Author Topic: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write  (Read 30416 times)

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2011, 02:23:55 PM »
Minnie Foley got up from the bed, straightened her skirt and looked at herself in the bedroom mirror. Well, that hadn't gone quite as she'd hoped! But she'd learned that Steve definitely wasn't in a romantic relationship with Dora, she'd discovered he really was unhappy with his life at the moment, and, before she'd given him quite too much to drink, they'd had quite a useful discussion about the future of Follyfoot.

Idly she picked up the sheet of hotel notepaper she'd been doodling on. Here were her ideas for a new-look Follyfoot!

As soon as Bent had suggested she should buy Follyfoot, she couldn't get the place out of her mind. When she first found out she'd won the Pools, she thought she might get a big detached house on Alwoodley Lane, perhaps, with a large garden and a swimming pool. But Follyfoot was so much nicer, especially with that lovely view down to the lake. She looked at the sketch that showed her vision of the future: the old farmhouse totally refurbished and doubled in size, a nice big Victorian-style conservatory where she could sit and look down to the lake, a few statues and ponds and a lovely garden. And as for Steve - she'd couldn't believe he slept in a draughty old loft! She'd have that part of the stables converted into a free-standing house for him, with its own bathroom and kitchen downstairs, and an open-plan staircase leading up to Steve's bedroom... Steve's bedroom - now what WAS she thinking?

She was in the midst of her reverie when there was a loud hammering on the door and she heard Gavin's voice "Mum - it's me! Let me in please!"

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2011, 02:45:29 PM »
Douglas Bent and Councillor Earnshaw were having a quiet drink in the Harewood Arms.

“Well, Bent, what do you think of my plans for a housing estate and shopping complex on my land?”

Douglas grinned.  “Sounds good to me!”

“I hope there won’t be any problems with that Follyfoot lot. I want them out A.S.A.P.”

“Don’t worry, I’m on the case. It’s being sorted as we speak”

Earnshaw finished his drink and handed Douglas his glass. “It had better be. Same again.”

Douglas’s grin slipped slightly but he took the glass and made his way to the bar. “Two more whisky’s luv.”

He leered at the buxom blonde barmaid as she poured the drinks.

“What are you two hatching up? Marion plonked the drinks none too carefully on the bar. But Douglas tapped the side of his nose and winked.

“Nothing for you to worry your pretty head over” he said as he paid for the drinks.

Marion didn’t like or trust either of them. She’d overheard enough to understand trouble was afoot for that nice Colonel at Follyfoot. She slipped out to the hall and picked up the telephone receiver…..a call to the Colonel was in order!

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2011, 09:15:49 PM »
"Who's that, please?" asked Mrs Porter, picking up the phone. The line was very noisy.

"It's Marion from the Harewood Arms. I must speak to the Colonel immediately. It's very urgent!"

"Well, dear, I'm afraid he's in Leeds at the moment. Can I take a message?"

Marion thought for a moment. She didn't really know Mrs Porter and wasn't sure if she should let her into her confidence. "Yes, please. Could you ask him to call he as soon as he gets back. It's most important!"

Mrs Porter wrote down the message and propped it up by the phone after the caller rang off. "I wonder what that was all about", she thought to herself, as she returned to her hoovering.

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Loopy

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2011, 10:48:06 PM »
Steve caught a bus from town and walked the mile or so back to Follyfoot from the road.  As he was walking the wind in his hair sobered him and helped to clear his mind.  He thought about Minnie Foley.  She scrubbed up quite well, he thought, for an older woman.  Perhaps he had been too hasty in leaving her room, after all, she can't have had much affection over the years and what harm would there have been to give her the attention she was craving. 

He glanced at the horses in the field as he passed by and smiled as they grazed together in the warm sunshine.  He walked over the hill and down towards the lake, the old farmhouse beyond and his loft room just coming into view.  What a beautiful place Follyfoot is, he thought.  He could understand why Minnie wanted to buy it and why Dora wouldn't sell.  Dora!  He sighed heavily.  He couldn't feel the same about her since she had told him to go.  Another ruddy row waiting to happen no doubt, as soon as he got back.  He changed direction towards the woods and the secret lake deciding that he would prefer to sit there a while on his own, think things through, decide what to say to Dora when she asked, which he knew she would.   

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Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2011, 02:50:19 PM »
Minnie quickly thrust the piece of hotel paper with her plans for Follyfoot into her handbag and opened the door. Gavin rushed in, and looking around he expected to see Steve but disappointingly there was no sign of him. He'd been so sure he'd find him here!

“Gavin! What do you mean by barging in here? What, or whom, are you hoping to find?”

There was a polite cough and Minnie realised Gavin hadn’t come alone.

“Come on in, do! Let’s make it a party of it shall we?” she glared at the Colonel, Ron and Dora hovering in the corridor.

Embarrassed, the Colonel stammered “No it’s um…quite alright Mrs Foley we were…um… just making sure Gavin got back here safely.”

“Fine, well now you can clear off!” shouted Mrs Foley rudely and slammed the door in their faces.

“Oh Uncle you didn’t handled that very well!” Dora said in disgust. “She’s clearly hiding something. I bet Steve has been here. You wait till I see him again; I’ll have it out with him once and for all!”

“Blimey I wouldn’t want to be in Steve’s shoes” Ron grinned.

Offline Loopy

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2011, 01:26:29 PM »
The Colonel saw the message by the phone and rang Marion back.  "Colonel, it's urgent that I speak with you.  I have some information that you're not going to like one bit." Marion told him.  The Colonel was confused.  "You have information for me?" he asked with a bit of a chuckle.  "It sounds like a James Bond movie." he quipped.  Marion was in a hurry and had no time for jokes.  "Look, if you want to know what I've overheard then come to the pub tonight and I'll find a quiet room so we can talk - about 7ish." and she put the receiver down.  The Colonel was still smiling to himself when Mrs Porter came in.  She cleared her throat and said "I presume you've seen your message from Marion.  She seemed very eager to speak to you."  The Colonel detected a disapproving note in Mrs Porter's voice and was about to challenge her about it when the door bell rang and she left the room to answer it.

Douglas Bent bowed as Mrs Porter opened the door.  "I'm enquiring as to whether the Colonel is at home." he said in an affected voice.  "I need to see him urgently."

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Offline Pen.

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2011, 10:35:55 PM »
Hazel had been out exercising Barney and was coming back down the steep field towards the little wood that hid the secret lake when she heard a strange noise;

She tied Barney's reins to the fence and crept into the woods. She hadn't gone far when she saw Steve standing at the water's edge with a handful of pebbles, throwing them one by one into the lake.  He was so absorbed in his own thoughts he didn't hear her coming towards him.

"Penny for them?" she spoke suddenly and Steve whirled round to find her just behind him.

"Oh, it's you" he said "You gave me a fright"

"You were miles away, Did you have a good day off? Was your Gran alright?"

Steve thought carefully before he answered,
"I didn't see her" he tried to sound casual, "I went to see a friend "

Hazel looked at the pebbles still in Steve's hand.  Something wasn't right.
"Is everything okay? Are you and Dora fighting again?" she asked.

Steve smiled sadly, 
"I think we probably are, yes" he sighed and threw another pebble into the water.  
"I've been thinking about ripples" he spoke, almost to himself. "It doesn't matter where I throw the pebble the ripples spread out and move the lily pads all over the surface.". 

He turned and looked at Hazel. 
"I can't do anything, or make any decision, without affecting other people."

Hazel watched Steve closely, waiting for him to go on, to make sense of what he was saying, but he just threw the rest of the pebbles onto the grass and put an arm round her shoulder.

"Come on!" he said, giving her shoulder a slight squeeze  "Slugs'll have made stew for tea. Time I faced the music"
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Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2011, 11:51:24 AM »
Mrs Porter was busy dusting a hall table which just happened to be conveniently near the Drawing room. She put her ear to the door but jumped back as a load bellow erupted from the Colonel.

“You what? I’ve never heard anything so preposterous in my life!” Mrs Porter quickly resumed her dusting as the door flew open and Douglas Bent came hurrying out.

“I’m sorry you feel that way but the wheels are already in motion Captain”

“Wheels in motion?” bellowed the Colonel “Don’t be absurd man. I shall say this one more time. The Farm Is Not For Sale! Mrs Porter, show this man out will you?” He marched back to the drawing room and slammed the door.

Mrs Porter smiled to herself; she never did like the look of this odious little man.

“I can see myself out” growled Douglas Bent. “But you better make His Lordship understand that his precious farm won’t be his for much longer.”

Offline Loopy

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2011, 01:16:41 PM »
Dora saw Steve and Hazel from the farmhouse window and rushed outside to meet them by the gate.  "You go on in Hazel - we won't be long." she ordered.  Hazel looked at Steve sheepishly and then winked before she walked through the gate and into the house.  Steve smiled at her but the smile left his face when he looked back at Dora.  She didn't speak but just pushed past him and walked towards their jetty on the lake.  She sat down and waited for Steve who had followed her without a word.  Dora was so angry.  "I can't believe you've been behind my back with that, that WOMAN!" she screamed.  Steve stared at her without speaking.  "You were there at the hotel, weren't you?"  Steve stayed silent.  "WEREN'T YOU?" she shouted.  Steve looked at her.  "Where I go and what I do is none of your business." he said, somewhat calmly in the circumstances.  "Oh, isn't it!  Well that's where you're wrong because I know you were talking about my farm."  Steve didn't reply.  Dora put her head in her hands and Steve knew she was crying.  He sat down next to her.  "Have you quite finished shouting?" he asked her.  She looked around at him.  Her eyes were wet with tears.  "Oh yes Steve, I've finished shouting and I've finished with YOU.  You've let me down so badly.  Whatever you got up to with that slut of a woman is up to you but when you try and take over Follyfoot, try and undermine my authority, then I will fight you.  D'you know, I look at you now and I feel nothing inside.  You're not the Steve I fell in l....... you're not the Steve you were.  What's wrong with you?  Why have you changed so much?  Is it revenge because I asked you to leave?"  Steve couldn't find any words to say.  Dora continued spitefully "You're very quiet Steve - cat got your tongue has it?"  Steve glared at her and spoke menacingly.  "The day you run this farm properly girl, will be the day I keep out of your business." he said and he stood up to go.  Dora stood up quickly and before she knew it she had pushed Steve hard in the chest.  Steve was caught offguard and fell back into the lake.  Dora stood still and watched until he surfaced, spluttering and splashing then when she knew he was OK she stormed off and left him floundering.  Steve managed to pull himself back onto the jetty.  He was furious and he decided there and then that he would help Minnie to get Follyfoot any way he could. 

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Offline Pen.

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2011, 10:45:00 PM »
As he walked, dripping, back towards the stables Steve's mood was not improved at all by the realisation that Ron had seen him and was grinning broadly as he pushed his motorbike off it's kick stand.
"What 'appened mate? She tell yer to go jump in the lake did she?!" Ron laughed as he rode past him.

"That's it!" thought Steve, "They can all go hang for all I care!" and he stomped up the stairs to the loft.  As he stripped off his soaked shirt and trousers and started drying himself he planned what he would say to Minnie.

In the farmhouse Dora's dark mutterings about Steve and what he could do with his views were interrupted by the ringing of the telephone.

"Dora m'dear" crackled the Colonel's voice over the line
"Listen, I've had that Bent chap sniffing round and I've a feeling something's very 'orf' here"

Still distracted by thoughts of her row with Steve it took Dora a few seconds to catch up with just who her Uncle was talking about, but by then he'd moved on.

"...Harewood  Arms at 7 o'clock and I'd like you to come along." he was saying by the time Dora was listening properly again. 

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2011, 06:21:53 PM »
Just prior to ringing up the Cottage and speaking with Dora, the Colonel had also made a quick call to his good friend and collegue, Bendiger. Bendiger was Oxford educated and a retired high ranking civil servant; and a man who had made his way up in life astonishly quickly. Not because he was a person who 'stepped on other people's toes' or manipulated the situation to suit himself, but rather he was a man of sound footing and strong principles. An individual of whom politicians could actually trust and confide with. Bendiger was a man that likewise the Colonel could trust and do business with, at any time. Both men were in a sense, like 'brothers' and always shared from time to time, the latest political gossip and shenanigans that usually eminated from the higher echelons of upper -class life. Indeed, persons that came instead from the middle classes were like 'servants' that ought to know their place; and it was this very scenario that Bendiger had already surmised was clearly emerging. In fact, something that ought to be done to stop the skullduggery that was about to be perpretated at local planning level, involving the Colonel's beloved abode.

The Colonel had immediately recognised bendigger's voice, 'Ah Bendiger, how are you? Good, good to hear. Now the reason I am ringing, is because events appear to be moving quickly this end and I was wondering whether we can meet up to discuss the matter and decide what our plan of attack should be?'

Here the Colonel learnt some further interesting and rather revealing knowledge about Douglas Bent that surprised even his usual, normal, conservative world weariness....       

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2011, 11:20:08 PM »
Steve was not going to spend another night in this loft. He was sure that Minnie would gladly pay for him to stay at the Queen's. He gathered together the few possessions that mattered to him including the picture of his mother now re-framed. A last look round then he put on his trusty black leather jacket and went downstairs. Hazel was outside having just waved Ron off. 'Steve- where are you going?'
'It's better that you don't know! Say goodbye to Slugs for me and tell him not to think too badly of me.Tara Hazel- I'll be seeing you.' He set off across the fields as he had done many times before. He'd be back- oh yes and as Minnie Folet knew nothing about horses he'd be the one in charge. He decided to call in at the Harewood arms for a drink to warm him up and give him a bit of dutch courage before ringing Minnie to ask her to send a taxi for him. He sat in a corner by the fire hidden by the juke box. He saw the barmaid Marian signalling to someone and the colonel and Dora walked through to a small room behind the bar. Steve moved as close as he could get. Marian had a loud voice and Steve got the gist of what she was saying, he had to warn Minnie. He downed the brandy he was holding, he was not used to spirits and it burned his throat. He telephoned the hotel and Minnie agreed to send a taxi. He didn't want to stay in the bar in case Dora and the colonel saw him so he went outside to wait in the car park. It was dark, he was dressed in black jeans and he deliberately stayed away from any light source. Headlights approached and thinking it was the taxi Steve stepped out. The next minute he was lying on the floor his head in a puddle of oil and water.

linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2011, 09:25:20 AM »
Wendy Bendiger had just rounded the sharp bend on the A61 in her yellow Triumph, and she slowed for the 30mph signs on the approach to Harewood Village. She was in a foul mood. She'd just split up with her latest boyfriend - a chinless wonder called Francis - after seeing him snogging another girl at the Young Farmers' disco in Harrogate.

As she passed the Harewood Arms she became aware, too late, of a dark figure stepping out in front of the car. She swerved, trying to avoid the pedestrian, and slammed on the brakes. This was simply the worst possible ending to an awful day.

Getting out, she recognised the figure lying in the road.

"Steve! Are you alright?"

"Er - I think so!"

"No! You mustn't get up. You might have broken something. I ought to call an ambulance! What do you think you're doing, stepping out into the road like that?"

"I thought you were a taxi!"

"Well, I'm not. Now will you let me call an ambulance?"

Steve stretched his limbs and then raised himself painfully from the road. He'd probably got a few minor bruises, but nothing worse than when he'd fallen from a horse.

"Look - you're bleeding!" said Wendy.

Steve put his finger to his forehead and felt the blood. "It's only a small cut. I'll be OK! Now, you really ought to be off. I've got a taxi ordered for Leeds."

"Why don't you let me give you a lift, at least as far as Tockwith? I can't see any sign of your taxi coming - you could be waiting for ages! And you could do with a clean-up."

"I suppose so" said Steve, climbing into the passenger side of Wendy's little yellow car.

"Now, you've been quite a stranger lately!" said Wendy. "Funnily enough, I was thinking of you earlier today. My Dad said that he'd had a call from the Colonel."

"Oh?" asked Steve, mildly interested. He really wanted to get to the Queens Hotel and have a luxurious soak in the bath. "Do you know what they were talking about?"

"No, but Dad seemed to think it was something quite serious. He kept shaking his head and saying 'Poor Geoffrey', and he was fuming about a bloke called Douglas Bent. I'm not sure what it was all about, but I've never seen Dad so worked up!"

Steve smiled to himself. It sounded as if Minnie Foley must be making progress with her attempt to purchase the farm. He didn't want to tell Wendy what he knew, but he could probably get some useful information from her if he played his cards right.

"You're being very quiet" said Wendy. "Look, we're nearly in Tockwith. Why don't you come in for a clean-up and a drink, and then I'll call you another taxi."

Wendy parked the car and went around to open the door for Steve. He was still in pain and he flinched as he stepped out of the car. He put his arm around her shoulders and she supported him as they walked to the front door. "Well", thought Wendy, "this is a turn-up for the books. Perhaps the day hasn't been such a wash-out after all!"

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2011, 02:45:44 PM »
A few minutes after Wendy pulled away from the Harewood Arms the taxi pulled in. Ron who had watched and heard the events of the past few minutes went over to speak to the driver. 'Taxi for Mr. Ross.'
'No er sorry mate. There's been a change of plan. Mr. Ross is otherwise engaged. I'll ring Mrs Foley and explain. It was  'The Queen's hotel you were supposed to be going to right?'
'Yeah- and I'm gonna want paying!'
'Don't look at me mate I'm boracic. I'm sure if you ask Mrs. Foley she'll pay you.'
The driver drove away in a huff.
'Now to sort you out good and proper Steve me ole mate!' said Ron laughing to himself as he headed off to use the pub phone.
'Queen's hotel' said the hotel receptionist.
Putting on his best B.B.C accent Ron asked to be connected to Mrs. Foley's room.
Wendy helped Steve upstairs and as he began to protest said 'You need a lie down.'
She took him first to the bathroom where she administered first aid then led him to a bedroom where he lay down on the bed and allowed her to remove his shoes and his leather jacket but he protested when her fingers went to the waistband of his jeans.
'N-no Wendy- don't.'
'Those jeans are soaked Steve. You need to get out of them- quickly now or I will have to do it for you' she said turning her back. Steve shrugged out of the garment and covered himself with a blanket. His head was fuzzy so he didn't notice that Wendy was sitting right in front of the dressing table mirror licking her lips and smiling a satisfied smile- nor that the furnishings and decor of the bedroom were decidely feminine. Still smiling, Wendy stretched out beside him. 'T- taxi?' said Steve. 'Sshh- plenty of time for that later.' she said adding under her breath 'much later- like in the morning!'
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2011, 07:11:13 PM »
Minnie Foley paced furiously up and down the hotel room. Where was Steve? He had better not have changed his mind Minnie thought angrily. There was a loud knock at the door and Minnie suddenly relaxed. So here he was at last. She checked her appearance in the dressing table mirror, patted her newly styled hair and smoothed down her skirt before pulling the door open with a welcoming smile. Her smile froze as an irate taxi driver stuck out his hand and said “You owe me, lady, for a wasted journey to the Harewood Arms!”
Just at that moment the phone rang. Minnie hesitated for a second and then slammed the door in the taxi drivers’ face before going to answer the phone.

“Yes?”  She shouted into the receiver.

“Oh hello” Ron said in his affected voice “Am I speaking to Mrs Foley?”

“Yes, what do you want?” she barked, only half listening as she wonder why Steve had changed his mind.

“I think I have some news that might interest you…about Steve Ross” Ron held his breath hoping she would take the bait.

Minnie was all ears now “Who is this, and what do you know?”

“Steve is with Wendy Bendiger. Her father is a good friend of the Colonels and very much against you buying the farm.”

Minnie clutched the receiver so tightly her knuckles turned white. “Where do they live?” she hissed. Ron had to stifle a giggle as he gave her the address. Minnie slammed the phone down without even thanking him and grabbed her coat. She raced down the hotel corridor and caught up with the taxi driver. “Here, I’ve got another job for you” she said breathlessly.