Author Topic: Ron's Romance by Loopylin(Norfolk Dumpling)  (Read 10960 times)

Offline loopylin

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Re: Ron's Romance by Loopylin(Norfolk Dumpling)
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2010, 09:44:44 PM »
Ron was very glad that he had limited his alcohol intake. He had waited a long time for this moment and now intended to enjoy it.
'I hope you're not tired Mrs. Stryker because we've got a lot of loving to catch up on!'

'And I hope you're prepared for a honeymoon baby Mr. Stryker because according to my temperature chart these next few days I'm at my most fertile!
Of course we could wait...' Ron silenced her with a kiss. For the evening Teri had changed into the outfit she'd worn for Steve and Dora's wedding. Ron removed his jacket and she undid his shirt buttons finally slipping it off and kissing his bare chest.

'Cripes Teri-I love you so much and  I've waited all this time and now my fingers are all thumbs' he said fumbling with her clothes.

'No problem' she said undressing quickly and hanging up her clothes. She then finished undressing him and would have hung his up too but he stayed her hand. 'Leave 'em be and come here!'

In a few minutes they were kissing passionately and caressing each other until at last Ron and Teri were one.

Steve and Hazel tried to be quiet when doing the morning chores on Sunday but once the occupants of the two motor homes were up and about there was no further peace to be had. Children banged on the door of the loft appartment until a very sleepy bridegroom, clad in his dressing gown opened the window and called out 'Knock it off kids- Auntie Teri's having a lie in'

'It's no good Ron- you won't get rid of them' she called from the bed where she was putting on her clothes.

'Come on- get dressed- we've got to see them off today.'

Reluctantly Ron did as he was told and when the door was opened they soon disappeared under nieces and nephews. Catherine appeared a few minutes later to shoo them all off for breakfast. Hazel now did most of the cooking at the farmhouse and appeared to tell them that she had cooked them pancakes for breakfast. The meal was followed by fond farewells to Teri's family. Sean and Elizabeth told Dora and Steve that if they wanted somewhere to stay when visiting Kathy in Liverpool there was plenty of room in their house. After everyone had gone Steve, Ron and Slugger went to stack chairs and dismantle tables ready to be collected on Monday. Hazel and the twins got on with exercising horses and Teri went back to the bungalow with Dora to collect the rest of her belongings. Dora put the ketle on later for morning tea and saw to Jeff's needs.

'I expect you'll be glad to have the place to yourselves again' said Teri. 'I hope it hasn't been too much trouble.'

'No- we've quite enjoyed it. As a matter of fact we've had an idea. We may try for permissions to accommodate caravans for a few weeks in the summer- maybe even do bed and breakfast when we've got all the new accommodation and staff sorted out.'

'I could help with that when we start a family. I'll have to do something to earn a bit of money.'

When Steve and Ron came in Teri made tea. Slugger had gone back to the farmhouse.

'I'll go and help Hazel in a bit- she said she'd cook us all lunch.' said Teri.

'I'll come and watch' said Ron.

'You'll come and set the table and find chairs for everyone' said Teri.

'Cor- married less that 24 hours and she's nagging me already!' he said laughing and hugging her to show he was joking. They went of hand in hand.

'They seem happy' said Dora.

'Why don't we go for a drive this afternoon- let them have some time to themselves- Slugger and Hazel are both going out.' suggested Steve.

When everyone including the twins had gone Ron and Teri finished their packing then went back to bed to carry on from where they'd left off when they'd been rudely interrupted earlier. There was no light on when Steve went to settle the horses later and he smiled to himself thinking of Dora waiting for him back home and how he fancied an early night after Jeff had gone to sleep.

Ron's alarm went off at six. As the taxi was not coming to collect them till 10 he woke Teri wityh a kiss and said there was time for a bit of Romancing before they had to get up. 'Then it's Paris here we come!' he said.

That night as they looked out at the Paris skyline from their hotel room on the 5th floor Ron asked Teri if she was happy.

'What do you think? she said.

'I think Mrs Stryker that it's time you showed me you are again- an again- and again.' He punctuated the sentence with kisses. He picked her up and carried her to the bed.

Je t'aime beaucoup' she said.

'Mucky buckets- moi as well! That's the sum total of my French but actions speak louder than words.' He said beginning to remove her clothes.'

'Ooh la la ' she giggled. 'L'amour- c'est magnifique!'

THE END. but the story of our two young couples will continue later in 'Families Matter' later in the year.

linda-norfolk dumpling