Author Topic: Stardate 2221.6.28  (Read 28243 times)

Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #45 on: March 31, 2011, 12:07:24 AM »
Dynew spent an uncomfortable 30 minutes with the town administrator and her documents were stamped to show she was not welcome in his district. She realised if she was asked for her papers anywhere else she would be in more trouble. When the interview was finished transport was arranged to take Dynew back to the stone cottage where Phillsy was waiting for her with a cloaking device. When both were cloaked they walked back to the hisp in silence as there were people in the area. Tharam and Cellono were waiting for Dynew. 'You've been very foolish young lady' he said . 'Your privileges have been taken away. No more outings for you for a while.' Dynew covered her ears and ran to her own ship.
Cellono had been told about Anan's decision regarding Ellica by Tharam. 'Phillsy send Anan to us please.'
'Do you need me to return?'
'No- you keep your ship in order.' When Anan appeared Cellono said 'Now my dear, why do you want Ellica to go to Grindabo Cholos?'
'I owe it to her rafteh, he would have wanted the best possible coinaduet for her.'
'You've never mentioned her rafteh before. Can you tell us who he was- you see we are in a rather difficult situation. Ellica does not want to leave and technically when you signed to let her serve her
hispantperpeci with us the agreement was that it would take the place of further coinaduet and she only has a year before it's completed.' ' The contract was made when we had a home planet, I'm not sure it's valid now' said Anan. Anyway, you wanted to know about Ellica's rafteh. I'm sure when you know who it is you'll want what I do for Ellica.'

linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #46 on: March 31, 2011, 01:23:19 PM »
Cellono stared at Anan and she started to cry.  "Anan, who is Ellica's father?" he asked gently.  Anan shook her head and said nothing.  He went to her and put his arm around her.  She wiped her eyes with her hands and sniffed very loudly.  Then she managed to speak "I can't tell you before I tell Ellica." she said sadly.  He looked shocked.  "So that's it - you're afraid to tell her so you're sending her away instead?"  Anan felt embarrassed by his words because she knew he was right.  Cellono continued "Anan, you can't do this - you'll never forgive yourself."  She turned her back on him and walked away, leaving a large space between them.  She spoke without turning around.  "You're right Cellono but I can't tell her who her father is - she'll hate me."  "She'll hate you more if you send her away Anan - she doesn't understand why you don't want her?"  Anan turned quickly around to face him, tears falling again from her already moist eyes.  "I do want her.  I love her so much but..." her voice tailed off.  "You have to tell her Anan - tell her you love her and tell her who her father is.  She has a right to know."  Cellono was close to Anan now and could see the pain and anguish on her face.  Anan buried her head into Cellono's shoulder and wept.  For once, Cellono was at a loss as to know what to do.

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #47 on: March 31, 2011, 11:07:24 PM »
The atmosphere on Valletrer 2 was too much for Rado. Dynew was sobbing in her room, Nait was doing her best to comfort Ellica, Phillsy was reading the riot act to Zelah. 'I'm putting on my cloaking device and going out for a walk.' Rado told Phillsy and hurried out before the older woman could stop her. There was no-one around and Rado walked to the tree. Her sensor told her there was someone else there, also cloaked. She was wearing merfupe light and sweet. 'Rado?' 'Veest!' she said making as if to go back. 'Don't go please! Come into the stone house where we can uncloak and talk. She ghised but entered the building. Veest barred the door and sat on an upside down box, Rado did the same. His expression mirrored her own. 'Dynew's really upset.' said Rado
 ' I tried to stop her getting into trouble by sending her thought messages. She wanted me to defy Cellono and join her. When I wouldn't she said I was grinbo.'
'More and more of us are getting into outbler here. I'm really seeched fof!'
Me too- and I hate fighting with you.'
Rado held out her hand. 'Let's be friends again.'
'Ok' he said taking her hand. 'Shall we have a look at what's upstairs?' Rado gave him a stern look.
'Oh come on! You don't think I'm after exs do you? I respect you too much for that.' They explored upstairs which apart from a few bits of broken furniture and some dusty pictures was empty. They were about to go downstairs again when Rado pointed upwards. There was what looked like a door in the ceiling. Nearby on the landing was a metal stepladder. Taking a small spray from the toolkit attached to his waist Veest sprayed the fastenings and managed to get it upright and open. ' Is it safe?' asked Rado. 'I dunno.' He placed his foot on the bottom rung  then climbed a couple more.' Sit on the bottom Rado.' She did so and he continued to the top pushing at the door and getting it open. He shone his pocket torch all around and coughed and spluttered as dust got up his nose. ' Not much up here except for webcobs and respids.' Rado hated respids and she shuddered. 'Hey- wait I've seen an old case, I can just reach it, stand clear and I'll drop it down.' The case hit the floor with a thud sending dust everywhere and causing them both to sneeze. It fell open . As Veest decended some of the rungs broke and he had to be really careful. Rado was on her knees examining the case contents. There were some rectangular plactic objects with faded labels on. She managed to decipher some of the writing and one said 'Dora's Birthday.' I remember seeing some of these in a semumu ' said Veest.
They're called diveos. I wonder if the archiver machine on the hisp can find a way of letting us see them. Are you on duty at all for the rest of the day? I'm not.'
'Me neither- come on let's go and try.'
'Don't forget to cloak!' They hurried back to the ship to show Cellono what they had found and he gave them permission to use the archiver.Veest and Rado were open mouthed when after carefully cleaning them they managed to see pictures and hear sound on the diveos. 'Cellono' said Veest. 'You are not going to believe this!'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #48 on: April 01, 2011, 12:58:38 PM »
Cellono was stunned as he watched the old diveos.  "I'll get everybody in to see these." he said.  "Nobody will believe it!"  Veest and Rado set out seats for everybody while Cellono called everybody together.  The room filled and finally Greguls put up his mubth to indicate that everybody was present and correct.  Cellono was about to start the diveos when Anan stood up.  "Wait, Ellica isn't here."  Cellono waited and everybody looked around.  Sure enough Ellica was missing.  Anan began to worry.  "Cellono." she called helplessly.  "We must find her."  Cellono spoke to those gathered.  "I'm sure Ellica is not far away but can I ask you all to look for her - she has been a bit..... ummm....errrr.... under the weather lately so treat her gently if, I mean when, you find her."  he corrected himself quickly.  Everybody filed back out of the room and started their search for Ellica.  Rado tried a mind message but she couldn't connect.  Veest went down to the hold but she wasn't with Creppo and Lexa.  Greguls went to the viewing room.  Zelah was worried for her friend.  The last time she had seen her she was sobbing and wouldn't tell her why.  After a long while both ships had been thoroughly searched and Ellica was nowhere to be found.  They even went to Iswel to see if he'd seen her.  It seemed that every avenue was exhausted.  Anan was beside herself.  Her mind messages weren't getting through either and she couldn't understand it.  Jeo was the last to report back.  "Cellono, I found this in Ellica's quarters."  He held up her body belt.  "Wherever she is, she's on her own." he said seriously.  Anan burst into tears.  

Ellica had walked quite a distance.  Her legs were aching and she needed to find somewhere to rest.  Her human clothes were starting to make her itch and she hadn't realised how heavy they would be.  As she walked on she noticed a large house in the distance.  It had a long, sweeping drive and she could see what looked like two gates at the end of it.  She decided she would make her way there.  

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #49 on: April 01, 2011, 11:47:11 PM »
As Ellica made her way down the long drive a woman came rushing out of the front door. She ran to Ellica and threw her arms round her. 'Caroline, darling, you're home! After such a long time we thought you were dead!' Ellica drew away from the woman and looked hard at her. She looked very much like Anan.' I- I don't understand. I don't know who you are.' A man came out of the house 'Hannah, what's going on- my sainted aunt, it's Caroline. By all that's wonderful!  Don't stand there Hannah, bring the poor child in, she looks tired and hungry.' 'Who's that man?' said Ellica. 'Oh Jed, I think she's had an accident or been ill.She seems to have lost her memory. Ellica was now staring hard at the man. 'Cellono?' she asked knowing it couldn't be. They took her inside and made her drink an amber coloured liquid. 'I know you're not really old enough but just this once won't hurt.' Ellica coughed as the fiery liquid touched her throat. 'I'm your father Caroline. You surely remember me.' Ellica slowly shook her head. 'I am a bit hungry, could I have a yellow tablet please?' 
'A what dear- do you mean a painkiller? Have you got a headache?' the woman called Hannah asked.
Ellica remembered that earth people still ate real food and did not just swallow tablets.
'No it's okay I would like something to eat and if it's not too much trouble could I have a thab. I'm a bit dirty.' Seeing their confusion Ellica searched her memory for the right word. 'Sorry- my brain's a bit mixed up- I meant bath. ' Of course dear and you'll need some better clothes- those look like they came from a glorimart. I don't think any of your own things will fit now.' She pressed a button and a large screen displayed a shopping menu. Hannah spoke a series of commands and pictures of clothes began to appear. Just say yes when you see something you like. '  Ellica was beginning to enjoy herself. While she browsed Hannah went and made some sandwiches. When she came back there were lots of items in the selected pile. 'I think that's enough for now dear- mustn't go over our allowance.' She placed her hand on the screenpay.'There-all done. They will be delivered shortly. I suppose you don't remember where your room is do you?' Ellica shook her head again.' Just follow me dear. By the time you've had your bath the clothes will be here and you can get yourself dressed and feel human again. Soon have you back to your old self.' Left on her own Ellica began to worry that she would be found out. She decided to bathe, dress and explore the house. Later, perhaps she would tell them they'd made a terrible mistake and they would ask her to leave but for now she would play the role of Caroline.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #50 on: April 04, 2011, 12:55:05 PM »
The house was huge.  She explored every room and was amazed at the grandeur, especially the staircase which was absolutely beautiful and went on and on, up and up forever it seemed.  She was also amazed at the large portraits which were hanging on the walls, some of which looked very familiar to her somehow.  She went into every little corner and then decided to explore outside.  She found a little chapel and then a stable block which was very run down.  As she continued she gave little or no thought to her family and friends who were going frantic on the space ships trying to find her.  As she walked around the ornamental pond Hannah called to her from the dining room.  Dinner's nearly ready my darling... you'd better go and change.  We've invited some lovely people we want you to meet.... and who want to meet you!

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #51 on: April 04, 2011, 11:43:34 PM »
'Cellono' said Veest. 'Is Ellica still wearing the concealed tracking device- like the one you used to track Dynew?'
'I don't know-it's worth a try!' He pressed a button on the control panel and a signal was emitted.
'It's not coming from far away!' he said excitedly and pressed a button to display co-ordinates then looked at the area on the map. Cellono went very pale. 'It's coming from the lake!'
'Nnnoo' screamed Anan 'she wouldn't, not my little girl.' Zelah shuffled her feet and hesitantly held out a small transmitter. 'Is this the sort of device you're talking about?'
'Yes, that's it. Where did you get it?'
'I found it in a small pouch in the hem of the earth garment I wore when I went out. I caught it on a bush when I got off the transport coming back here. I felt it rip and when I looked the stitching had come undone and the pouch was sticking out. I put it in my pocket and when I got back I opened the pouch and saw the device. When I heard that Cellono had easily been able to locate Dynew I guessed what it was. I showed it to Ellica. When she decided to run away she must have found hers and thrown it in the lake!' Anan rounded on Zelah 'You stupid, stupid girl. didn't you realise these were safety precautions.Oh Cellono, what are we going to do?'
'There's only one thing we can do and that's to enlist the help of earth's authorities. I'll get onto it straight away. What I need to know from you Anan is if Ellica's father perished on our home planet?'
'I believe so, why?' 'Because if not he has a right to know she's missing.'  'He was definitely on our home planet when I left. He was in command of a hisp  being re-fitted.' She clamped her hand over her mouth as she realised it would not be that difficult for Cellono to come up with a short list of possibilities. Facially Ellica resembled her mother but there were certain mannerisms that reminded him of - but no it couldn't possibly be. He raised his eyebrows and Anan knew he'd guessed. She gave a small nod which no-one else noticed. He opened communications to the town administrator who had detained Dynew. 'I need your help again.' he said.

linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #52 on: April 05, 2011, 12:46:29 PM »
Ellica opened the dressing room which was attached to her bedroom and walked in.  She looked in amazement at all the clothes hung around the room and she had never seen so many shoes of all shapes and colours.  She took her time and chose an outfit which she thought would be suitable.  She looked at herself in the full-length mirror and smiled.  Not bad she thought - if only Veest could see me now.  Veest suddenly coming into her mind made her feel guilty and ashamed.  Not because she was thinking of him like that but because she had run off without telling her loved ones and she knew they would be worried for her, especially as she had thrown off her tracking devices. She felt ashamed and thought about her mother - what must she be going through?  How could I have been so selfish and insensitive, she thought.  She knew she had to go back to them but she didn't know quite how to get out of the dinner party.  After a while she decided she would go down to dinner and then leave tonight when everybody was asleep.  Ellica smoothed her dress, did a little twirl in front of the mirror, and once again smiled in satisfaction.   

As she entered the dining room she saw three new humans seated at the table.  They stood up as she arrived and made her feel very important.  "This is our daughter, Caroline." said Hannah proudly.  "Caroline, this is the Becks.  Fiona, Lionel and their son Rupert."  They all bowed their heads and Ellica did the same.  She noticed that Rupert was staring at her and it made her feel slightly embarrassed but really good inside.  She smiled at him before sitting at her place at the table which was immediately opposite him. 

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #53 on: April 05, 2011, 11:37:11 PM »
'I'm sorry' said Ellica to Rupert. 'Have we met before.'
'Forgive her directness' said Hannah. 'She seems to have suffered some memory loss.'
'No' said Rupert. 'I haven't met you before but I hope we'll meet again, what!'
Ellica picked at the food on her plate. Her stomach wasn't used to so much food as like the others from her planet she got most of her needs from different coloured pills. She had eaten only a few hours ago when she first arrived and was still feeling full. She took a drink from her glass, it tasted very good so she finished it and held out her glass for more. 'Just a little then darling, and sip it this time. We've only given you alcohol because it's a special occasion' said Hannah
'How old are you Caroline said Fiona?' Ellica had just put a forkful of food in her mouth and was grateful that Hannah answered. 'Her birthday is next week. She'll be 17. ' Ellica concentrated on chewing the food, it seemed to take her forever to swallow it and she picked up her drink again taking small sips but soon the glass was empty once again. 'My, my, thirsty girl what!' said Rupert. Jed poured out a glass of sparkling water. 'Here, try this.' he said. Ellica took an experimental sip then downed the full glass. 'Scuth me- I need to go upstairs.' She ran into her bathroom glad that at least the toilet was the same as she was used to. Her head was feeling muzzy so she went into her bedroom and lay down on the bed. She did not blank off her mind and at last Anan was able to get through to her. She transmitted back that she was fine and enjoying herself promising to return soon. When Hannah came to see where she was Ellica was sound asleep and snoring. 'Goodnight Caroline, see you in the morning.' she said bending over to kiss her on the cheek.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #54 on: April 08, 2011, 11:55:35 PM »
Rupert Beck smiled to himself as he thought about the night before. Caroline was obviously not used to drinking and he was sure that this morning she would have a thumping headache. He switched on his computer and looked at the news. An image appeared on the screen of a girl who had gone missing. Her name was given as Ellica Shmole probably a foreigner with a name like that. She was wearing some kind of uniform and her hair was shorter but facially she was the image of Caroline Maddocks. Now he was in a quandry, should he report to the authorities as requested or should he contact the Maddocks first? He told his parents and they too looked at the image and agreed that Ellica and Caroline could indeed be the same person. 'Hannah and Jed wouldn't lie to us. If that girl is an impostor they need to know.' Several hours later the onboard computer on Valletrer one indicated that a message was coming in from the town administrator.'We're sending transport to the stone house. We need the girls mother to go and identify her.' 'I'll come with you Anan' said Cellono.' They were transported to the house where Ellica was staying. Ushered inside they stared with open mouths at Hannah and Jed Maddocks. When Ellica had looked at Jed she had seen a resemblance to Cellono, when Cellono looked he saw Jed bore a striking resemblance to his brother Ruthra who he now knew was Ellica's father. Everyone began talking at once. Ellica felt ashamed that she had deceived these two very nice earth people. Cellono felt he had to be honest and tell them about being visitors from another planet. Jed and Hannah were devastated that their long lost daughter hadn't been restored to them after all. The transport driver said that he really must be getting back to his regular work and asked Cellono if they were ready to leave. Jed became very agitated and gave Ellica a long hard stare.
'Yes- take them away, that girl has outstayed her welcome.' Cellono tried to shake hands with Jed and Hannah as he knew this was polite in earth circles but they both put their hands behind their backs.
'I'd better change out of these clothes' said Ellica. 'Don't bother' said Jed, keep them. ' The three females were all in tears as the door of the big house closed and the visitors were transported back to the cottage.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2011, 11:32:59 PM »
Back on board the ship Cellono once more gathered everyone together to watch the diveos. Afterwards Tharam said 'Its absolutely yanncun. all of us here, including Iswel have a look-a-like on those diveos.'
'That's right,' said Cellono 'and not  just people here on the ship. Thaky, Elinlorac, Ruthra, Wooldock and even Gelcg.' 'And what about the people we met today? 'said Anan. 'And those others I met yesterday' added Ellica. 'It seems to suggest that our planet and earth have strong links and I think this bears further investigation' said Cellono. ' However at the moment we have a more pressing matter to attend to. Iswel- what are we going to do about him?' 'Keep him locked up. He's a feliwol' said Phillsy. 'You can't do that! ' put in Orn. The poor yug will go repas locked away for the rest of his natural!' 'You would say that Orn' said Jeo. 'He's your tema after all.' 'Well' said Tharam 'If we let him loose on the ship with a restrainer on there's no telling what damage he will do.' 'And if we let him loose outside the same applies.' said Greguls. 'Then there is only one course of action left.' said Cellono. 'You can't mean to texeecu him'shouted Orn.
 'Of course not! What do you take us for?' replied Cellono. 'No he will have to undergo rabin payhert and the sooner the better. ' 'He won't agree to that.' said Phic. 'He'll have no choice, but because it is such a severe measure twelve of us must agree and it will be a secret tolbal.' replied Cellono.
'Please' said Nait. 'Can you explain what will happen. Will it hurt him?'
'No- it's done under tonadesi for an hour at a time for at least 14 nights. It will be just before he would normally sleep and after an hour the tonadesi wears off and he'll sleep naturally. During the payhert he will hear people speaking to him about how he must change his behaviour. He will be shown mind images from his past and be given the opportunity of reliving the situations and changing the way he dealt with them. Towards the end of the payhert period he will be shown new situations and assessed on how he reacts. Only when he shows he has understood how he should behave will the sessions end and he will be free to work among us.' 'He won't be Iswel any more!' said Orn. 'Thank goodness!' said Veest. 'It does seem rather ticrads.' said Dynew. 'But necessary I feel.' said Dorkblec. 'Can we have a few hours to talk it over and think about it before the tolbal?' asked Anan.
'Of course, but tomorrow morning we must decide.' As everyone returned to their duties Orn took Rado aside. ' You know this is just another name for subliminal indoctrination- thats rabinshawgin to the uninitiated! Help me to stop it happening Rado. You work on the flamse and I'll try and persuade the yugs.' Rado was unsure what to do, surely anything was better than spending the rest of your life locked up. When she was off duty she resolved to do some research into how the treatment affected those who had had it. Other people had the same idea and knowing what a momentous decision must be made the next day talked long into the night and slept fitfully. Orn had been allowed to visit Iswel for a short time and told his tema what was going on. When he left he gave his friend some liquid to inhale to help him forget his troubles for a while. Iswel stared at the door after Orn had gone before burying his face in a cloth soaked with the liquid durg.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #56 on: April 11, 2011, 12:48:03 PM »
Rado and Greguls were trying to explain everything to Zelah.  "But I talked to Iswel and he doesn't seem that bad.  How can they even think to do that to him?" she cried.  Rado and Greguls looked at each other knowing that, young as she was, Zelah was right.  "Of course, there is another way." said Greguls.  "What?" asked Rado.  Greguls told them his idea.  "That could work." said Zelah "But what about Veest, is it fair on him?"  Rado shrugged her shoulders "If he doesn't agree then it won't happen and whatever happens to Iswel then will be his fault."  Greguls frowned.  "That's a bit harsh lirg!" he told her.  The three of them decided to find Cellono and Tharam to offer this new suggestion.  They found them together (as they had been more and more lately!) in the viewing room at the top of the ship.  They explained to them that there was another way to help Iswel rather than him going through that terrible ordeal.  Cellono and Tharam listened intently.  Cellono said "We'll put it to the others tomorrow and see how they feel about it.  Have you told Veest yet?"  "No, we thought we would wait until it was certain before we tell Veest." said Greguls.  Cellono nodded.  Tharam said "Right, time for some rest before this dreaded meeting tomorrow - whatever the outcome, it's not going to be easy!"

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #57 on: April 11, 2011, 10:46:11 PM »
Rado couldn't sleep. Anan was on the early watch and Rado told her she was going to visit the other hisp. She knew Veest would be on the early watch on Valletrer One and pressed the admission button. Seeing who it was Veest let her in. 'Hi' he said 'Come to keep me company?' 'Mmm- I wanted to talk to you before the meeting this morning- you see Greguls had another idea about Iswel, we weren't going to tell you until the meeting but i thought you should have time to think about it because you're the one it most affects. What it means is....
Meanwhile Jeo was on his way to where Iswel was being held. It was his job to see that he had food tablets and drink. Lifting the force field and shutting it immediately he had access he gasped at what he saw. Iswel was crouched down in the corner babbling away to himself and laughing hysterically. Jeo shook him 'Come on snap out of it Iswel, you can't trick me into thinking you've gone round the stiwt. It's a big day for you today. Iswel began rocking backwards and forwards and spittle ran down his chin. Jeo noticed he had something clutched in his hand and managed to prise it from his fingers. 'By my rasts, have you used all this?' The bottle had contained the frowned on durg and it was empty. The cloth Iswel had impregnated lay bone dry on the floor. Jeo hoped than Cellono was awake and sent him an urgent thought message. Cellono had not been asleep long when his mind began urging him awake. He picked up his portable communicator and dialed Jeo. 'What the sezbla do you want at this hour?  It had better be good.' 'No sorry Cellono, it's bad- very bad. Iswel seems to have dosveroed.'
Tharam had been asleep in Cellono's room and his expletive woke her up. 'What's up?'
Cellono put her in the picture. 'Go to him and you and Jeo keep him awake. I'll fetch the portable diagnostic computer and be with you as soon as I can.' Back on the control deck Veest had made two fists  and was thumping the desk. 'Give me one good reason why I should go along with this.'
Rado put her arms round his neck and kissed him. 'To please me.' Veest was about to return the kiss when Tharam ran through to the bal and grabbed the computer she needed. 'No time for that now! We have a full scale cygenemer. Iswel has dosveroed!' She pressed the alarm and transmitted it to the other hisp. Both wercs snapped awake. 'Now what' grumbled Orn.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #58 on: April 14, 2011, 11:16:07 PM »
Tharam addressed the assembled wercs. 'I have just come from the holding area. Iswel somehow got hold of a supply of the durg that we have advised you not to inhale. We think that during the course of the night he used a full bottle which would normally be sufficient for 25 inhalations. He is very very ill.'
Orn felt cold inside and very frightened- for Iswel and for himself. Considering it was known that he had visited his friend the night before and that  he had previously used the durg it would not take long before the gernif of nopicussi was pointed at him. 'Will he be alright?' asked Dynew.' The diagnostic computer has advised four hourly sedos of the drug calmecol for 5 days to rest his brain and allow it to recover. It may or may not work. We will review his condition every day and of course he will be monitored closely. We are moving him to the cisk yab so that he can be connected to the main health check computer. We will need two people on watch here at all times. ' Cellono replied. Everyone was silent as Iswel, now sleeping was taken through to be hooked up. Cellono now returned to face the wercs. 'There is now no question of us carrying out rabin payhert on Iswel. At the moment it is not even certain that he will make a full recovery.' he said. 'Rado told me about the alternative plan sir' said Veest. 'In the circumstances I am prepared to agree. ' 'Thankyou Veest. The necessary documents will be drawn up. Orn- my office, now.'
Orn however  had slipped outside, put on his cloaking device and was bent on escaping. It was rare that Cellono resorted to sending pain waves to anyone but he now brought up Orn's picture on the computer and sent a mild shock signal followed by a thought message telling him to return to the hisp or the pain waves would be increased. The miscreant returned and was taken off for interview. The flamse returned to their own hisp except for Tharam. She and Greguls put themselves on watch. Tharam kept watch on the messages being transmitted by the health check computer. Veest was now off duty. 'Fancy a ride Rado?' he said catching her before she entered the other hisp. She nodded and they walked to the hold. 'If Orn's found to be responsible for giving Iswel that durg what do you think will happen to him?' asked Rado. 'I dunno. It could mean instant salmisids.' 'Surely it wont come to that! He'd have to leave the hisp. Where could he go?' Veest was really very fond of Orn and he shook his head sadly. 'Let's hope it won't come to it. Let's just forget about it for the moment and enjoy our ride.' 'Perhaps Orn should have rabin payhert' said Rado. 'Leshl ethet lirg no!'
Meanwhile Cellono made Orn stand to attention. 'Right' he said sternly. 'Start talking and make sure you don't tell me any lies- the recording device is on and Jeo is here as a witness.' Orn tried to speak but the words refused to come. ' I'm warning you' said Cellono his hand on his desk drawer. 'Speak up man or it's the truth seeker for you!'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #59 on: April 18, 2011, 11:01:32 PM »
At last Orn found his tongue. 'Okay sir, I admit that I took the drug to Iswel. You have to understand that I didn't intend to do him any harm. I didn't expect him to use the whole lot at once. All I wanted was to give him a little release from the boredom he's been suffering shut away behind that force field. At least on our home planet nosrip didn't mean being totally cut off from everyone and having nothing to occupy your mind. The poor yug was going unst. He's my tema, I had to try and help him.'
'I'm sure that you meant him no harm but as a trained recifof you know perfectly well how dangerous that durg is. I believe I have warned you several times about using it. Have you got any more?' Orn was tempted to lie but he knew if Cellono suspected him of doing so he would use the truth seeker. 'Yes sir.'
Jeo will go with you to your capsule and you will hand over to him all you have left. How often do you use the stuff?' Again realising that lying was useless Orn admitted to daily use.' Right well we'll put you on the portable health monitor, analyse your physical and mental condition and get a doxferitoicani nalp sorted for you. I think that knowing what condition Iswel is in and that you are responsible for it will serve as sufficient punishment. You will of course still be confined to the hisp until further notice. Go with Jeo and think yourself culyk!'
When the durg had been safely locked away  Orn was taken to a side room off the cisk yab and told to remove his uniform. He then underwent an examination by the portable health check computer.'
'Hmmn' said Cellono as he read the results printout. 'This does not look good, Orn.' Greguls there as Orn's choice of supporter, looked over his superior's shoulder and shook his head. 'For Tispy ekas- tell me what's wrong with me.' Orn demanded

linda-norfolk dumpling