Author Topic: The New Venture  (Read 2397 times)

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2024, 05:41:38 PM »
'I thought you seemed to be getting along a lot better lately.'
'Yes. I've finally admitted to myself that I love her not as a sister but as my own very special girl.'
'That pleases me a great deal and I'll do anything I can to help you.'
Steve wished the colonel goodnight and had a quick shower before settling into bed with his book but he only managed a couple of pages before sleep claimed him. He woke before his alarm went off and got up immediately. He was soon doing his morning chores whistling happily. The horses greeted him enthusiastically nuzzling his hands in search of the horse nuts he always gave them. He laughed as he produced some from his pocket and received gentle licks in return. His chores done for the moment Steve had a strip wash leaving his shower till later. When he was on his way downstairs he smelled bacon being cooked and was soon tucking in to several perfectly cooked rashers with fried egg, tomatoes and mushrooms.
'You spoil me, Mrs. P.'
'You deserve it. You work so hard and I know you've already done a lot this morning..'
Steve couldn't help but feel a bit guilty being treated so well in her uncle's house while Dora was still having to suffer Slugger's burnt offerings. No sooner had he downed the last mouthful of his second cup of tea than a horsebox drew up followed by a sleek black car. Steve hurried out to greet the driver who held out his hand.
'Mark Sullivan- you must be Steve.'
'Yes, pleased to meet you.'
The horsebox driver and passenger had got out of the vehicle and opened the back of it.
'The chestnut is called 'Shalimar'. He can be a bit of a handful which is why I brought him to you.' said Mark. 'The grey is 'Tornado. He's very nervous so I hope you'll be able to calm him down.'
'The colonel's niece, Dora, is very good with nervous animals and she'll be helping me with their care.'
'Here's a cheque for the first month. I hope you don't mind if I come and check on them after that. It will give them time to settle in'
'Of course, you're welcome any time.' said Steve going over to the new arrivals holding out his hand to offer them horse nuts. He spoke to them softly and Mark felt confident that h had left his horses in good hands.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2024, 10:50:53 PM »
He took his leave sketching a wave and the horsebox driver helped Steve to settle the two horses in their new homes before driving off himself with his passenger. Steve took his time getting to know the new arrivals then went to report to the colonel and hand over the cheque. Later he cycled over to Follyfoot and found Dora in Copper's stable looking harassed'
'Dora, is everything alright?' he asked.
'No, Ron hasn't showed up and we're all behindhand.'
'Finish Copper, tell me what needs doing then go and get a coffee but first come and give me a good morning hug and kiss.'
Dora went into his open arms and lifted her face for his kiss instantly feeling loved and safe.
'Mmmnn, more please.'
He kissed her again.
'Can you see to Samson and Delilah please Steve. They don't seem to be settling in at all.'
They had taken in the two horses belonging to the Derwent sisters when Hazel, who had been riding over to their place each day to care for them said it was getting too much for her with her increased duties at Follyfoot. Ron was supposed to be taking her there on the Tiger but lately he'd said he was too busy which was why she'd had to resort to going on horseback which at least gave one animal some exercise each day. Steve left Dora to carry on with Copper's care and went to the stables where the two old horses were seeing at once that they were restless.
'Hey up you two, what's wrong eh?'
He stroked them both and continued talking softly to them while offering them horse nuts which they both refused. Their food was also untouched. Steve went back to Dora.
'They're definitely pining love and if they can't go back to their own stables we'll have to bring Emily and Agnes here to visit them. Has Ron turned up yet?'
'Right well I need to get back on to the college about sending us students on day release. I'll go and see what I can sort out now and when Ron arrives perhaps he can go to the Derwent's. If I'm not mistaken that's him arriving now. '
Ron came and found them and when Dora told him what they wanted him to do he shook his head.'
'Sorry girl, that's not going to happen. The reason I'm late is because I've been to the doctor. Me dad's been complaining because I've been keeping him awake nights with me coughing. I've got a chest infection and I'm on antibiotics. I've got to go for an Xray to make sure it's nothing serious. I can't work as I have to rest, I just came to bring yo my sustificate. I don't know when I'll be back, I'm sorry.'
'Oh mate!' said Steve and Dora bit her lip trying not to cry.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2024, 03:22:19 PM »
Slugger came out of the farmhouse and glared at Ron.
'Yer breakfast is all dried up. Yer'll have to make do with toast.'
'Sorry me old mate. I've gotta go. I'll leave these two to explain.'
He rode off and Dora couldn't stop her tears as Steve explained what was happening to Ron. Then he took Dora in his arms knowing that he had to take control.
'Slugs, go make some strong tea please. Dora, dry your eyes and come inside. I'm going to ring the college and then go and fetch the Derwents to spend some time with their horses. Hopefully this will help them settle down. Where's Hazel?'
'Exercising Moonfleet. She should be back soon.'
He telephoned the college and then the colonel to let him know what was going on. Then, after drinking his tea he telephoned the Derwents
and told them he was going to pick them up.
'Good news girl. The college will send us two students in their final year for 4 hours every weekday for the remainder of this term. It will count towards their work experience. We'll have to manage today but they should be here tomorrow. I've told uncle I'll have a snack here for lunch, I'll pick something up as well as extra milk and biscuits before I pick up Agnes and Emily. Will you be okay now Dora?'
She flung her arms round his neck.
'Yes Steve. Oh I do love you, please don't work too hard.'
Steve's lovely brown eyes sparkled as he hugged her close to him.
'Hard work never hurt anyone and now I feel settled and happy with you I'll work as hard as I can for us. Now don't you work too hard either.'
The colonel phoned and asked Slugger to pick him up so he could support Dora while Steve was away. He said he would bring food for lunch from Mrs. Porter so Steve didn't have to worry about that.
'I want you to come over for your evening meal Dora so you and Steve can have some time together and your room is always ready if you want to stay overnight any time. Mrs Porter is going to cook enough for you and Hazel too Slugger so you can help with the horses and pick your food up later.'
'Thanks uncle, I may stay over tonight so Steve doesn't have to turn out to bring me back after he's been on the go all day.'
Emily and Agnes spent a considerable time with Samson and Delilah and Steve worked hard while he waited to take them back. Slugger had driven the Colonel home as soon as Steve got back from doing that. He had been pleased that the horses had eaten their food and told the sisters that he wouldn't be able to collect them every day but hoped they would settle now.
'If they don't, ring us and we'll get a taxi here. We're so grateful for what you're doing for them.'
Mrs Porter had given Slugger a casserole and vegetables for their tea and he was looking forward to doing it justice. Steve helped Dora Hazel and Slugger with the Follyfoot evening chores then he and Dora went to do the same at the colonel's. They were both really tired but revived after a hot shower and the delicious evening meal. They settled down on the sofa together to watch television but soon sleep claimed both of them.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2024, 10:07:17 PM »
A little later Mrs Porter entered the lounge carrying a tray with two mugs of hot chocolate and some chocolate digestive biscuits.
'Miss Dora' she said giving her hand a gentle pat. Dora woke up.
'Oh Mrs. Porter, thankyou, you shouldn't have bothered.'
'I always make some for the colonel. Steve usually takes it to him and collects his own but I thought as you're here I'd bring it in. I've taken your uncle his. It helps him sleep and keeps him off the whisky. I'll say goodnight now.'
'Goodnight, sweet dreams' said Dora and gently nudged Steve awake.
'I'm sorry girl. I didn't mean to fall asleep.'
'It's okay. You were very tired and I had a nap too. Best have this and be off to bed. We'll need to get up at 5am won't we?'
'I usually do but you don't have to be that early.'
'I do if I'm helping you.'
Their goodnight kisses were sweet and tender but Steve got up abruptly and took the mugs to the kitchen to wash. Dora appeared at the kitchen door and said
'I'll go up then.'
'Yeah, I'll see you in the morning.'
When they were in the stables the next day Dora said
'What went wrong last night Steve?'
'Went wrong- what do you mean?'
'You left me rather suddenly to wash up.'
'Oh that.'
'Yes that Steve.'
He turned to face her and took her in his arms.
'Do you really not know?'
'How could I?'
'Sweet Dora. I keep forgetting how innocent you are. When a bloke really fancies a girl it's not just what he says or the shared kisses, it's how his body reacts to her one part in particular!'
'Oh you mean--'  but she couldn't go on and blushed in embarrassment.
'I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to be crude but last night after you'd been sitting all cuddled up on my lap I wanted you so much that if we'd stayed there much longer I would have done things I shouldn't.'
'Oh Steve. I want us to well you know. What are we going to do?'
'We must try and not get ourselves in that sort of situation again.'
'But if it's what we both want.'
'Your uncle and Slugger would not approve especially as technically we've not been together all that long as a couple and I'm sorry I'm not ready to consider marriage or even an engagement.'
'Me neither but Ron makes no secret of how he behaves with his girlfriends.'
'We know what he says he does but we don't know how much is true, anyway I'm not Ron.'
'Thank goodness!'
'Come on let's get on with our work, we'll talk more later.'
'I promise'' he said giving her a hug.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2024, 05:08:46 PM »
I'm going into town to get some shopping for Mrs P later, anything you want?
'You could get some marshmallows so we can have with the hot chocolate next time we have it together' Steve grinned
'So you're thinking of staying over on a regular basis are you?'
'Yes Steve, because I miss you being at Follyfoot.'
'What does hmmn mean?'
'I've an idea, I'll tell you about it later.'
After morning tea at the farmhouse Steve set off for the shops with his lists. Dora didn't see him again till he went to Follyfoot to help with the evening chores,
'It's a beautiful night, why don't we skip supper, go for a ride and get fish and chips?' he asked.
'That sounds good. I'll tell Slugs.'
Steve whistled his way through the rest of the chores smiling to himself. He got something out of the land rover and put in his saddlebag.
'Ready girl?'
'Yes, let's go.'
He gave her a long loving hug and kiss before helping her into the saddle although she really didn't need help. They let the horses have their heads and stopped before they reached the village. Steve took Dora in his arms and kissed her with a passion they'd never shared before.
'Did you mean it Dora when  you said you wanted us to make love because I think you must have felt my need just then.'
'Yes to both questions, Steve.'
'Well I said we'd talk more today and when I was in town I went into the chemist and bought us some protection so when the time seems right for both of us we can make love without the fear of you getting pregnant.'
'Oh Steve, how can we.....'
'Trust me Dora.'
'I do'
They rode on into the village and bought their supper eating it outside where there were benches provided for the purpose They then went into the pub for a dink and to use their facilities then rode back towards Follyfoot stopping at the secret lake.

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2024, 09:54:49 PM »
Steve drew Alex to a halt and Dora followed suit. She dismounted into his arms. He hugged her close and kissed her tenderly then he took a key from his pocket and headed for the storage shed they had there. To Dora's surprise he took out a pop up tent and two travel rugs. He set up the tent and said 'This will give us a bit of shelter and privacy. He reached into his saddlebag and took out a small packet. 'I brought these with me in case we need them. I'm not saying we will but better to be safe than sorry. He sat down in the tent and Dora joined him.
'This is nice' she said. Steve pulled off his jumper and lay down. Following suit Dora was soon cuddled up in his arms and they were kissing hungrily. Buttons were undone and shirts slipped from shoulders. Slipping his hand inside her bra Steve caressed her gently.
'Take it off Steve' she pleaded. He did so and pulled off his tee shirt. He caressed her breasts again and kissed her nipples. She moaned as he took each one in turn into his mouth. Her hands strayed down to the waistband of his jeans.
'Sweetheart, we don't need to go any further just because I've brought condoms but you can feel how much I want you. There'll come a point soon when I won't be able to stop.'
'I don't want you to' she said easing down first his zip then her own and pushing down their jeans.
'We'll take things as slowly as we can as it's your first time. It may be a bit uncomfortable at first but I'll try not to hurt you.'
Amidst lots of kisses and caresses they divested themselves of the rest of their clothes and once Steve had put on the protection gave themselves to each other only stopping their loving when they heard the horses getting restless.
'You ok sweetheart?'
'Yes. Oh Steve I' so glad you thought of this.'
'We'd best get dressed now' he said 'You take care of the horses while I stow the things away.' He gave her one last kiss then began to get dressed.
'It's okay now while the weather is fine but what are we going to do when it gets cold or windy and wet? ' asked Dora
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2024, 03:23:52 PM »
'Well sooner or later we're going to have to 'fess up'. i don't want to deceive your uncle by us creeping about at night and as for Slugger- well who knows how he'll react so for now we'll take advantage of the fine evenings.'
They turned the horses towards home and anticipating the comfort of their stables they kept up a good pace. It was quite late when Steve got back to the colonel's. He took the land rover for convenience and put the bike in the back. The door was always locked around 9pm and Steve had his own key. He was surprised when Mrs Porter met him in the hallway and she looked worried.
'When I took the colonel his hot drink I thought he didn't look very well. Will you go and see him?'
'Of course.'
'I'll make you a drink.'
Steve hurried up the stairs knocked on the colonel's door and without waiting for an answer went in. The colonel was indeed looking unwell.
'How are you feeling, uncle?'
'Not too good Steve. I need to sit up a bit. Can you fetch me a couple of extra pillows?'
'Certainly, and then I think I should phone the doctor.'
'If you like'
The colonel hated fuss and if he had said yes to telephoning the doctor Steve knew he must be feeling quite ill. He fetched the extra pillows, put them behind the colonel and helped him to sit up.
'I'll go and phone the doctor then bring my drink up and sit with you till he arrives.'
Th doctor was a personal friend of the colonel and said he'd come at once.
'Are you going to phone Miss Dora?' asked Mrs Porter.
'Not tonight unless the doctor thinks it's necessary. I'll see her early tomorrow morning.'
'She'll be cross.'
'I'll risk it. No point in more of us losing sleep tonight.
Steve stayed with the colonel while the doctor examined him.
'You'd benefit from a spell in hospital Geoff' said the friendly physician.
'I'll be fine here. Mrs Porter is used to looking after me and I have Steve here now too.'
'As I understand it Steve is already a very busy young man and you need specialist care either in hospital or from a live in nurse.'
'No way am I being bossed about in my own home!'
'I think we need to talk things over with Dora, Geoff- but not tonight. I'll come back tomorrow before morning surgery and it would be good if Dora could be here too. Meanwhile I think you've got a chest infection. I'll give you a shot of penicillin and something to help you sleep. I'll need you to roll over on your side, can you help please Steve?'
He was shocked at how light the colonel felt and supported him while the doctor administered the medication.
'Try and persuade him to go to hospital Steve. it really would be for the best.' the doctor said as he was shown out.
'Do I need to stay with him tonight?'
'It shouldn't be necessary. The tablets I gave him should help him sleep. You should probably leave his door and yours open in case he needs the toilet but he shouldn't really get out of bed.'
'I know there's a bedpan in his bathroom.' Steve said.
Next morning after he'd been to see the colonel, helped him wit the bedpan and had breakfast Steve went to Follyfoot to greet the students hoping they would be on time so that thy could help Hazel and Ron with the morning chores while Dora accompanied him to the colonel's.
They did not disappoint. Don and Lee obviously loved horses and were well acquainted with how to care for them. Leaving them with Hazel Steve went to find Dora who had just finished breakfast. When he told her about her uncle she shouted
'Why didn't you call me last night?'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2024, 09:57:09 PM »
When Steve explained that his first priority had been to see that her uncle was comfortable for the night and that after he had done this it was too late to telephone Dora calmed down but said she didn't want the colonel to go to hospital.
'I'm no nurse, Dora and you know how busy I am. It's not fair to expect Mrs. Porter to deal with bedpans and your uncle has refused a live in nurse.'
'Slugger helped before.'
'I don't think he could cope this time. Look sweetheart, I must get back in case he needs me. Make sure you come over before nine and whatever the doctor suggests we should try and get your uncle to agree.'
'I'm so glad you were there for him.'
'Me too. I'll take the land rover back with me in case I need it. If Ron's on time get him to bring you over on the 'Tiger'.
Dora went into Steve's open arms. 'I love you, Steve.'
'And I love you. This time promise me you won't shut me out.'
'I promise, I need you so much.'
They shared a long loving kiss before Steve drove away. He checked with Mrs Porter that the colonel had not needed anything while he was gone then went to check for himself how he was. The colonel apologised because he needed the bedpan. Steve said not to worry and dealt with it.
'You shouldn't have to do this, Steve.'
'Don't worry about it. Now I'll bring you a bowl of water so you can freshen up a bit.'
This all took time and before Steve knew it Dora and the doctor arrived. She briefly looked in on her uncle before the doctor examined him and was shocked to see how ill he looked. Steve stayed with the colonel and went to fetch her when the doctor had finished and stood with his arm around her.
'I'll be frank with you Geoff, the best place for you is hospital. There they can provide all the care and treatment you need 2 hours. It's not fair on Steve, Slugger or Mrs. Porter to have the responsibility of caring for you.'
The colonel sighed 'I'd rather die here in my own bed!'
Dora gasped and Steve hugged her tightly.
'You're not going to die if we can help it Geoff. ' said the doctor.
'We need you go get better and be here for us uncle' said Dora and Steve nodded in agreement glad that she had not insisted that they could look after him.
'Oh very well.' said the colonel.
'Good, I'll arrange for an ambulance to pick you up. perhaps one of you could pack a bag for him.
'I'll do it' said Steve.
'Can I go in the ambulance with him?' pleaded Dora.
'Very well but just to see him settled in.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2024, 05:41:42 PM »
'I'll have to stay,' said Steve 'but when you're ready to come home if I can't fetch you someone else will.'
The colonel shook his head. 'There's money in my bedside drawer, Dora, take it and get a taxi back.'
Dora arrived back at Follyfoot at lunchtime. Steve was there and had brought cold meat and a large bowl of  salad from Mrs Porter who rightly said it was far too hot for one of Slugger's stews.
'No visitors this afternoon but we can go for a short time  tonight from 7 0'clock' said Dora.
When Slugger said he would take her Steve' first instinct was to say he'd do it but he realised that Slugger needed to see the colonel for himself so he nodded. Dora said she would stay at the farm for supper so that she and Slugger could get to the hospital in good time. Steve worked hard at Follyfoot and the colonel's and was exhausted by the time all the work had been done. When Dora arrived back from the hospital he was sound asleep in the lounge his book lying on the floor beside his chair and a half empty coffee cup on the table. Dora woke him with a soft kiss on his forehead and gently eased herself onto his lap. He opened his eyes and gave her a loving kiss.
'Hi, how's uncle? 'he said rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
'No change really. They seem to be quite worried about him. I think it's best if Slugger does the afternoon visits taking anyone else who wants to go and we visit in the evening provided you're not too tired' she said.
'I'll be okay. I
'I just need to get to bed reasonably early' said Steve.
'I told Slugger I'm staying here tonight. I need an early night too. 'As she spoke she slid her hands inside Steve's shirt.
'I need you, Steve,'
'Oh Dora, do you think we should?
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2024, 09:50:23 PM »
'I need you Steve, to be held in your arms and comforted and soothed into sleep.'
'What about Mrs. Porter, she usually brings the hot chocolate in around 10pm and if we have it then it won't be a very early night.'
'She takes hers to bed doesn't she?' said Dora.
'Yes and her bedroom is downstairs and next to her sitting room. it's not underneath either of our rooms' said Steve.
'I'll go and make our drinks around 9pm and tell her we're going to have an early night as we need to get up early tomorrow said Dora.
If Mrs Porter was at all suspicious when Dra told her of their plans she said nothing. After they had finished their drinks Steve washed the mugs up as he normally did then made sure everything was secure for the night.
'I don't think I shall need much rocking' he said.
'I should think not after all the work you've done today.'
Steve went to use his bathroom to wash and clean his teeth then made his way quietly to Dora's room. She was sitting on the bed completely naked brushing her hair. Steve was instantly aroused ,took some foil packets from the pocket of his jeans and took off his shoes and socks. Dora pushed him down gently on the bed and began undoing the buttons on his shirt. Her hands slid up under his vest and she pushed it up before laying her head on his chest. He sat up and removed both shirt and vest and her hands strayed to the waistband of his jeans. She eased the zip down and covered his private parts with her hand. He shrugged out of them and Dora began to caress him. He reached for a condom but Dora took it from him and unwrapped it.
'Careful you don't rip it' Steve said as she began to put it on him. For the next few minutes they kissed hungrily and then Steve effortlessly entered her moist and welcoming body. As he moved inside her she gave a little gasp of pleasure and their loving went on for long minutes.
'Mmmn that was so nice.' she said and protested as he withdrew from her.
'Yes, so much nicer than being in the tent but you've worn me out girl.' he said placing the used condom in a plastic bag ready to dispose of later.
'We'll have to see what we can do about that.' she said beginning to stroke and caress his body again.
'Heavens girl, you're insatiable!'
'I just enjoy making love with you.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2024, 05:08:39 PM »
Steve enjoyed her ministrations responding to her touch with kisses until being a fit and health specimen of manliness he was ready to make love again and told her to fit another condom. After she had done so she lay on top of him moving her body across his and brushing her breasts against his chest which quickly aroused him and he caressed her bottom and kissed her nipples before rolling onto his side and entering her again. At last even Dora's appetite was satisfied and after the second condom followed the first she lay sated beside him and was  soon asleep, Steve woke around 4 o'clock and felt instantly aroused once more. Dora was lying half across him and he tried to ease himself out from under her but she woke up and very soon they were making love again. When they were spent instead of sinking back into sleep Steve said 'I'm going for a shower, sweetheart, then I'm getting dressed ready for work.'
'Oh Steve, not yet!' Steve leaned over and kissed her.'
'Yes, I need to be working by five. You can have a bit longer if you like.'
'I'll be up soon' she said but rolled over and went back to sleep. When Steve was dressed he looked in on her and saw she was fast asleep.
He went over and gently kissed her,. 'Come on sleepyhead. I'm just going to have a quick cuppa then I'll be outside. ' As he turned to leave he pulled the covers off her and laughed when she squealed. Downstairs he found Mrs Porter already had the kettle on.
'You're up early, Mrs. P.'
'I didn't sleep very well.'
'I've just looked in on Dora and she was still asleep. Hopefully she'll be down soon.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2024, 03:26:38 PM »
He took the mug of tea that Mrs. Porter offered him.
'Do you think I'll be able to visit the colonel today?' she asked.
'Of course, Slugger's going this afternoon. I'll get him to come and pick you up.' Steve finished his tea and went to start work. It was 20 minutes later when Dora joined him.
'Sorry Steve!'
'It's okay. You were a bit busy last night.' he teased. They worked in harmony together and the early morning tasks were soon done. Steve held out his arms and she went willingly into his embrace. He slid his hands inside her shirt and pushed up her bra cupping her breasts with his hands as he kissed her. She moaned against him and he adjusted her clothes only to cover her buttocks as he kissed her again.
'You young lady gave me the right run around last night so I'm getting my own back!'
Laughing he ran out of the stables leaving Dora to straighten her clothes and regain  her composure before she followed in his wake. when she got to the kitchen after washing her hands he was already seated at the table with a bowl of porridge in front of him. Dora wouldn't normally eat porridge but it smelled delicious and for some reason she felt a lot hungrier than usual. She added a spoonful of syrup and cleared her bowl before following it with her normal toast and marmalade. After that she felt that she would not need much more food until supper but Mrs. Porter gave them a big container of leek and potato soup and a freshly baked loaf for their lunch.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2024, 09:44:40 PM »
With the help of the two students who did 4 hours each every weekday the chores at Follyfoot were soon done and they were set to work cleaning tack. Steve had a shopping list from Mrs Porter and collected one from Slugger. Fortunately the colonel had housekeepers accounts at the butcher and greengrocers so he could use those.
'Why don't you come with me Dora it will give you a break. When we get back we'll exercise some horses.'
 When they had done most of the shopping Dora said she needed to go to the chemist. Steve said he needed something too! They decided to go into the next village rather than cause embarrassment for them in the local one. '
We mustn't be too much longer if we're going to take a couple of the oldies out before lunch which we'll need to have on time so Slugger and Mrs. Porter can get to the hospital.' Steve said. 'By the way how do you think the students are working out?'
'They're both doing fine. I can leave them to it once I've told them what to do. Dave is much more considerate than Ron when he rides his motorbike. He switches it off before he comes in at the gate and wheels it through then does it the other way round when he leaves. Did you notice that Lee gave Hazel a peck on the cheek before he left yesterday?'
'Yes. It would be nice if she could have a few more friends of her own age.' said Steve.
When they got back the students were on the point of leaving and Slugger was having an early lunch sniffing appreciatively at the soup in his bowl. 'I'll go saddle Domino and Moonbeam' said Steve. They only went for a short ride and while Dora heated up their lunch Steve saw to both horses. They ate their lunch together and then Steve went back to the colonel's telling Dora he'd pick her up in time to have their evening meal before gong to the hospital. When Mrs Porter got back she said that the colonel had been a bit quiet during the visit and had asked for some money to be taken in so he could buy a newspaper each day and some sweets. He could not of course smoke his beloved pipe. They had taken him his copy of the Times which was delivered each day but he also wanted something lighter.' We left him doing the crossword.' she said.
Dora and  will take him some sweets tonight. I'll use a note to buy some so he has some change.'
'Good idea, now I'll start getting our meal ready so you'll have plenty of time to see to the horses. Will Miss Dora be staying the night again?'
'I expect so. It saves me having to turn out again later to take her back. Slugs normally urns in around 10 o'clock and we don't like to disturb him'
'No of course not.'
Was Steve mistaken or was there a hint of disapproval in her tone- did she suspect anything? Well really it was none of her business.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2024, 11:59:24 AM »
The meal that night was gammon steaks with pineapple rings and golden fried chips.
'That was a lovely meal, Mrs P. Let us do the washing up for you' said Steve.
'Well I won't say no. I'm a bit tired and might have an early night.'
'Don't worry about hot chocolate for us. We might go for a coffee or something after we've seen the colonel and we can always make our own if we need to'
'I'll take my cup of tea to my sitting room then. You know where most things go. If there's anything you're unsure about leave it out and I'll deal with it in the morning. I bid you both goodnight. Just knock on my door when you go out.'
'I will and I'll lock up and take my key.' said Steve. He and Dora worked quickly and soon had the washing up and putting away sorted.
'Do you think Mrs. P was a bit off with us?' Steve asked Dora.
'Maybe but perhaps we have a bit of a guilty conscience.' she replied.
When they'd finished they went upstairs to wash and change then knocked on Mrs Porter's door to tell her they were leaving. On the way to the hospital they talked again about the atmosphere between themselves and the housekeeper.
'It does seem a bit awkward, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens' said Dora.
'What sweets shall we get uncle?' asked Steve as they stood looking at the display in the hospital shop.
'He likes humbugs so we'll get some of those then he can choose what else he wants.' said Dora.
The colonel was sitting up in bed looking quite cheerful and was glad to see them.
'We got these mints with your money and here's the change for you to use. If there's anything else you'd like we'll get it for you' said Dora.
'I'd like some fruit drops and a bottle of orange squash please.' he said.
'Any idea how long you'll be in here for uncle?' asked Dora.
'A few more days at least and I'll certainly be here over the weekend. I think sister is on tonight Dora if you'd like to speak to her.'
'Ok, she wasn't at the desk when we came in but I'll go an find her in a bit' said Dora.
'How are things at Follyfoot and with things at my place?' asked the colonel.
'Everything's fine. The students are working out well so Dora can spend a bit of time helping me. One of them seems to have taken quite a shine to Hazel' said Steve 'The owners seem happy with the progress the horses in training are and your two are thriving.'
'That's good. I think I just saw sister go past, Dora.' She got up and went off to find her.
'Right Steve, we need to talk and I want you to be honest with me.'
'Of course.'
'Dora stays over a lot at my place nowadays.' Steve nodded suspecting what might come next. 'Are you sleeping together? Mrs Porter seems to think you might be.' Steve took a deep breath and looked directly at the colonel.
'Yes uncle, we are. We love each other and are taking precautions to make sure Dora doesn't get pregnant. If Mrs. Porter wants to know for certain we are happy to tell her. I don't think she will like it. I'm sure she was a bit off with us this evening.'
'Well of course it isn't really her concern.'
'But how do you feel, uncle.
'I just want the two of you to be happy.'
'We are happy. It's been very hard for us after working hard all day to have just a couple of hours to ourselves especially when we're tired and have to be parted from each other when we really want to be together. Slugger still has me on trial and if he thinks I'm not treating Dora right he'll be on me like a ton of bricks. Spending the night together in Dora's room on the farm is out of the question as is the loft . He'd be sure to find out what we're doing and the loft is very cold. These past few days have given us a bit of time to be together. When you're back home if you want things to change we'll need to go back to a tent in the woods which we were doing before but I don't know what will happen when the weather changes..'
'And does marriage feature in your plans?'
'Yes, but not for a long time yet. I don't have enough money to support a wife and Dora deserves to be treated properly not live from hand to mouth.'

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2024, 03:20:34 PM »
I know you think I'm old fashioned, Steve, and in some ways I am but me dearest wish is for you both to be happy. I need to know that there will be somebody around to look after Dora when neither Slugger nor I  is here. Obviously you two have moved on in your relationship and that is entirely your business. You are both of age and although other people are entitled to their opinion they have no right to interfere. When you are in my house you may sleep together when you wish. Dora is mistress of Follyfoot so the same should apply there. I am saying however please be discreet especially where Hazel and Slugger are concerned.'
'Of course, uncle.'
'Thank you for being honest with me, Steve. I will have a few quiet words with Slugger and Mrs. Porter.'
'I promise you I'll always be here for Dora. We've had our differences in the past but spending time with you has had a steadying influence on me. The thought of having blazing rows with Dora now and hurting her is completely alien to me.'
'I can ask no more from you than that.'
Dora returned then having spoken to the sister. 'They're quite pleased with you, uncle but you'll probably be in here for a few more days.'
'Well so long as they get me patched up properly I'll be quite happy. I'm being well cared for- oh there goes the bell for the end of visiting.'
'Anything particular you want brought in tomorrow? asked Dora.
'Could I have my journal please and a decent pen? You'll find them on my desk. I'd prefer you to bring them in, not Mrs Porter. I'm writing my life story.' She leant over to kiss him. 'Right, we'll see you tomorrow night.'
On the way home Steve told Dora about the conversation he'd just had with the colonel.
'So he gave us his blessing?'
'Well, I wouldn't quite say that but his only concern is for our happiness. I think he'd quite like us to get married but I'm in no financial position to offer you that.'
'Putting that aside, Steve, would you marry me?'
'I certainly love you enough to make that commitment but your parents would never agree.'
'I'm of age, Steve.'
'But your parents give you an allowance and that would probably stop.'
'I'm sure I could talk daddy round.'
'Look sweetheart, let's just leave it for now. If we can make a go of it at the colonel's then in a few months time we can think seriously about marriage. In the meantime consider this as a proposal- in fact I'll even go down on one knee if you want me to and we'll get engaged. perhaps we won't tell your parents though, we'll see what uncle says.'
'Steve, I don't want you to go down on one knee but will ask me properly by the lightning tree?'
'Of course, but not tonight. We need to do it properly. I'll tell Mrs. Porter not to get a meal ready for us tomorrow night and we'll get something out after we've seen uncle. In the morning we'll take some time off to buy you a ring, lucky I've not banked my pay yet this month.'
'I don't want anything fancy, Steve. Just a token.'
'And the meal out may just have to be fish and chips but while we're out buying the ring we'll get a bottle of wine.'

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin