safety, warmth and comfort of Follyfoot, amongst the other jades.

At times, Dora was now also getting used to the Colonel's ways- whom the latter these days, would gently and regularly reprove her over her prestigious collection of unwanted horses. In fact, that aside, Dora thought, if she had never had the good fortune to come across them in the first instance (whilst on her daily travels on horseback), most of them - all of them- would, without doubt have eventually found their way into the knacker's yard -and then finally ending up as dogmeat!
Dora became alarmed at this terrible thought and suddenly felt goosebumps run along her spine and across her shoulders, as the truck turned down one of the familiar lanes, leading back towards the farm. The Colonel looked back at Dora,

 'I say, Dora- you haven't listened to a word I've just said to you.' The Colonel sighed, shook his head again and once more repeated himself, 'Dora, if we carry on picking up your strays from all these various places, then we are going to run out of space- it is as simple as that .'