Author Topic: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling  (Read 14220 times)

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2014, 07:54:23 AM »
began walking back as fast as he could with Steve trailing behind in his wake. Adam had been exercising Popsy, one of the old horses. Eddie waved at him and he reined in his mount. 'Ride back to the farm as quick as you can and tell Grant to come and bring the stretcher we keep for emergencies.' Adam rode off and Steve drew level with Eddie.
'Get yourself home and have a shower Steve. We'll bring Dora home. '
Steve had showered, changed and had the kettle on by the time the stretcher party arrived. The two dogs  had walked quietly one each side of the stretcher Eddie said. Steve had phoned Teri and Milly had also come in. She had been in the garden when Steve arrived. Teri immediately went over to her friend who lay with her eyes closed the journey had obviously caused her distress.
'Dora-can you open your eyes?'
'Mmm' she said slowly doing as she was asked.
'How do you feel?'
'Shaky and I bumped my head when I fell.'
'Take her into the bedroom please and Milly and I will see to her.'
'I'll make us all a drink' said Steve.
'Adam can do that' said Eddie.(The young man had asked Tony to look after Popsy and had gone with Grant.) 'I won't have one. I'll go tell Marianne what's happened. We'll keep the kids till someone comes for them.'
'No tea for Dora till I see if there's any possibility of broken bones' said Teri.
When she and Milly returned after helping Dora to have a shower she said
'She doesn't seem to have broken anything but she is still very shaken up. It could be as a result of the theft but she says she was feeling dizzy before it happened. I'll take her a cup of tea and we'll see what she's like after a rest. It's best if she doesn't sleep yet in case of concussion.'
'One of us'll sit with her.' said Milly.
'I'll drink my tea with her then I need to get back to Rikki. Phone me if you need me Steve unless it's an emergency-if so get the ambulance straight away.'
'I'll go home and tell Jodie to come over. She can pick the kids up and help you look after them.' said Grant.
When Teri came out of Dora's room she said she had drifted off to sleep.
'I've left the door open, I don't think you need sit with her just look in occasionally to make sure she's okay.'
Teri left and Jodie brought the children back. 'I was cooking a chicken' she said. 'Grant will bring it over later and eat with us. There's roast potatoes too and I expect you've got some vegetables here-frozen will do.'
We've got fresh carrots and frozen peas with sweetcorn' said Milly.
Dora slept through supper. Grant helped Milly wash up while Jodie bathed Pru and got her ready for bed. Steve ran a bath for Jeff and supervised him washing himself.
'I want to say night night to mummy'
'We'll go and see if she's awake and you can give her a kiss.' said Steve taking his pyjama clad son by the hand and leading him into the bedroom. Dora had her eyes closed but her brow was furrowed in sleep and when Steve felt her head it was hot. Jeff kissed her and Steve told him to go and get into bed and he would be in soon to

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2014, 07:54:43 AM »
read him a story. Jodie said Pru was asleep.
'Dora seems a bit hot I'll take her temperature' he said and went to fetch the thermometer and placed it under her arm. 'Mmmn- a bit high.'
'I'll give her a sponge down' said Jodie.'You go in to Jeff.'
During the night Dora tossed and turned and muttered in her uneasy sleep. Steve had to sleep in his pyjamas as Dora was so hot she wouldn't keep the covers on. She coughed frequently and as soon as he thought Teri would be up the next morning he phoned and asked her to come over. Milly came in to see how things were and made Steve eat some breakfast with Jeff. She then saw to Pru's needs.
Teri was there only minutes after Steve called.
'I don't know whether to call the doctor or an ambulance.' he said.
Teri took Dora's temperature, pulse and blood pressure. 'I'll speak to the doctor and see what she thinks.'
Dr. Rees  visited before morning surgery. Dora had woken up for a short while and Teri had sponged her down and with Steve's help changed the bottom sheet and pillow cases. They also covered her with a sheet and blanket in case she should turn cold. After completing her examination with difficulty because Dora was so sleepy the doctor said she thought that Dora had bronchitis.
'She's had it before I see from her notes. Did she complain of any symptoms before the attack?'
She did say she'd felt dizzy and that's why she was sitting down.'
Anti-biotics were prescribed and the doctor said she would call again before evening surgery.
'If she gets any worse she'll need hospitalisation. We don't want this to turn to pneumonia.'
Teri stayed with Dora while Steve went to fetch the medication. He dropped Jeff off at playschool and when he got home found that Jodie had taken Pru and Benny to Follyfoot. He arranged for Grant to pick Jeff up and for him to stay at the farmhouse for lunch and supper. Teri went home promising to come back later. Milly pottered about doing chores and making soup for lunch. Steve managed to get Dora to take her first tablet then sat down by her side with his book which he had difficulty concentrating on. Dora drifted in and out of sleep during the morning and Steve was
relieved when around lunchtime she woke up and asked to go to the toilet. He helped her out of bed and walked  her there holding onto her all the time then guiding her back to bed. She drank some juice and when Milly came in with soup for Steve she said she'd try a little. They sat her up and put her bedjacket on her propping her up with pillows.
'I've had mine Steve. You eat yours while I help Dora.' Milly said.
A few spoonfuls was all she could manage before she sank back exhausted against the pillows.
Steve gave her another tablet and told her to go back to sleep. After Milly had washed up she told Steve to go and get some fresh air while she sat with Dora.
'I'll just be out on the patio in case I'm needed.' he said.
Teri found him there. 'How is she?'
'Very sleepy but she doesn't seem to be as hot now.'

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2014, 07:55:06 AM »
'I've brought a bed pan. I thought it would be easier for you.'
'It was a bit of a job with not being able to lift her.'
'I should have thought of it before-sorry. I'll just go and give her a wash.'
When Steve went back indoors Dora was awake and lying back against her pillows looking pale.
'I've told people not to come and visit at present as the most important thing for Dora is rest. Everyone sends their love though.' said Teri. 'Give me a ring when Doctor Rees gets here. Bye Dora'
Already Dora's eyes were closing.
Dora was in the farmhouse with Slugger. He was shaking his head at her. What is it Slugger. What are you trying to say? She put out her hand to touch him but he faded from her sight and then she was outside in Barney's stable and Ron was there holding out a magazine. He held it out to her but when she went to take it he turned and walked away. She went over to the loft room, stood at the bottom of the stairs and called 'Steve, can I come up.' There was no answer so she climbed up the stairs. Steve's room was empty. All his clothes were gone but on the floor was an empty photo frame-smashed. She went back down still calling his name and there stood her uncle.
'Have you seen Steve, I can't find him and his clothes are all gone. The colonel just looked at her and sucked on his empty pipe before disappearing. She felt cold and afraid and went from stable to stable looking for someone, anyone. Barney had gone now, and Alex, and Lollipop and Ladybird.
'Copper' she shrieked and ran to his stable- Copper was there! She was frightened to touch him fearing that if she did so he would be gone too. Copper began to toss his head then opened his mouth and began to speak but the voice was Slugger's. 'You'll lose him girl' and then with her uncle's voice 'what is it- a lover's tiff?  Dora sat down and began to sob covering her ears with her hands then Copper bent his head and began to lick her face and there was another voice.
'Time to wake up Dora. I've brought you a cup of tea.'
'Steve- you're back' she said and opened her eyes to find he had been wiping her face with a cool flannel.
'Back- I haven't been anywhere. You must have been dreaming. Don't know what it was all about but you worked up a real sweat.'
'Promise me you won't leave me again Steve.'
'You know I won't. I promised your uncle that I'd always be here for you no matter what.'
'And is that your only reason?'
'No you crazy girl- It's because I love you- more now than I did when we got married because you've given me two beautiful children.'
'Slugger said I'd lose you.'
'That was years ago and I'm still here. Look if you're still worried about Eddie's plans don't be. If it's going to upset you we'll do nothing more about them- just apply to have a mobile home here for Eddie and his family.'
'We'll see.' she said closing her eyes again.
He brushed her lips with his. 'Hey drink your tea. I've brought a 4 finger kit kat for us

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2014, 07:55:25 AM »
to share.'
He helped her sit up. 'Doctor Rees will be here soon.'
They heard a car draw up and Milly came in to say it was the doctor. Steve phoned Teri.
'Hello Steve' said the doctor. 'How is she?'
'A bit better I think.'
'I hope she's awake so I can examine her properly.'
'Teri's coming over.'
'I'll wait for her. How are you by the way. I hope your op went well.'
'I'm getting there. I've had a post op check and been discharged by the clinic.
'Well don't overdo it- you don't want to put your recovery back.
'Would you like a tea or coffee doctor?' asked Milly.
'I'd love a coffee after I've finished with Dora. I've been so busy this afternoon that I haven't had a chance to stop for one.'
Milly fetched the empty cups and put the kettle on again. Steve took the doctor into the bedroom where Teri joined them a few minutes later.
'Ah good Dora-you're awake. Let's see how you're doing. Just slip your pyjama jacket off. Could you support her sitting forward please Teri?' She thoroughly examined Dora's chest and listened to her heart. 'Hhmm. Has she been coughing much Steve?'
'A fair bit.'
'Not really.'
' I think I'll give you an injection instead of the next dose of antibiotic and Teri if I leave a couple of ampoules could you give her another in 4 hours and one first thing in the morning. Then she can go back on oral dose at lunch time and I'll come again this time tomorrow. Meanwhile I'll write a prescription for an expectorant. The chemist on Tockwith high street is on late duty till 7pm. '
The injection was swiftly delivered. 'Take plenty of fluids and rest and I'll see you tomorrow Dora.'
'I'll go fetch the prescription for you Steve' said Teri refusing Milly's offer of a drink.'Would you like me to pick up a takeaway for tea?'
Steve gave her some money and told her he would phone an order through to the Chinese takeaway  so it would be ready when she went in. Teri gave him an order for her and Ron too. 'You should have enough money there for everyone' Steve said.
'How do you think Dora's doing doctor?' asked Steve.
'There's a definite improvement and the injections should help. I don't think she'll need to go to hospital. I know she's hot but she ought to have a nightdress or pyjamas on tonight or she could get cold if she throws the covers off. Thanks for the tea Mrs. Lane. I must be off to surgery now. I can find my way out thanks- you both make sure you get some rest too.'
Over the next few days Dora gradually improved and spent a little longer each day out of bed. The police came to interview her and Steve but the information they were able to give was scant except Dora thought her attacker was probably in his teen and wore jeans and a dark coloured anorak she also gave them a description of the stolen bag but they said  there was not much hope of catching the culprit as Dora had not

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2014, 07:55:44 AM »
been well enough to speak to them earlier because of her illness and her attacker was probably now miles away.
By the following weekend Dora was feeling well enough to sit in the garden in the gentle June sunshine. Jeff was helping Millie with watering the plants and Steve was indoors on the telephone arranging for an estate agent to bid for the tent site on their behalf. Dora had agreed that the acquisition of the site could only be beneficial to them but had insisted that they get an independent valuation on the place .After consulting with Arthur they agreed on the maximum figure they were prepared to go to and Eddie was going to attend the auction. Arthur had advised Steve not to go in case he was tempted to pay over the odds.
'Might take a wander over there meself' said Ron.
'Ron Stryker don't you dare!' said Dora.
'Do you fancy a drive on Sunday love? The fair's  just the other side of Leeds. Eddie and the family are going and I know Jeff would love it. We've not been out much lately. We can take a picnic and some chairs so you can sit in the sun and you wont have to walk round. The forecast is very good.'
Dora was quiet for a while and then said 'Ste-ve'
'I don't feel up to driving yet but my car is insured for any driver isn't it?'
'I'd love to be able to take Gip and his niece and nephew. If we ask Marianne to drive and I go with her and  Jacob and Sandra, Gip and Milly can come with you, Jeff and Pru.'
'Whoa- all that depends on everyone being agreeable- I'll ask though because I think it's a smashing idea. Those poor little mites deserve a treat and it'd give Gip's mum some time to herself. Just one thing though- no visiting the fortune teller!'
Everything was arranged and on Sunday the families complete with two dogs set off for the fair. Dora and Milly looked after Pru and Lily and everyone's possessions seated under the shade of a very convenient oak tree. The adults took charge of one or two of the smaller children . Gip and Tim were proud to be allowed to roam freely although they tended to keep near Eddie or Marianne as they were able to secure free rides with many of the operators who they knew.
Steve had taken Jeff aside and asked if he would mind going with Marianne and Ray so he could look after Jacob and Sandra. When he explained why and said that the children might be a bit sad Jeff nodded sagely and said- 'It's okay daddy. I'll make a lowance for them.'
Steve hugged him close. 'Any time you want to go back to mum and auntie just say ok?'
Jeff nodded and followed Marianne to the gallopers-his favourite ride.
'Are you feeling alright now Dora luv?' asked Milly.
'Just a bit tired, that's all.'
The sun was warm. Milly took out her knitting-squares for blankets for a nearby old people's home and Dora closed her eyes the music from the rides reminded her of riding the gallopers with her uncle and Slugger all those years ago when Steve and Ron had taken part in the jousting contest. She smiled and a feeling of well being and

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2014, 07:56:07 AM »
peace crept over her. She remembered what Steve had once said about his grandmother and her treasures and began to think about her own smiling at each new thought until sleep claimed her just after she added last night to her treasured thoughts. It had been the first time Steve had made love to her since his operation. It had been very special and had brought home how much she had missed that special closeness lying in his arms afterwards feeling safe and loved.
Jacob and Sandra seemed to be enjoying themselves but suddenly Sandra began to cry and tug at Steve's shirt. Gip was standing nearby. 'She does that when she needs the loo.'
Steve called Marianne who took charge of the little girl. Jacob began to follow so Steve took him and Jeff to the gents and then decided it was time for lunch. Everyone made their way to Dora and Milly when Marianne cried our 'Where's Ray?' She had told Eddie to look after him. 'Gip, Tim, come with me-we'll find him.' said Eddie.
'He liked the 'hook a duck' stall' said Tim and ran off being used to the way the fair normally arranged it's attractions- but Ray was not there.
'Have you seen my little brother- you know him don't you?' he asked the stallholder.
'I saw him alright. A little boy hooked a duck and quick as a flash your brother took it off the hook and ran away. I sent Brian, my lad after him because I can't leave the stall.'
Tim gasped. Brian was a big boy and would surely frighten Ray. Tim had got into several arguments with him when still with the fair. Eddie came hurrying up and Tim explained what had happened.
'Sorry Jack' he said to the stallholder.'I'll bring your duck back.'
'Don't worry Eddie-just see your lad's alright.'
They began a systematic tour of the fair asking the fair folk if they'd seen Brian. In the end they found him but not Ray.
'Littlun give me the slip' he said when questioned.'
Tim began calling but it was hard to make himself heard above the noise of the music and machinery. Then they saw Evie running towards them.
'It's ok- he managed to find his way back to us. He's got a little plastic duck with him and he wont part with it.'
'S'okay ' said Brian. 'Dad's got plenty more and I saw it was number 7.'
Dora had woken up and the families shared out the food they had brought. Hazel had sent some sausage rolls and chocolate crispies which were very popular with all the children. Dora had bottles in a coolbox for Pru and a flask of hot water and pyrex bowl to heat them. Marianne had vegetable puree and juice for Lily. After lunch the children had to be persuaded to sit still for a while to allow their food to settle but in the end it was  decided to let them try some of the games stalls. An hour later a variety of cuddly toys, balloons, ornaments and the inevitable goldfish were stowed away in the cars and for a further hour they returned to the rides. Eddie and Tim battled Gip and Steve on the dodgems, Jeff and Ray rode a fire engine and train on the children's roundabout and Sandra and Jacob went round the veteran car track. The waltzers, the swinging boats, the cake walk and the mat were all tried until at last, worn out they made their way to the carousel for the final rides of the day.
The short journey back home was very quiet as most of the younger children slept.

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #36 on: July 03, 2014, 07:56:29 AM »
When the Willens children were returned to the pony centre they were happily clutching their prizes and Gip presented his mother with a box of Fair Buttons and a bag of fair rock. She put a piece in her mouth immediately and gasped as the taste of  clove filled her mouth.
'I'd forgotten how strong that is!' she said and for the first time in weeks she smiled at her grandchildren. Because of her plaster cast Hazel had to help her to bath the children. As she handed them over  pink ,smily, and tired she said 'I expect you'll be glad to be rid of that cast.'
'Yes then we can all get back home to normality. It's been good to be here but I have to face up to a life without our Willy and Julie sooner or later. Gip frowned. He loved what remained of his family but wished that they could all go on living here.
On the day of the auction Arthur arrived and announced his intention of attending. Prudence had declined to come having joined the local bridge club and it being the first time she was hosting the gathering. Steve had gone off to work having almost recovered from his operation and needing to keep his mind off the auction. Arthur and Dora shared a coffee before he went off to the sale.
'Daddy- you are sure you want to buy into the business aren't you?'
'Of course darling. Your mother and I still have plenty of money. Everything will be yours someday so we might as well help things work for you. I'd best be off now but whatever happens I'll have some good news for you later. The auction should be over in time for me to pick Jeff up from playschool. He loves riding in my car. If I'm not going to make it I'll ring you.'
'Thanks dad. I'm having some quality mother daughter time with Pru this morning so I'm not going out.'
Steve came back for morning tea and found Dora and Pru playing happily together. Stay there love. I'll do the honours!' said Steve. 'I'm staying in for a while now in case I hear about the sale. If you  want to go and exercise Copper I'll look after Pru.'
'That would be good only if dad can't pick Jeff up he's going to ring.'
'No problem. I can always take Pru an If d get him.'
'There's something special I want to do irrespective of whether or not we get the tent site.'
Steve took a chocolate biscuit. 'What's that then love?'
'Well-the functions barn is going well but I think it's time we gave it a bit of an upgrade.'
'Sounds like a good plan. I think it's earned enough money for us to be able to do that and it will probably bring more business in.'
'And another thing-the Follyfoot Functions Barn is a bit of a mouthful don't you think so I'd like to rename it when the work is finished.'
'Good plan-what do you suggest?'
'Colonel G's'
'Dora-that's a brilliant idea. We should have thought of it when we first opened!'
'No-it's got to be worthy of his name-the best it can be!'
'You're right!'

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #37 on: July 03, 2014, 07:56:46 AM »
'It will need to have it's own dedicated kitchen built on at the back. Hazel has been talking about that for a while now. I think we'll need planning permission.'
'We'll have to get Hazel to talk things over with us especially the kitchen layout.
'I've got some ideas but I thought I could have a girls night  and ask Hazel, Milly, Jodie, Marianne, Evie and Teri what they think. We could have it in the barn-it's warm enough now.'
'Don't I get a say?'
'Of course darling- when we've got some firm ideas but on that night-you'll be babysitting like Ron and Eddie!'
Steve held up his hands. 'Ok- I surrender!'
Just then the phone rang and Steve answered it. He punched the air and gave an exultant 'Yes'
We did it Dora. We got it for a really good price! Your dad's just going to take care of the formalities then he's going to pick Jeff up.'
'I'll go and spend some time with Copper. Milly will be in soon and she's making omelettes and salad for lunch.'
Steve picked Pru up. 'Someone needs changing!' he said.
Arthur stayed for lunch and afterwards Steve decided he and Eddie would go to inspect their acquisition. Jeff begged to go too and was allowed to take Benny. Milly went to do some gardening so father and daughter were left alone.
'Dora you know that when Jeff and Pru were born your mother and I took out an insurance policy for each of them?'
'Yes -to come out when they're 18 .'
'That's right. Well we did the same for you but yours carries on until you're 25-next year and we'll pay the last premium this August so you'll have £25,000 plus bonuses to do as you please with next year.'
'Oh daddy-that's wonderful. Why are you telling me now?'
'So you'll know there'll be money there for you if you need it. You only have to tell Steve if you want to.'
'We don't have secrets from each other.'
'Quite right too- but he doesn't need to know now, you can wait till next year to tell him if you want to- it's up to you entirely. Now I'd best be off home. I'm taking your mother out to dinner.'
Steve came in very excited. 'Now we've several lots of plans to get drawn up and submitted' he said.
'Mmmm' said Dora.
'You okay girl?'
'I'm fine Steve. Do you think Evie would babysit at such short notice? I feel like going out for a meal to celebrate.'
'I've already asked her! Actually I thought Eddie and Marianne might like to come if so I was going to ask Jodie to babysit but Ray's a bit off colour so we'll take them out another time.'
'I'm glad it's going to be just us tonight. I have something to tell you.'
'You're not pregnant are you Dora. I know you're on the pill but you have had a couple of illnesses.'

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #38 on: July 03, 2014, 07:57:10 AM »
Dora laughed. 'No Steve- I'm definitely NOT pregnant! Are you sorry?'
'No- not really. I think we've got enough on our hands for the time being at least.'
'Does that mean you'd like another baby in the future though?'
'I dunno girl. You had a bit of a rough time with Pru. I wouldn't want you to have to go through that again.'
Over dinner at Shalimars, one of their favourite restaurants that evening ,Dora shared the news about the insurance policy.
'That's great love- and you've got lots of time to think what you want to do with it.'
'What we want to do with it.'
'I think as it's your money you should decide what to do with it and have fun while you're doing it.'
'I don't want to go back home yet Steve. Can we go for a drive? You've only had a small glass of wine.'
'Sure- where shall we go?'
'Let's go to 'Babley Woods.'
'It'll be a bit dark.'
'I don't mind. I'm not scared of the dark.'
It only took a short while to get there. The night was quite warm and Steve parked the car in the car park.
'Let's walk for a bit' said Dora They didn't venture into the woods but walked round the car park till they found a seat and sat  looking at the night sky. A gentle breeze stirred the trees. 'It reminds me of The Enchanted Wood' every time I hear wind in the trees. Wisha, Wisha- I wonder what the trees are saying Steve.'
'What are those daft pair up to at this time of night I reckon.'
'Oh Steve-that's not very romantic!'
'Not romantic eh?'' He drew her into his arms and kissed her tenderly. 'I love you.'
She took his hand and led him back to the car. When he went to open the driver's door she said
'Let's get in the back for a while.' Once there she began to kiss him and caress his face. Neither of them had a coat on and she slid her hands under his shirt whispering her words of love. Steve responded by unfastening her bra and caressing her. They kissed and touched and murmured loving words until Dora gave a soft sigh.
'Time to go home I think. It's been so lovely.'
'Married four years and behaving like a couple of teenagers. Snogging in the backseat of the car-whatever next!'
'If you don't know Steve Ross, I'll soon show you when we get home' she replied adjusting her clothes. When they got home she leaned over to kiss him again and laughed 'Last one in's a spider monkey.'
'That's not fair!' he laughed as he got out of the car and locked it as quickly as he could but of course she was indoors first. Adam and Evie were curled up on the sofa together and did not spring  apart as they knew Dora and Steve wouldn't mind them cuddling.'You look happy' said Evie. Steve had caught Dora round the waist as she called 'Spider monkey!' and they were both laughing.
'Of course we're happy we've had a great night out and before you ask we're not drunk!' said Steve.

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2014, 07:57:31 AM »
'Jeff hasn't made a peep. I've given Pru a bottle and she's settled down again.'
'Do you two want a hot chocolate?' asked Dora.
'No thanks. I'd best get Evie back' said Adam.
Steve pressed £20 into her hand. 'You two can have a night out with that' he said.
'Goodnight then-and thanks' said Dora as she saw them out.
Steve began making monkey noises. 'Sshh, Steve-be your age, you'll wake Pru.'
'Do you want hot chocolate?' he asked.
'Not tonight.'
'Good because the spider monkey's going to get you!' She avoided his outstretched arms and fled to the bedroom. Steve locked the door put out the lounge light and followed her. He shut the bedroom door and found she was already lying on the bed. Kicking off his shoes he joined her and they resumed the loving they had started in the car.
Next morning their mood of the night before lingered and they lay snuggled close until Pru demanded attention. Later Steve decided to get in touch with Mr. Clegg to see if he could suggest an architect who could draw up some plans and later made an appointment with Gregory Watts for him to visit them.
'I've asked Eddie to meet him with me Dora. Do you want to come?'
'No. I trust you to make the right decisions but daddy might like to be consulted.'
'Yes-he's next on the list.'
Gregory was an enthusiastic young man and eager to get on with the job. Arthur said that he thought that the priority was to get decent facilities on the tent site so that it could start earning money as soon as possible. Assuming they could get permission for the extension to the touring site the next priority would be new facilities for it but if they built big enough amenities on the tent site it would be able to serve camping and the new touring field temporarily until the existing block could be extended and upgraded. Dora and Hazel were called in when it came to discussing the new kitchen and second entrance for Colonel G's. They had cleared a field on the side of the building to use as a car park. This was shortly to be tarmacked. Gregory made lightning sketches as they talked. After he'd gone Arthur said
'It strikes me that young man knows what he's doing.'
'And I think that his services won't come cheap' said Steve.
'If he can get your plans passed first time that's well worth it! Now look Steve- I've spoken to Prudence and we want to put some money into the upgrade of the functions barn- Colonel G's. I know it's dear to Dora's heart and I want it to be the best we can possibly make it.'
'But Dad- you've done so much already.'
'I'm getting a really good pension and we made a large amount on the sale of the London house. We weren't exactly poor before that. I'm going to need to speak to my solicitor to find the best way of doing things so you and Dora aren't saddled with a huge tax bill when Prudence and I are both gone, I for one intend to live to see our grandchildren grow up but as I've had that health scare we need to do things properly.'
The summer days slipped by and Dora's thoughts turned to Jeff's fourth birthday. She and Steve took him to the infant school open day at the beginning of July. Because of his birthdate Jeff would be able to start school part time in September and Dora was

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2014, 07:57:50 AM »
not sure she was looking forward to it.
'We don't have to send him till he's five. He could wait till next year or perhaps till the term after  Christmas' she said.
'Look at him Dora. He's in his element listening to the teacher read the story of the Billy goats gruff and joining in with being the troll.'
'He can do that at home.'
'He needs the stimulation love. He's a very bright boy. He's outgrown Playschool and if he starts school this September he'll be with the friends he's already made, including Chantelle.'
At the end of the visit Jeff was full of enthusiasm.
'School's a really cool place. There's lots of toys and we get to play football. Each class has got a pet and everyone gets a turn taking it home for the weekend and if you're really good for the whole holidays!'
In the end Dora could find no reason to stop Jeff from joining the reception class. It was a relatively small school so the intake would only be 20 and Jeff was elated at seeing Chantelle every weekday.
'I think it's good that they have to wear uniform don't you?' said Chantelle's mother.
'Mmm I suppose so' said Dora looking down the list of things to buy.
'Is Jeff having a birthday party?'
'Of course' said Steve as Dora hesitated. 'We'll be giving out the invitations on the last day of playschool.'
Of course Jeff heard this. 'What sort of party are we having dad?'
'It's a surprise. ' Steve said quickly.
'Cool!' said Jeff.
When they got home there was a phone call from their architect. No objections had been received for any of the plans he had submitted on their behalf. They would receive confirmation in the post.
'So now we have to start getting builders quotes' said Steve.
'I want to use Mr. Clegg for some of it at least.' said Dora.
'I'd like to use him too Dora but I think that in order to get things done quickly we'll need a bigger organisation- but there's no harm in asking him if he'd like to do the barn upgrade. Now your dad is putting in extra money that can start straight away.
Steve rang the builder.
'Well as you know Steve a couple of my best workers have retired but I've sill got John Glover and a couple of bright youngsters who'll work well under my supervision. I'll come over and see you shall I?'
Mr. Clegg said he'd love to do the barn upgrade and suggested that ready fabricated heated units would be a good idea to get the tent site up and running quickly and suggested a building firm to help with that and later build new facilities for the touring site extension. '
I can work in well with Tobias Dawson – he's got plumbers and electricians he uses . I'll give him a call and I reckon he's got catalogues you can look at. Between us we should have you up and running for the August bank holiday.'
Steve had renewed the licence for the tent site to open for 8 months although they anticipated that March and October would not be popular.

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #41 on: July 03, 2014, 07:58:14 AM »
From then on things moved quickly. Tobias was an affable man and had done work like they required before so knew who to get on to to get a quick delivery.
Dora and the girls had fun deciding on the layout for the kitchen and the interior decoration and furnishings for Colonel G's. She and Steve took Jeff shopping for his maroon, grey and white school uniform and racked their brains trying to think of what sort of birthday party he could have. It was while Dora and Rikki were sharing their birthday party that Steve had the glimmer of an idea. Rikki had been given a toy zoo and Jeff and the Shaw children had fun playing with it and making animal noises. That night Steve gave Dora the new charm for her bracelet which was a caravan. Earlier he had presented her with a beautiful evening stole and bag which had delighted her. When they were in bed he shared his idea for Jeff's party with her.
'That's brilliant Steve.' she said. They had invited ten children from playgroup and of course all the Shaws, Rikki, Gip,Jacob and Sandra for an afternoon of games and a picnic.
'I just hope it's a nice day' said Dora.
'Well if not we'll have it in the barn-it won't be as good but there'll be plenty of room.' said Steve. Fortunately the bank holiday was the week before Jeff's birthday because the tent site was ready to open and Yorkshire television had featured it on their 'Holiday Spots'. Bookings had started to come in and Annabelle had enlisted Evie's help in sorting these out.Prudence and Arthur had inspected the toilet, shower and laundry facilities and Dora had been surprised when even her mother had approved the clean, modern looking pre-fabricated buildings which Tobias, Mr. Clegg and their workers had erected in such a short time. They had been lucky as one of the firms Tobias dealt with had been let down by a customer and they had been able to obtain everything they wanted without having to wait for them to be made.
Eddie was in charge of the tent site with help from Adam as needed and Tim acted as a messenger taking his dog with him. They had a mobile home on order and it was due to arrive at the end of September.
Early on Friday 21st August it rained and Dora looked gloomily out of the window.
The touring site had started to fill up the day before but today was the first day for tents. She and Steve were looking after the horses with help from Ron, Tony, Callie and Ellie. Grant was on touring site duty and Jodie was caring for Pru and Rikki. Annabelle and Evie were in the farmhouse office to answer enquiries and take bookings.
Jeff was with Milly at the pony centre greenhouse. Hazel had Angie Buckley in the shop and two students from the agricultural college who were working for her during their holidays. Ben was working in Leeds but would be on hand at the weekend so everywhere was fully operational and well staffed. At 10 o'clock the sun came out and shone down on Joe Rimmington as he officially opened the tent site. The first arrivals were already pitching their tent. Joe joined Dora and Steve in the farmhouse for morning tea.
'Good set up you've got here now. I wouldn't have believed all this was possible that morning when I took Angie and Jacky home. But I'm glad things have worked out for you.'

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2014, 07:58:35 AM »
'You too Joe! It was naughty of you to pretend you had a fiancee. You hadn't even met
'Well Tina did it too! I guess in our own ways we were trying to make you two see sense and I'm so glad you did! Anyway I must be going. I'm off to see a new horse
that sounds as if it might be a good buy.' He kissed Dora and shook hands with Steve.
'Don't forget to send us an invitation to the grand opening of Colonel G's.'
'That's probably going to be after Christmas. It was fortunate we hadn't got any bookings although being closed for so long will mean a drop in the takings.' said Dora.
'Don't worry. It'll work out.' Joe insisted.
'What are we doing about your mother's birthday Steve?'
'We'll just send a card. She doesn't even bother to do that for the children now.'
After the bank holiday rush was over the party preparations gathered pace and Jeff grew more and more excited. At last the day came and everyone was relieved that it was fine. Dora had phoned all the mums and told them not to send the children in smart party clothes but in play clothes so that it wouldn't matter if they got them dirty.
When they arrived each child was given a cardboard animal mask which they were allowed to colour with felt tips. When everyone was finished the adults tied the masks on making sure that they had a clear view from the eyes. There were 4 different types of animals. Everyone sat on the grass -all those who were the same animal sat together and each had an adult in charge who made sure each child could make the noise of the animal they were supposed to be. Tim and Gip had attached thick coloured twine to the trees forming a square.  The children were taken into the square, shown the twine and were told to find a hiding place inside the square behind trees and bushes. Jeff was made chief lion Steve was in charge of his group.Chantelle was chief monkey, Teri was in charge,Jacob Willens head snake with Ron as his adult and his sister Sandra chief Zebra (they were to make a noise like a horse!) Evie was in charge of them. The children were told to stay quiet until they heard their animal noise then to make it back till their chief came and found them. As each member was found they joined in the searching call. Adam, Eddie, Grant , Tim and Gip all kept watch to make sure no child strayed outside the marked area. All the other adults and children too young to take part stayed outside the bungalow. Lists had been made of which group each child was in so that the adults knew when their team was complete and they were then led back to the waiting adults and given bubble tubs to keep them occupied till everyone was found. There was then an energetic game of chase where the team leaders had to run and catch their team members and they then had to stand still. However their adult could then come along and free them unless stopped by another adult. There was much squealing and shouting with Ron and Steve constantly getting in each others way. When Dora thought everyone had had enough she blew her whistle and all the children were sat in a circle and given drinks of squash while the adults enjoyed cups of tea. Then it was time for a story told by Steve about a zoo. The children sat facing out of the circle. Each time Steve mentioned their animal they had to get up and run round the circle back to their place and the last one back was out and had to face inwards. In the end there was only one of each team left. Ron re-arranged the circle so that they were sitting equidistantly and acted as judge. Jacob

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #43 on: July 03, 2014, 07:58:54 AM »
Willens won and Steve was so proud when the one who clapped the loudest was Jeff.
Jacob was presented with a wind up monkey. By this time everyone was hungry and they feasted on the usual party fare. Hazel had made a wonderful cake in the shape of a lion and when Jeff had blown out his candles it was cut up and wrapped in circus serviettes which were put in the matching party bags containing sweets and a bouncy ball with an animal face on it.
'Time for pass the parcel. Uncle Ron's going to play the guitar and you've all got to join in 'Old Macdonald.' Every layer hid a gift and Ron watched carefully to make sure each child got one until when bright blue tissue paper indicated that it was the last layer he turned his back so he couldn't see who would win the last gift.It happened by happy accident that the present was won by Sandra and she was delighted with the paintbox. The parents had started arriving and the children all went home happy. Chantelle told her mother it had been the 'bestest party ever.'
'See you at school in a couple of weeks' said Chantelle's mum. We're off on holiday for a few days.'
'Fanks for a great party mum and dad' said Jeff. 'When can I open the presents my friends brought?'
'When everything's cleared away.'
'I'll help.' he said beginning to pick up discarded paper. Marianne took Ray and Lily home and Teri and Rikki also left. Dora took Pru in to settle her for a nap and Milly piled dirty cups on a tray and took them in to wash up. Jacob, Sandra and Gip helped with the tidying up and then Grant ran them home complete with a box of left over sandwiches, sausage rolls and fairy cakes.
Later when both children were asleep Steve, Dora and Milly sat outside by the pond with the door open so they could hear if Pru woke, they knew Jeff wouldn't. They were drinking glasses of cool sparkling white wine and eating birthday cake.
'Well Dora, are you looking forward to Monday?' said Steve because work was due to start on Colonel G's.
'I'll be glad when it's finished. We've had to turn away some bookings .'
'Well hopefully we'll be able to re-open for the wedding season next spring.' Steve said.
'Do you think you could manage without me for a week in September?' asked Milly.
'The church has organised a holiday in the New Forest. I wasn't booked on it but someone's dropped out-they've given me first refusal.'
'You go for it auntie-it'll do you good.'
On Monday the skies were leaden. The workmen arrived in a steady downpour. Their first job was to have been starting work on tiling the barn roof over the existing wooden roof but the rain put paid to that. Their electrician was able to begin upgrading the electrics. Jeff had been intrigued to see the safety equipment that had arrived for the inside and the scaffolding which had already been erected outside. The main workforce the inevitable cups of tea that they would start work on the floor tiles. Tobias and Clegg arrived a bit later having gone for floor tile grout and they soon chivvied their workers into action.
Before he finished work that day Tony called in to see them.
'Ellie and I are planning to get married next year and we rather hoped that our

Offline Jane

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Re: Theft at Follyfoot by Norfolk Dumpling
« Reply #44 on: July 03, 2014, 07:59:14 AM »
wedding could be the first to be held here when the renovations are complete. Have you any idea when it will be? '
'We hope by Easter' said Steve. It's in April next year.'
'That would fit in well because Ellie would have the Easter Holiday off. The Saturday after Easter would be good.'
'We'll want an official opening ceremony before then' said Dora.'
'Let me have a word with Tobias and Clegg' said Steve and went off to do so catching the two bosses just as the workforce were leaving off for the day.
'No problem lad- hopefully we'll get all the outside work done before the winter and then we'll crack on inside. ' said Clegg.
'I reckon we'll be done by t'beginning of March.' said Tobias.
'We don't have the problem some firms have being held up waiting for electricians or plumbers. My lads can do the lot- and fix double glazing too. I reckon by the time we knock off for Christmas we'll be able to give you a better idea-but Easter is a definite yes.'
So Steve told Tony to go ahead with the wedding plans. The weather had now improved and Dora went to the stables to fetch Copper and take him out for some exercise.
'I won't be long.' Steve sat down on the floor to play with his children and had another visitor-Ben. Steve asked Jeff to go and play in his room for a while as Ben said he had something important to say.
'Steve I thought you should know that Hazel and I are going to start house-hunting in the  Leeds outskirts.  Now that she's passed her driving test she can drive over here. I really need to be nearer work. You know I often have evening appointments in the city. I'm sorry if it's going to cause you problems. I reckon we'll be a while looking because property in our price range is not going to be easy to find.'
'Okay Ben- I understand but please don't say anything to Dora or anyone else yet-tell Hazel not to either.'
When Dora came in she was smiling broadly.
'Copper and I have had a lovely ride.'
'Good- you should do it more often.'
Steve looked at her happy face and wondered how she would deal with the changes that lay ahead of them. He sat staring into space and was jolted out of his reverie by the ringing of the telephone. It was Adam. He had received a visit from a friend from the orphanage who was looking for work and wondered if they had a job for him.
Steve told him to bring the boy over. When Dora met the eyes of the lad whose name was Tom there seemed to be something familiar about him and he quickly looked away. Steve interviewed him and he seemed to be a willing lad. He was on the point of offering him a job when Dora said 'I know you-you're the one who robbed me!
'Right' said Steve grabbing hold of the boy. 'Call the police.'
'What's the point?' asked Dora. 'I just wanted things out in the open- it was you wasn't it Tom?'
The boy nodded.' I'm sorry missus. I've never done anything like that before. I was hungry and I thought there might be food in the bag. I'm afraid I spent the money and