Author Topic: Snow at Follyfoot  (Read 7907 times)

Offline Jane

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Snow at Follyfoot
« on: February 05, 2009, 09:07:08 AM »
                        Snow at Follyfoot

Dora peeked through the curtains to see a white landscape. She flew down the stairs bumping into Slugger in the hallway.
"Hey steady on girl...what's up?"
"It's snowing Slugger, I love the snow!"
"Snow she says. All the extra work. All them 'orses stuck in their stables eating us out of 'ouse and 'ome...snow she says" Slugger grumbled.
Dora raced out of the door but was stopped in her tracks as something cold and wet hit her on the head. She turned to see Ron scooping up more snow, an impish look on his face.
"Oh Ron! Just you wait, you'll regret doing that!" and she laughed gleefully as she scooped snow off the top of the wall.
"Oh grow up the pair of you" shouted Steve, his face like thunder and he flung his broom across the yard in a temper and stormed off. Dora stared at him, a hurt look in her eyes, then shrugged her shoulders and flung her snowball wildly in the direction of Ron. It missed and to her horror hit the Colonel.
"Stryker..get back to work and Dora?.."
"Yes Uncle" she tried to stifle a laugh as he wiped snow from his jacket.
"Whats wrong with Steve? He's been like a bear with a sore head since yesterday morning"
"Don't know Uncle"
"Well see if you can find out can you?"
"Yes Uncle." She went into Coppers stable and rested her head on his neck.
"Oh Copper, I can't ask Steve...he won't tell me anything."
Ron sidled up to the stable door. "Talking to the 'orses again girl? Between us like..." Ron winked and tapped the side of his nose. "He had a letter yesterday. When 'e fought we wern't looking 'e kept 'aving a butchers at it"
A letter! Doras mind started to work overtime. Who was it from? What did it mean? Oh surely it couldn't be from his mother asking for money again. Did this mean he would leave follyfoot like he did once before.... and would he come back? Tears welled up in her eyes.....

Offline Sabrina

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« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2009, 10:53:06 AM »
"Dear Steve," the letter said, "I wanted to apologise for the way I made you walk home from our picnic, the last time we met in the summer. It was rude of me, nd unfair, and I was jealous of your relationship with Dora. You do know she loves you, don't you? And that you love her, even though you fight it with all your might?
"Anyway, Steve, I was wondering how things were between you and Dora. Whether you've made a move on each other and told each other how you really feel. Or whether you have, and it hasn't worked, and perhaps there's room in your heart for me?
"I can't stop thinking about you, you know. You are an exceptional man.
"All love
"PS. Taminy is doing well"

Steve read the letter over and over, his breath visible in the chill air of his little loft above the stables. Why? he muttered to himself. Why now? There was still so much unresolved between him and Dora, so much unsaid, so much undeclared.

He worked with her; she was, in effect, his boss. They'd gone through a rough autumn, fighting ceaselessly it seemed over issues that they should have worked through together, like sending horses to Chadwick's and building new stables. Only now, as the winter had drawn in and they were, by the very nature of the weather, thrown together in each other's company for hours each day, had they started to relax with each other, to joke and try and build a friendship again. An awkward friendship, it was true. One that might never be as strong as before and might not lead into what it deserved to be, something big and wonderful.

The last thing he needed was Wendy back in his life - or was it?
Dreams come true if you want them to...

Offline sue

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« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2009, 12:47:55 PM »
Steve stuffed the letter back in pocket as Dora walked across the yard towards the tack room, where he had supposedly been cleaning the bridles but which still hung over the bench, and the soap and cloth on the windowsill untouched.   He sighed loudly and made his way up to his room; he really didn’t fancy having a confrontation with Dora right at this minute.  He had watched her and Ron messing about in the snow behaving like little children but, he had to admit to himself, having fun. It was good to see Dora laugh; she had a pretty laugh which was all too rarely seen. She definitely had more fun with Ron; he could bring a smile to her face in an instant. What had Steve overheard Ron call him once ... ‘an old square’ and perhaps he was right?  Dora giggled and laughed at Ron’s antics with ease and was very rarely cross or angry with him, even if he was late for work or had skived off, lazing the in hay loft. Steve remembered the day Ron set fire to the barn, Dora had been more concern about Ron and his feelings than the damage to the barn. Steve had wanted to sack him there and then but Dora had refused and yet another argument had ensued between them.
As much as Steve’s heart told him differently, in his head he knew that a relationship with Dora would never work. She wanted and deserved so much more than he could give her. And she deserved to be happy; she was young and needed to have fun in her life, to be able to do spontaneous silly things. He was just too serious and never had found it easy to lighten up. His past had been hard and he had come expect the rest of his life to be more of the same.
He had to be realistic; Dora’s life would be so much better and happier if she was with Ron and besides Wendy’s letter had got Steve thinking more about her. She was so less complicated than Dora. She never made demands on him and apart from that last evening, they had never had a cross word. And then it had been partly his fault, Wendy had refused to take the riding lesson seriously and had been messing about so he had walked off in a mood, wishing that Wendy could have been more like Dora when it came to horses and unthinkingly telling her so. No wonder Wendy told him to go!
“Steve” Dora’s voice called up the stairs. Steve sat quiet and still on his bed, hoping that Dora wouldn’t decide to seek him out and come up to his room.
Dora stood at the bottom of the wooden stairs, her hand resting on the newel post and her foot on the bottom step. Should she go up or even could she? There was a time when she would have run up without thinking. But now!

"all you are, and all you mean to me"

Offline Loopy

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« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2009, 10:42:09 PM »
She hesitated but then called again "Steve, can I come up?"  Steve put his letter under his pillow. "Yes." he replied with a heavy sigh.  Dora stood at the top of the steps, she felt strange being in his room again.  She hadn't been up there for a long time and it brought back memories of their awful argument on that pig of a day when it wouldn't stop raining.  She went over and sat next to him on the bed.  "What's up?" asked Steve.  Dora was taken aback by the tone of his voice.  "I was going to ask you the same thing." she said.  "You seem upset - is it something I've done?"  Steve shook his head.  "No Dora, it's not you."  She tried again.  "Ron said you had a letter?"  "Ron should mind his own business." Steve said irritably.  Dora looked at him, trying to get eye contact but Steve just stared down at the floor.  Dora saw how tense he was.  "Steve you know you can talk to me don't you?"  Steve stood up and went to the window, looking out on the snowy landscape.  Dora stood behind him.  She had to know what was upsetting him.  "Please Steve, I may be able to help." she said.  Steve rounded on her, his voiced raised.  "Look, Dora there's nothing you can do.  I have to sort this out for myself!"  
He saw tears welling up in her eyes and knew that he'd spoken too harshly.  "Dora I'm sorry." he said, softer now, his eyes looking into hers.  "We used to share things." she said sadly, trying desperately not to cry.  Steve nodded.  "I know." he said tenderly.  He stayed staring into her eyes.  He felt confused by his feelings.  He had never felt this way when he looked into Wendy's eyes.  His head was telling him one thing and his heart another.  He always went with his head - so why did he feel it was wrong this time?  Why the hell had Wendy written to him?  He wished he'd never opened the damned letter.  Dora could see in his face that he was struggling.  "Oh Steve, what is it?"  He looked at her worried expression, thought for a moment and then sat down on the bed again, taking the letter from under his pillow.  He stared at it in his hand.  Should he show her?  He so wanted to be honest with her.  He hated secrets and lies.  His hand was shaking now as he stood up and faced her.  

Someone's got to care

Offline dave

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« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2009, 07:26:59 PM »
“Please Steve”, Dora put her hand forward indicating that she wanted to read the letter. After a brief hesitation Steve drooped his head and sat on the bed while at the same time offered the letter to Dora.

Snow had built up on the small hay loft bedroom window and there was barely enough light for Dora to read the letter, but read she must.

Some moments into reading it and the colour in Dora’s face began to drain. She was shocked and upset at what Wendy had said, dropped the letter and rushed to the steps clumsily. Steve, realising how hurt Dora was, jumped up and chased after her.

At the bottom of the steps they collided and fell into a pile of straw bedding placed ready for Copper. Steve had a funny feeling inside, something he did not understand, as he found himself in this accidental embrace. While Dora’s response to their situation was one of goose-bumps. A weird feeling, but she liked it.

Not a word was said, but Steve and Dora looked into each others’ eyes, with enlarged pupils, and as both stared at each other they felt compelled to move their heads closer, and closer to one another. As their eyes closed, their engorged lips touched. Both were overcome with a wonderful, euphoric feeling, never before experienced by either of them. Soon, Steve’s arms wrapped around Dora’s body in a purposeful embrace. Dora responded and placed both hands behind Steve’s head, to hold the kiss. A kiss that seemed to last forever.

“Oh Steve, I love you” Dora said with passion. “I love you too Dora” Steve replied as he remained embracing her in the straw.

Suddenly, Dora gave out a loud shocking scream. A large rat ran across the stable floor. At the same time Steve’s alarm clock started to go off…..

©author 2009

Offline folly3

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« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2009, 10:13:40 PM »
And Steve awaked with a sudden. What a lovely dream, he thought and smiled. If it could be as easy as this in real life with Dora, and as beautiful! Then some minutes later he remembered what had happened in real life the day before in his loft, when Dora had asked him to show her the letter. He really had wanted to tell her the truth, but somehow he couldn`t. To his own embarrassment he had told her something like: "There was only a letter from an old friend. You really can`t help me." And Dora, feeling that that wasn`t the truth, had just nodded and rushed down the stairs to hide her tears. Steve had smashed himself unhappily on the bed and must have been fallen asleep.
 A short glance on the alarm clock beside his bed showed him, it was already the next morning. He put on his clothes in a sudden hurry on descended down the stairs. "What a mess I did with my lie!" he thought by himself. "I should have told Dora about Wendy."
 When he entered the kitchen there was only a short notice from Dora on the table. "Hallo, Steve," was written on it. "I´ve already done my job in the stable for today. I`m visiting my uncle for some hours. I`ll be back in the afternoon." Before he could think about it, somebody knocked on the door. In a sudden reflex he opened the front door, and there she was: Wendy.....

Offline sue

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« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2009, 07:01:27 PM »
“Wendy!” Steve couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice.
“Hello, Steve.” She said smiling brightly. Steve had forgotten how beguiling her smile was, and her hair, it was even more golden yellow than he remembered.
“Well, aren’t you going to ask me in?” Wendy said. Steve realised he had been staring at her.
“Oh, erm. Yes, of course. Come in.” He stepped back, opening the door wider and allowing her to pass.
In the kitchen, Wendy turned to him. “You don’t mind me dropping in, do you? Only I was passing and I thought I see how you were.”
“Er... no, of course not.” Steve said nervously gesturing to a chair. “Take a seat.”
“Thank you.” Wendy sat down on the nearest chair by the kitchen table and took off her  multi-coloured gloves and woolly scarf placing them on the table.
“Coffee, tea?” Steve asked picking up the kettle.
“Coffee, thank you” Wendy answered. “Steve?”
“Yes.” Steve replied fetching two mugs from the dresser.
“Did you get my letter?”
“Yeah, I did.” Steve sighed, turning to Wendy.
“Well?” She asked, her eyes searching his. “How are you and Dora, are you..?”
“Wendy.” Steve sat down on a chair next to her. He put his hand to his face and rubbed his chin. “It’s not that easy or simple. Our relationship is... very complicated.”

In the yard, Dora trotted through the gate, chiding herself for forgetting to pick up the paperwork she was supposed to take to her Uncle. Immediately she saw Wendy’s yellow sports car parked at the side of the farmhouse and brought Copper to an abrupt halt.  Looking towards the house, through the kitchen window she could see Steve and Wendy, obviously in a very intimate tete-a-tete. Steve's hand came up and stroked Wendy’s blonde hair. Dora gasped out loud, and with a sharp tug of the reins jerked Copper roughly around and galloped out of the yard.
Ron, who had seen what Dora had, pulling his old great coat around himself began to snigger and shouted after her. “Hey, Dora, it seems like Venus is back in alignment with the rest of the planets.”
“You’ve got a feather in your hair.” Steve said as he brought his hand back down, dropping the feather on the floor. “Back to Dora and myself....”

"all you are, and all you mean to me"

Offline Pen.

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Snow at Follyfoot
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2009, 08:18:40 PM »

Just at that moment the door opened and in strode Ron.  
"Wotcha Wendy, long time no see.  You making coffee Steve me old mate?    Great, just what us workers need!"  Ron grinned his most charming grin at Wendy then turned and winked at Steve.  
Steve stood up, scraping his chair backwards as he picked up the empty mugs.  It didn't look as though he was going to be able to finish this conversation with Wendy in privacy now that Ron had stuck his nose firmly into the situation.  To be honest, Steve wasn't at all sure yet what he wanted to say to her anyway, and a bit of thinking time might be no bad thing, but Heaven only knew what twisted version of events Ron would pass on to Dora when she returned.

The next few minutes were some of the most uncomfortable Steve had ever had. Ron chatted cheerily to Wendy and insisted on staying in the kitchen until he had drained his cup.   As he finally left the room he casually dropped into the conversation the fact that he had seen Dora riding off soon after Wendy's arrival.
"Such a shame she had to go riding off in such a hurry," he mused, "She'll be sorry to have missed you."  
Steve’s brow furrowed and he stared at the floor, taking in the full import of what Ron had said.  Dora had been here, had no doubt seen Wendy’s car and had then ridden off at speed.  What would she be thinking?  How would he ever get the chance to explain to her that none of this was of his choosing?  

He was brought back to the present by the touch of Wendy’s hand on his arm.  
“I said I think I’d better be going.” She said.  
“Sorry?” Steve realised he had been miles away, worrying and fretting about Dora and he hadn’t even spoken to Wendy since Ron had left the room.  
“Look, it’s pretty obvious that you’re not thrilled to see me.”  Wendy smiled ruefully at him.  
“It’s not that.”  Steve tried to gather his thoughts. “It’s just, like I said, it’s complicated.”
“I don’t see why.”  Wendy picked up her gloves and scarf. “Either you’re pleased to see me or you’re not. Either you and Dora are together, or your not.  What’s so complicated?”  “I’ll let myself out.”
And she closed the door behind her, leaving Steve staring at it, deep in thought, long after he had heard her sports car’s throaty engine roaring into life…
Rainbow chasers of the world unite!

Offline Loopy

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« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2009, 08:52:03 PM »
Wendy drove fast.  She was furious that Ron had come in when he did.  Steve didn't even notice her once Ron had mentioned Dora.  She thought she was in with a chance with Steve this time and she was cross that Dora still had some sort of hold over Steve.  Perhaps she's a witch, thought Wendy, and he's under her spell.
The roads were still icy and it had started snowing hard again but Wendy's thoughts were on other things and she didn't see the horse and rider in front of her.  By the time she noticed it was too late.  She jammed the breaks on.  The back of the car spun around and try as she might Wendy couldn't stop the inevitable collision. 

"Ron. I'm going out.  You're in charge." Steve shouted.  Ron put up his hand and went into the house.  Steve had to find Dora and explain.  Oh why didn't I just show her the letter when I had the chance, he thought.  He decided to take the Land Rover and go across to the Colonel's house to see if she was there. The weather had now taken a turn for the worse and strong winds were adding to the already harsh conditions.   Steve was worried.  What if she wasn't there?  What if she'd gone off on her own?  He wouldn't know where to start looking.

He started the Land Rover and carefully drove out of the gate into the arctic conditions.

Someone's got to care

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« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2009, 06:19:27 AM »
It was all so quiet.

The sports car's engine had come to a ragged halt, and steam hissing from the radiator was the loudest sound in the snowy landscape. Falling snow melted on the car's bonnet, and started to form a chilly blanket over the rider lying in the ditch.

A chestnut horse nuzzled the fallen rider, reins over its head. Nudge, nudge, the urgent call to wake up and get moving to shelter. But the rider lay at an awkward angle, hard hat a yard away. The horse limped a stride away, ears flickering, head held high, for the sound of humans who might come to help.

Wendy lifted her head from the steering wheel with a groan. The world swam and spun, and a tentative exploration of her face told her she had a lump on her forehead the size of a duck's egg, and her nose was bleeding. Blearily she looked at her jeans - they were stained with splatters of blood. For a moment Wendy's world went fuzzy, and she fought faintness.

It took her a minute, sitting back in the driver's seat with her eyes closed, to remember what happened. Then it played across her vision like a movie. The chestnut horse, the bend in the road, the snow that caused her braking car to spin across the road, and now there was sound as well, the awful sound of the horse screaming and the rider shrieking as both were pushed to the ground. Someone else was screaming too, and she realised it was herself.

She opened her eyes, and saw the horse and rider through the steam rising from her car.

"No!" Wendy gasped. "Oh, no!"
Dreams come true if you want them to...

Offline Jane

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« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2009, 09:16:12 AM »
Steve pulled up outside the colonels house and leapt out of the landrover leaving the door open in his hurry to see if Dora was there. He hurtled through the door and raced into the colonels study to see Dora and the Colonel nursing cups of tea. Dora refused to look at him but the colonel said "Steve what's all the panic?"
In his confusion Steve turned to Dora and said "I hope Wendy is O.K. driving that sports car on a night like this."
Dora scowled then leaped up slamming her cup onto the table and brushed past Steve muttering "as long as Wendys O.k. thats all you care about!"
"Maybe you should go and have a drive along the road Steve" said the Colonel "she might have got stuck somewhere." .
Steve turned and followed Dora out into the snow, he grabbed her shoulder spining her round "I came looking for you Dora" She shrugged his hand off and turned away.

At that moment they heard sirens wailing in the distance.....

Offline dave

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« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2009, 01:39:11 PM »
Dora stepped outside of the Colonel’s house and heard the trotting of a horse coming towards here along the snow covered track. As it came closer into view Dora thought to herself, that’s strange it looks like Chip’s horse, but why no rider?

The panicked horse seemed to mysteriously settle down as it approached Dora, who could see that it had an injury to its hind quarters. She shouted, “Steve, come quickly”. Steve dashed out of the house and could see that Dora was calming the horse down.

“We need to get him to the vet’s Steve, he’s really badly cut, please Steve” Dora said forcefully. Steve replied “I’ll go and get the horse box, you stay here with the Colonel and look after the horse.” The Colonel, who had also by now come out, said, “I’ll get a blanket, we don’t want him to get cold after that gallop, he’s been sweating and it’s so cold out here”.

Steve set off back to Follyfoot for the box. It was not long before he could see a blue flashing light along the road ahead. Soon is heart missed a beat as he could see a crashed yellow sports car and not only a blond girl beside it, but it was Wendy. The ambulance men were stretchering off an injured person into the back of their vehicle.

Steve stopped and asked a shocked looking Wendy, “What’s happened, are you all right?” Wendy replied in a dazed manner, “yes, yes, I’m okay, but look at him”, directing her gaze towards the ambulance.

Steve said, “Oh no, it must be Chip, his horse as just galloped up to the Colonel’s house and Dora is looking after him.”

Wendy, still in shock, bent down to pick up an object that Chip had dropped when his horse was hit by her car. “You had better take this Steve and look after it for him then.”

One of the ambulance men said “Well come on young lady we are setting off to the hospital and you will need to come too for a check up. “Is he going to be okay”, Wendy asked about the casualty. “He was lucky, very lucky. Hardly any young ones wear helmets because they think they are boring to their friends, but this guy was wearing one. It saved him and he should make a good recovery from his dislocated shoulder and cuts.

Steve thought, I must follow the ambulance and make sure Wendy has a friend with her at the hospital. Then his thoughts turned to Dora who was expecting the horse box. What shall I do? “Damn”, he exclaimed and gave a bigger than usual sigh.

As Steve took a closer look at the parcel, he noticed it said ‘To Dora’ on it, and ‘Open on the 14th’. Since it was 9th of February, Steve realized the parcel was intended for Dora to open on Valentine’s Day, just five days away. His mind was now in turmoil and he could not think properly. What do I do now, he thought.

©author 2009

Offline folly3

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« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2009, 10:19:48 PM »
With a little stitch of jealousy Steve put the parcel roughly into his pocket. Then he made his decision: It was Dora who needed his help with the injured horse first, not Wendy. Dora relied on him, he thought, I can`t disappoint her for the second time. If Wendy needs help in the hospital, he thought by himself, she still had the possibility, to phone her Dad, Mr. Bendiger, to look after her and comfort her.

Steve started the motor of the horsebox and drove through the thicker falling snow to the Colonel`s house. When he arrived, Dora and the Colonel already stood in the yard, looking at him awaitingly. Dora`s face was filled with worries and Steve told her in a solft voice: "Let`s go to the stables, Dora, and we should bring Chip`s horse back to Follyfoot."
He jumped from the front seat, whilst speaking, turned round to Dora and with a light sound something fell out of his pocket, directly on the snowy ground, just in front of Dora´s feet. It was the golden ribboned Valentine`s parcel with thousands of little red hearts on the paper.....

Offline Loopy

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« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2009, 01:06:22 PM »
They both stood looking down at the present between them.  
"Chip was bringing it over for you, before the accident." said Steve.
Dora bent down and picked it up.  Underneath was a letter, the white envelope almost hidden in the snow except for the smudged black writing on the front.  Dora recognised it as the letter Steve lied to her about.  No need for lies now though, Dora knew exactly who it was from.  She picked it up too and stood up.  Steve had forgotten he'd put the fated letter in his pocket.  He couldn't risk leaving it under his pillow for somebody else to find, it was far safer to have it with him - or so he had thought!  
Dora looked down at the letter as she passed it to Steve.  He took it from her, her tears splashing his hand as he did so.  
"I need to go to the hospital Steve... to see Chip." she said in a shaky, toneless voice.  
Steve felt wretched.  It was as though somebody had reached inside him and ripped out his heart.  There was a hole that couldn't be filled.  
I've lost her! he thought to himself.  I've lost her!

The Colonel was glad that they weren't going to try and get the horses back to Follyfoot in the terrible conditions.  He would stable them and see that the vet was called for Chip's horse. He gave Steve the keys to his Land Rover instead.

The drive to the hospital was horrendous not just because of the trecherous roads, but because Dora didn't speak or even look at Steve.  When they arrived the receptionist directed them to Chip's ward.  
"I want to see him alone." said Dora.  Steve frowned, the hurt inside him now showing on his face too.  He turned away and walked outside into the corridor.
Dora carried on walking down the ward to find Chip, still carrying the present.  When she arrived there was somebody else with him.
Oh God! thought Dora.  It's Wendy!  

Someone's got to care

Offline Jane

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« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2009, 01:51:53 PM »
Wendy sat on a chair beside the bed, her arm in plaster and her face covered in cuts and bruises.

“I‘m so sorry Chip, I should never have been driving fast in the icy conditions. But I was hurt by Steve’s obvious love for Dora that I just saw red”

Chip shrugged his shoulders but winced as pain shot across his side. He had sustained cracked ribs and a broken femur where his horse and fallen on him. He was lucky to be alive.

“I love Dora and I’m hoping that she feels the same way about me. I was on my way with a valentine gift for her when…..” he stopped and turned his head away from Wendy, unwilling to let her see the tears in his eyes. At that moment a nurse bustled into the ward. “Visiting time over I’m afraid.” Wendy stood up and slowly left the ward to see Dora hovering outside, and behind her, coming up the corridor, was Steve....