Author Topic: Stardate 2221.6.28  (Read 28241 times)

Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #90 on: June 03, 2011, 11:46:38 PM »
The next day Victor Steptoe arrived with his specialist team and spent a few hours in the computer viewing room with Tharam and Cellono before visiting the lab where Rado had been making food tablets. She got up to leave but Tharam told her to stay and to fetch Veest as the two of them had had advanced training in science. 'These frozen embryo will only be viable if used by the end of the month. We only have capacity to grow on 8 here but if you are willing to help out we can show you the equipment we have and the plans to make some for yourselves. Perhaps you have some childless couples who would be willing to bring up one of our babies. ' 'I'd be very interested in seeing the equipment.' said the professor. I'd also like to know how you obtain the foetuses.' 'We'll show you a simulation on the computer.' said Cellono. 'Now if you would follow us into the sterile area- you will need to undergo the sanitising process before you go in. Veest, Rado, you have never been in this area and as you will be involved in nurturing you had better come too.' Later they went through all the stages once more on the computer and all the scientists had the data transferred to their computers so that later in the day they could have a conference with the health and ethics departments to see if earth would allow the use of the embryos.
Stage 1- the 3 month old foetus is gently warmed in a special machine .
Stage 2- an impulse from the machine starts the heart, a few procedures fail here.
Stage 3- a small tube is inserted into the abdomen and connected to a machine which delivers liquid food. It is so perfect that there is no waste product. The foetus is then placed in a warmed capsule where it remains until the bowels and kidneys have developed.
stage 4 the tube is removed from the abdomen and the hole is allowed to close, there is no visible scar.
stage 5 the infant is now put in a crib and fed by a nasal gastro tube. Waste products are collected in disposable pants, a sensor in the mattress makes a buzzer sound when these need to be changed.
stage 6 when the infant is 26 weeks it is taken and examined thoroughly for physical defects which are extremely rare and can usually be dealt with. From then on it is fed  orally by an operator until it reaches its optimum weight and development which because of how our advanced feeding methods work is usually at 32 weeks but can be longer. From the time the infant is put into the crib operators begin to talk to it, music is played softly and touch is introduced. If the infant has been assigned to particular parents they will undertake much of the care from 26 weeks onwards.
On our planet we remove all foetuses at 3 months and rear them in the way described so we will need to build a nursery unit to look after any foetuses that our people produce. This means that several mothers can share the initial caring and they do not miss out on working as your earth mothers do. We do not recommend any family to have more than three children. We have very few accidental pregnancies but at home we asked every couple to try for one more pregnancy after their family was complete and that is how we kept up our supply of embryos. Now we will have to work out some sort of time scale to ensure that we have continuity and do not waste embryos.' said Tharam
Professor Steptoe was intrigued 'How do you remove the 3 month old foetuses?' he said
'The process is called 'tubosuction' it's done under light sedation and is completely painless'
'You have given us much to think about. I must confess I would personally love to work with you if it's allowed. Rest assured I will be in touch as soon as I can.' said Victor as he and his team took their leave.

linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #91 on: June 04, 2011, 11:47:24 PM »
The next day Margaret Carne sent her transporter to pick up Tharam and Cellono and they spent a long time looking over her house which Tharam immediately felt drawn to. There were portraits on the wall which looked as though they could belong to her family particularly the oldest who was called Walter Carne. There had been a similar portrait on the wall of her husbands house when she'd first met him but as he had no idea who the person was it had been taken down and stored away. Margaret offered them lunch but they could only manage something she called a prawn delight before they felt full. At the end of the visit Margaret named the price she required for her house and the lands. She also told them the price of the stone cottage and the surrounding lands where the spaceships stood. Between them Tharam and Cellono could afford to buy what they wanted and the planets funds would buy the rest and pay for any alterations to the cottage anderection of new buildings. Veest and Rado would rent the cottage for the time being. Margaret showed them how the transporter was controlled, it was all done by computer and you merely entered in your destination and the transporter took you there. Accidents were unheard of. When they got back to the ship Cellono set the wheels in motion to obtain funds for the purchases and Valeterra agreed to get the necessary paperwork underway. The week passed quickly by with Cellono being visited several times by a legal eagle. As well as the property several transporters were purchased and everyone received lessons on how to operate them which seemed very easy after piloting spacecraft. Exactly a week after his first visit Victor Steptoe returned with the news that permission had been granted for the embryo's to be used and his construction team set to work building the necessary equipment to raise 12 embryo's. A team of eager young earth scientists came to observe as Cellono, Tharam, Anan, Jeo, Veest and Rado began the first stage in the care of the 8 embryos they were keeping. All had strong heartbeats and were soon receiving nourishment and oxygen. Victor's lab was 30 earth miles away and when the equipment was ready for them the embryos would have to be put in a portable cabinet and taken there with great speed. It was estimated that all would be ready within 10 earth days. Anan and Ellica moved into the small ship Anan had come on so that two earthlings could stay in their capsules on the second ship while they helped with embryonic care and  studied the procedure for the next stages with Rado, Veest, and Anan under Tharam. Another exciting development was the arrival of a buildotec to draw up plans for the cottage. Veest and Rado had made some notes on their communicators which they transferred to his machine so that he could get on while they were on duty. After two days of hard work he showed them the results and with a few alterations it was decided work could go ahead. Now only a few days remained before the committment celebrations and the ships were buzzing with excitement.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #92 on: June 06, 2011, 12:13:12 AM »
Rado was blipping through an online catalogue when Veest came off duty. On Yoflotolf she had always worn jumpsuits when off duty and the earth clothes she'd bought already were all tops and trousers, the dresses held no attraction for her. 'Looking for something special?' asked Veest.
'Mmmn- for the committment party.'
'Not for the actual ceremony then!'
'No- like you, I'll be proud to wear my dress uniform for that.'
'I s'pose I'd best get something special for the party.'
'Why bother?- you look so handsome in that uniform.'
Veest looked over her shoulder at the low cut denim top. 'That'd look good on you.'
'Not special enough. Veest I want my outfit to be a surprise so please don't look'
'Okay- I want to visit the embryos anyway.'
'I'll join you in a while.'
At last Rado found what she was looking for and ordered it. Then she sat at her computer trying to think what words to say at the ceremony but without success. She found Veest squatting down by a blue crib talking to the small being which technology had meant could be identified as male.
'Hey' said Rado. 'You don't need to talk to him yet!'
'I read somewhere that some earth mothers talk to their babies as soon as they find out they're pregnant. I feel really drawn to this little prasc' he said slipping back into their native language.
'Shall we ask to bring him up then' said Rado. 'Yes!' said Veest.'Then we can give him a name and tell him we're his reptans.' As Rado looked at Veest with the little one her heart filled with love and the words she'd been seeking earlier came into her head. 'My dad was called Vetes, I'd like to call this little yug Evest.' ' That's a good choice' said Rado squatting down beside him 'Hello little Evest, I'm going to be your mum. I'll say goodnight now and I'll see you tomorrow.' She blew the tiny being a kiss, got to her feet and held out her hand to Veest. 'Are you coming, gardnil?'
'I'm just going to say a few words to the other littlies- I'll be back soon.
A few minutes later on his way back Veest met Cellono and asked him whether what he and Rado had discussed would be allowed. Cellono agreed and said they might like to consider having a girl too.
'But if we have a child of our own soon that will be three to look after.'
 'We'll make sure you have help.' Veest entered his quarters deep in thought . Rado was already in the king sized bed  smiling and waiting for him.
'Only three days left before we're officially committed to each other .' he said as he lay down beside her. ' Later as they drifted towards sleep he told her what Cellono had asked.' I promise I'll think about it' she said and that night she dreamed of life in the stone cottage with four children, two boys and two girls and Veest laughing at their antics.
Please think about it Veest, these little ones must be found good loving parents
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #93 on: June 07, 2011, 12:22:02 AM »
sorry that last line is out of sequence- don't know how that happened it should be the last thing Cellono says to Veest. Unless anyone else wants to add anything this story will have only two or three more episodes.

Rado was on duty early the next day she kissed Veest awake and said 'Do you want to come and help me choose our little girl before I start work?'
'Oh gardnil, yes!' he replied claiming another kiss before they both dressed hurriedly.' Anan was in with the embryo's. 'Ah Veest, show me which little one you have chosen and we'll give him his name.' 'This is Evest' said Veest proudly and as Anan attached a label to the crib Veest joined Rado as she looked at the tiny girls. ' I think I feel drawn to this little one.' she said.'Good choice.' said Veest, 'I talked to her a lot last night.'
'Anan, could you please give this little one the name Orad? ' said Rado.' We're going to bring her up too.'
'And could you move their cribs so they are next to each other' said Veest. 'Then we can talk to them together and as they get older they can look at each other.' 'Oh you are funny!' said Anan but nevertheless did as they asked. Cellono was delighted with their decision. 'You'll get allowances for both of them' he said.
While Rado was on duty Veest ordered himself an outfit for the committment party. His parcel arrived with Rado's later in the day and each promised the other they would not peep in wardrobes.
Orn and Olec wanted to organise 'Last Freedom Night' parties but Rado and Veest declined as neither of them were fond of strong drinks and were very wary in case Orn had a secret durg supply. Instead after they had both finished their day's duties they went to the embryo room, took two chairs and sat  in front of Evest and Orad's cribs telling them what was to happen the next day. When they returned to their quarters they took their uniforms which Tharam had freshened up for them and hung them up ready to put on in the morning. The ceremony was to begin at 11 o'clock, Rupert and his parents, the Maddocks and Margaret Carne had been invited  and once again Valeterra had organised some earth food including an ice cream cake. When all the guests had gathered in the main body of the ship Cellono began:-

The Ceremony.
Cellono:- Friends from Yoflotolf and Earth. Today we have assembled to celebrate the committment ceremony of Science and Livestock Premiere Officer Rado and Technology, Science and Communications Premier Officer Veest YDSO (Yoflotolf Distinguished Service Order). I invite you to stand to welcome them and their supporters Science and medicine officer prima Anan and Pilot and communications officer secondo- Orn. (They enter) Welcome Rado and Veest, will you and your supporters remain standing and face me. Everyone else may sit.'I ask both of you to confirm this committment ceremony is your wish by raising your right hands. (Rado and Veest comply.)Fellow crew members, I ask you to confirm your assent by raising your right hands. If anyone objects please indicate by standing and turning your back. ' (This was a nervous moment but nobody showed dissent.)
'Good- we are all in favour. Rado and Veest I invite you to face each other and join both hands, then I will ask you in your own words to make your committment starting with you Veest.'
Veest squeezed Rado's hand gently and she reciprocated. Looking into her eyes he said:
'Rado, we came through many ups and downs without admitting our true feelings for each other. Now, however, on a new planet we have opened our eyes and admitted our love. As we look to the future I cannot envisage a life without your support and love. I offer you mine with my whole being. I commit myself exclusively to you until the end of our lives. (These words are required by Yofoltolf law.)
Rado felt tears in her eyes as Cellono invited her to speak. Veest gave her a smile and a wink of encouragement and with love shining through her tears she looked into his handsome face.
'Veest, since our first day at Yofflotolf space agency you have been my best friend and you still are but now you have become my one true love also. You are part of me and I of you, truly we are osul temas. You are strong, brave, but gentle too. I accept the love and support you offer and freely give you mine. I commit myself exclusively to you until the end of our lives.'
Cellono fastened a length of red ribbon to each of their hands where it hung loosely. From leather pouches Anan and Orn produced pendants bearing on the front the insignia o Yofoltolf space agency. They were their official identification with their name on the back. Now each were also inscribed with the other's name, joined hands and the earth date. Veest took Rado's pendant from Anan and placed it over her head. Rado took Veest's from Orn and did the same.  Then their two friends joined their left hands by tying the ribbons and their right hands in the same way. Then as Cellono asked they said together after him 'With these tokens we seal our committment to each other and ask all our friends present to bear witness to our union.'
When this had been done Cellono said ' In my role as commander of this ship of the Yoflotolf Space Agency I confirm the committment of Rado and Veest and offer my heartfelt congratulations. All crew members please stand, hold up your hands in the air in salute and speak the Yoflotolf motto:-
'Ew lal lastue oyu O Yoflotolf raif nad eliv ot hupdol oyur evalus nad onidartist herewerv ew rea'
Many of those present felt a lump in their throats and some cried openly as they thought of their lost homeland. 'Veest and Rado set the final seal on your committment in the time honoured way.' said Cellono and they shared their first kiss as life partners before going to change into their party clothes.

linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #94 on: June 07, 2011, 11:21:52 PM »
Veest looked admiringly at Rado in her new purple trouser suit. 'You look amazing.' he said. Veest had chosen black jeans and a cornflower blue shirt. 'You look good too.' said Rado. 'Come on, I'm dying to try that ice cream cake, it looks delicious. The party continued until late but Rado and Veest left the guests to it and went down to the lake with their space blankets and once again spent the night amongst the trees. The sounds of the early morning birdsong roused them and they rolled up their blankets and spent some time watching the sunlight dance between the trees and make the lake sparkle. Tharam and Cellono had chosen to celebrate their committment quietly with just the crew present and no party afterwards. Greguls was very moved, he was to begin his travels the next day with Jeo piloting the shuttle to his first destination- the planet Squalbartere. He did not know when or indeed if  he would return and there was a decided catch in his voice as he conducted the ceremony. The care of the little beings had fallen mainly to Anan and after discussing matters with Ellica she and Jeo had decided they definitely wanted to provide a home for one of them. Down by the stone cottage were several blocks of stables. One would be used for Creppo and Lexa but it had been decided that the others should be converted into living accommodation. Jeo and Anan had agreed to occupy a unit together but for the time being were not going to enter into a committment. They had chosen a small boy to be called Ejo. The departure next morning of Greguls was very emotional. Rado, Veest, Orn and particularly Cellono had been his friends for years and the young ones couldn't understand why he wanted to leave them. Rado cried openly as she hugged Greguls. 'Don't take on lirg, you've got Veest to look after you now. As he shook hands with Veest he said 'You look after her now, you hear?'
'Course I will.' he replied turning away to hide his emotions. As the shuttle took off he said 'Come on Rado, there's been a lot happening these last few days and we need to bring the ships computer journal up to date.' When they were alone he said 'You know having taken on responsibility for two littlies we maybe should hold back on trying for one of our own.' Rado bit her lip, put her arms round him and said softly. 'I'm afraid it's a bit too late for that now.'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #95 on: June 10, 2011, 12:35:53 AM »
'Wow' said Veest.That's awesome!'
'You don't mind do you?'
'Course not.'
'I need to tell Tharam as I need some advice about anything special I need to do and of course she needs to make a note of when I need to have the tubosuction. I'm not looking forward to that!'
'I'll be there with you if you want me to and if it's allowed.'
Over the next few weeks it was decided who would be the persons to look after the babies when they came out of the nursery unit and they were all given names. 'Just because we've put you in pairs it doesn't mean we expect you to be life partners- it's just so that each child has a mother and father figure. A notice was put up in the nursery which read:-
Child- Evest-male- parents Veest and Rado
Child - Orad-female parents -Veest and Rado
Child - Ejo-male-parents -Jeo and Anan
Child -Nor-male-parents -Orn and Zelah
Child- Leoc-female- parents Olec and Dorkbelc
Child -Wedyn-female- parents Phic and Dynew
Child Wesli-male- parents Iswel and Valeretta
Child - Leliac-female- parents Ellica and Rupert.
Tharam and Cellono had thought long and hard about including Rupert and Valeretta but Ellica and Iswel had so wanted to be involved in the preservation of the embryos that they had relented. They had considered taking one themselves but as Zelah had made it clear she wanted the minimum involvement possible they knew Orn would need help and so would Rado and Veest.
The next person to leave the ship was Nait. She left on a scheduled flight for Hartetabe. Zelah said she envied her the freedom and felt tempted to leave herself but she was really very fond of Orn.
The time came for Rado to have her tubosuction. Veest was allowed into the sick bay when she was gowned up and ready for the procedure. She was given a pill to swallow and the music system played softly. Veest spoke to her softly and she concentrated on what he was saying and not what Anan and Tharam were doing. In a matter of minutes Tharam said - 'all done- I'm just checking everything's okay before putting baby in the crib. Rado and Veest waited anxiously. 'Yes- everything is fine- you have a little boy, what will you call him?'
'Etevs.' said Veest. 'I'll take him to the nursery, you can visit him when Rado's dressed.'
The first batch of babies were now 27 weeks old and were receiving lots of visits from their parents.They were all thriving and making their llittle voices heard. Their cribs were on bases that made them rock gently and they were played soothing music interspersed with noises simulating what earth's babies heard in the womb. Soon they reached the stage where they could be handed over to their new parents to care for. The renovations to the stone cottage had been completed, Rado and Veeest had moved in. Four new living units had been completed in the stable blocks all sound proofed. Dynew, Olec, Anan and Orn had a unit each, the others remained billeted on the two ships. Tharam looked after little Etevs who was now the only baby in the nursery. Rado and Veest were frequent visitors with the other two babies. Life had changed dramatically for everyone. Zelah spent hardly any time with Nor preferring to do extra duties on board the ships. One night when everyone was asleep a transporter pulled up outside the mother ship and having told no-one she was leaving Phillsy picked up her bag of belongings and was driven off into the night to catch her ship to Memredlea. There was no way she wanted to remain amongst what she called Babymania.

To be concluded.

linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #96 on: June 10, 2011, 10:42:23 PM »
25 years later. Stardate 2246.6.28.

'Dad- it's arrived. The brand spanking new spaceship that you and Jeo helped to design. It's going to be my ship. I won't have to be a co-pilot any more. This is so much better than the other machines I've flown. This ship is like a glorified museum now. What are you reading?' It's the ship's spacelog. I've kept it up to date and transferred data every time we've upgraded our computers. It's exactly 25 years since we first landed here on earth and I've been thinking about all the things that have happened to us. Your mum and I are going to visit Cellono and Tharam later. We're having a get together of all the old crew who still live on the planet. ' Evest looked over his father's shoulder. 'That looks interesting- I love it when you and mum talk about the old days. I'll have to read it some time.Orad should be back soon, she's just done her final exam-hopefully she's now a qualified tech. tech.  We love each other and want to have a committment ceremony dad, it will be alright won't it? You did say we're not related by blood.'
'That's right! Lucky for you that I saved all the relevant data. You'll need to show it to Jeo, I assume you want him to conduct the ceremony in accordance with the customs of Yoflotolf?'
'Of course.'
Orad had just arrived back at the stone cottage which had had several rooms added over the years. 'I passed mum! Now I can be technology technician on Evest's new ship!'
'He still has to complete three unassisted assessed flights and you'll need other crew members.'
'You and dad could come. Dad's a qualified pilot instructor and you can fly too as well as being a first rate technician. 'We've not done any long flights in years, just the odd trip to keep our hours up to date.' Rado sat deep in thought for several minutes- it would be good to do a long trip on active duty instead of the tutorial roles they'd been fulfilling. She was roused from her dreaming by the sound of a transporter outside and Etevs and Aann entered. 'How did your exams go?' asked Rado. 'Passed first class in flight technique. Soon be qualified like my big bro. Aann is now a 2nd stage medic.'
Rupert says he'll buy me my own transporter for doing so well.' said Aann.
Can Odra and I come to this gathering at Cellono's or is it just for you oldies?' asked Orad.
'Cheeky! said Rado. 'Of course you can come if you want to but Evest is on duty, don't you want to keep him company?'
'No, I want to come and listen to all your memories then I can tell him all about them.' she replied and Odra nodded in agreement. 'Aann and I are on duty too otherwise we would have come.'
'Mum and Ellica have promised to tell me all about it.' said Aann.
Before he left the ship Veest brought the computer records up to date with the new qualifications.'You'll have to start your own ship's log Evest. You must keep it up to date. ' I'll help said
Etevs as he handed the transporter keys to Veest. 'And don't worry- you and mum taught us well!'
After lunch Veest drove the transporter to the beautiful house occupied by Cellono and Tharam. Part of it had been given over for tuition in navigation and technology as it was rather large for two people. The gardens were ablaze with colour.Geraniums and impatiens were in full bloom and created a paintbox of colour. People had begun to assemble on the spacious back lawn and Cellono was dispensing drinks. Orad and Odra who were often taken for twins because they were so alike went to join the other young people. When it seemed that everyone was assembled Cellono cleared his throat and called for attention. 'Friends- before we go any further I'd like you to join me in a toast to absent friends Greguls, Phillsy and Nait.'
'Hold back on that last one Cellono- I'm here!' Everyone turned to see Nait standing with her life partner,Seamus and sons Sean and Pat. She had returned to Earth on the two occasions when she was pregnant as she needed tubosuction at 3 months. Seamus had accompanied he, he was a musician and able to find temporary work to support them. Glasses were raised to toast Greguls, who sadly had died suddenly on Squalbartere a year after leaving the ship. It had happened so quickly that no-one was around to help. He had made friends on the planet and they let Cellono know. Phillsy was also toasted. She had broken off all contact with earth but they had heard rumours that she had got married.
Veest had expected Rado to dissolve into tears when Greguls was mentioned but she remained surprisingly stoic until Cellono's next words.'Tharam and I have now decided that the time has come for us to enjoy our retirement by visiting other planets. You do not need us as mentors anymore. Those of you who arrived here 25 years ago are now well able to carry on the work we started. You have established good working relationships with the people of earth and the joint progress  in all fields makes us both justly proud. The new spaceships that some of you helped to design are wonderful and I'm looking forward to being shown round the new ship which arrived today. We are also proud of our new generation. We started by raising 8 embryos ourselves. It was hard work but very rewarding. Childless earth couples fostered a further 12 on the understanding that when they grew up they would be encouraged to explore their roots and choose life partners of Yoflotolf extract. I'm pleased to say that for the most part they have! Over the years a further 8 were conceived by our females- 10 including Sean and Pat. A further 8 were harvested so we have a good age spread. Some of the original 'babies' have life partners already and we would like to congratulate Nor and Leco on the news that they are to become parents.The future of our true bloods is secure and those who have chosen life partners from other cultures have stayed in close contact. We must also congratulate those who have just passed their final exams. There were cheers and a round of applause then Nait spoke
'Sean's greatest wish is to become a space pilot and the training you offer here is the best there is so he will be remaining here to study when the rest of us return to Hartetabe. This will give us an excuse to visit often and it might even be that Pat will study here too when he's older.' 'That's wonderful, Nait and I'm sure Jeo and the others will be pleased to welcome him onto the training program. That's about enough from me but before you start swapping stories Veest has something to say. 'Friends you know that someone has always kept the ships log ever since we arrived here and for the last five years this pleasure has been mine. I have also spent time researching into the history of our home planet and drawn it all together into one file. This combined with the log will provide a permanent record of our history and if anyone would like a copy for their computer I'll be pleased to arrange it.'
'Thanks Veest and in concluding my talk today I will just say that here  on planet earth there is  a small corner which will remain forever Yoflotolf!

The End!
linda-norfolk dumpling