Author Topic: Help Please  (Read 2962 times)

Offline Lottie

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Help Please
« on: October 05, 2007, 12:15:59 PM »
Hi there,

I'm from the West Midlands and remeber watching this series on a Sunday morning when I was still in single figures. As I recall the Black Beauty series was on and when it finished this was put on in it's timeslot. I only recall seeing the first series of this before it was taken off and from what I remember the whole TV line up was changed, and an end to the showing of drama series. I think the move to live shows in the vain off (for example) Going Live was introduced. Anyway, I have a couple of queries that I would love someone to answer for me, if they would be so kind.

Firstly, did this series have an actual ending or was the final episode left open for series 4? Did the producers tie up the loose ends knowing that series 3 was to be final installment or as with the case of many older shows did it just abruptly end?

Secondly, when planning a trip to visit Follyfoot do you need the landowners permission to view it? It is going to be of bit of a trek (and quite an expense) for me to visit and I want to be sure that if i do get there then i'm not going to get turned away be some irate owner. I would rather call/write to whomever I needed to obtain the permission to get the best tour possible. What is the best way to go about it?

Thirdly, a friend of mine mentioned something about a Return To Follyfoot being made. I have never heard of such a programme and after all this time can't see how one would/could be made. However, if anyone can enlighten me on this Return To Follyfoot, I would be very grateful.


Offline timb9095

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Re: Help Please
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 01:15:55 PM »
Hi Lottie

Hope you are well.

Series 3 was pretty much open ended when it ceased. There were 'rumours'  of a 4th series being made, but nothing materialised.

There is a public footpath which passes directly past Hollin Hall (FF) and the main lake and woods. Hollin Hall is a private residence now. It is possible to get to the rear of the old farm building without being too obtrusive; you'll see what I mean when you get there. The footpath is easily accessible from both ends from the relative main roads.  I parked in a layby which was  more or less directly opposite this footpath, at the New Laithe Farm end. FF is about a mile walk from this layby.  I would say that you will be able to see all you need to without bothering the owners of Hollin Hall, which I would advise against. I refer you to Simon Dakin's visit to FF where you will see an OS map of the area (on the website) and also the section relevant to my visit back in July.

Sorry, never heard of a @Return to Follyfoot'. MAybe someone else here has.

Hope this has been of some help.



Offline larue

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Re: Help Please
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 09:00:32 PM »
hi Lottie

welcome to the forum. >44<

i can endorse everything Tim has said, as i made the pilgrimage in 2005. don't forget your camera. hope you have better weather than i did.

ps the ghosts are very friendly...
regards larue :(
'eggs is good for you, eggs is'

Offline dorning

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Re: Help Please
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2007, 01:55:20 AM »
 :)hello   lottie  welcome  to  the   follyfoot  site,  i   am  from  walsall  in  the  west  midlands   and  i  made  the  trek   to  the  hollin  hall  location  earlier  this  year,  i    can   assure   you   if  you  love  the  series   your  journey   will  not   be  wasted,  the  location  is  very  beautiful,  and  easy  to  find, all   timb9095  states   is  perfectly  correct,  and  if  you  luck  up  my  member  name  on  the  site   you  can  learn  about  my  visit,  and  i  hope  you  have  lovely  weather.  As  for  The  Return  to  Follyfoot   idea  this  is  actually  a  possible  suggested   title  for  a  dvd  special  feature  documentary  that   could   be  made   with   cooperation   of   Network  the  company  currently  in  the  process  of  releasing  the  follyfoot  series,  willing  members  of  the  cast  and   some  considerable  pressure  from   all  of   us  who  love  follyfoot,  and  hopefully   it  would be  released   on  the   dvds  set  of  the   third  and  final  series.  A   similar   effort   was  made  on  the  catweazle  dvd  release.  I  hope  i  have  helped  with  your  question,  and  hope  you  agree   with  the  nostalgia  documentary  idea.

Offline timb9095

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Re: Help Please
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2007, 09:33:08 AM »
Hi Lottie

Please excuse my manners!  

welcome to the forum!! >1< >1<

