Author Topic: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write  (Read 30414 times)

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #45 on: November 21, 2011, 09:01:46 PM »
Dora put down the phone and stood for a moment thinking.  What Cathy had said had concerned her greatly - there were enough changes threatened at the moment as it was, and Cathy hadn't answered her question about what was going to happen to the land -  but something was nagging at her that she couldn't quite put her finger on.  Suddenly it came to her and Dora gasped.  Councillor Earnshaw!  She hadn't been listening properly  in the Harewood Arms but she was sure that was the name Mr. Bendiger and her Uncle had mentioned.  It made sense if he already owned a large block of land that he was interested in Follyfoot.  However much she had regretted things in the last 24 hours she went cold at the thought that people were conspiring to take her wonderful farm from her and that in some ways it had already begun.

Dora realised that she had been so caught up in what had happened at the Bendiger's house and since that she had quite forgotten how impatient she had been to fight this Councillor Earnshaw, Mr. Bent, Minnie Foley and the lot of them.  She remembered why she had gone to the Bendiger's in the first place.  Wendy!  She had thought then that Wendy might have some information which could be useful.  Now Dora knew that Wendy had definitely spent some time with Steve (although she preferred not to think too deeply about that) she realised it meant Wendy was probably in an even better position to pass on useful snippets than she had first thought.  Picking up the phone again she found the number in Uncle's old address book and dialled before she could talk herself out of it.

"Hello?" Mrs. Bendiger sounded very hesitant on the other end of the line. "Who is this?"
"Oh Mrs. Bendiger, it's Dora from Follyfoot. Is Wendy there please?"
Dora could hear the relief in Mrs. Bendiger's voice.
"Oh I'm sorry dear, no, you've just missed her, she's gone out for dinner with a young man this evening." Dora held her breath, a picture of Wendy gazing across a table at Steve springing unbidden into her head, "Would you like me to ask her to ring you when Jeremy drops her home?"
Dora started breathing again.  "Yes please, I'd really appreciate that, You don't know where they've gone by any chance do you?"
"I think they've gone to some restaurant in the centre of Leeds, but I'm not really sure dear.  Don't worry, I'll ask her to ring you later."
Dora heard a click as the call was ended, it was a long shot but she couldn't help wondering if Wendy had gone to the Queen's Hotel and if so, what was she up to? 
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Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #46 on: November 22, 2011, 11:36:15 PM »
Jeremy was feeling relaxed and happy. It was not often a pretty girl asked him out. Wendy spent a lot of time asking him all about himself, his hobbies, what kind of food he liked and later about his job. Just as she was angling the conversation to what Bent was up to regarding Follyfoot the door to the restaurant opened and in walked Dora. 'Excuse me for a moment Jeremy, I need the little girls room.' She headed in the direction of the toilet and motioned to Dora to follow. 'You need to get out of here Dora. I'm trying to get information out of Jeremy and he won't open up if he thinks anyone else is listening. He hardly spoke at all while Minnie and Steve were in here but that gave me the chance to listen to what they were talking about.'
'Which was?'
'Oh nothing really. I think I put the damper on things a bit when I kissed him .'
'Where are they now?'
'Gone upstairs I imagine.'
'You will let me know if you find anything out won't you?'
'Of course-now go home.'
'I'm going to get a drink of something first.' She went into the bar and was confronted by Minnie who had been sitting at a table facing the door. 'Come to say you're sorry have you
Dora dear?'
'Certainly not, I came to see my friend.'
'He's no friend of mine.' Steve had been to fetch drinks and heard Dora's remark.
'That's good Miss Maddocks because I feel the same about you. I've done your dirty work for long enough for a pittance of a wage and now I want something better.'
They stared long and hard at each other and it was Steve who looked away first.
'And you shall have it dear boy.' said Minnie. 'Just as soon as lady muck and her do gooder uncle are out of our way.'
Steve didn't like the remark about the colonel, he said nothing but brushed his hand across his mouth in the oh so familiar gesture. So there was something of the old Steve left then.
Dora was not going to let them stop her from having her drink so she went to the bar to buy a coke. 'Lovely wine this isn't it Steve?' said Minnie pointedly.
'Er yes.' he replied. Dora left as soon as her drink was finished. Mr Bent was waiting in his car outside she didn't notice him but he spotted her and reached down as if picking up something from the floor. Moments later Brian Foley came out of the hotel, Bent opened the door and he got in.
'Jeremy- that's a criminal act you're talking about- someone could get hurt.'
'Oh no, Mr. Bent will see that doesn't happen.'
'If he's caught....'
'He won't be doing it.'
'What about the...' but Jeremy realised he'd said too much and would not be drawn anymore. 'Give us a kiss sweetheart.' He leaned across the table to claim the kiss knocking over Wendy's wine in the process.'You clumsy idiot!' she said and ran from the room bumping into Steve who was about to follow Minnie upstairs.
'Steve- thank heaven. Come on we need to move fast.'
She took his hand and propelled him protesting from the building.

linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #47 on: November 23, 2011, 12:59:51 PM »
Brian Foley looked at Bents smug face. He didn’t like him but he was desperate to help his mum get her hands on the farm. It would be a good money spinner for all of them.  When Mr Bent had offered him the chance to help he had readily agreed. He casually glanced in the back seats of the car and stiffened when he noticed rags and a petrol can behind the driver’s seat. “Just what are you planning to do?” he asked Bent uneasily.

“Nothing for you to worry about Brian,” he said grinning. “We are just going to pay Follyfoot farm a little visit.” As they neared the farm, Bent pulled up in a lay by and switched off the engine. Brian felt a cold shiver down his spine. He didn’t like this one bit “Look I think I’ve changed my mind Mr Bent, I really ought to be going.”

He felt a restraining hand on his arm. “Not so fast, boy. You aren’t going anywhere!”
Another car pulled up and three men got out. Bent nodded at them. ”All ready? he asked and received a few grunts in reply. One of the men removed the petrol can and rags from Bents car. “Get on with it then, and for pete’s sake don’t let anyone see you!” Mr Bent got back in his car and Brian flinched as one of the thugs grabbed his arm and dragged him along the cart track towards the farm.

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #48 on: November 25, 2011, 07:19:48 PM »
'Wendy- I can't drive, I've had several drinks and I guess you have too.'
'No- I wanted to keep a clear head so I could get information out of Jeremy. We need to get to Follyfoot and fast, I'll tell you what  I know on the way.' Wendy opened her car door.
'Follyfoot- no Wendy. I won't be welcome there.'
'Get in the car, Steve unless you want Copper, Alex and the rest to be homeless or worse!'
Wendy drove fast. Steve was shocked by what she told him. 'We should have called the police.'
'By the time we'd explained everything and they'd decided to act it would have been too late. We'll get there much faster and hopefully we can stop a disater from happening.'
Slugger was asleep in front of the fire, the radio was on. Ron had given Hazel a lift into Tockwith. She was going to a dance at the village hall and staying the night with a friend.
Dora was in the bath.
'You can't do this!' protested Brian as the other two approached the stables . The petrol cans were open and liquid was splashing out of the containers as they walked.' Please- the horses- they don't deserve this.'
'It's okay lad, before we light the petrol we'll let them all out.'
'But they'll hear them in the house and come out.'
'That's the idea-you see once they're out we can set the house alight.'
Brian made a run for the farmhouse meaning to bang on the door but Rocco was too quick  and coshed him. Brian crumpled to the floor. Rocco and Lonnie dragged him away from the stables and emptied one can putting it beside Brian and positioning his hand round the handle.They both wore gloves and had balaclava's over their heads so just their eyes showed. They went round to the back of the house and doused that with petrol too. Then they began to open the stable doors as quietly as they could.
'Wendy for heaven's sake slow down. There's often a patrol car on this stretch of road.'
Wendy accelerated and sure enough from out of a lay by a police car appeared and flashing blue lights and sirens disturbed the peace of the country lanes.'
'Stop'  yelled Steve. 'We could crash at this speed.'
'No way- we're nearly there. You wanted me to call the police- well it's a quick way to get them there- might even make those blokes make a run for it.'
'Oh my stars Steve- look!' said Wendy as horses began to rush from their stables.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Rob

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #49 on: November 26, 2011, 09:43:00 PM »
Rocco and Lonnie heard the sirens, and, looking back up the hill, saw the police car with its flashing lights. Realising they could never make it back to their car, they vaulted over the drystone wall and ran towards the lake, making for the bridleway that led to Wike Lane.

PC Fairman opened the car door and surveyed the scene all around. The farmyard stank of petrol. Stable doors had been flung open and several horses were wandering around. Fairman was a little nervous of horses. He caught sight of Brian Foley lying on the ground , and noticed the petrol can in his grasp. He bent down and checked Brian's pulse.

"Is he OK?" asked an anxious Steve.

"He's alive. Now you'd better stay where you are and keep out of the way - this is a crime scene. I'm going to call the station". Heading back to his car, Fairman pressed the button on his radio and called "Golf-Alpha-Charlie. This is Oscar-Tango-Three-One-Two requesting assistance at Follyfoot Farm, Whistledown Lane. And we require an ambulance - we have a young man with suspected head injuries."

Steve gave Wendy a peck on the cheek. "I reckon I owe you one there. You were right about the police!"

At that moment Dora stepped out of the farmhouse, a towel wrapped around her body.

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Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #50 on: November 28, 2011, 01:05:36 PM »
Dora nearly dropped the towel in shock as she surveyed the scene before her but angrily pulled it tight around her when she saw Steve kiss Wendy. She slammed the door in a temper, rushed upstairs and hurriedly threw on her jeans and yellow jumper. So Steve was having an affair with Wendy after all, she thought,and also seeing that Foley woman at the same time! She pushed those awful thoughts to the back of her mind as she hurried back downstairs to see what the police were doing in HER stable yard.

Offline Pen.

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #51 on: November 28, 2011, 06:08:50 PM »
By the time Dora got back outside PC Fairman had shut the gate to the stable yard to stop any further horses from escaping and, with Slugger's help, was cordoning off the parts of the yard where the petrol had been spilled.  Steve had caught two horses and was leading them back toward the yard.  

Forgetting about the police for the moment, Dora strode over to Steve and stood defiantly in front of him.
"Get away from my stables!" She spat out at him "What do you think you're doing with MY horses?"   
Steve met her gaze evenly.  
"I think I'm bringing them back to your ladyship's yard now it's safe from being  burned down" he said quietly, "Oh, and when you're quite done yelling at me you might like to thank Wendy for that.  She's the one who realised what was happening.  If it wasn't for her you probably wouldn't have a stables to be High and Mighty about any more." 

Without waiting for Dora to reply Steve let go of the horses and walked back to where Wendy was sitting on the bonnet of her car.  She could see he was furious and was struggling to compose himself.  She placed a hand gently on his arm in support.
"You'd better talk to her." he said. "I can't, and she needs to know."
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Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #52 on: November 29, 2011, 01:35:06 PM »
Dora began hastily catching up the loose horses and returning them back to their boxes. “Here, let me help” Wendy offered but Dora ignored her.

“Look Dora, I’m not…..” Wendy began but Dora cut her short. “Shut up, I don’t want to hear anything you’ve got to say!” she screamed at her and tugged furiously at Alex’s lead rope. “Oh come ON Alex!” she yelled at him and whacked him hard with the end of the lead rope. This was so out of character that Wendy stared at her in surprise for a few moments. She shrugged and walked slowly back to Steve.

“She really is in self- destruct mode Steve; I think you ought to get Slugger to have a word with her. I think she’s on the brink of a mental break down.”

“You may be right Wendy. I’ll have a word with Slugger, but we have to find out the truth about what’s really going on here with the farm sale. I’m not so sure things are quite what they seem anymore.” Steve was starting to have doubts now about working for Mrs Foley.

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #53 on: November 29, 2011, 11:13:26 PM »
The ambulance arrived and Brian Foley was lifted into it on a stretcher. PC Fairman approached Wendy. 'Can I see your driving licence Miss?'
'I'm afraid I don't have it with me constable.'
'Well you'll need to produce it at the station tomorrow.Do you realise what speed you were doing?'
'I'm sorry. I just had to get here fast to stop the stables and farm going up in smoke. When I realised you were following me I saw the chance of getting assistance quickly and accelerated- after all you have your radio.'
Fairman sniffed. 'Have you had a drink this evening?'
'No- I've been on soft drinks.'
'Nevertheless I have to ask you to take a breathaliser test.'
'Is this really necessary?'  asked Steve. There could be dangerous criminals on the loose.'
'I think we've caught our criminal' Fairman said pointing towards the ambulance where Brian was showing signs of coming round.
'He doesn't own that car.' said Steve.
'Probably stolen.'
'Look if you are going to breathalise me get it over with because I have important information and I want to make a statement.'
Steve saw that Slugger had finished with the horses and called him over.
'I aint got nuffing ter say ter yer. Dora says if either of yer dare set foot inside the yard she'll 'ave yer persecuted fer trespassing.'
'I think you mean prosecuted' said Wendy who had just given a negative test result.
'Yeah whatever.'
'Slugger if you won't talk to me listen to Wendy. You've always liked her you know and believe it or not we came here to help tonight.'
'Come and sit in my car Slugger' said Wendy and somewhat reluctantly he did as she said.
Alex had broken free from Dora, he had seen his friend Steve and went over to the fence to greet him. Steve reached in his inside pocket and found a treat for him. 'What are you playing up for fella?' Steve said patting his neck.
'Leave him alone' shouted Dora coming up to take hold of Alex once more.
'Please Dora- just let me have a few minutes with him and settle him in his stable for you. Oh and by the way I think I left one of my sweaters behind. It was a favourite, can I have it back?'
'No- I got rid of it and the rest of your old junk' she said nastily. PC Jackson shouted
'I've found something interesting.' As he walked into the light given by the patrol car's headlamps Dora saw that in his hand he carried the black plastic sack containing her petrol soaked clothes. She had left it by the bin. Her hand flew to her mouth and she swayed. Steve vaulted the fence and caught her as she fainted.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #54 on: December 01, 2011, 03:04:42 PM »
Slugger sat in the front seat of Wendy’s car and stared straight ahead noncommittally. He did have a soft spot for her but he didn’t like this business with Steve and the farm which she seemed to be heavily involved with.

“Slugger, I know you don’t like me…” she began but Slugger cut her short. “I never said I didn’t like you gal, but this farm nonsense is tearing Dora apart.”

There was an awkward silence between them until Slugger asked pointedly “Do you love Steve?”
Wendy wasn’t quite sure how to answer him.

“Um, well..I wouldn’t say love exactly, just a bit of fun between two friends really. I know its Dora he cares for but she pushes him too far and he quite rightly gets fed up of it.”

Slugger shrugged. He knew she was right but he felt helpless to do anything for Steve and Dora this time. He sighed heavily and glanced out of the car window.

“Oh gawd blimey, what’s happened now?” he cried as he saw Steve carrying a limp Dora in his arms towards the farmhouse.

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #55 on: December 03, 2011, 12:49:22 PM »
Slugger and Wendy clambered out of the sports car and set off to follow Steve but were waylaid by PC Jackson who was now holding up a pair of petrol soaked strawberry red jeans in his gloved hand.
"Do either of you recognise these?" he asked, looking pointedly at Wendy who shook her head.
"Not particularly" she replied. "I've seen pairs like them around town, but I wouldn't wear them if that's what you're getting at!" and she turned back towards the open farmhouse door.
PC Jackson had been concentrating on Wendy, trying to see whether she gave away any signs that she was lying so he missed the look of shock on Slugger's face that it took  him a moment to control.  Slugger couldn't quite bring himself to lie to the police so he hurriedly turned and followed Wendy, hoping PC Jackson wouldn't notice that he hadn't answered the question.

Steve, heedless of Slugger's threats of "persecution" had carried Dora into the study and laid her on the old sofa.  Now all of the anger was gone from her face, despite everything he couldn't help but be moved by how vulnerable she looked.  He gently brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and murmured quietly
"God girl, you drive me to despair. What am I going to do with you?"
Dora stirred and started to open her eyes.  A look of panic came into her eyes as her memory returned and she grabbed Steve's hand.
"Oh Steve! Don't let them arrest me!  I didn't do anything, I promise!"
Steve turned to see Slugger and Wendy in the doorway, PC Jackson was standing behind them still holding up a  pair of Dora's trousers.
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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #56 on: December 05, 2011, 06:03:52 PM »
The colonel arrived having been summoned by Slugger. 'What the deuce is going on here officer? What are you doing with my niece's trousers?'
'Ah so that's who they belong to- you have some explaining to do miss!'
'What d'you mean? what's she supposed to have done?' asked the colonel.
'Somebody's doused the front of the stables and the back of the farmhouse with petrol tonight
and these reek of petrol too.' said PC Jackson.
'Now look' said Steve. 'There's no way Dora would put the horses in danger!'
'What about you, sir- what are you and this young lady  doing here?'
'Steve wouldn't put horses in danger either- and neither would Wendy.' put in Dora.
'Just exactly whatare you doing back here Steve?' asked the colonel.
'Officer- the reason we're here is down to what I found out over dinner tonight and if you'll just let me explain.'
'I think you had better accompany me to the station miss.'
'Look- that young boy you found unconscious was probably not here of his own free will' said Wendy. 'You need to talk to a Mr. Bent. He's in this up to his neck!'
'All in good time miss. Since you're not under the influence you can follow me in your car.'
Steve made to follow. 'We don't need you sir.'
'But I need to get to the hospital to see how Brian's doing.'
'Very well- you can come with me in the patrol car. Can't have you conferring with the witness at this stage of the proceedings'
'I'll see you out' said the colonel. After Steve had left once again Dora dissolved into tears.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #57 on: December 06, 2011, 06:56:45 PM »
Meanwhile Ron had decided to take matters into his own hands. Under the cover of darkness he crept towards the new fence surrounding Gallows Farm. Looking furtively over his shoulder to satisfy himself he hadn’t been noticed, he took a pair of wire cutters from his pocket and began  steadily cutting a large hole in the wire fence. Once the hole was big enough he pushed his way through and made his way to the farm house.

He knew the place was empty as the tenants had left that very morning. He tried the kitchen door but as he suspected it was locked. Next he tried a window which was also firmly closed. He picked up a large rock from a flower bed below the window and wrapped his denim jacket around it before using it to smash the glass. He held his breath and waited a few minutes but there no angry shout or movement in the kitchen.
He pulled the window catch open and carefully climbed though the kitchen window. He pulled out a small torch from his jacket pocket and switched it on. He needed to find the study where he knew that important documents about the land and house might be found hidden behind a brick beside the fireplace.  He’d been told about it by a previous girlfriend that was a relative of the tenants. She had wanted to stir Ron up as she knew he was a bit of a Devil in that way.

Ron made his way to the study and shone his torch towards the fireplace. He located the correct brick and was about to put his hand on it when the door suddenly banged shut. He jumped and spun round but could see no one.  Just the wind he thought and shrugged but he felt uneasy now. Best get this over with quickly he thought.

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #58 on: December 09, 2011, 05:13:38 PM »
Steve rounded the corner of the hospital corridor and walked towards the Intensive Care Unit.  As he neared he could see Minnie and Gavin sitting outside.  Steve nodded at Minnie as he reached her and said  "Hi, how's Brian?"  Minnie shook her head - she couldn't answer Steve.  Steve turned to Gavin.  Gavin shrugged his shoulders.  "They're in with him now.  His alarm just went off and we had to come out.  We haven't seen anybody to ask since." he said sadly.  Steve sighed and sat down heavily onto the seat next to Minnie.  She was crying quietly.  Steve put his arm around her to comfort her.  He felt so sorry for them at that moment.  They didn't seem to have much luck, he thought.

After a few minutes a doctor came out of Brian's room.  Minnie looked up, searching the doctor's face for news.  "Mrs Foley, we've stabilised Brian as best we can.  It was touch and go for a while.  Tonight will be the biggest test.  If he can get through then I believe he stands a good chance of pulling through."  Minnie thanked the doctor and asked if they could see him.  "Just one at a time, I'm afraid and keep talking to him - he can hear you, you know."  Minnie urged Gavin to go in first as she wanted to talk to Steve.

Steve fetched them both a coffee from the machine down the corridor and sat down again next to Minnie.  Minnie turned her head to him "Steve, I'm so sorry about all of this."  "What do you mean Minnie?" Steve replied.  "Well, I didn't realise that Bent was bent." she said, making Steve smile.  "I only wanted Gavin to have Follyfoot because he loves it so and he could keep Bobby there and look after him.  He's spoken to me since and explained that he doesn't want to own the farm.  He loves Dora and you, and Slugger and Ron.  He was so upset by my behaviour.  Honestly Steve, I had no idea about the.."  Steve broke in "Minnie, don't worry, please.  You're a good woman."  Minnie started crying again.  "I feel so embarrassed about what I've done.   I was so lonely and the money just went to my head. I thought money could buy you anything but I was wrong wasn't I?"  Steve held her head up and looked into her eyes as he spoke "You're a good woman Minnie Foley and don't let anybody tell you different. I really enjoyed your company... really."  She smiled for the first time since Steve had arrived.  "You're being very kind." she said.  "You deserve to have a good life Minnie, after what you've been through and if I can help in any way I will.  Let Gavin come and stay with us at Follyfoot while Brian's in here.  I know Dora won't mind."  Minnie kissed his cheek.  "He'd love that Steve, thank you."  Minnie told Gavin the good news as she changed places with him to sit with Brian.   

Steve was pleased she'd accepted his offer and Dora would welcome Gavin, he knew that, but how the hell was he going to get her to accept him back into the fold!

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #59 on: December 15, 2011, 10:44:54 PM »
Ron felt around in the recess behind the brick and found a sheaf of papers.  He took them out and put them in the inside pocket of his denim jacket. He put the brick back in place and started towards the door.  Just as he was about to reach out for the handle the door started to open.   Ron dived for the space behind the sofa just in time.

He heard someone enter the room then the unmistakable sound of a telephone number being dialled.
"It's me, I'm stuck up at Gallow's farm.  The police turned up before we could get the job done and I had to get out of there quickly.  I've hidden my car in the barn here, it can stay there tonight."

Ron could tell straight away it was Douglas Bent he was listening to but he had no idea who he'd phoned or what the mysterious job was that had been interrupted.  His instinct for trouble though was telling him that this was serious stuff.  Better to stay put and learn what he could.

Bent finished his conversation by arranging to be picked up along the track in half an hour and much to Ron's annoyance he gave away no further information.  Bent then sat down on the sofa and lit up a cigarette.  

Five long minutes later and Ron was starting to get very uncomfortable.  He managed to move just enough to release the pressure on his left leg without making any noise and was feeling quite pleased with himself when he heard Bent get up from the seat.  Bent moved towards the door and Ron made sure he was fully out of the room before he allowed himself to move.  He limped around the room, his left leg a riot of pins and needles as the circulation came back.

"Right! Time to play "cop"! Let's see who's picking you up Bent me old son."
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