Author Topic: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot  (Read 9401 times)

Offline Ronald

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Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« on: June 08, 2006, 06:37:17 AM »
Follyfoot was on the French TV in 1974 .....called " Les chevaux du soleil "
This is what dominique is telling me. He lives in France and is buying from e-bay.
I asked him when and where he saw Follyfoot. ?So we have another country to the list. We knew that it was broadcasted in French in Canada. But now we know that it have been broadcasted in France as well.

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Offline Axxell

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2006, 04:38:34 PM »
Ronald: Yes, i was sure "LES CHEVAUX DU SOLEIL'' was broadcast in France, as well as other French speaking Euro. states, such as Belgium & Switzerland?? The translated overdub was most  certainly done in France, & not here locally in Canada..Different accent & diction...
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Offline Ronald

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2006, 06:10:54 PM »
Hallo Axxel,

Do you also know if there are any books in French? Now that I have almost all differnt types of book in German, Dutch and Englisch I might as well try to buy the French books too. ( Not that I could read them).

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2006, 06:16:56 PM »
No, can't say that i have ever seen nor heard of any books in French. Certainly not here in Canada... :-?
``That`s craftman`s work! I`m not crafty as some!``..Dora Maddox to Ron Stryker.

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2006, 09:21:13 PM »
Copied from the original forum.

It would be interesting to know which countries have broadcast Follyfoot, when they did so and whether they were dubbed or subtitled.

I know they were transmitted in the UK, New Zealand and Germany. Judging by the members on the list I'd guess they also went out in Australia as one member has a web site based in Sydney unless, of course, they're one of the hordes of Kiwis who work in Australia! I know about this as I lived in Sydney over the last 3 years. There's also someone from Seattle, USA but I have my doubts whether Follyfoot appeared on US screens.

Can any forum members help?

It was a very big series in Germany - possibly more popular than in the UK.
I believe it was know as Follyfoot Farm there.
There are allsorts of annuals, books and a story record with different actors playing the parts and all translated into German.

Australia, to the best of my knowledge ran about half of the episodes and not complete either case I don't now when they were broadcast!

Perhaps someone may know more on this?

I'm certain I remember seeing Follyfoot in Sydney in 1973, 74 and I think 75, which would make 3 series. Lots of Louise's synopses ring a bell with me, particularly series 1 and 2. If series 3 ran in 1975 I may have missed some of it as a) I was going to high school and didn't get home in time to see it and b) VCRs weren't about then!
Anyone else in Sydney remember series 3?

It was last shown in New Zealand on TV2 in the afternoon at about 3:45pm weekdays in 1988 or 89.
 ? ?
1982 was the last time Follyfoot was shown here......I have the proof *LOL*

I had just got my first vcr....National 300 top loader, corded r/c......*gakk*

Follyfoot was the first series I ever taped......I set it on timer record and rushed home from work to watch it.....I even have some original ads still on the master tapes that say '82........gawd over twenty years old and still looking good.....

I love my tapes...... ?, over 600 tapes later.....:blinks:.....
I think you'll find it was repeated again towards the end of the decade. I know because I flatting in Belfast at the time; it was complicated because the other people in the flat didn't actually believe in a TV (it was a bit of a religious cult but that's another story) and I had to record each episode with the VCR plugged into an aerial without an actual TV but I knew what time it was on. I had recorded 4 tapes worth before "escaping" from there and then began playing them back at my parents. But this can be resolved by a trip to the library to look up old Listeners which I may do sometime. Unfortunately I didn't bother to keep the episodes; at the time I thoguht "oh well, I've seen them now, no need to keep them" but now, 15 plus years later, I want to see them again.


I'm from Sweden and I remember watching Follyfoot as a cild, so it must have been aired here in the mid 80?s, and when talking to my father about it he remember wathcing it when he was young, so that means it was aired in Sweden in the early 70?s as well. I don't remember that much from the show, but I know I enjoyed it a lot and I also read the books. I really hope they will come on DVD soon!

I first discovered Follyfoot here in the late 70s/early80s,oddly enough in it's French translation, entitled "les chevaux du soleil",{literally "horses of the sun"}.I did not view FF in English until the advent of YTV in the late 80s,which is where i taped the episodes i have.In her early post, tallulah alluded to an early 70s Canadian presentation.Could you please tell me where? Just curious.As for U.S. viewers, i think those who saw FF had access to border Canadian stations?
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Offline Tallullah

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2006, 08:18:10 PM »
Regarding Follyfoot books in Canada... as far as I knew, there were none. I haven't checked libraries to see if they have any, but because of the age and uniqueness of the series, they may once have carried them, but probably don't now.

The television show was shown here in Ontario, early or mid-70s, on Global Television network, a fledgling network at the time, which is now CanWest Global. The series ran on Saturday afternoons, and ran only once that I recall.
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Offline inaayu

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2009, 12:49:20 PM »
Follyfoot was broadcast in Malaysia in 1975, 1976 and 1977 when i was there at that time.

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2009, 01:02:11 PM »
Thanks for the info inaayu. Nice to see the list is getting longer ?:)

Offline mjmdvm

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2009, 02:12:13 PM »
Since Detroit is close to Canada, we get CBC from Windsor. Sadly, I've never seen where they've aired Follyfoot. I also kept my eye on our local Public TV stations. Over the years both outlets have aired many "classic" UK shows.  For example I was able to record all 5 series of "Upstairs Downstairs" from Public TV. But alas no Follyfoot- at least since 1978. Before 1978, we lived in the UK.

Thank HEAVEN for the DVDs!! >41<

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Offline folly3

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2009, 08:34:27 PM »
Follyfoot aired in Malaysia, how exotic!! I would really like to hear Dora saying: "Oh, he?s so beautiful!" in Malaysian speech!
Greetings, folly3.

Offline Soniks

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2009, 11:27:18 PM »
Follyfoot aired in Malaysia, how exotic!! I would really like to hear Dora saying: "Oh, he?s so beautiful!" in Malaysian speech!
Greetings, folly3.

Be interesting to hear Slugger say "eggs is a proper breakfast,eggs is" in Malaysian also, wonder what the lipsync would look like ? ?:-/

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2009, 11:36:20 PM »
Follyfoot aired in Malaysia, how exotic!! I would really like to hear Dora saying: "Oh, he?s so beautiful!" in Malaysian speech!
Greetings, folly3.

Be interesting to hear Slugger say "eggs is a proper breakfast,eggs is" in Malaysian also, wonder what the lipsync would look like ? ?:-/

LOL   I wonder?  ;D   ;D  

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Offline Axxell

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2009, 05:57:28 AM »
We know about Sweden, :) Does anyone know if FF was shown in other Scandinavian countries?? :-/ Danemark?? Norway?? Finland?? ? :-? ?What about the huge Spanish market?? :-? Spain, Mexico, South America?? :)
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Offline NokuMarie

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2009, 04:49:45 PM »
In the early 1970s I was living on a farm in western Washington State, south of Seattle. We had one black and white television set. There were only three broadcast networks (ABC, NBC and CBS), no independent networks or "public television"-- so, no exposure to "foreign" (non-American-produced) entertainment. Cable/satellite transmission had not yet been invented, nor Betamax, VCR or DVD (not to mention cell phones and personal computers!).

In THIS century (boy, does that ever sound weird!) and where I now reside (in Georgia) we have access to many fine UK-produced programs via "public television" networks or on BBCAmerica if your cable provider offers that (mine doesn't)--and, of course, through internet purchase.

All this to explain why an older newbie has no fond memories of a beloved television show...Follyfoot may be four decades old to you but it's all new and wonderful to me!

Offline garej

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Re: Countries broadcasting Follyfoot
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2009, 12:44:02 AM »
Re the books, yes at least one is available in French. There is a book called "Le Ranch de Follyfoot", but I have no idea which one that has been translated.

It is hard to find, though.