Author Topic: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write  (Read 30407 times)

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Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« on: October 30, 2011, 09:54:02 PM »
It is the Autumn of 1973, shortly after "Walk in the Woods"...

Dora sat in the stable crying. She’d been crying a lot since she’d had it out with Steve that day she thought she’d lost Copper. She ought to be happy, knowing that Copper was home safely and that Steve was staying at Follyfoot. But somehow she felt a failure. Why couldn’t she make Steve love her?

She’d never been very good with human emotions, she reflected. Horses were another matter. She’d always been good with horses. She moved along to look at her charges and came to Bobby. Here was another of her failures. He looked thin and unkempt: despite the care Dora and the others had lavished on him, he seemed to be wasting away. In fact, Ron seemed to be the only one he trusted. Dora patted Bobby’s flank and sat down on the straw, her face buried in her hands.

“Now, now, what’s the matter?” She turned around and saw Slugger. He handed her an enamel mug of thick brown liquid that could possibly have been described as tea.

“Oh, Slugs! I’m just thinking how everything I do turns out wrong!”

“Now, now, Dora. Don’t fret yesself. You’ve done such a lot of good to a lot of people. And I’ve never known anyone who’s as good with ‘orses as you!”

“But look at Bobby - he’s just wasting away!”

“I reckon you oughta go and see young Gavin Foley. P’rhaps if you brought him round here he might be able to cheer up old Bobby?”

“Do you know, Slugger - that’s a good idea. I’ll see if Uncle can drop me off there next time he’s in town.”

Dora knew she couldn’t ask Steve to take her to Lilian Street. He wouldn’t want to waste time visiting Bobby’s former owners. Ron probably would have taken her, but she couldn’t face the thought of riding all the way to Leeds on the back of his unreliable motorbike. Her uncle would understand. Besides, she’d like to know how the Foleys were getting on. She hadn’t visited them since the funeral. She wondered how they were managing now their main breadwinner was no more.


Minnie Foley had butterflies in her stomach. She’d felt nervous often enough before, usually when Ed had been in one of his tempers, but this was a new feeling. She fingered her new dress and looked in the mirror at her new hairdo. The hairdresser had said it made her look twenty years younger. Perhaps she was right. Downstairs she could hear Brian and Gavin laugh at something on the telly.

Ed would never have allowed a television in the house. He said they couldn’t afford one, and that it was all the Devil’s work anyway. But after he’d died, when she’d been going through his things, she’d found an old sock in his drawer stuffed with five-pound notes. It wasn’t a fortune, but how typical it was of the mean old beggar to claim poverty when he’d been hoarding this money all along! After they’d paid for the funeral, Minnie had enough to buy a small black-and-white TV for the boys, and a second-hand Baby Belling cooker to replace that awful old range. And she’d been to a beauty salon for the first time in her life.

But something else that Minnie had done would have far greater consequences than all of these: she had started doing the Football Pools!

Ed would never have permitted it: he said gambling was evil. He even used to shout at the woman who came down Lilian Street every week collecting the coupons from the other houses. But Minnie thought she might as well have a go. Every Saturday now she would watch the football results on television.

“I never knew you were so interested in football, Mum” Brian had remarked.

“Oh, love - you don’t know the sort of things I used to like before I married your father!”

Before she’d married Ed… Minnie had been a young girl, an only child, quite pretty, fairly clever. But she'd been very shy - Minnie Mouse they’d called her at school - and when Ed had started courting her she thought she was the luckiest girl in Leeds. He was a good few years older than her; he regularly came to deliver groceries to her parents, and they’d started chatting, passing the time of day. Her parents had been quite happy about the marriage: Ed had a steady business, was a good God-fearing man and he’d treat her well. How wrong they’d been. Ed certainly believed in an all-powerful Old Testament God, but he hadn’t believed in moving with the times: latterly the housewives of Burley had forsaken his shabby old cart for the smart new Fine Fare and Sainsburys supermarkets. And as for the way he’d treated her - she still flinched when she thought of the blows, physical and metaphorical.

The kids had been very supportive over the past few months. Little Gavin still missed his father, but he missed the horse Bobby even more. Brian was the clever one. She’d persuaded him to stay on at school to take his O-Levels, but he really wanted to be out earning money. He already had a paper round, and now he was working at Fine Fare on Saturdays, stacking shelves and even doing the odd turn on the tills.

When she’d heard the results she hadn’t believed it at first. She’d stared at the coupon again and again, as if it couldn’t be true. Then she’d nipped out to the phone box on the Kirkstall Road. She’d dialled the number carefully. They’d told her to send a telegram. And so she’d walked up to the sub-post office on North-West Road and filled in the form. Afterwards, she’d called Littlewoods again just to make sure they’d got the telegram. And then she’d asked how much she’d won…

“Two hundred and thirty-four thousand pounds and ninety-six new pence”.

They were coming today to pick her up in a limousine. Some pop star was going to hand over the cheque. She’d told Gavin and Brian they were going out, and to put on their best clothes, but she hadn’t said where they were going. Heading downstairs to the shabby, cramped sitting-room, she swept a pile of clothes from a chair and sat down.

“Hey, Mum, you look great!” Brian looked up from the flickering screen.

“Thanks, love!”
“Where are we going, Mum?” asked Gavin.

“You’ll find out soon enough!” she replied. “Now, I’d like to ask both of you a question. What would you do if you had lots of money?”

“Well, Mum”, started Brian, “I’d have my own greengrocery business, like Dad’s but much bigger. I’d buy the fruit and vegetables wholesale, stack them high and sell them cheap. I’d give the supermarkets a run for their money! I’d have a big shop right in the middle of Leeds. And I’d stock the exotic fruit - like mangoes and avocados - and I’d have a proper delivery van, not a silly old cart”

“How about you, my dear?” she asked Gavin.

“If I had lots of money I’d like to build my own stables, like Follyfoot. And I’d like to have Bobby there and look after lots of other horses, just like Dora!”

Minnie wondered if she should tell them now, but then decided to leave it until the big car came. What would SHE do? She thought about what it would be like have money. Perhaps she would move in the same circles as Dora’s uncle, the Colonel. He’d be a nice catch, she thought. Or of course there was that handsome dark young man she’d seen from Follyfoot. She was sure he wasn’t Dora’s boyfriend. Some young lads liked older women…

She was enjoying a pleasant daydream when suddenly there was a knock on the door…

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Loopy

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2011, 01:13:15 PM »
She was surprised to see Dora and the Colonel standing at her door.  She blushed slightly when the Colonel smiled at her - good job he didn't know what had been going through her mind just beforehand.  "Well, what can I do for you two?" she asked brightly.  Dora spoke "I... we... were wondering if Gavin was around.  We need to talk to him about something." she added with a hint of secrecy.  Dora wasn't sure how Mrs Foley would react if she mentioned Bobby and she didn't want to upset her, although Dora could see that it would take a lot to upset Mrs Foley at the present time.  Minnie didn't open the door too wide but just smiled.  "I'm afraid we're all just about to go out so he won't be able to talk to you, but I'll tell him you called.  Perhaps he could come over and see you when we get back?"  The Colonel nodded "Yes, if he wouldn't mind only Bob......" Dora kicked the Colonel's leg before he could finish his sentence and broke in "Yes, we're in all day so anytime he's ready.  Thank you." she smiled sweetly and then led the Colonel by the arm back to the Land Rover.  "What the dickens did you do that for?" cried her uncle, rubbing his leg.  "Uncle, I didn't want to upset Mrs Foley by mentioning her husband's horse - you know the situation was, well, was difficult to say the least."  The Colonel put his arm around his niece's shoulders "You care too much sometimes Dora - but I wouldn't want you any other way."  She smiled at him and they got into the Land Rover.  As they were about to pull away a huge limousine turned into the street.  Dora and the Colonel watched as it stopped outside the Foley's house.  They were transfixed as Minnie, her smile stretching from ear to ear, and her two sons climbed into the back.  But Dora and the Colonel weren't the only ones watching - the whole street was out!  "Well, Dora!" exclaimed the Colonel "I don't think times are difficult now... do you?"

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Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2011, 02:03:58 PM »
Gavin peered excitedly out of the back windows of the limousine and waved at the neighbours who gawped curiously at the posh car. Brian stared at his mother suspiciously.

“Come on Mum, out with it, what’s going on?”

“Well, son” Minnie took a deep breath “I’ve won the pools!”

Gavin’s head snapped round and he looked at his mother’s flushed face. Won the pools! Did this mean he would get his farm after all and be just like Dora? He’d be able to have Bobby back now!

 “How much?” Brian asked.

“Two hundred and thirty-four thousand pounds and ninety-six new pence”.  His mother beamed at them both
as Brian and Gavin’s jaws dropped wide open.


“Very odd” said Dora as they watched the shiny limousine turn the corner and disappear from view. 

“I hope Mrs Foley does tell Gavin we want to see him, she was in rather a hurry to get rid of us”

“I’m sure she will, Dora; if not then we’ll just have to come back another time. “

“I hope Bobby lives that long” muttered Dora.

Offline Loopy

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2011, 01:03:17 PM »
Slugger was serving up breakfast to Steve and Dora when Ron came bursting into the room holding up a newspaper.  "Ere, you'll never guess." he exclaimed.  "What?" asked Dora, intrigued to know what Ron was excited about.  "The Foleys..... they've only gone and won the pools ain't they!" Ron slapped down the newspaper onto the table in front of Dora.  She was amazed to see the family on the front page accepting a cheque from no other than Gary Glitter at a gala dinner.  "Oh my goodness.  Uncle and I saw them getting into a limousine when we called on them last week.  That's what it was all about.  No wonder Gavin hasn't been to see us."  Steve stood up and glanced over Dora's shoulder to read the article.  "Well, let's hope they don't fritter it all away on rubbish." he said somewhat moodily.  Dora jumped up.  "I'm going to ring uncle and see if he's seen it." she said and went into the study.  Slugger smiled "Good on em I say.  They've ad a rough ride over the years with one fing an anover.  They deserve a bit of luck."  Ron sat down at the table.  "Well, since I'm ere I might as well have a bit of breakfast hadn't I - even though it looks unedible."  Slugger clipped his ear and then turned to look out of the window as a Mercedes Benz pulled up outside.  Out stepped the Foleys together with a tall, slim, official looking man holding a briefcase in his hand.  Steve opened the door before they knocked and Dora joined him.  "Oh, hello young man." said Mrs Foley.  "Sorry, I've forgotten your name."  "It's Steve." "Oh yes, so it is.... and you're Dora aren't you?"  But before Dora could answer Mrs Foley introduced the official man. "This is our solicitor, Douglas Bent."  Mr Bent bowed his head courteously.  Ron whispered to Slugger that bent was a good name for a solicitor.  Dora invited them all in and apologised for the mess.  Mrs Foley didn't waste any time in getting to the reason why they were visiting "We want to buy Follyfoot." she said in a demanding voice.

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Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2011, 01:38:23 PM »
“Well I’ll be blowed!” slugger sat down with a thump in the nearest chair.

Dora couldn’t quite take this in. “Buy Follyfoot?” she said in a whisper and looked at Steve in utter dismay.

“But it’s not for sale!” she shouted angrily now the news had sunk in.

“I want to buy it for Gavin. It’s what he’s always wanted.” Mrs Foley stared hard at Dora. Her new-found wealth had brought about a change in her. Gone was the Minnie Mouse of old. In with the new assertiveness, which she used to full advantage as she rammed home her message.

“I wish to speak with the owner of this farm…. now!” she barked, when no one moved a muscle.

“Mum…” Gavin started to say but was hushed with a warning look from Mrs Foley.

Gavin stared at the floor miserably. He didn’t want Dora’s farm, he wanted his own but she wouldn’t listen to him. He didn’t like the way this new found wealth had changed her.

“How’s Bobby?” he asked Dora “can I see him please?”

“Of course you can.”  Dora smiled at him, glad of an excuse to get away from this awful woman who was demanding her farm!

Together they peered over the stable door. Gavin could see at once that Bobby was very ill.

“What’s the matter with him?” he choked through tears.

“This is why we came to see you the other day, but it wasn’t convenient, according to your mother. We were wondering if you’d come and look after Bobby for us. We think he’s missing you.”

Without a word Gavin went into the stable and put his arms around the old pony’s neck. Bobby whickered gently and nudged Gavin’s pockets, hoping there might be a juicy apple in it.

“There, you see? He does miss you!”

“Dora, I really want to come and look after him….but…well, its Mum. I’m afraid she’s going to ruin everything. I don’t want your farm, I want my own!”

“I know Gavin.” Dora suddenly spun around “And I’m going to tell that mother of yours!”

He watched as Dora threw back her shoulders and marched across the yard towards the house.

Offline Rob

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2011, 12:43:50 AM »
While Dora had been in the stable with Gavin, Minnie Foley had turned her attention to Steve. What a handsome young man, she thought. And quite quick-witted too, she suspected. Perhaps she should try him.

"So, Steve - who IS the owner of Follyfoot? I'm prepared to pay good money!"

Steve realised he wasn't exactly sure. He knew that the Colonel had signed Follyfoot over to Dora a year ago, but she'd never told him all the ins and outs of the deal, and he'd never asked her. Perhaps the Colonel still kept some kind of controlling interest in the place - if not, how had he and Bernard Fox been able to impose Phyllis Wetherby on them just a few months back?

"Look, Mrs Foley. It's come as a bit of a shock to Dora. You'll have to give her time."

"Perhaps YOU could talk to her?" asked Mr Bent.

"I'm afraid we're not actually getting on very well at the moment" confessed Steve. "You see, we don't really see eye-to-eye about the way Follyfoot is being run."

"How do YOU think it should be run, then?" asked Minnie.

Steve hesitated for a moment and then began: "I'd like to see it run on a much sounder commercial basis. We should be making money, schooling and wintering yearlings, giving riding lessons, looking after people's horses while they're on holiday, and then we could use some of that money to look after the older horses and to expand the business. But we can't carry on taking every hopeless case that comes along..."

Brian, who had been quiet up until now, nudged his mother and smiled. "Do you know, Mum, if you buy Follyfoot, you'll have to ask Steve to stay on as manager. He's got some very sound business ideas!"

"Well, of course I will", said Minnie, thinking that perhaps she had been too hasty. And of course, she would need someone to look after the place and this young man seemed to fit the bill perfectly - and he was SO handsome! Turning to Steve, she told him: "I'd like you to look after the place for me. I'll see that you get a good salary and all the help that you need!"

Steve couldn't believe this was happening, just a few days after he'd almost left Follyfoot for good. He saw himself in the future managing the place professionally and getting it onto a firm footing for Minnie and her sons. Suddenly everything seemed to be falling into place. The only problem was that there didn't seem to be any place for Dora.

"I'll tell you what, Steve!" continued Minnie. "Why don't we meet up tomorrow and talk about it? Perhaps that will give you time to have a little chat with Dora? We could have lunch at the Queens Hotel. We've taken a suite there while we look for a new house." She scribbled the telephone number down on a scrap of paper and passed it to Steve. "Shall we say twelve-thirty, in the bar at the Queens Hotel?"

At that moment the door opened and Dora came back into the farmhouse.

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Loopy

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2011, 02:03:49 PM »
Steve saw the expression on Dora's face and immediately ushered Mrs Foley past her into the hallway "Mrs Foley is going now Dora.  She has an appointment she has to keep." And with that he winked at Minnie, who returned the gesture.  He saw her to the car and whispered "I'll see you tomorrow."  Mr Bent and the boys climbed into the Mercedes and the car sped off, leaving a cloud of dust behind it. 

"We need to talk Dora" said Steve "about the farm."  Dora looked intensely at Steve and then asked "What's it got to do with you?"  Steve looked rather embarrassed "Well, I just think it's worth thinking about her offer, that's all."  Dora was dumbstruck.  When she eventually found her voice she said "D'you really think I would ever sell Follyfoot, especially to somebody who knows nothing about horses."  Steve stood staring at her, his face vacant.  "You do, don't you?  You think I would sell up to that woman.  Well, I can tell you now.... I can tell all of you" she emphasised, looking around at Slugger and Ron "I will not be selling Follyfoot to anybody and especially not to a stupid football pools winner!"  then she stormed off in the direction of the stables, slamming the door fiercely behind her.  Ron glared at Steve.  "You're still trying, ain't you mate?  Trying to take over this place."  Slugger joined in "Shame on you son, shame on you." he said sadly and both Ron and Slugger went into the kitchen.

Steve was left to ponder their words.  They didn't know how Dora had treated him lately, why should he care about her?  It was about time he thought of himself for a change and Mrs Foley could be the answer he was looking for.

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Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2011, 05:42:51 PM »
There was rather a strained atmosphere at the breakfast table next morning in the Foley house. Gavin pushed a half-eaten sausage around his plate.

“What’s up with you face ache?” Brian cuffed Gavin’s ear.

Gavin scowled at his brother but plucked up the courage and asked “Mum, can I go to Follyfoot every day and look after Bobby?”

“Whatever for?” His mother asked irritably. She really couldn’t understand why he was being so moody especially after they’d won all this money.

“Bobby’s missing me and he’s really ill and Dora’s asked me to go and look after him.” he said in a rush.

“You’ll be able to see him every day when we own the farm. Now do stop playing with your food and eat up. I have an appointment to go to later and I’ve a dozen and one things to do before then.”

“Mum, please don’t buy Follyfoot” begged Gavin.” Dora loves it and I don’t want it. I want my own farm. Why can’t we buy another farm instead?”

“It’s not always about what you want Gavin. Follyfoot Farm could be a little gold mine with that nice Steve in charge.”

Steve’s good-looking face floated across her vision and she grinned to herself. Yes I could do very well there she thought and smiled contentedly.

Gavin stared miserably out of the window. I won’t let her spoil things, he thought, I won’t!

Offline Rob

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2011, 06:30:49 PM »
Dora, meanwhile, had seen to the horses, saddled Copper and left Follyfoot without having any breakfast. She fought back the tears as she thought of her last conversation with Steve. How could he even think about selling Follyfoot?

She was relieved when she saw her Uncle's house looming on the horizon, and soon Copper was in the hands of one of the grooms and the door was being opened by Mrs Porter.

"Is Uncle in?" she asked.

"He's just having breakfast. Why don't you join him? I'll bring a fresh pot of tea and some toast through - you look as if you could do with something after your ride!"

Dora walked into the morning room where the Colonel was drinking his tea while idly leafing through his copy of The Times.

"I say, Dora - what a lovely surprise!"

"Oh Uncle - I just can't tell you how awful I feel!"  She ran up to him, buried her head in his shoulder and sobbed. Then she calmed down and started telling him about the visit from the Foleys, Minnie's desire to buy the farm and Steve's reaction - not forgetting Bobby's lingering illness and Gavin's concern. Mrs Porter brought in the tea and toast but Dora left her plate untouched.

"Well, Dora, you don't want to sell Follyfoot, do you?"

"No, Uncle, of course not!"

"She can't force you to sell if you don't want to. Nobody can do that. And you say she even brought her solicitor with her! What was his name?"

"Mr Bent".

"That name rings a bell. I'm sure there was some sort of scandal about him a few years ago. It wouldn't surprise me if he isn't putting Mrs Foley up to this for some devious scheme of his own. I'll tell you what - I'll have a word with my friend Bendiger - he's bound to know about this Mr Bent."

"Oh, Uncle - Thank you!"

"And, Dora - It must be very strange for the Foleys. To have lived from hand to mouth for all those years and then suddenly to have all that money - they probably don't know what they really want. Who knows - tomorrow it may be a luxury yacht and a house in the Caribbean? If they really are interested in horses, perhaps I could persuade them to make a donation to Follyfoot instead of buying it? Old Bobby could have a lovely new stable to see out his last days."

"Do you really think that would work?"

"It's got to be worth a try. Why don't I go and have a word with Mrs Foley later today?"

"Oh, Uncle, yes please!"

"Do they still live in that awful old back-to-back in Lilian Street?"

"I think they do, officially, but when I was in the stable with Gavin he told me they were moving out. The Queens Hotel is putting them up at the moment."

"Right - I've got to pop into Leeds after lunch, so I'll drop in on them. And I'm not doing this just for you. Brian and Gavin are nice kids - I'd hate to see them lose out just because their mother's got some stupid idea in her head! Now, why don't you go back to Follyfoot - Ron and Slugger must be wondering where you are!"

Dora kissed her uncle, gulped down a cup of lukewarm tea and made for the door.

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Loopy

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2011, 01:44:36 PM »
At 12.30 on the dot Minnie Foley was sitting in the lounge bar of the Queens Hotel.  On the table in front of her were two glass flutes and a bottle of vintage French Champagne in an ice bucket.  She had reserved a table in the restaurant for 1 o'clock so she hoped Steve wouldn't be too late.  She wanted him to have a little drink before they ate.  She had been to the hairdressers and had a new style and she was wearing the same smart clothes that she wore when she met Gary Glitter.  She felt like a million dollars and was beginning to remember how to use her feminine charms, which she had all but forgotten about when she was married to her swine of a husband. She thought about what she would say to Steve when he arrived.  Should she come straight to the point or should she wait a bit, maybe until they were eating or perhaps longer... when he was thinking of leaving.  She had the key to the (second) room she had booked in her handbag.  She couldn't take Steve back to her suite because the boys may walk in on them.  As she was thinking she saw the taxi she sent for Steve pulling up outside.  She sat up, smoothed her skirt down, fluffed up her hair and opened another button on her blouse.  She waved at Steve as he came in, picked up the bottle and poured him a drink.     

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Offline Rob

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2011, 09:50:17 PM »
As Steve was entering the Queens Hotel, a blue Mercedes was pulling up outside a fish and chip shop on Kirkstall Road. The driver got out, locked the car and went through an almost inconspicuous doorway to the right of the shop. Climbing a flight of wooden stairs, he unlocked a door marked "D J Bent - Solicitor" and stepped inside.

Douglas Jeremiah Bent opened the middle drawer of a battered grey filing cabinet and reached inside for a bottle of whisky. He poured himself a generous measure and downed it in one gulp. Then he got out the file on his desk and started examining a large-scale map of the Leeds area.

"Damn!" he thought to himself, "if only that girl Dora wasn't so stubborn!" But he held out great hopes for Minnie. He chuckled to himself - it would turn out alright in the end.

He'd first met Minnie two years ago. Ed had beaten her black and blue in one of his most violent outbursts, and she'd come running up the stairs asking how she could get a divorce. He'd explained the procedure, but she'd never had the nerve to go through with it. Perhaps she was simply too scared of her husband.

He'd been as surprised as anyone when she'd come through the door again a few days ago, explaining that she'd come into a large sum of money and needed his advice. She'd explained about her son Gavin's love of horses and his admiration for Follyfoot Farm. When she'd mentioned the magic word 'Follyfoot' he'd practically jumped out of his skin. It hadn't taken long for him to convince her that the only way ahead was for her to buy Follyfoot, and he'd offered to act for her and handle all aspects of the purchase.

What he hadn't told Minnie was that he was going to add a clause in the sales agreement, hidden in all the small print but perfectly legal, that would allow the landowner of the farm beyond the lake to have the right of access through the grounds of Follyfoot. And the landowner was his biggest and most important client - the crooked Councillor Earnshaw, who was on the planning sub-committee and had big plans of his own...

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2011, 07:48:34 AM »
“How did you get on with Mr Bendiger” Dora asked the Colonel later.

“He’s going to look into it and get back to me. He did say we need to be very careful as Bent’s a nasty piece of work and as slippery as an eel.  He has no doubt Bent will have some sort of a scheme up his sleeve.”

“Oh Uncle! I’m so scared we’ll lose the farm. Steve has been very shifty and sneaked off somewhere. I’m sure it’s to do with all this.”

“Don’t worry Dora, as I’ve already said, we can’t be forced to sell the farm if we don’t want to.”

But Dora was worried. She gazed forlornly out of the study window.

“Buck up!” The Colonel patted Dora’s arm “Why don’t you go for a ride on Copper? That usually cheers you up!” 
Dora shrugged, but suddenly a small head popped up and peered in through the study window.

“Yes you’re quite right Uncle” Dora left in a rush and almost tripped over Gavin lurking outside the back door.

“Gavin! Whatever are you doing here?” she demanded.

“Dora, you’ve got to stop it happening!"

"Stop what happening? Gavin you aren't making any sense."

"I’ve just overheard Mum discussing buying the farm with Steve!” he gasped.

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2011, 12:45:49 PM »
Gavin's voice faded into insignificance as he spoke to her.  Once she had heard that Steve was discussing the sale of Follyfoot with Minnie Foley, Dora felt sick inside.  She couldn't believe Steve would do this and her mind wandered to the night she told him to leave.  Perhaps this was his revenge, she thought.  Her head started spinning so she sat down on the doorstep and put her hand to her forehead to try and stop it.  Suddenly she felt an arm around her shoulders - it was Ron.  "Hey, you alright?" he asked.  Dora nodded "Yes Ron, I'm OK." she lied.  She looked up at Gavin.  "Ron, can you give Gavin and I a lift into town please?" she asked simply.  Ron nodded and went to fetch the Land Rover.  Dora whispered to Gavin "This is our secret - don't tell anybody else what you heard today.  I'm coming with you now to see your mum and Steve and sort it out once and for all."  Gavin nodded his head and smiled.  "Thank you, Dora.  I knew I could trust you." he said quietly.

Meanwhile in the hotel, Steve was finishing his coffee and Minnie was looking through her handbag.  She removed something from one of the pockets and held it in her hand.  Steve looked at her and smiled, sending her stomach into butterflies.  She held up the key in front of Steve and gave him a look that she knew he wouldn't be able to mistake for anything but what it was meant for.  Steve looked at the key and then at her.  Then he smiled, rose from the table and held out his hand towards her.  As the lift headed to the penthouse apartment, Minnie put her arm into Steve's and laid her head on his shoulder.  The Champagne had weaved it's magic and now he was hers and what easy prey he was!

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2011, 09:26:14 PM »
The Colonel had just had lunch with an old friend and dropped him off at the railway station, and, glancing at his watch, he remembered that he'd told Dora he'd go and have a word with Minnie Foley. Well, the Queens Hotel was only just around the corner, and there was no time like the present... He parked by the roadside and walked across to the hotel.

"Excuse me", he asked the receptionist, an attractive blonde who was idly filing her nails, "please could you call Mrs Foley for me?"

"I'm sorry, sir" she replied. "She's given strict instructions that no-one's to disturb her. She won't even let anyone have her room number!"

"Perhaps I could leave her a note?"

"You'll be lucky! She's getting all sorts of begging letters and mail from lots of idiots. I'm under instructions to save all her mail and pass it to her solicitor. He comes in twice a day to collect it."

The Colonel wondered what he would do. Suddenly, Ron, Dora and Gavin Foley burst through the revolving door.

"Dora, Ron - what are you doing here?"

"We've come to see Mrs Foley."

"So have I - as we agreed. I really think it would be best if you left her to me. But she's not letting anyone see her!"

"But, Colonel" said Ron. "We've got Gavin with us. He could take us straight up to his Mum's room!"

"Of course I can!" whispered Gavin. "Just follow me through the lobby and up in the service lift. I've discovered this secret way - nobody will notice us!"

As they trooped behind Gavin, Dora felt uneasy. What if Steve was with Minnie Foley right now?

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2011, 12:51:26 AM »
The champagne had gone very quickly to Steve's head, he wasn't used to drinking at lunchtime.  He tried to remember whether he had ever had champagne before and a memory of Dora's birthday  party on the lakeside raft swam before his eyes. He was struck by the contrast between what seemed such a happy, carefree time and the way things stood with Dora at the moment. 

"She's got no right to treat me like that" he said, out loud "She can't run that place properly without me, she'll see!"
A soothing voice to his left murmured "That's right sweetie, we'll show her."

Steve tried to concentrate on where the voice was coming from but was distracted by the sensation of a hand stroking his leg.  He was jolted back to reality though when he slowly turned to face Minnie and for an awful second thought she was his Mum. 

"I have to go" he blurted out, rising from where he sat on on the edge of the hotel bed.  He just managed to get out the words "Thanks for lunch, I'll be in touch" before he pulled the door closed and rested against the corridor wall breathing deeply to steady himself.

Downstairs in the lobby he was overcome by the combination of the rich food, alcohol and shock at what he had nearly done. He rushed into the gentleman's rest room just in time.  Emerging again a little while later and making for the fresh air outside the Hotel he didn't notice the four people stepping into the lift across the lobby.
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