Author Topic: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.  (Read 8351 times)

Offline pete.r.

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Everyone sat round the table, it was breakfast time. "It's Friday the 13th today" said Slugger, "I don't believe in all that rubbish about it
being unlucky. Touch wood." "You're right there Slugs" replied Steve, looking at the burnt offerings on his plate. "Breakfast's always
unlucky here." " 'Ere, it just needs some colour" said Ron, shaking the tomato sauce bottle like mad. Then the top flew off.
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Offline MidnightZodiac

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Re: Re: Comments about fanfics
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2017, 07:07:58 PM »
Dora stood in the doorway, she could see the ketchup top heading in an arc towards her, but both her hands were holing a letter and envelope and she could do nothing except wait for it to hit her.... Which it did, leaving a smart round ring of ketchup on the front of her pink jumper. "Blimey" said Sluggs, "You're late for breakfast girl." Dora looked crestfallen, "I know," she said, "I've hardly slept a wink.... It's this letter, I've had some very, very bad news."
"We shape horses, then they shape us, but, we must be what we want our horses to become."

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: Re: Comments about fanfics
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2017, 08:33:46 PM »
There's been a break in at my parents London house and the thieves got away with some very valuable paintings. There was one which was by George Stubbs. Daddy's furious. They can't get back to England for the time being  and he wants me to go to London to help the housekeeper.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

Offline MidnightZodiac

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« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2017, 05:52:43 PM »
Ron picked up a tablespoon, held it to his eye and pretended to examine Slugger's prize tablecloth. "Don't worry my dear... " he started, "I, the great detective Sherlock Holmes, will travel to London and solve the crime, find the culprits and return the stolen artwork." "Hmmm..." Steve quipped "Don't you mean Sheer Luck?" Slugger pulled a disapproving face at them "Knock it off you two, you can see the girl's upset, this is more serious than you realise... For a start you two are gonna have to pull your fingers out and do Dora's share of the work, so now you've finished your breakfast 'oppit."
"We shape horses, then they shape us, but, we must be what we want our horses to become."

Offline Loopy

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2017, 10:48:42 PM »
"No! Slugger." said Dora quickly.  "I'm not going.  I don't care about the stupid painting or how much it's worth.  I'm staying right here where I'm needed the most."  Ron looked relieved.  "That's right girl, you tell 'em..." he said.  Then he added "... you don't wanna travel on Friday 13th anyway."  Steve glared at Ron.  "Oh surely you don't believe all that twaddle about bad luck?" he said.  Just then there was a knock at the door. 

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Offline Lord Charles

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2017, 10:54:01 PM »
Slugger opened the door and who should appear but... Phyllis Wetherby! "You've got a nerve, showing yer face around here!" said Ron. Dora looked utterly shocked, and Slugger dropped a plate of sausages on the floor. Only Steve remained calm. "Come on in! What brings you back to Follyfoot?" Phyllis sat on the chair he pulled out, and began: "I know you'll think it's strange that I've come back, as we parted on rather bad terms last time, but I've undergone a big change in my life since then. I've become a born-again Christian and I've decided that I should repent of all my past sins and devote the rest of my life to helping other people... So I thought I'd come along and say sorry, and ask if there's anything I can do to help!"
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Offline Sabrina

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2017, 10:52:16 PM »
Immediately Dora, Steve, Slugger and Ron thought of the most horrible jobs there were in Follyfoot. "Drain the pus from Tansy's hoof, it needs to be done every day right now." "Clean the spider webs from every stable" (That was Dora, who hated spider webs.) "Tidy up the muck heap, it's gone everywhere in that wind last night." "Take over the cooking!" ("Over my dead body!" said Slugger.)  Phyllis looked a bit worried at these suggestions - for all her bravado she was terrified of spiders - but gulped and put on a brave face. "Are you sure there's nothing, er, bigger I can do? Something for the common good?"
Dreams come true if you want them to...

Offline Loopy

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2017, 10:09:41 PM »
There was silence as everybody looked at each other and then Ron grinned, and Steve smiled, and Slugger choked with silent laughter.  Dora knew exactly what they were thinking.  She turned to Phyllis.  "There is something you could do." said Dora.  "What's that?" replied Phyllis with a smile.

Someone's got to care

Offline pete.r.

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2017, 10:42:57 PM »
"You can be our official food tester and try all Slugger's cooking before we eat it" explained Dora. "Yeah, starting with these new
kangaroo rissoles he's made" said Ron,"jump to it." "Good grief" replied Phyllis, "They've still got hair on them." "Blimey" said Slugger, "I
dropped 'em on the floor but I wiped 'em  on me cardy." "Well, give 'em a try" exclaimed Steve. "Right."
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Offline Lord Charles

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2017, 11:49:41 PM »
"I was thinking more of helping with the horses!" said Phyllis, and off she went to the yard. Moments later, Slugger pointed to the window, and Dora, Steve and Ron looked out to see her on her knees scrubbing away at the flagstones and then getting a broom and sweeping up all the loose hay.

"Cor Blimey!" exclaimed Ron, "I don't think the old yard's ever been so clean before! It looks ready for a royal visit!"

"I don't think I knew we had flagstones under all that dirt!" said Steve.

"Perhaps Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips are coming over to ride on a couple of our old nags?" said Slugger. "The yard will certainly be fit for them".

"Oh, I don't know what to say!" said Dora. "If she stays like this, I suppose it could be OK, and I could go to London for a few days. But I still don't trust her. I can't help thinking that she's going to start interfering in how Follyfoot is run!"
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Offline pete.r.

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2017, 05:59:22 PM »
Suddenly Ron  walked over the flagstones, then started to tap dance on one. Within seconds a large crack appeared on it and it split
open and Ron fell down the hole. "Anything broken?" asked the Colonel,peering down,"Apart from the slob." "Don't you mean slab Uncle" exclaimed Dora.
"I know what I mean" the  Colonel replied, "He's a good-for-nothing layabout."
Cut out the strong to help the weak

Offline MidnightZodiac

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2017, 06:06:21 PM »
"Oi" came a voice from deep underground, "There's a sort of room down here, and I can see some things glistening in the light from the hole!" Then there was a few seconds silence before the voice started again... "I need a torch, a long length of rope and a horse" Dora leaned over the hole and shouted down to the voice "Ron, why on earth do you need a horse down there?" There was a long protracted groan "I don't need the horse down here, I just need it tied to the other end of the rope to pull me out!".
"We shape horses, then they shape us, but, we must be what we want our horses to become."

Offline Sabrina

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2017, 11:39:30 PM »
So Dora brought Copper over, as he was young and fit. He took one look at the hole, snorted, and took off, trembling, back to his stable.

Steve laughed and brought Alex over. "He's steadier than Copper, you'll see, he'll do it." But Alex decided he didn't like a rope being tied to his saddle and bucked so hard he broke the girth.

One by one, they tried every horse in the yard. Not one of them was willing to pull Ron out of the hole.

"Sensible horses," Phyllis said smugly.

"Who's going to get me out?" Ron wailed from the hole. "Me and all this gold!"

"Gold?" screamed everyone.
Dreams come true if you want them to...

Offline pete.r.

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2017, 05:34:22 PM »
''Yes there's gold down here'' said Ron. Suddenly there were horses queueing up to pull him out.
''Marvellous  innit'' he said as he was being pulled up, ''Just 'cause there's a dozen empty fag packets with gold leaf paper in 'em everyone
wants to know me.'' ''Empty fag packets'' exclaimed everyone. Ron soon found himself hurtling back down to the bottom of  the hole again.
Cut out the strong to help the weak

Offline Lord Charles

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2017, 08:16:21 PM »
Steve got a torch from the farmhouse and shone it down into the pit.

"Are you alright, Ron? Not broken anything?"

"Of course I'm alright. I'm just waiting for someone to pull me out!"

Steve got nearer to the edge and moved the torch around so that its beams picked up the far corners of the pit.

"Hey, Ron! Who's your friend?"

"What?" asked Ron.

"Look over there!" Steve pointed the beam to the far end of the pit. Lying on the ground were the white bones of a human skeleton.
Long live Follyfoot!