Author Topic: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write  (Read 30404 times)

Offline Loopy

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #75 on: March 01, 2012, 02:20:30 PM »
Steve heaved the soiled straw from Ranger's stall onto his shovel and, with a little shake to help it on its way, let it drop into the wheelbarrow outside the door.  He was happy mucking out the stables, especially on a sunny morning when the horses were outside.  There was no stress, no brain power needed, just lots of muscle and lots of time to think on things.  Minnie Foley came into his head.  He wondered how she was.  He found himself smiling when he thought of the time he spent with her at the hotel.  It was fun, he thought.  She was a good looking woman and since her husband had died, she was a different person altogether.  They had talked and had fun together and Steve really did care about her.  So much had happened since the pools win.  He felt worried for her.  Could she cope with the fortune?  How must she be feeling about her two sons?  Steve decided that as soon as all the work was done, he would go back to the Queens Hotel and see if she was still staying there.  If not, he would go to the hospital to find her.  He wanted to see her again, tell her he cared and that he wanted to help her. 

He went to the top barn to fetch some clean straw and thought of Dora.  Just for a moment he felt guilty.  He hadn't been to see Dora since she was poorly - perhaps it should be her he should visit?  No! he thought.  Dora has everybody - they all love her.  Minnie only has her sons...... and now me too.   

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Offline Pen.

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #76 on: March 01, 2012, 10:12:15 PM »
Working on his own Steve was surprised how quickly he was getting through the jobs.  He leant on the wall and looked across the lake.  No-one had paid him any attention today.  It was as if they were trying to pretend he wasn't there.  Ron hadn't even bothered turning up yet.
"Right!" he thought. "Enough for the moment, I'm taking a break and going to see Minnie.  I can finish off when I get back."
Pausing only to have a quick wash and tell Slugger he'd be out for lunch Steve grabbed the Land Rover keys and set off towards Leeds.  His head was full of thoughts of Minnie, running through what he would say to her when he tracked her down.  It probably would have been sensible to ring the Hotel first but his need for action,  to be on the move, was too great.  He would try the hotel and then the hospital. 

Suddenly a horse and rider flashed across the road a few yards ahead of the Land Rover and disappeared into the woods.  Taken up with his own thoughts Steve only just saw them in time.
"What the...??!!!" he exclaimed as he stood on the brakes and brought the Land Rover to a shuddering halt at the side of the road.  He stared at the gap in the trees where the horse had entered the wood.  If he didn't know better he'd have sworn that was Dora, but she would never ride as recklessly as that.  Anyway, Dora was recuperating at her Uncle's house... ...wasn't she? 

He couldn't shake the sense though that, whoever it was, there was a feeling of panic about the way that horse was being ridden.
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Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #77 on: March 02, 2012, 03:31:23 PM »
He put the Landrover into gear and moved slowly off, still thinking about Dora. However hard he tried to dismiss his feelings for her she still meant a great deal to him. Still, no good dwelling on what might have been he thought, time to move on with his life.

He was pulled sharply back to reality at the sight of a familiar-looking motorbike lying close to the quarry edge. Something wasn’t right here, what was Ron playing at? As he climbed out of the landrover he trod on a piece of paper which stuck to his muddy boots. He tore it off impatiently and flung it to one side. Peering over the edge he caught sight of Ron lying motionless on a ledge. In a flash he realised he had seen Dora galloping away.

“Hang on mate!” called Steve “I’m coming down to get you!”

Ron lifted his head and called out in a faint voice "get the papers Steve....get the papers..."

Steve didn't hear him as the wind whipped Rons voice away along with the remaining papers by his side.

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #78 on: March 04, 2012, 11:09:23 PM »
The young gypsy girl and her nearly blind grandmother walked from their camp with bunches of  white heather. They stopped several people leaving 'The Boatman's Arms' and sold a few bunches. They went into the pub 'Buy a bunch of lucky heather for your lady.' said the girl to the men seated by the fireside playing dominoes. One man reached into his pocket but the burly landlord showed the two women the door none too politely. 'Let's try the boats.' said the girl. On board 'Caliope' Loxy was pacing the floor. 'I've got a bad feeling Solly- let the boy go.I'm sure we're heading for trouble.' 'Hold your tongue woman. In a couple of days we'll be in France rolling in money.'
Gavin had been asleep and woke feeling stiff and scared. He began crying again and trying to fray the rope that bound his feet by rubbing it against the end of the bunk. The knots were tied too tightly for him to undo and his hands were bleeding from the attemps he'd made. He had hoped they would bring him food that needed to be eaten with a knife and fork but it was always sandwiches. He beat his fists on the mattress and cried even more.
Sarah and her grandma approached Caliope the old lady's white stick tap tapping along. They stopped and Sarah went to call out but old Ginny stopped her putting her finger to her lips. Her hearing was acute. Solly came on deck cap pulled down and scarf hiding the bottom of his face and lit a cigarette. Spotting the gypsies he called in a cockney accent
'Clear off!'
'We don't mean no harm squire. You look as though you might be in need of a bit of luck. Buy a bunch of my heather' said Sarah -and Ginny held out a bunch. Solly grabbed it, threw it to the deck and crushed it underfoot. 'That's what I think of your lucky charm you old crone!'
Loxy had come up on deck behind him. She gasped in horror. Sarah and Ginny moved away. While still in earshot Ginny turned and brandished her stick. 'Be warned. You're up to no good. You'll be sorry!'
Solly would have gone after her but Loxy stayed him and pointed. Two swarthy looking men were approaching. 'Come on mother' said one. 'Time to eat.' When they were a good distance away from Caliope Ginny said  'There's something amiss on that boat Caleb. I heard a child crying- and that man was very jumpy.He was pretending to be a cockney but he's from Yorkshire. I know I'm blind but you know I've got second sight. We ought to tell someone.' Caleb knew his mother was seldom wrong about things but he was frightened of the police and would not go near them voluntarily.
'I tell you what mother. Sarah and Jacob can take you back to the camp. I'll find somewhere to hide myself and keep an eye on that boat. When you get back Jake send a couple of the lads to help.'
Butch got off the bus near to where Caliope was moored. He had decided not to try and disguise his appearance so he wore dark jeans and a navy anorak and felt he had succeeded in being inconspicuous. He went on board unaware that he was being watched.
Solly swore when he saw him. 'What are you doing here you moron?'
'I had to come Rollo's dead!' he blurted out

linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #79 on: March 07, 2012, 12:47:06 PM »
Thompson was  getting worried. He was feeling guilty about letting Miss Dora go out for a ride. He’d be in trouble if the Colonel found out! Where the devil was Dora? She’d been an hour now and she’d promised not to be long. His question was soon answered as Dora and Dragon clattered into the yard at great speed.

“Steady, steady!”  Thompson shouted and grabbed at the reins. Dragon spun round and Dora slid off, unable to hang on any longer in her weakened state.

Unfortunately, the Colonel had witnessed Dora and Dragon careering up the gravel drive and at that moment he stormed into the stable yard. Thompson cowered as the Colonel bellowed at him “get that horse in his stable and rub him down before he catches cold. I’ll deal with you later!” Thompson touched his forelock and meekly led the sweating Dragon away.

Dora struggled to her feet and the Colonels temper evaporated as he looked at her strained and white face.

"What on earth is going on?"

“Uncle, you must get help! Ron is……” but before she could finish she fainted into the Colonels arms.

Offline Loopy

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #80 on: March 15, 2012, 12:46:52 PM »
Steve tentatively made his way down into the quarry until he reached Ron's side.  "What kept you." Ron whispered with a wry smile before passing out.  When Steve saw what state his friend was in he knew there was no way he could get him out without help from the emergency services.  He decided he would wait with Ron for a while in the hope that Dora had, by now, summoned help.  He took his jacket off and gently laid it over Ron, who had started shivering and shaking.  Steve saw the signs of shock and knew that help would have to come very soon if his friend was to survive.  He laid closely to Ron and put his arms around him to keep him warm.  Please God, let somebody come soon, he said to himself. 

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #81 on: March 16, 2012, 12:00:35 AM »
'Dear oh dear-poor old Rollo. So the plant and the note didn't get left for Mrs Moneybags at the hospital then?'
'No- so that pick up is off. I had to stop you from going there cos I thought you might do something daft to the boy when no-one showed up. I used me noddle though and took a note to her hotel- don't worry, she didn't see me- I gave it to the bell boy.'
'Did you wear a disguise?'
'Course I did and I gave him a big tip too.' He told Solly the details of the new pick up point.
'Righto Butch-you got yerself a job!'
'Me?- b-but what'll you be doing Solly?'
'Keeping my eye on the boy-make sure he's all in one piece ready to go back to mummy!'
He laughed a horrible little laugh that sent shivers down Loxy's spine.
'I reckon she'll go to the cops Sol. We ought to let the kid go.' she said.
'Don't go getting soft Lox. You want to go and spend a long holiday stretching out in the Hawaiian sunshine doncher?'
'So long as it's not a long stretch in Holloway.'
'Sling yer 'ook Butch.We'll meet in our special place tomorrow at six with all that lovely lolly
and don't even think about double crossing me.' Solly took a knife from the table and played with it, Butch left the boat without looking back. He needed to plan his escape route.
When he'd gone Solly said 'I need to go out for a while.'
'Where are you going and how long will you be?'
'Now that my sweet would be telling.'
Gavin heard a loud crash and then a cry. He cowered in the corner of his prison fearing what would happen next. Nothing did.A few minutes later he heard the sound of heavy footsteps going past outside. Perhaps the man had left. He was sure that the woman would help him. He got up and banged on the door but no-one came.
Caleb had seen the two men leave. Jake had sent Sean and Seamus twin brothers who had plenty of brawn and a fair bit of brain too. 'The old one said there was only one man and one woman on the boat, if that's so she's alone now and we can try our charm on her-see what's going on.' said Sean. The three of them ran to the boat. 'You go on board Sean- we'll keep watch-the blokes might not have gone far.If you hear me whistle 'The Gypsy Rover' get out of there quick and run like blazes-we'll be ahead of you.' Sean was back inside 5 minutes with a sobbing Gavin in his arms. 'Come on-let's get out of here' he yelled
running for the shelter of the trees and the path that led to their camp.
'This is detective inspector Johnson here, could you put me through to Mrs Minnie Foley's room please?'
'Hello, Mrs Foley speaking.'
'Ah Mrs.Foley it's about your son Gavin.'
'Yes- have you found him?'
'We know where he is.'
'Thank goodness. I won't have to hand over all that money now!'
'Indeed not. I hope you didn't get the cash out.'
'Well your boss said not to but I was so worried I had to just in case something went wrong and they didn't pick the kidnapper up. Thought he might give me a second chance and I'd have the money ready.'
'Now that was very silly. You must get it back in the bank. Tell me which one you use and we'll have someone standing by to meet you there let's say in an hour's time. Get a taxi. Use Yorkie Cabs their drivers are very reliable.'
'When can I see Gavin- can you let me speak to him and make sure he's alright?'
'He's stuffing himself on egg and chips at the moment, said they didn't give him much to eat or drink. Once you've been to the bank someone will take you to him. Now which bank was it again?'
'Barclays- the main one in Leeds.'
'Excellent. You take care now and you'll be seeing Gavin soon.'
Solly strolled back to 'Caliope' feeling pleased with himself. Now to make his peace with Loxy. She was still out cold. He was sorry he'd hit her so hard. He shook her none too gently. 'Wake up Lox!' She didn't stir. He pulled the gag from her mouth and loosened the ropes that bound her to the chair. Loxy fell to the floor onto her face. Solly rolled her onto her back. Her eyes were open but Loxy was dead.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #82 on: March 16, 2012, 12:39:55 AM »
Minnie Foley felt strange sitting in the taxi crading the battered old suitcase she'd last used to pack up her meagre possessions from Lilian Street. She asked the driver to go to Barclays Bank, but then she had another idea. "Hold on, we've got plenty of time!" she said, as she asked the driver to head out of the city towards the Colonel's house. Along the way she started counting out the bundles of notes and putting some into a carrier bag.

"Why, Minnie!" exclaimed the Colonel. "What are you doing back here? I hope everything's alright with Gavin?"

"Yes, the police have just called me - he's fine. I'm off to see him now. But first I'd like you to have something." And she handed over a Fine Fare carrier bag to the Colonel, who looked inside and found some neat bundles of twenty-pound notes.

"Now, Minnie, you know Follyfoot isn't for sale!"

"I don't want to buy it any more. This is for you and Dora. It's £25,000. I'd like Dora to use it as she pleases. I've still got plenty of money left, more than I'll ever need. I'm going to give £50,000 each to Gavin and to Brian and I'm also going to buy a nice house with a paddock, so we can keep Bobby there and maybe get some more horses".

"Well, Minnie, that's extraordinarily generous of you. I'm afraid Dora isn't very well at the moment, but I'll give her the good news as soon as she's up".

"Sorry to hear about Dora. I hope she's better soon. I really want to apologise to her!"

"No need for that, Minnie. Now, I think you ought to go off and see your son. You really must bring both the boys around here once Dora's better!"

Minnie Foley returned to the waiting taxi and off they headed to the bank. It was Inspector Garnet himself who met her outside.

"Mrs Foley! Johnson told me you'd be coming. Now let's get this money safely in the bank, and then I'll take you to see Gavin".

Half an hour later Gavin and his mother were sitting drinking tea in the interview room at Leeds Police Station while the Inspector tried to piece together their story.

The eager young PC Grimsdyke put his head around the door and tried to attract the Inspector's attention. Garnet excused himself and went outside for a moment.

"What do you want, Grimsdyke? Could you make yourself useful and bring three more cups of tea, and some biscuits?"

"Sir - I just thought you should ask Mrs Foley if she knows anything about Councillor Earnshaw and that business up at Gallows Farm?"

"Proper little Sherlock Holmes you are! Now come along and get that kettle on!"

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #83 on: March 16, 2012, 12:18:39 PM »
Dora woke with a start and wondered for a minute where she was.  Suddenly, she remembered!  My God, she thought, how much time has passed since I got back here.  She jumped from her bed and grabbed hold of the bedpost until the dizziness subsided.  She rushed downstairs screaming at the top of her voice.... Uncle, Uncle you must send help for Ron.... he's had an accident..... the quarry, he's in the quarry.... The Colonel came rushing to her and caught her in his arms as she fell down the last step.  "Ron's fallen in the quarry - I'll show you where." she said urgently.

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Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #84 on: March 16, 2012, 03:07:12 PM »
“Now then Dora you are in no fit state to be going anywhere.”  Privately he thought she had been having one of her dreams and gently ushered her back up to bed, ignoring her protests. Mrs Porter, however, had been listening at her door and had an inkling Dora could be telling the truth. She heard the study door bang and bit her lip. The Colonel didn’t like being disturbed when he was having a quiet smoke and read of the newspaper in his study. She knocked gently on the door.

“What is it?” snapped the Colonel.

Mrs Porter stuck her head around the door and began hesitantly “Colonel....I believe Dora could be right”

“Could be right?” exclaimed the Colonel. “What about for heaven’s sake!”

“I think Ron is in the Quarry, we must go and help him!”

The Colonel looked at Mrs Porter’s earnest face and sighed.

“Very well, I’ll take a look, but Dora is not to come with me or sneak out while I’m gone . The Quarry isn’t that big, if he is there I’ll soon find him. I’ll call for Slugger on the way."

Mrs Porter sighed with relief. Dora’s dreams and intuitions were so often right.

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #85 on: March 16, 2012, 10:44:55 PM »
Time to get the boy and run thought Solly covering Loxy up completely with a blanket so that Gavin wouldn't see her. Sean had relocked the door after freeing the captive so Solly did not think anything else was amiss until he opened it. 'What the devil-where the hell is he?' There was nowhere to hide, the bird had definitely flown. Somebody had been here but who? He knew for certain that his cause was lost and the only thing to do now was to save his skin. He turned on two  gas cylinders and lit a candle as far away from the gas  as he could, shut the door and hurried off in the direction of the public car park nearby. He heard sirens approaching and getting onto his motorbike he roared off towards his home some thirty miles away. Seamus was on board 'Romany Queen'  which was moored close by. It belonged to a distant cousin who preferred living on a boat to being in a caravan. He seemed to be engrossed in fiddling with the engine but looked up as footsteps approached. The same bloke who'd been by in the other direction only minutes before. Could this be the man from Caliope? If so he had probaby been the one who had attacked the woman Sean had seen tied to a chair. He watched Solly get on his bike and made a note of the number on a cigarette packet. Perhaps he should go and see if he could help the woman but no-the approach of the sirens put him off so luckily for him he stayed put. As a police car and ambulance came into view there was a loud explosion and debris was flung into the air. The vehicles came to an abrupt halt. No use in trying to get any nearer. A young officer got on his radio and called the fire brigade.
Butch had not gone very far. There was a church nearby and he had hidden in the cemetery. The viaduct was not far away. When he heard the explosion he peered over the wall. 'Oh no' he exclaimed aloud. The vicar appeared from the next door rectory.' Heaven preserve us. I hope there was no-one on board. '
'Yes indeed your reverence.' He had noticed there was another way out of the churchyard and hurried away. He knew there was little point in trying to collect money from Minnie Foley now. He dare not go home so the only thing he could do was make for the secret place where he could lie low. If Solly was alive he would surely come to find him.
Caleb, a deeply religious man came out of the church as Butch passed. Sean had seen the way Loxy's eyes stared unblinking and was sure she was dead. Caleb had been praying for her soul. His eyes were sharp and he recognised Butch as having been on the boat. He followed at a distance. Butch was walking through fields, Caleb walked on the road a long hedge acting as a screen. Coming to a crossroads Butch emerged from the field and took the right hand fork walking on the pavement now as he was in the village of Crompton and there were houses on both sides. Gibbet cottage stood by itself screened from the road by a high fence. It had been uninhabited for years since the old lady who had lived there for years died without leaving a will. A 'For Sale' notice had stood in the garden for years. No-one wanted to live there. Everyone said it was haunted by tortured souls standing as it did on the site of a tree which was used as place of execution. This suited Butch fine and he vaulted the gate and disappeared before Caleb rounded the corner. He  extracted the key from its hiding place, went inside and locked the door.
Caleb sighed heavily. He couldn't knock on all these doors. Well- he couldn't but perhaps there was someone who could.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Pen.

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #86 on: March 18, 2012, 08:30:28 AM »
While Dora had slept at the Colonel's house the weather had turned.  There was a bitter wind coming in from the North whipping the spilled papers around inside the quarry.  Lying on the bare stone Steve was getting colder and colder.  He had no idea how much time had passed.  He was aware that the light had changed since he'd been here but was feeling too tired to keep track.  Ron seemed to be stable, still covered in Steve's jacket as well as his own, he had retained his body warmth but hadn't roused.  Steve tried to pull himself together.  Surely, if help was coming it should have been here by now.  Maybe he would have to leave Ron and go for help himself.  He thought about trying to climb back up to the LandRover but his arms and legs felt unaccountably leaden, his head woolly and confused. 
"I'll go for help if no-one's here in a few minutes" he thought.  " a few minutes..."

...Steve slept, and in his dreams he thought he heard the Colonel and Slugger's voices, felt strange hands lifting him and talk of blankets and hypothermia.  When he woke he was warm again and the room smelled of disinfectant.
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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #87 on: March 18, 2012, 11:50:14 AM »
"Ah, back in the land of the living, I see Mr. Ross." A sympathetic voice with a hint of laughter.

Steve groaned softly, blinking several times to refocus his vision; he saw a young nurse with short curls of pale brunette hair smiling at him.

"Wh-where am I?" His mouth felt as if it were filled with cotton wool.
"You're in The General."
"How, how long have I be here?"
"You've been here for nearly two days, asleep for most." She popped the thermometer in Steve's mouth. "The doctor says  you're a very lucky man, Mr. Ross." She checked the reading. "Temperature's normal." She jotted it down on the chart.
Steve jolted suddenly. "Ron! Ron, is he alright?"
"Mr. Ross, please stay calm." She put a steadying hand on his shoulder.

Thanks Loopy for letting me borrow the caps!

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #88 on: March 18, 2012, 02:21:48 PM »
Dora looked at the crumpled and torn papers again. What did this all mean? Why had the Colonel looked so elated when he’d triumphantly slapped them on the study desk after coming back from the hospital last night?

“It will all be alright now Dora” he beamed at her, tapping the papers with his pipe. “With this evidence the farm will be safe”

“I don’t understand Uncle” she said puzzled. Where did you get them from?”

“Never mind all that now, get some warm things on and we’ll go and visit Steve and Ron. Thank goodness you found Ron when you did and Mrs Porter had the sense to believe you, otherwise we could have lost both of them.”

Dora’s face clouded. She didn’t know how to feel about Steve any more and wasn't even sure she wanted to see him.

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #89 on: March 18, 2012, 09:27:07 PM »
Sister popped her head around Steve's door "Visitor Mr Ross.  Are you up to it?"  Steve smiled and nodded.  "I'll fetch her in then." she said and disappeared again.   Steve smoothed his hair and straightened his bed covers.  He puffed up his pillows and propped himself up, feeling quite excited about seeing Dora again.  After a few minutes the door opened and Sister came in "He's in here." she said brightly.  Steve sat up straight and smiled in anticipation but it wasn't Dora after all, it was Minnie Foley carrying a huge bouquet of flowers and a basket of fruit.

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