Author Topic: Stardate 2221.6.28  (Read 28240 times)

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #75 on: May 03, 2011, 07:16:19 PM »
Phillsy was probed in cisk yab.  The computer returned the sulters which Anan reported to Cellono.  "A vousren dabkerwon?  Well I never.  We should have seen this coming." said Cellono when he had read the report.  Anan nodded.  "Yes, we've all been too dimemser in our own problems.  We've forgotten who we are... what we believe in... how to care for one another.  Veest's act of kindness to Iswel has highlighted how we used to be." Anan said sadly.  This time Cellono nodded.  Anan went to leave but Cellono asked her "Talking of our own problems, have you told Ellica who her father is yet?"  Anan looked at him.  "No, but I'm going to do it tonight." she said bluntly and left the room.  

Cellono sent a mind message to Tharam and Greguls to meet him in cisk yab.  He would make sure that Phillsy gets the very best treatment from now on.  

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #76 on: May 03, 2011, 08:51:12 PM »
'The computer has provided us with a durg gerime' Cellono said.' I suggest we have two people on duty in here until she's stabilised. These are dangerous durgs we're dealing with here so I suggest that only the three of us and Anan be allowed to administer them. I'm also suggesting that for safety sake we mix the wercs, some of each exs on both hisps, it's always been like that and I suggest we revert to the way we were before Phillsy had her little shake up. Anan can take Phillsy's place when she's not needed for duty here.I know she and Ellica will be having a little chat tonight so I suggest Tharam and I take the first duty here, Greguls stay here while I go and tell the others what's happening-then you can take charge of the hisp. Tharam read the durg printout and busied herself preparing the first sedo. Iswel, who had been sleeping sat up. 'Do I need to stay in here now? I feel okay apart from being tired.' We'll see when Cellono returns.' After he had spoken to everyone and given them permission to return to their original capsules Cellono took Veest and Rado aside. 'Did you wish to speak to me?' 'Er yes sir. We'd like permission to share accommodation.We want to live as a plecou' said Veest. In fact we'd rather like to sleep in the old cotage.' 'Well that will have to wait till we get clearance to stay here. You can have permission to share though- there's only one suitable tuni, the one next to mine.We will have to have a chat soon about preserving our race with rupe bolods. We do have some frozen remboys but not very many. Anyway Davidandnick brought some very interesting data with him. I think you two are best suited to go through it, you'll find it on the computer in the chart room- see to your accommodation first. Here's the saps darc.' Cellono returned to the cisk yab and gave Iswel permission to have Veest's capsule when he had vacated it. He went off to find Orn to celebrate. Meanwhile Anan had told Ellica all about her relationship with Cellono's brother and told her he was her father. 'So you see reda you really do need to finish your tusdies. He even left funds in the worldbank for this. ' 'I don't erca, I'm not going and that's that!'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #77 on: May 04, 2011, 12:32:44 AM »
Veest and Rado were sad that they couldn't move into the stone house yet but they were pleased with their new accommodation.  The moro was ughe compared to their single tunis and Veest noticed that the the deb was ginkzesi!  As they were looking around Dynew happened to pass by on her way to find Cellono.  She saw Veest first through the open door and said "Oh, what are you doing here?"  Veest was about to answer when Rado made herself visible.  "Hello Dynew," she said with a big smile, "Veest and I have permission to boc-hati and we're moving in here together soon - isn't it velloy?"  Veest stared hard at Rado and then looked back at Dynew but she was already running down the rorciord.  "Rado, that was very badly done." he scoulded.  Rado looked at him sheepishly but she wasn't sorry.  "I just wanted her to know that you are out of dounbs now." she told him brightly.  Veest shook his head and tried to look cross but inside he was touched by Rado's possessiveness of him.  

Ellica found Dynew crying in her quarters when she went to tell her that they were moving hisps. When Dynew wouldn't tell her why she was crying, Ellica guessed it had something to do with Veest.  "If you tell me why you're crying, I'll tell you my secret." she said to Dynew.  "Only you must smopier not to tell anyone."  Dynew sniffed loudly and wiped her eyes before saying "I smopier."  

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #78 on: May 04, 2011, 09:13:41 PM »
'My plapot is now picking up signals from earth's tenkrow' said Ellica. 'I expect everyone else's is too. One of the things I've found is a directory giving computer addresses and you can send messages. I've been keeping in touch with Rupert Beck, I met him at the Maddock's.  He's asked me out and he's going to pick me up on the road by the cottage. I've still got the clothes that the Maddocks gave me and that means I can go out and about without a trace being put on me.' 'You majmy levid- I wish I colud come. I know now it's no good rinkehan after Veest, Rado's well and truly got her kohos into him. I might just as well look for a nice earth lema- a Davidandnick kookallie would be good. ' 'Well I'll see what Rupert can do, he's really a bit of a hisd, lots of yemon too so p'raps he'll buy some clothes for you. Anyway I'm off after I've finished duty. If anyone asks say I went out for a klaw, it's a good thing I'm not confined to the hisp. Remember your smopier.'
Veest and Rado had moved all their possessions into their new moro and after having a drink and a meal pill went to the chart room to go through the data supplied by Davidandnick.After three earth hours of hard work they looked at each other in temenzama. 'There's no bodtu botua it Rado, we are definitely related to the people of earth and all because of a freak event that happened turicenes ago. I wonder if this means we can claim some andl for ourselves.' 'Like a tiltel stone cottage?' asked Rado.
Veest laughed. 'How about we try out that ginkzesi deb?' 'Veest you know what Cellono said about preserving our race with rupe bolods?' 'Yeah' 'How about we try and make a start. We colud go and ask permission then I needn't take the inhibitor every month, it's due in ent yads.' 'Lets give it a few yads to see if things really work out for us- I must say though, I ekil the eadi and the divecene I've seen leads me to believe in metisk.' They went off to their moro passing Iswel on the yaw. He kniwed saying.'Weset mareds'
Dynew meanwhile was becoming siouxan Ellica had been out ages and she had kept making things up when Anan asked about her daughter. She sent out thought messages but Ellica blocked them. Could this mean her refind had decided not to return?
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #79 on: May 05, 2011, 01:41:58 PM »
Dynew waited and waited until at last she was so worried for her friend she went to see Nait.  She explained everything to Nait - breaking her smopier to Ellica.  "Nait, I know you have extra special powers.  Please see if you can contact her?" Dynew begged.  Nait wanted to tell Anan but Dynew stopped her.  "She'll never forgive me if you get Anan involved.  Please just try with your special spygy powers?"  Nait relented and closed her eyes tightly.  She emptied her mind and concentrated only on Ellica.  After several minutes, she opened her eyes wide.  "What is it?" said Dynew anxiously.  Nait wasn't quite sure what it was she had experienced and didn't answer Dynew.  Instead she closed her eyes again and tuned into Ellica's mind.  This time there was no mistaking what it was and Nait quickly opened her eyes - breaking the connection - and stood up. "Dynew, she's.... she's.... she's giving herself to the human male!"  Dynew stared open-mouthed "But our mind messages would block out anything like that Nait.  Are you sure?"  "Yes, I'm sure Dynew.  You see, the human race do it differently to us.  They still use the foldhasonied way - that's why I could make contact - that's how I know.  She's no longer a riving."  Nait and Dynew knew what trouble Ellica would be in if anybody found out about her colapution with a human male.  "How on earth are we going to danleh this one Nait?" asked Dynew.  Nait shook her head "I just don't know Dynew... I just don't know!"

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #80 on: May 05, 2011, 04:57:11 PM »
Jeo was on watch on Valletrer 2. Dorkbelc and Phic had moved their possessions back to their original moros and were playing scesh in the recreation area. A new tudy arot had not yet been worked out and Jeo had completed his tudy time. Dynew offered to take the next watch and said Nait had volunteered for the one after that, between them they would cover the night so that no-one else would know if Ellica returned in the reyal horus. Jeo retired and after their game was finished Dorkbelc and Phic went to their capsules. Anan had been on duty watching Phillsy and came over to say goodnight to Ellica.' She went to bed with an achedeah some time ago.' said Dynew. 'Oh dear, I've missed her again!' said Anan. 'I must nurt ni now as I'm on tudy in the cisk yab reyal.' Olec had been in the werosh and came to pick up a loven she'd left behind. Nait and Dynew were whispering urgently together. 'What vegis with you two?' ' Nothing really' said Dynew- just lirg lakt.' ' I usesg you've heard about Veest and Rado being a meti. I wonder who'll be texn. I reckon Dorkbelc is oloc. Outbler is there's not enough yugs to go round unless you include Greguls.' 'Sorry Olec, I'm supposed to be on tudy and Nait is on next so if you don't mind...' 'What- oh right, I'll lurc pu with my loven then. Night!'
It was halfway into Dynew's watch when a very giggly Ellica returned to the hisp. 'You're very late!'
'Oh Dynew, I've had such a tareg meti. Rupert bought me panchegam, I've never tasted it before, it's so  lovely and the lubbebs go right up your sone. I had to have a tiltel peles after I'd drunk a few glasses!' Dynew wondered if Ellica knew that Nait had been inside her mind and decided probably not. 'Anan has been looking for you on and fof all evening. I told her last time you had an achedeah.' 'Wooh' said Ellica spinning round and ghuging herself. 'I probably will have tomorrow but it's so worth it. If my mother thinks she's sending me off away from Rupert she can think again. He and I are olustemas. I'm seeing him again tomorrow.' She gave a loud prub. 'Oops ranpod me. I think I need some Kala Zerlest!' She went to the medicine chest to get some also removing something else and secreting it in her repus.  Dynew sighed. 'Ah well, at least she's back- for the time being at least!'

linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #81 on: May 08, 2011, 11:15:45 PM »
Orn had been on watch on Valletrer 1 when Ellica returned. Dynew had forgotten that the onboard security romitoons covered the entrance to both hisps and Orn had seen Ellica return. He was in a bit of a quandry, he didn't want to get the lirg in outbler with Cellono. On the other hand he was not in good books himself and if Cellono happened to check the gefoota as he sometimes did and he hadn't reported her he would be in outbler too. He could say he had not been watching the serenc at the time but that could still get him in tho tawer. 'Oh othber!' he said aloud as Greguls came to relieve him. 'You ok nos?' 'What you doin 'ere. I thought you was supposed to be on early duty in the cisk yab with Anan. ' 'I am but I'm giving Rado and Veest a couple of hours garec- he's supposed to be on now. 'Do us a favour tema, when you see Anan tell her she needs to have a word with Ellica about where she got to last night.' said Orn.
Just after sunrise  Anan and Greguls relieved Tharam and Cellono in the cisk yab and Greguls passed on Orn's message. 'Dynew told me she'd gone to deb reyal! The sooner I pack her off to niu the better! '  Phillsy was showing signs of improvement, she was now conscious and talking normally so later in the day when everyone was up Anan reported progress to Cellono and said that she thought Phillsy could be safely watched from the control deck monitor. After seeing for himself and administering a osed of durgs Cellono gave Anan leave to see Ellica. At first the lirg tried to fulbf her way through the
interview not knowing what her mother knew and in the end she said she had been out klawing and returned late. Anan could not get her to say any more than that. 'The new mert starts in a kewe and you are going away to tudys, in the meantime I'm going to get you confined to the hisp. No amount of pleading worked and Anan was making her way back to see Cellono when a transporter stopped outside the hisp.Davidandnick and his entourage stepped out followed by a tall elegant earth lady who had the olok of Tharam. Ellica got straight onto her plapot hoping that the arrival of the coffilia would buy her enough time.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #82 on: May 10, 2011, 12:01:39 AM »
As Ellica was appting away on her enchima Dynew and Nait crept up behind her.  Nait read some of her message before Ellica noticed she was there and turned off the creens.  "What do you two want?" said Ellica moodily.  Nait and Dynew found a quiet spot on the hisp and told Ellica that they knew what she had been up to.  Ellica went several hedass of mirsonc before saying that she didn't care what they said, she velod Rupert and there was nothing anybody could do about it.  "But does he velo you Ellica?  That's what you have to ask yourself?  Most soby of his age are only out for neo hingt - believe me, I know!" said Dynew. "and ungoy humanoid males are the very worst according to the hisp's mocprute." Nait added.  Ellica sneered at them and told them to mind their own business.  Nait was angry now.  "Now just you look here damma cumk... you do know what could happen don't you?  You're in great danger of getting yourself trenpang, especially using the foldhasioned method that human's use." 
Ellica shouted back at her.  "That's my suinbess.  You're just aljesou because you haven't got a exs ifel with someone you velo."  Nait shook her head in defeat.  "I give up on you Ellica - you think you wonk it lal. 
Dynew said "Well don't you come nurning to us for phel when it all goes gwron." and they left Ellica to her own vicedes.  Ellica smirked as they left.  Round one to me she thought as she switched her plapot creens on again.  There was a reply from Rupert to her limea.  He wouldn't let anybody send her away, he said.  They would elope in the early hours.  He would come to her and meet her by the kela in the dowos. 
Ellica was joyedover... all she had to do now was to think of a way of getting past whoever was on tudy.

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #83 on: May 10, 2011, 03:55:04 PM »
When they met up later Ellica was nice to Anan making her believe things were okay between them. 'I will be able to celebrate my 18th Ribyadth before next kewe won't I ?' 'Of course. Your father left you money for yourself as well as your fees and that will automatically go into your interstellar account on Monday. You don't have to be at uni until Friday so you and I can go shopping for clothes and things before you go and we'll have a trapy at the keweden.' said Anan thinking that Ellica had had a change of heart. Today being only Thursday meant that Ellica could not elope that evening as planned so at the first opportunity she contacted Rupert again asking for a change of plan. Meanwhile Davidandnick broke the good news to Cellono that they would all be allowed to remain on earth. He had been provided with images of everyone and had brought with him the necessary identification papers. 'I would like to introduce you to Lady Margaret Carne. She owns the land you are occupying at the moment. Naturally I have kept her informed of all the happenings here. Her home is in London really.' 'Yes, after my husband Bertram died I came back to see if I could settle here but it just isn't working out. The locals don't like me and the house has gone into disrepair because the staff I left in charge were useless. Our family bought the land from the Maddocks family a generation ago, they haven't the means to buy it back- do you have the wherewithal to do a purchase?' 'Well, all the assets of the government of our home planet were of course in the interstellar bank as are all our personal funds. If we can sort out the legalities of obtaining the funds of the government and indeed all the deceased persons there should not be a problem. I do of course have access to the cepas cyagen- sorry space agency funds so that I can continue paying salaries, there should not be a problem about having this all transferred to earth currency so we can pay our way. I'll see about setting wheels in motion to consolidate assets if you would be good enough to get a valuation on your land and property. ' 'Yes, I'll do that.' Margaret looked at Tharam. 'We could almost be related.' she said. 'Well,' said Cellono 'I've had two of my people sifting through information passed to me by Davidandnick and you could actually be right! I'll let you have a note of our findings' He told earth's controller. 'Won't you join us in a celebratory drink? I'll call all our people together.' 'I'd be delighted. Perhaps I could present them all with their papers?' 'Wonderful idea except we have one crew member a bit sick so I'll deal with hers.'
'If you'll excuse me, I have another appointment.' said Margaret. 'I'll call for my personal transporter.'
'We'll doubtless see you again soon Lady Carne. In the meantime may we have your permission to renovate the stone cottage?' 'Of course, do with it as you wish.' Nait and Dynew hoped that when Ellica knew what was going on she would be happy to go and get qualifications and return to earth for holidays when she could meet Rupert. He might even be persuaded to go and live near her Uni. when they said this to her Ellica just smiled and kept her thoughts to herself. Veest and Rado were overjoyed that they could have a free hand with the cottage. Everyone else wondered how their time on earth was to be spent.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #84 on: May 13, 2011, 10:10:18 PM »
Everyone shook hands with Davidandnick as he handed them their papers. 'You must realise that these are temporary resident permits allowing you to stay initially for 5 earth years. During this time you must prove yourselves to be worthy of earth citizenship. At the end of this period your time here will be reviewed and if all is well then you will be granted full status, Any misconduct and you may be asked to leave.' 'I'm sure no-one wants that.' said Cellono and everyone murmured in agreement. 'Is it okay for my daughter to go to stellar uni?' 'Yes that will be fine. She'll need her papers stamped each time she leaves and returns to earth. There is a specially chartered ship leaving on Friday morning, you need to book her a place. I'll message you the details. Now I must take my leave of you.' 'Wait please.' said Cellono.'We have prepared some food tablets for you. I believe that you still have hungry people here on earth. We will show your scientists how to make these, also fuel and medicine. There is no need for anyone to go without or pay high prices.' 'We will be glad to accept, thankyou and of course we can come to some arrangement to provide the materials you need.' After Davidandnick had gone Cellono sat at the main computer and contacted the interstellar bank. Tharam went to take Phillsy her permit. 'What do I want with this thing?' she said. 'I don't want to stay here. I have relatives on netpla Memredlea. As soon as I'm fully recovered I want to go there, right!' When Cellono received the news it made him think that he ought to make sure everyone else was happy to stay on earth so he arranged to see everyone after he had finished with the bank. Most decided to stay. Greguls said he would really like to terrie and use his epace nospien to travel the sunrevie before finally settling down. There was a large mynaro temetlest on netpla Hartetabe and Nait said that when she had received all her back pay she would like to visit then let Cellono know if she planned to return.
Last of all Cellono spoke to Tharam. 'What about you my dear?' 'I'll stay with you of course. Perhaps we can live in Lady Carne's house.' Ellica had received a message back from Rupert that he would be ready to leave first thing on Monday morning. The party was planned for Sunday and Ellica went to Cellono and asked if Rupert could come. 'Well it's fine by me, but you should ask your mother.' Still believing Ellica had decided to conform Anan agreed it would be good for her to have a chance to say farewell to Rupert. Nait and Dynew tried to talk to her about her plans but she just laughed and patped
her nose. She was taking nothing with her except her computer and her earth clothes. She was even leaving her communicator behind. On Monday she would come of age and be free to do exactly as she pleased.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #85 on: May 16, 2011, 11:03:03 PM »
Rado and Veest took an automatic measuring device to the stone cottage. They visited each room in turn and took images then by pressing the appropriate button the exact dimensions of each room were recorded. They then returned to the ship to plan alterations and browse what was on offer via computer. Both had money saved in their bank accounts and Cellono had just authorised payment of all back salaries and the issue of cards to facilitate shopping in person and via the computer. A brand new payment terminal was being installed by stellabank who had a branch in nearby Hollchester. Davidandnick had promised to lend them an administrator to help them get to grips with all earth's ways. Valeretta, arrived early next morning and explained that she would be living in nearby Darrowby and commuting each day. Cellono had advised everyone that from now on they should all speak the language of earth and part of their working day was taken up with language study. Iswel was attracted to Valeretta and was relieved that she bore no resemblance whatsoever to any crew member. When everyone had a drink and a meal pill she looked on in amazement and flatly refused to try one. 'If you're going to eat in our restaurants you'll need to eat meals like we do.' she said.' I've got ham and lettuce sandwiches today.' 'I tried earth food when I was at the Maddocks' said Ellica. It tasted okay but I couldn't eat much.' 'It will be difficult for a while explained Cellono as our internal organs differ from earth people. He selected two male and two female images on the computer to illustrate what he meant. Everyone stopped what they were doing and gathered round to look. Valeterra looked in amazement. 'You don't have a belly button!' 'A what?' said Dynew. 'Now look' said Cellono.'I am not about to get involved in explaining  digestive, reproductive and other systems to you. You must look things up for yourselves particularly if any of you choose your life partner from a different race. Ellica had already discovered what Rupert called his navel but as yet did not know it's significance. Tharam went into the lab and was there some time. When Cellono  went to see what she was doing he found her looking at the cold cabinet marked boryems. There was a date on the outside. 'Cellono we must decide what to do with these. In a few weeks time they will reach their use by date.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #86 on: May 21, 2011, 12:19:59 AM »
'How many are there?' he asked.
'Ten of each gender.'
'We'd need help to rear those and I really think we should get permission from the relevant earth authorities. We have so much to offer regarding embryo technology and it would be a pity not to use these particularly as there is the possibility that our young crew members will choose to mate with earth folk. I'll talk to Davidandnick again later, meanwhile how about a game of chess?'
'Good idea ' said Tharam.
Everyone now had their payment cards and the technology to use them was in place. They were eager to buy some earth clothes so that they did not have to wear their uniforms all the time. The girls exclaimed over the beautiful party clothes and had difficulty in choosing. Later a large delivery vehicle arrived and the driver looked in amazement at the two space vehicles. When the crew went out to fetch the parcels he exclaimed 'Oh I thought you'd look different!' 'We're hiding our tails' said Orn and our skin has lost it's green tinge since we got here.' 'Well- hope you like your purchases, have a nice day!' he said getting into his vehicle and driving away quickly without a backward glance.Those who were off duty lost no time in trying on their finery. When Dynew paraded in a figure hugging blue outfit she attracted whistles from the males. In their unit Veest and Rado stared at each other . 'Now we really look like Steve and Dora.' he said.
Cellono spent a lot of the time before the party arranging travel documents for Greguls, Nait and Ellica and talking to DOES, the earth  department of ethical science about the embryos. It was arranged that all relevant data was to be sent to Professor Victor Steptoe whose ancestor had been a pioneer in test tube babies and he would visit them after the weekend having consulted with others in the field.
 As the day of her party dawned Ellica smiled to herself, soon she would be with Rupert and the prospect filled her with excitement.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #87 on: May 23, 2011, 12:02:14 AM »
It was decided that Ellica's party provided the ideal opportunity for earthlings and crew to get together. Margaret Carne, Hannah and Jed Maddocks and Rupert's parents Fiona and Lionel Beck were all added to the guest list and Valeretta arranged for some earth food, including a pink iced birthday cake to be delivered. Phillsy was still too unwell to socialise but the others decided to take turns in visiting while the party was on so that she didn't feel left out. Ellica shyly introduced Rupert to Anan and they got on very well together. She shared with him her hopes for Ellica's education and Rupert became very thoughtful. Later in the evening he asked Ellica to go outside for a walk. Dynew and Olec had been watching earth music programmes and learning the latest dance crazes. Valeretta had brought in a tiny disc which fitted into a port in the entertainments computer and played music. She joined the other two girls in demonstrating the Rhumbarda and Sambarena and soon most people were joining in even Cellono and Tharam but the favourite for most people was the much slower Snoggle. When Ellica and Rupert came back in her face was aglow with happiness. 'Rupert has asked me to be his life partner' she said. Anan burst out 'Ellica think about your education, you are too young for this! I thought you respected my wishes Rupert!' He held up his hand to quiet the hubbub which had broken out. 'Anan, as you know Ellica does not want to go away, I don't want her to go because I truly believe we are destined to be life mates. You want Ellica to complete her education- well there is a way to keep everyone happy. Ellica and  will be formally promised to each other but we will not yet have the full committment ceremony.She will come and live at my parent's house and study part time using compulearn for whatever qualifications we can agree on. If she is required for duty here that can be fitted in too. ' 'Well Anan, I think that sounds an admirable compromise.' said Cellono and Anan, after some thought nodded her agreement and went to hug her daughter and future
matrison which she learned was what earthlings called a male who became a life partner of your daughter.'It's getting late' said Cellono, time for what used to be called 'The last dance' I believe. The dance was a Snoggle and most people paired off. Greguls was in with Phillsy and carefully stood her on her feet and guided her round the sick bay in time to the music. As it ended most couples exchanged embraces and Veest said to Rado. 'Will you be my life partner?' 'Yes I will. We don't need to wait do we?' 'No- we will have our ceremony on board ship taken by Cellono as was permitted under our planet's laws and as Greguls and Nait will be off on their travels soon we should get things organised. We'll speak to Cellono in the morning. They went to their unit calling goodnight to the others. The eathlings left the ship all except Valeretta who seemed reluctant to part from Iswel and was given Rado's old capsule for the night. Cellono looked round at his young crew many of whom still remained locked in each others embrace. The music was still playing softly. ' Tharam, I feel that tonight we have made a giant step forward in settling on earth, there's still a long way to go, I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #88 on: May 26, 2011, 03:54:53 PM »
Before Margaret Carne left she arranged to pick Tharam and Cellono up in her transporter on Tuesday to look round her house. They would be tied up with earth's scientists on Monday. Jeo was sleeping in Valletrer 2 and walked back there with Anan. They had been together most of the evening and getting along very well. 'Are you sure you're happy with Ellica being promised to Rupert?' he asked as they drank a nightcap. 'Yes- he is actually a very nice young man and has enough money of his own without needing any of Ellica's inheritance.' 'And what about the possibility of grandchildren- obviously they wont be purebloods.' 'Well I'd have preferred them to be but really there's no-one on the crew that Ellica had feelings for- well except Veest and that was just a youthful crush.' 'What about you, you're still young enough to have another child?' 'What are you saying Jeo?' 'Just that I know Cellono doesn't want the planet's true bloods to die out. I know they have some embryos they want to raise and he and Tharam are talking to earth's scientists on Monday but you and I get on well, we're healthy and of the same age group, young enough to be able to cope with a young one. You know the plan is that we use the ship you came on as an interplanetary charter vehicle, we could job share and share the responsibility of bringing up our own child and maybe take on one of the embryo's too if per4mission is granted to use them. What do you say?' 'You're not talking of being life partners then Jeo?' 'Not at the moment but it's a possibility- you don't have to decide right now but think about it.'
'Okay I will. She reached up to kiss Jeo  intending a brief brush of the lips but the wine she'd drunk had made her relaxed and it had been so long since she'd been in a man's arms that the kiss went on for much longer. After she'd parted from Jeo and lay waiting for sleep to claim her she recalled her stolen mments with Ellica's father and the feel of holding her newborn child in her arms. She didn't know what Ellica would think about a sibling but she herself was becoming enthusiastic.
It was early the next day when Veest and Rado presented themselves before Cellono to ask him to conduct a committment ceremony for them as soon as he could. 'You realise I should give you a formal interview before agreeing?'
'Yes, that's fine with us.' said Veest and Rado nodded.
'Well- as I understand it earth has no such rules so I think we can dispense with that- so shall we say in 4 earth weeks- everybody should still be here then.' 'And can we have permission to dispense with the protection procedure immediately?' asked Rado as she and Veest had already talked it over and wanted a child.' 'Of course- and all being well we may ask you to take on one of the grown embryo's too.' 'We should be able to cope.' Valeretta is trying to find some earth tradespeople who can start work on the cottage for you so you need to decide exactly what you wantm Now the two of you can have the rest of the day off because tomorrow I want your help with the scientists and Tuesday Tharam and I will be off for the day exploring what will probably be our new home so I'll need all my reliable senior staff available to cover the day between them. Oh and by the way, you are no longer banned from going on outings, I expect there's shopping you want to do that you'd rather do in person than by computer. ' 'Thanks Cellono, right now I think we'll take Creppo and Lexa out for a ride.' said Veest and they walked off hand in hand. 'Well Tharam m'dear, looks like we've got a ceremony to look forward to. ' 'Yes' said Tharam with a rather wistful smile on her face- 'how lovely to be young!'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #89 on: May 31, 2011, 11:41:41 PM »
Cellono thought he knew the reason for Tharam's wistful look and wondered what he could do about it. Then he had an idea and called for Greguls to meet him in the chart room. 'My dear friend I know you have had command of your own ship before now and you have therefore retained the rank of commander, that's right isn't it?' Greguls agreed that it was so. 'Then there is a special task that you can do for me, first I need to speak to Tharam but what I have in mind is this....'
Tharam was spending time with Phillsy who was almost back to her normal self, Tharam was assessing her to see if she could be discharged from the sick bay and decided she was ready. 'Are you sure you want to leave us?' she asked. 'I'm positive Tharam, none of the younger crew members like me and I seem to rub everyone up the wrong way- yes even you' she said as Tharam shook her head.
'You'll be around for Veest and Rado's committment ceremony won't you?' 'If they want me to but I won't stay where I'm not welcome.' Veest and Rado had ridden to the outskirts of the small town of Tockwith and found a place to tether Lexa and Creppo. 'What's that over there?' asked Rado pointing to a very old dilapidated building. Veest got out his small communicator which connected to the main ship's computer and typed in 'Go to camera' He then pointed the device at the building and typed 'Analyse.' 'Evidently it's called a church. Earth people used to go there to worship their God. That's all done via computer link now but the land surrounding the buildings is still used to bury the ashes of the deceased. ' They walked towards the building and went through a gateway. Set into the material known as grass were small stone tablets engraved with names and dates. They went into the building and found that there were maps on the wall showing the whereabouts of the stones each bore a number and down the sides were lists of names and the number of their memorial.
'Look' said Rado. 'There are Maddocks here Geoffrey, Prudence, Arthur, Henry, Seth, Megan, Julia and
Lilian. 'And the Ross's, Steve, Dora, Stephanie, Dorian, Johnathan, Paul, Davina and Susan. ' Veest made a note of the locations on his communicator. Rado had found another map and read aloud. 'This part of our memorial garden is devoted to the crew of a spaceship which landed here in 2111,the crew were given permission to settle here, there were several married couples and their descendants intermarried with earth people. , 'It's what we read about in the data Davidandnick provided.' said Veest.' Let's go and send some images back to the ship.' When they had got all the images they wanted they stood hand in hand looking down at two stones very close together. 'The remains of Steven Ross died April 3rd 2059, The remains of Dora Ross died April 7th 2059.' Rado felt tears running down her face. 'Oh Veest, how sad. It seems like she couldn't live without him!' 'Come on!' said Veest taking her in his arms. 'Let's go back to the ship now. We may be able to find out more about how they died from earth's records.' When they got back Tharam and Cellono were going round shaking hands with everyone. 'Tharam and I will be having our own committment ceremony the day after yours conducted by commander Greguls announced Cellono and the ship resounded with congratulatory cries.
linda-norfolk dumpling