Author Topic: Moonlight and Roses  (Read 14928 times)

Offline Jane

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2011, 06:23:30 PM »
Steve drove Dora to the hospital where they had kept Milly in for observation. 

“I’ll wait here for you, I think you two need some time on your own”

Dora nodded and slowly got out of the Land Rover.

“And for goodness sake don’t have a row and push Milly out of the bed in case she breaks the other arm!"

Dora turned and was about to say something but Steve winked at her and she took a deep breath before saying “I know Steve; I must grow up and be happy for them.” 

Milly lay in bed reading Woman’s Weekly and looked up in surprise as Dora dropped a bunch of flowers on the bed.

“Eee lass, it’s right good to see you." She smiled warmly at Dora.

Dora didn’t smile but said simply “I’m sorry” and hung her head.

"Oh lass, it were my fault fer havin a go at yer. I should have been a bit more tactful! I know how much Slugger means to you. Come’ ere and give me a kiss.” She pointed at her cheek and grinned. Dora felt uncomfortable. How could this woman be so forgiving after all she had done to her? She puckered up and gingerly kissed Milly on the cheek.

“There now, that weren’t so bad were it?” Milly laughed and patted the bed. “Come and sit down luv, you look shattered.”

Dora sat, and as the old lady began to chatter on about the old days and how she had learnt to ride on her friends pony that used to pull the bread cart and how much she liked Copper, Dora found she was starting to enjoy Milly’s company.

After almost an hour Steve began to worry. Was Dora still in there? Had she gone off in a huff? He sighed heavily fearing the worst.

“I’d better go and rescue Milly” he thought but as he peered into the ward he saw Milly and Dora laughing together like old friends and he heaved a sigh of relief! 

Offline loopylin

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #31 on: August 06, 2011, 09:21:21 PM »
Milly was allowed home the next day. She and Slugger were determined to carry on with the wedding in spite of discouraging remarks from Kathy. There was a lady in the village who was a very competent dressmaker and she made a cape which beautifully disguised the fact that Milly's right arm was in a sling. As there were to be only a few guests the buffet reception was to be held at the bungalow with Hazel in charge of the catering. They had opted for a crock-om-bush wedding cake- a pyramid of profiteroles sandwiched together with cream and covered in toffee sauce which Milly had seen in an Australian soap opera wedding and fallen in love with. Milly's big regret was that Kathy was still refusing to come. Bert had expressed his willingness to close for the day but she was adamant she didn't want to see her sister make a fool of herself. Steve tried hard saying that she had not seen Jeff yet and it would be a good opportunity but to no avail. Although she shrugged it off and professed not to be that bothered everyone knew that Milly was deeply hurt.
Because of the extra help she needed Milly became very close to Dora and they would often end up laughing helplessly at some of the difficulties they came across. Slugger was keeping the details of the honeymoon a secret saying only that they wouldn't need passports. A week before the wedding they had a small rehearsal as the vicar was going to be away for a few days, it was the day after that another mishap occurred.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Jane

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2011, 06:56:24 PM »
Ron decided he would do a good deed and try to persuade Kathy to go to the wedding.  He wanted everything to be perfect for his mate Sluggs wedding. Kathy, however, was having none of it.

 “Clear off and don’t interfere!”  she shouted at Ron after listening to his pleas. “It’s none of your business!”

“But it is my business” hissed Ron “you’re upsetting Milly, which upsets Slugger and that upsets me, you stubborn old witch!”

Furious that she wouldn’t listen to him Ron started his bike and roared off not noticing that Slugger, who had also come to see Kathy and plead the same thing, was just stepping off the pavement. There was a sickening thud and Slugger fell to the ground, his left arm sticking up at a funny angle.

Offline loopylin

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2011, 11:06:33 PM »
He lay very still- Bert ran over. 'Don't just stand there with your mouth open Kathy call an ambulance' he said dropping down beside the unconscious Slugger. He was relieved to see that he was breathing.'Can you hear me mate?' There was no reply, they were only a few minutes from the hospital and an ambulance soon arrived. 'Do you know what happened?' said the attendant.
'Got knocked over' said Bert.
'Hit and run eh?'
'I don't think the driver knew he'd hit him.' The police had arrived by now and whilst the ambulance men attended to Slugger they began asking questions.
'Did anyone get the car number?'
'Weren't a car- it was a scooter' said Kathy. 'I didn't get the number but I know who was riding it and where he lives.' Bert looked daggers at her knowing that Slugger wouldn't want Ron to get into trouble but it was too late.
'Do we have a name for this gentleman?' asked the ambulance driver.
'It's Jones- I dunno his first name but everyone calls him Slugger.' Kathy replied.
Later the phone at the bungalow rang and Dora answered it. 'Kathy- do you want to speak to Milly or Steve because they're both out.' Steve walked in a few minutes later to find Dora sobbing uncontrollably, he hugged her close. 'What's wrong love?' 'We need to go to Liverpool- Slugger's in hospital.' She managed to tell him the rest of the story. 'Where's Milly?'
'She's over with Hazel looking at recipe books.I'll go and fetch her, you get some things together and get Jeff ready.' The local policeman had already arrived at Follyfoot. Milly was crying and Hazel was stubbornly refusing to tell him Ron's registration number.
'You'd best tell me, Mr. Ross. You don't want to be in trouble too!' Steve supplied the information then rang Bill Chadwick to ask him to send someone to help Hazel with the horses, then he rang Anna and asked her to let Callie help too.
When Ron heard the sirens behind him he didn't dream the police were after him until the car overtook him and signalled him to stop.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2011, 10:58:08 PM »
Slugger had regained consciousness and was sitting up in bed with his left arm in plaster.
A young policeman stood by his bedside notebook and pencil in hand. 'Do you remember what happened to you sir?'
'Course I do. Wasn't looking where I was going, stepped off the kerb without realising it, lost me balance and over I went wallop-and before you ask I 'adn't touched a drop!'
'Are you sure that you weren't hit by a vehicle sir? A scooter for example?'
'If you mean Ron Stryker's scooter he'd gorn afore I stepped orf the pavement. It was me own stupid fault officer.'
Ron had been taken back to a Liverpool police station, his scooter in a police van.
'What am I supposed to have done?' he asked.
'Hit and run  near the city centre- gentleman by the name of Jones.'
'Wot Slugger- nah he was on the pavement when I left.'
'An eye witness says not.'
'How is he- Slugger?'
'We have a man at the hospital, we're waiting to hear from him.'
'What've yer done wiv me scooter?'
'It's being checked for damage.'
Half an hour later when Ron was no longer certain of his name let alone what had happened because of the questions which came at him thick and fast PC Sam Briggs returned from the hospital and related what Slugger had said. Sergeant Tom Hastings returned to the interview room.
'It appears Mr. Stryker that Mr. Jones agrees with your version of events. I'll arrange for your scooter to be released and you can be on your way.'
'Can you tell me the way to the hospital?'
Ron and Slugger were re-united a short while later.
'Did I hit yer Slugs?'
'I dunno really but I don't fink so. Anyway I didn't want no trouble. Want me best man available after all. Dunno what Kathy and Bert were thinking of telling the coppers yer did.
'Yer still going frew wiv it then Slugs?'
'Course I am- now as I understand it me blushing bride's on 'er way 'ere so yer'd best get back to the farm- and drive carefully.'
'Yer can trust me me ole mate.'
'That'll be the day.' Ron gave Slugger's good shoulder a squeeze and left.

linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Jane

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2011, 06:07:59 PM »
“So, we are still no nearer in persuading Kathy to go to the wedding.” Ron grumbled.

“No thanks to you!” Steve remarked “I think you’d best keep out of it from now on!” he threatened.

“Sluggers MY mate an’ you ain’t  gonna tell ME what to do about it!” yelled Ron. 

“Oh calm down you two, you’re upsetting Jeff!” Dora picked up the crying infant and sat him on her lap.

Ron and Steve glowered at each other for a few minutes.

Ron turned away and muttered “Like I said, he’s my mate and I’ll sort Kathy out.” As he walked towards the door Steve grabbed his arm and spun him round.

"And she’s MY mother and if there is any sorting out to do it will be ME who does it!”

Dora rolled her eyes as Jeff’s cries became louder.

Ron pushed Steve roughly aside and stormed off towards his bike. He didn’t get far before he was pushed to the ground and Steve began punching him.

“Stop it, stop it!” screamed Dora as she looked helplessly on.

Offline loopylin

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2011, 10:23:32 PM »
Milly had been inside the hospital visiting Slugger and had come out onto the car park to get some fresh air. 'Stephen Ross, Ronald Stryker what are you two thinking of? ' She shouted in a tone that she had not used before.The two antagonists got shamefacedly to their feet, brushed themselves down and mumbled 'Sorry.'
'You'll have to do better than that. Now go and wash and tidy yourselves and meet me in the cafeteria so I can find out what this is all about.' Dora was sitting in the car by now trying to calm Jeff who could not understand what all the shouting was about. Milly leaned in the window and spoke calmly to him. 'Come on luv, it's alright. Daddy and uncle Ron have been a bit silly. Don't cry Dora, you're making him worse-now come and have a cup of tea and we'll sort those two out.'
'I think I'd rather go back and see Slugger once Jeff's stopped crying. I don't want to face Steve and Ron at the moment -oh but I'll need the car keys to lock up.'
While they drank their tea Steve and Ron each tried explaining to Milly that they wanted to persuade Kathy to come to the wedding.
'Do you really think that I want my sister taking the Micky out of Slugger and I as we take our vows each with an arm in plaster- I don't think so. She made her choice and I'm quite happy for things to stay as they are so for the last time will both of you keep your noses out of my business- well mine and Slugger's. He's being discharged in the morning. Bert is going to pick him up, drive him to the station and see him on the train. Someone will need to pick him up from Leeds station. Ron-you get off now and make sure everything's alright at the farm.' Ron got up and meekly left the cafe.
'As for you Steve- I'm surprised at you. I thought you'd got over your red mist days. Poor little Jeff was in a right state and as for Dora- she was still spitting fire when I took her the car keys. I just hope you've calmed down enough to drive us home safely. I just couldn't stand anything else going wrong. Slugger's going to have to cancel the honeymoon but I'm still determined that we'll have a real good time at the wedding. That means you need to make your peace with Dora - now let's go and say goodbye to Slugger and get off home!'
Dora had brought a cool box containing a supply of made up bottles for Jeff and persuaded the ward staff to heat  one up for her. They allowed her to use the relatives room to feed him and after saying farewell to his old friend Steve left Milly with him and went to sit beside his wife and son. He looked down into the baby's face and blew out his cheeks. 'Well Jeff, your dad's just made a right idiot of himself.'
'Tell us something new' retorted Dora.
'Ron and I only wanted to help you know.'
' Well you messed up good and proper.'
'I know- and I'm sorry. Milly gave me a good talking to and I promise I'll not contact my mother any more about the wedding. Milly is now set against her coming and I'm not going to interfere. This wedding has had enough setbacks- let's hope this will be the last. I'll make up with Ron tomorrow but for now just say you forgive me- please.'
'Well- what do you think Jeff ?' she asked as he finished his bottle. He gave them a smile which might have been wind as he produced a large burp as Dora placed him on her shoulder. ' It'll cost you a bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates, a bottle of my favourite perfume, fish and chips when we get home....'
'Not forgetting the cuddly toy' said Steve. Laughing they left the room together and were joined by a very relieved Milly, they were soon on their way home.
 Little did they know that Bert had plans of his own.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Jane

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #37 on: August 15, 2011, 06:49:00 PM »
“Really Kathy, I don’t understand why you won’t go to the wedding. She’s your sister for goodness sake, don’t you want to see her happy?” Bert wiped the kitchen surfaces with a none-to-clean dishcloth.

Kathy shrugged “Why should I care? If she wants to marry that buffoon slug or whatever he’s called that’s up to her. I won’t be there.”

“That’s a shame. You’ll miss out on a treat then.” Bert had his back to Kathy and he grinned to himself.

Kathy became interested all of a sudden. “What treat?”

“Ah, well you won’t know unless you agree to go” he teased.

Kathy sidled up to Bert “Oh go on, tell me what it is!” she pleaded.

He turned around and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Will you agree to go?”

Kathy shrugged him off roughly; she didn’t like people playing games, unless it was her playing them! “Tell me what it is, or nothing doing!”

“Well….O.K.” Bert knew he held the trump card “I’ll buy you a new outfit, no expense spared!” he said triumphantly.

Kathy thought for a moment. She hadn’t had new clothes for ages, and the more she thought about it the more she decided it would be rather fun to see her sister make a complete fool of herself.

“No expense spared?” she asked

“Nope!” This is going to cost me dearly Bert thought.

Kathy smiled at him and stuck her hand out. “Give us yer wallet. Best I get to the shops before they shut.”

Offline loopylin

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #38 on: August 15, 2011, 11:25:32 PM »
Bert decided that as the wedding was now only three days away he and Kathy might as well travel to Yorkshire the next day and take Slugger with them.  He knew Leeds quite well and booked rooms at the same hotel Slugger and Milly had stayed in thinking it was time he had a few days holiday. He phoned Steve and told him he'd decided that he was driving Slugger all the way home but kept the rest to himself. When he told Kathy his plan she was delighted at the thought of new shops to visit and said they must swear Slugger to secrecy so Milly would get a big surprise on her wedding day.
Before leaving the next day Bert put up a notice 'closed for holidays until February 16th' then he went to the bank as Kathy had come back with very little of his money.
'Well- I had to buy a wedding present didn't I?' she said. The present was safely in the boot but Kathy refused to tell Bert what was in the parcel. 'You'll find out soon enough.' The look on her face when she said it made Bert anxious and he hoped she was not up to any mischief. No, he thought even Kathy wouldn't stoop that low.
Slugger agreed to keep quiet about the extra wedding guests. Bert dropped Kathy and the luggage off at the hotel then drove to the farmhouse. Ron was there with Hazel who asked Bert if he would like something to eat. 'No thanks, I have to catch up with someone in Leeds.' he said truthfully. Slugger was soon tucking into a bowl of homemade leek and potato soup. 'Cor that tastes good gel, they only let me have a salad fer me tea last night and breakfast was lumpy porridge, toast and marmalade. I said to them where's me eggs and bacon cos eggs is a proper breakfast and they said you can't eat that with one hand and we don't have time ter cut it up fer yer. '
Hazel rang the bungalow and soon Steve drove over with Milly, Dora and Jeff. Dora would have enveloped Slugger in a hug but Steve held her back so that Milly could claim the privilege first. 'Ee luv it's good t'ave you home.'
'Good to be here luv but I dunno quite how I'm gonna manage.'
'Ron's staying here for as long as you need him Slugs' said Dora claiming her hug at last.
'Come on you two' said Steve to Ron and Hazel, 'Let's get the horses seen to.'
Dora felt like a gooseberry as Milly and Slugger sat side by side  Slugger's good arm round her talking quietly together so she took Jeff outside to see the donkeys. The others were laughing as they went about their chores and whilst she was glad that yesterday's disagreement between Ron and Steve had been put aside she felt a little left out.She had suffered a little from 'baby blues' but thought it was all behind her. Now,however, a wave of sadness swept over her. Uncle Geoff was no longer there to lean on, Slugger was about to belong to another woman, even her own father was overseas. She buried her head in Jeff's blanket which she'd wrapped round him to keep the cold out and a few tears slipped down her face. 'Hey girl, what's up?' said Steve gently enfolding her and Jeff in his arms. 'Oh I'm just feeling a bit left out and sorry for myself.' 'Let me take Jeff and you go talk to Copper-go for a ride if you want.' Ron had overheard. 'Why don't I take care of Jeff so you can both go- don't be long though. I'm not very good with nappies and I don't think Milly or Slugs'll be much help.'
Oh Ron- thanks! He doesn't need a bottle yet.' She handed Jeff over, kissed Ron on the cheek and took Steve's outstretched hand now realising how lucky she was to have a loving husband, a beautiful son and a wonderful friend in Ron. Soon she and Steve were riding out together as they had done so many times before.
'Penny for them' said Bert as he sat in Kathy's room drinking a pre-dinner sherry while she sat smiling a secret smile to herself as she paused in applying fresh make up.'
'My thoughts are absolutely priceless Bert love. I'm really looking forward to this wedding now. I'm gonna knock em dead in my new outfit, my brother in law to be won't know what's hit him!' 'Look Kathy....' She put her finger on Bert's lips.
'Hush- go get changed and I'll see you in the dining room in 10 minutes.'
When he'd gone she picked up the local telephone directory she'd asked for while Bert was at the farm, searched through it then asked for an external line.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2011, 12:01:23 AM »
It was the night before the wedding.Steve had taken Milly to say goodnight to Slugger and they were enjoying a celebratory drink with Ron. Dora was back at the bungalow with Jeff. As Steve and Milly were about to leave there was a knock on the door and Ron went to answer it. There stood a beautiful blond girl carrying a small case. 'Meester Jones' she asked in a foreign accent.'
'Er- no ' said Ron 'but can I be of assistance?'
'Oh vell eef you vould be so kind as to bring in zee couch from zee back of my van it vould be a great 'elp.'
'Zee couch?' queried Ron.
'Yes- my treatment couch. I am 'ere to give zee bridegroom zee pre vedding massage'
'And does zee- I mean the bridegroom know about this?'
'Ah, non it is zee surprise gift.' She swept past the open mouthed Ron into the farmhouse and looked Steve and Slugger up and down. 'Which one of you is Meester Jones.'
'I am' said Slugger.'Why are you here?'
'My name ees Vanya, I am a masseuse. Vere vould you like me to carry out zee treatment? ' she said taking off her coat to reveal a white low cut nylon see through overall.'
'I don't want none of that missy- now you can just put yer coat on and sling yer 'ook!'
'But it is vedding gift- is paid for.'
Slugger looked round Milly had burst into tears and Steve was doing his best to comfort her. 'Come on luv- I think you'd better go, someone's obviously been playing tricks.' said Ron.
'Oh well, I've got my money but you really would have enjoyed my services.' said Vanya all trace of a foreign accent gone because she was actually from Leeds and called Vera. She winked at Slugger, picked up her coat and was about to leave when she suddenly said ' Oh I forgot about the photograph, someone is waiting outside to take it.
She draped herself round Slugger and called out 'Ready'. There was a flash from the doorway and in came Kathy laughing all over her face. A very embarrassed Bert was behind her. 'I'm sorry, I didn't know what she was up to till a few minutes ago.' he said.
Vera was ushered out by Ron and Steve turned on Kathy. 'How could you? Look how upset Milly is!'
'Well- I  didn't know anyone else would be here except the bridegroom. You know it's very unlucky for the happy couple to see each other on the night before the wedding.'
'Happy couple- that's rich. It's just typical of you Kathy Ross. You always did love to spoil things for me. Well you've succeeded. I'm sorry Slugger but this is just about the last straw. I don't think I can go through with the wedding!'
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Jane

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #40 on: August 18, 2011, 07:12:46 AM »
Once they were out of earshot Ron said “Ere luv, as that treatments paid for ‘ow about you giving me a massage?  Shame to waste it!”

Vera looked him up and down. “Why not?” she grinned “Hop in and we’ll park up somewhere private.” Ron climbed in beside her, a cheesy grin on his face.

Meanwhile Slugger had his arms around a tearful Milly. “Now then luv, it was just a silly prank. You know what yer sister’s like. And you know I would never do anything to hurt yer. Come on, dry yer eyes and no more silly talk about the wedding being off.”

Steve grabbed the photographer’s camera and smashed it on the floor.

 “Here, you’ll have to pay for that!” the photographer shouted but Steve just shrugged. “A small price to pay for Milly’s happiness” he growled and advanced on him threateningly. The photographer beat a hasty retreat.

He then turned on Kathy. “Get out, and don’t ever come here again!”

Bert took Kathy none too gently by the arm and pulled her away.” Come on, you’ve only got yerself to blame. “

 “Now I won’t be able to show off my new outfit.” Kathy muttered to herself.

“You really are a selfish cow!" Milly shouted. "I’m not going to let you spoil things. Mr Jones, the wedding goes ahead as planned!”

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2011, 11:38:24 PM »
'I'm so sorry' said Bert. 'I never would have brought her if I'd known what she was up to.She did buy you a wedding present so perhaps it will make up in part for her behaviour.'He handed over the gift wrapped present. 'You're still welcome to come to the wedding, Bert.' said Steve. 'Thanks all the same but best I take Kathy back to Liverpool first thing tomorrow. Good luck Milly love. You too Slugger. 'He kissed Milly on the cheek, shook Slugger's hand and left. 'Come on Milly, let's go home. Dora will be wondering what's happened to us.' said Steve. He picked up the present and went out to the car leaving  Slugger and Milly to say a tender farewell. When they got back to the bungalow Dora said 'Steve, there's been weird noises coming from the barn and I'm sure there's a light in there.'
'Okay- you look after Milly, I'll have a scout round.' He picked up a torch and Dora's old school hockey stick. The main barn door was closed and locked but Steve made his way round to the other side. Sure enough he could see a light and hear noises. Parked outside was Vera's van. 'What's going on in there?' he shouted and finding the door open went inside. Ron was stretched out on Vera's couch face down wearing nothing but his underpants. Vera was pummelling his shoulders and he was groaning. Steve said
'Okay- that's enough. Get dressed Ron, Slugger needs your help. Please don't make too much noise leaving Vera or you'll wake my little boy. I'll give you a hand with the couch.' A few minutes later Vera drove away and Ron staggered out of the barn.
'Blimey Steve- she's nearly crippled me. It's lucky old Slugs didn't have the treatment, he wouldn't be able to walk down the aisle- I'm not so sure I can!' Steve had to drive him back to Follyfoot and help him to bed and then help Slugger. Back at the bungalow Milly was in tears again and Dora was furious. On the floor were the wrappings from Kathy's present and the contents.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #42 on: August 20, 2011, 11:10:40 PM »
'What the blazes does my mother think she's up to?' said Steve as angry as Dora.'I know just what to do with this!' He picked up the white porcelain chamber pot and made as if to smash it .' No' said Milly. 'I want it put on display with the rest of the presents, and the contents and the card, let everyone see what a nasty person my sister is. Afterwards we'll fill it with plants and put it outside, the toilet paper can be used. As for the joke poo- I think I'll buy some more and send it all to Kathy for her next birthday. Now if you don't mind I'm going to have a nice hot bath and I'll join you later for a hot chocolate -if you can just give me a hand for a minute Dora love.'
Jeff woke up and Steve put his bottle on to warm then went to fetch him, when Dora got back he was sitting in the rocking chair feeding him and talking softly. 'I dunno Jeff, your nanna Kath has really done it this time. I know uncle Bert's name's on the card too but I'm sure he had nothing to do with this. I don't think I'm ever going to forgive her-but she's still my mother.' Dora went up behind the chair and put her arms round his neck. ' Thank goodness you don't take after her darling. Do you know now she's got over the initial shock Milly is more determined than ever to enjoy tomorrow to the full?'
'I wish she was my mother.!'
Steve and Dora woke next day to the sound of rain lashing down and a gale force wind blowing. The telephone rang and Steve picked up the extension by the bed. From what she could gather hearing just Steve's side of the conversation Dora gathered that something else had gone wrong.

linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #43 on: August 21, 2011, 06:25:55 PM »
“What is it? What’s wrong?” asked Dora anxiously

"You’re not going to believe this, but Sluggers gone missing!”

“What!? How can he have gone missing, it’s only….” she looked at the alarm clock “… 7.30am!”

“Seems as though Ron went to Sluggers room at the hotel and he wasn’t there.” Steve looked puzzled.

“Well maybe he’s gone for a walk or something, that’s no big deal.” Dora said dismissively.

"That’s not all though. When Ron asked at the hotel reception if they’d seen Slugger they said he’d checked out!”

Dora stared at him disbelievingly. “He can’t have! Where would he go?”

Steve shrugged and then turned his head sharply as Milly came into the room, all smiles on her big day.
Dora listened to the rain lashing against the window and sighed. What on earth were they going to say to Milly?

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Re: Moonlight and Roses
« Reply #44 on: August 22, 2011, 11:12:35 PM »
'Good morning you two- what y're looking so glum about?'
'Er- the weather's not so good.' said Dora.
'No well- I'm not a young girl with a long white dress to spoil or a veil to blow away. It's nobbut a short step from car to church porch. '
'What would you like for breakfast Milly?' asked Steve trying to sound normal.
'Just cereal and toast I think- I've to be at the hairdressers in an hour. You will drive me won't you love?'
'Of course.'  The phone rang again and Steve went into the bedroom to take it while Dora saw to breakfast.'
'Er- I've just got to see to the horses then I'll come back for you.' said Steve pulling on his wet weather gear. When he  returned Dora raised her eyebrows questioningly and he gave a barely imperceptible shake of the head and shrugged his shoulders. 'I may as well wait for you auntie, it's not worth going home, I'll not be far away.'he said. The small hairdressers was only a short distance away from the church where the wedding was to take place in a few hours time. Steve made no pretence of being religious but he was drawn to the building. Inside was a hive of activity. The wind had blown some slates off the roof and there were puddles on the floor. People were mopping up and placing buckets to catch further rain. Rev. Carmichael stood in the midst of everything blowing his nose loudly. 'Can I help you, Steven?.'
'Well it looks like you could do with help. You don't look very well.'
'It's just a heavy cold.' he said sneezing several times. 'I'll be alright, I'll take a Beecham's Powder at lunchtime to get me through the ceremony.'
The helpers were mainly ladies struggling outside to empty buckets. 'Here, let me!' he said taking two at a time. When he came back for the fourth time he said 'The rain's easing. ' The church heating had been put on full blast and Steve, still in his raincoat felt as if he was in a Turkish bath. When the worst of the damage had been sorted a cup of tea was provided for everyone, Steve declined as he had to pick Milly up.
'Before I go Reverend- you've not seen anything of Slugger this morning have you?'
'No, why?' Steve explained. 'Ron Stryker's out looking for him but he could be anywhere.' Just then the vicar's wife appeared looking harassed. 'I've just had a phone call from Jeremy Stevens- his wife has been taken ill with food poisoning- so we've no organist for the wedding' Steve sank down onto the nearest pew and put his head in his hands, water dripped from his hair down the back of his neck and made him shiver.
'My poor auntie, she doesn't deserve all this. she's so kind.'
'Leave these problems with us- we'll see what we can do. You just see what you can do about finding the bridegroom.'
Steve felt he could no longer keep Milly in the dark about Slugger so on the way home he told her as gently as he could-but not about what had happened to the church and the organist.'
'E'll not have gone far. He won't let me down. When I spoke to him after undoing Kathy's present he told me we'd have a wonderful day in spite of my sister. He were really cross though especially when I told him what were written on the card.'
Slugger Jones had gone to his hotel straight after that phone conversation with those words running through his head. 'After the Lord Mayors show there remains what the horses have left behind. Your marriage will be like that. This chamber should be useful for catching the mess, don't ask me to help with smell that'll be left behind. Watch where you're stepping in that horse toilet you'll be living in- Kathy and Bert.'
'I'd like to teach her a lesson she won't forget!' he muttered a plan forming in his head.
linda-norfolk dumpling