Author Topic: Stardate 2221.6.28  (Read 28242 times)

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2011, 09:29:43 PM »
Phillsy and Phic arrived back before the others. 'All the flamse except for Rado and Zelah had better go back to our ship. You take them Tharam and I'll take charge here. Phillsy had her porc in her hand and began tapping it into her palm sending fear through Rado who moved subconsciously closer to Veest who squeezed her arm re-assuringly. Tharam replied 'Cellono left me in charge so if you want the flamse back in the hisp I suggest you take them. Dorkbelc I want you to stay on watch. We could be getting a message through from earth commandant at any time.' 'Ellica, Nait, Leoc, Dynew come with me' ordered Phillsy and they did as they were told. Back on Valletrer 2 Ellica went straight to her capsule and lay down on her bed.She had never felt so unhappy in her whole life. She and her mother had been very close and she began to ewep for her loss. Normally one of the other flamse would have picked up on her sadness and gone to help but their thought reading powers had been taken away so she remained alone.
Dorkbelc was watching the instruments closely and a picture appeared on the communications screen. It was not the message they had been expecting. 'Yoflotolf Nimihisp 33 to  Yoflotolf Valletrer 1- come in please. I've picked up your location co-ordinates but I don't have enough synthesised fuel to reach you. I have the constituents but don't know the ratio mix. ' This was very much Greguls field and he looked questioningly at Tharam. 'Yes- go ahead and help.' she said and he went to the communicator.
'Dorkbelc- open the hisp to hisp channel too. I need to speak to Phillsy. Ellica must be sent back here immediately.' There was a sudden murmur among the others and as they took in what the incoming message on the screen meant  Jeo and Cellono returned.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2011, 09:32:27 PM »
'Did you find him?' asked Tharam. 'Yes- and we've locked him in the holding capsule. We'll have to call a meeting and bring him before it so we can decide what to do with him. In the meantime Tharam and I will interview each of you who have owned up to knowing he was here.' 'Cellono Phillsy took the flamse back to Valletrer 2 but we have received a communication from Anan. She is on her way here and I have sent for Ellica.' 'Right well Jeo can come with me while I interview the male werc . I'll need you with me when I talk to Rado and Zelah though. ' 'Greguls is helping Anan with fuel synthesis at the moment.' 'Very well. Orn- come with us and let's see what you have to say for yourself.'
Ellica arrived 'You wanted me Tharam?' 'Yes dear- we have some very good news.' Ellica was soon speaking to her mother her tares had now turned to tares  of yoj. Phic went over to Rado. 'You were silly not telling Cellono about Iswel. You could be in outbler.'
'Blet up!' said Veest. 'I asked her not to tell. I'll make sure Cellono knows that.'
'You deserve all you get! I reckon you and Greguls will be on sanitising duty and confined to the hisp for the forseeable future.'
'That's enough Phic! No more discussions about this matter. Cellono can be relied upon to be fair- as always. Just be certain all of you that you tell the hurth or you'll make matters worse. Greguls had finished helping Anan. He looked from Rado to Veest and then to Zelah and wondered why they had all kept quiet about Iswel. The communicator flashed to show another incoming signal. This time it was the earth commandant. Tharam greeted him and sent Phic to fetch Cellono.

linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2011, 01:42:52 PM »
Cellono was instructed by the Earth Commandant to receive his message in private so he went to his quarters and Tharam transferred it over.  She was a bit concerned that she was not allowed to hear the message... something must be wrong, she thought.  It was a long time before Cellono appeared again.  He looked worried.  Tharam asked him what the trouble was.  He told her what the Commandant had said.  She raised her eyes.  "Well, it could be worse Cellono.  Surely they can't be that bad?"  Cellono told her that the Earth's razpaziap finding out about them was indeed one of the worst things that could have happened.  He knew how bad these people were and he wondered who had informed these mervin that they were here and where they had landed.  "I must speak with everyone - including Iswel." Cellono said.  Tharam saw how serious he was and quickly sent thought messages to everybody to attend the meeting.  She instructed Jeo and Phic to bring Iswel, which they reluctantly did. 

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2011, 10:18:37 PM »
When everyone was assembled Cellono passed on the bad news. 'What I want to know is which of you told the aidem about us being here. I'll give you two soruh to come and tell me. If no-one comes forward within that time  I will be forced to find out using the hurth-reskee.' Suddenly the screen began to flash and beep. 'Incoming craft' said a synthesised voice. 'It must be Anan.' said Tharam.
'Tars!' exclaimed Cellono.' That little hisp cannot cloak itself while it's landing. If the razpaziap are out there they'll be waiting for Anan if she leaves the hisp. We need to get her to use a docking tunnel to join us here.' While Cellono made the necessary contact everyone looked at the screen Iswel had been allowed to walk to the meeting and had not been re-immobilised. Stealthily he backed towards the door leading to the hold. Orn was standing at the back of the others and noticed what was happening. He waited until Iswel was about to disappear into the hold before shouting. 'Quick-Iswel's getting away.'
He looked toward the main door and everyone did the same. Iswel emerged from the hold's outer door. He had not used his cloaking device and walked staight into the waiting razpaziap.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2011, 06:13:07 PM »
Phillsy was cloaked and  out of the main door in a flash followed closely by Jeo and Phic who felt responsible for the escape. Before Iswel could open his mouth he was grabbed from behind by invisible hands and dragged yelling back to the hisp. The raxpaziap stood open mouthed. They heard the noise of the approaching spaceship. It landed and they waited for the crew to emerge. The doors remained closed. Valetrer one sent out a cloaked docking tunnel and seconds later Anan and Ellica were re-united.
Before the astonished eyes of the raxpaziap the newly arrived ship disappeared. They got out their mobile phones and began dictating the story of the disappearing acts. They examined their cameras top see if anyone had actually managed to capture a picture of Iswel or the ship but they had been too slow and all they had was blankness surrounded by green haze. Iswel had been immobilised once again but still allowed his speech. 'I insist that we use the hurth reskee on this nivmer immediately' said Phillsy.
'No' he yelled. ' Please not that. I foncess- I contacted the aidem. But if you think you've stopped me from talking to them you're sadly mistaken. They have the wondwol on all of you. I reckon it will make very interesting reading. Today they were going to take my hotop and hand over payment. That way I would have had enough  sdunf to start me off on a new life here as a feted brityelec.'
'Instead of which you will be accused before us all and we will decide your etaf.' said Cellono. Meanwhile- never fear the planet has a strict censor department who vet everything which appears in the aidem- that's how I found out about the kela in the first place, Tharam and I will be seeing the security department tomorrow, then an  tastmenet will be issued. For now we must welcome Anan properly. Take Iswel back to the holding capsule and this time while he's mobilised secure his hands and close march him.' 'Allow me to do the honours with Jeo.' said Phillsy. 'No- please! I'll come quietly' pleaded Iswel remembering how when Jeo and Phic brought him back after his escape she had assisted by poking him repeatedly in the back with her long boney fingers. Phillsy stood her ground and protesting he was led away. The screen flashed again ' Urgent Incoming Message.'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2011, 04:34:27 PM »
Cellono took the message and then spoke to Tharam.  “The Earth Commandant has told the aidem that our little problem, namely Iswel, was a axho by the Myar… and fortunately they believe it to be true.  We should be left in peace again - for a while anyway.” He sighed.  “The trouble is Fogerfey” she said, using his pet name that only she could get away with (except perhaps for Anan) “everybody, including you, is bored rigid.  They’re stuck on this ship with nothing better to do than cause mischief – they need something more to occupy their time and they need to get out into the lovely air which surrounds this planet.  It will make everybody feel much better.”  She paused and a smile came to her face.  “Let me talk to the Earth Commandant Fogerfey - I have an idea.”  Cellono smiled at her, nodded and called the Commandant back.

Veest found Rado in her quarters.  She was still cross with him about his escapade with Dynew but she was pleased to see him and she was happy that they were alone together.  She offered him a refreshment pill but he shook his head.  “No thanks, I’ve just had one with Dynew.” He said innocently.  Rado’s face changed like the wind and Veest wished he hadn’t said that.  “You’ve been with her again?” Rado said crossly.  Veest remained calm (at least on the outside).  “Yes, I have.  It wasn’t really her fault… I blame Orn.  “Oh, you would.” Shouted Rado.  “Poor Orn always gets the blame for everything that goes wrong around here.  She’s not innocent, she can think for herself can’t she?”  Veest was seething inside now but still he  remained calm on the outside and asked the question which was the reason he had come here in the first place.  “Rado, I came here to ask you if I could give Dynew a few girdin snelsos on Creppo.  She’s bored and it will be good for her to have something to occupy her mind.”  Rado stared hard at Veest open-mouthed and repeated.  “Girdin snelsos….. on Creppo!”  Then she shouted “You must be okjing.  If you want to give her ‘girdin snelsos’ you can find your own roshe for her.”  With that, Rado opened her door and gestured for Veest to leave.  He was so cross with Rado that he couldn’t bear to look at her as he passed her in the doorway.

“Tharam, are you sure about this?” Cellono asked.  “Don’t worry, it’s the best thing all round, you’ll see.  The human clothes are going to be left in the stone house for us.  If we wear them we won’t have to cloak ourselves when we go outside.  We’ll look human to any passers by.”  Cellono wasn’t convinced.  “What about our body belts.  We can’t go anywhere without them.” He said, trying to make excuses as to why this shouldn’t happen.  Tharam laughed “We’ll wear them underneath the human clothes. Just think, we can all go out and have a good time without worrying.” She said brightly.  “Now call everybody together and we’ll tell them the good news.”  Cellono raised his eyebrows and wondered just what he was letting himself in for.

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2011, 03:27:44 PM »
When everyone had been made aware of the arrangements Cellono called Rado, Zelah, Greguls, Veest and Orn to a meeting in his office. 'I hope that now you all realise that keeping the fact of Iswel's presence on this planet a secret could have got us into real outbler. Zelah- you are still very goyun, the rest of you should have known better- you will all have to work hard to regain my trust. None of you will be allowed to take advantage of the new arrangements to go out in human clothes. Rado, Zelah, Veest and Greguls- you will be allowed out of the ship but you must be cloaked. Orn- you are confined to the ship for 7 ayds and furthermore you are on a warning. If I have any further reason to complain about your behaviour your service corder will be marked. You may all go. 'Cellono- how long before we are allowed out in human clothes? ' asked Veest. 'I haven't decided yet. I'll let you know. ' Zelah, Orn and Greguls left and when Rado would have gone too Veest stayed her 'You know sir, Rado only kept quiet because I asked her to. She's such a loyal person- loyalty should not be punished, it's one of the qualities you've always commended. ' 'Her loyalty was misguided. I'm sorry, I don't like having to do this but my restrictions stand!' Once outside the room Rado turned on Veest. 'Very touching! Hoping to get back in my doog bokos were you. Forget it Veest! It'll take more than that!'
A message had come through saying that the clothes would be in the stone house the next day. Nait and Ellica were excited. A chance for them to wear something other than their uniforms! Anan looked at her regthaud and brushed away a tear. There was something she needed to tell her but she would need to find the right moment.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #37 on: March 18, 2011, 01:08:34 PM »
The next day Nait and Ellica couldn't wait to get to the stone house.  "Don't forget to cloak." shouted Anan as they rushed out of the ship.  There was nobody about and they ran to the stone house.  Inside they found large metal krunts packed with every kind of human clothes.  As they emptied each item, pausing now and then to look at one they took a liking to, the others slowly joined them.  Even Veest, Rado and Greguls came to see the spectacle.  Ellica was parading around the room with a funny looking object on her head.  It was black and caly with two cup-like things either side and straps fixed with some sort of oshko.  She tried to make them fit her ears but couldn't work out how to cover both ears at the same time.  "What do you think this is?" she enquired to nobody in particular.  Cellono had looked up human clothes on the computer and had a list of items, what they were for and how to wear them.  His face reddened.  Zelah laughed.  "Oh Cellono Sir, your face is very red and very hot."  Cellono cleared his throat and said "I don't think it is for wearing on your head Ellica.  You'd better take it off."  Then he cleared his throat again.  Tharam was nearby and looked over Cellono's shoulder to see what the garment was.  She laughed.  "This is a brassiere." she said loudly so everybody could hear.  "It is worn by human females - but not on their heads Ellica."  She went over to Ellica and placed the brassiere where it should be worn.  Ellica screamed with laughter and everybody joined in.  Cellono went redder and redder.  Dynew could hardly raise a smile.  "What on earth do they need those for?" she said "How uncomfortable."  Rado glared at her "Hmmm, we all know that you wouldn't wear one Dynew... it wouldn't be on long enough would it?"  Everybody fell silent and Rado realised she had gone too far.  Veest could see the anger in Dynew's face!  Rado was really in for it now, he thought.  

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #38 on: March 19, 2011, 05:03:18 PM »
As well as clothes there was some earth currency and Cellono had to explain the value using the information the hisp computer had provided. 'Now, none of you is to go out alone and you must make sure you have one of these' he held up a hand held direction computer which had been programmed with details of the surrounding area and transport details. 'Also you must report your position every hour and no-one is to stay out longer than 4 hours. Don't go out in too big a group and try not to draw attention to yourselves. Remember you all still have duties to attend to so don't think you can go off when you feel like it. You must clear it with myself or Tharam before you go anywhere and I suggest that everyone who will be off duty  today spend some time in the language room familiarising yourself with laws, customs, food etc., and no-one must be away from the ship after 20.00. ' Ellica and Nait looked annoyed. 'But Cellono- from what we've read already all the exciting things happen after that time!' 'We must go carefully until we're used to our surroundings and earth's way of doing things. Be patient!' using several cloaking bags they transported all the clothes back to the hisp where eveyone was given permission to take their chosen outfits to their capsules. Cellono decided to let everyone apart from those under restriction to go to the language lab for the rest of the morning. Tharam and Anan decided not to go with the younger members, Phillsy went to keep them in order. Cellono and Greguls stood on the control deck. 'You look outblerd my dear' said Tharam. 'Yes I am rather.'
'Come to my capsule and we'll have a wopwow.' Some hours later as four of the younger ones, including Ellica were excitedly leaving the ship for their first trip out uncloaked a tearful Anan was being comforted by Tharam. 'I know it's hard,' my dear she said 'but you must tell Ellica what you've just told me as soon as you can.'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #39 on: March 23, 2011, 03:34:42 PM »
Anan looked at Tharam with sad eyes.  "I can't Tharam - I don't know what to say?"  "You must my dear.  The longer you leave it, the worse it will be."  Tharam replied.  Anan shook her head and tears fell from her eyes.  "She'll hate me." she said simply.  Tharam lifted Anan's chin with her finger.  "Ellica is a sensible grown-up girl - she won't hate you.  Find the courage Anan - you must."  Anan knew Tharam was right.  She nodded.  "I'll tell her tonight." she said.

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #40 on: March 23, 2011, 11:34:12 PM »
Dynew and Zelah had managed to catch a transporter to Tockwith and were gazing in all the shop windows. They saw lots of clothes they would like to buy but Cellono had been very careful not to give anyone too much money and they found they didn't have enough to buy anything to wear. Most people did not hand over money when making purchases but instead laid their left hand on a pad and a synthesised voice said 'payment accepted' or 'payment declined'. They found a toy shop which also sold tricks and jokes, there was a screen demonstrating how the jokes worked and Dynew was fascinated by stink bombs and itching powder described as 'fun from the past'. She looked at the prices and discovered she could afford both easily. 'What are you going to do with those Dynew?' asked Zelah. 'That'd be telling! you keep quiet, ok?' Zelah nodded. 'What are you going to buy?' asked Dynew. 'Nothing in here. I think I'd like some ekampu- the stuff they have here is more exciting than we're used to.!' 'Zelah- remember to use earth language.' 'It's ok they'll just think we come from a different part of the planet.'
While they were walking past a large building they noticed an information screen and stopped to look.
Dynew exclaimed excitedly- 'Look- there's a dance tonight with a live band- I must go.' 'You can't Dynew, we aren't allowed out that late. ' 'Pooh- who's going to stop me? You'd better stick with me as we musn't be by ourselves.'
 'No- I'm going back.'
'You'll get into trouble for being by yourself.'
'Not as much trouble as you'll be in. ' What Dynew did next really worried Zelah. She took off the tracking device they all wore on their belts and attached it to the collar of a passing earth animal . The animal ran off before Zelah could do anything to get it back. Phic and Jeo arrived on the scene, Dynew had seen them approach and entered the large building while Zelah wasn't looking. Frantically Zelah told Jeo what had happened while Phic who had seen Dynew slip into the building followed. There were crowds of people jostling and pushing . 'What's going on?' Phic asked a passer by.' The afternoon entertainment is about to start, everyone's trying to get a seat near the front.'
Phic was swept along by the crowd looking anxiously about for Dynew not realising she had already left through another door. He gave up looking and fought his way out again . Zelah was crying. 'We need to get away from here to somewhere quiet where we can contact the ship without being seen'
said Jeo. Cellono was horrified, he contacted all the others who were out in earth clothes by sending them a pre- arranged signal which told them to contact him when it was safe. Everyone was instructed to return to the ship immediately. When they were all back Zelah asked what was going to happen about Dynew. 'Don't you worry m'dear' said Cellono. 'That young lady is in for a surprise!'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #41 on: March 25, 2011, 01:23:23 PM »
As the earth's sun was setting and the darkness was descending Veest spoke with Zelah.  "Are you sure she took her tracking device off Zelah?" he asked her.  Zelah nodded.  "Where did she put it?"  Zelah told him about the passing animal.  Veest sighed heavily.  "There's absolutely nothing we can do then." he said.  Zelah started crying and Veest put his arm around her shoulders.  "Come on now, if anybody can look after themselves, Dynew can." he said, with more than a note of experience in his voice.  Deep down though, he was worried for her.  He knew how empty headed she could be and how easily she could 'follow the crowd'. He said to Zelah, who by now had stopped crying and was enjoying being cuddled by Veest, "How about you go and find Ellica to keep you company now, hey?  I've got to go on watch soon and there's something I want to do first." he smiled at her and she smiled back as she ran to find Ellica.

Zelah eventually found Ellica but she was with Anan.  Somehow Zelah knew not to interrupt them.  They were engaged in deep conversation but by the look on their faces, it wasn't a pleasant discussion.  Zelah sloped off and left them to it.  She was bored but then she had a great idea - she would go and visit Iswel who was incarcerated behind a force field at the far end of the ship in what was usually the sick quarters.   

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #42 on: March 25, 2011, 10:34:49 PM »
Veest hurried to his capsule, sat down and attempted to link his mind with Dynew's. He was relieved when she did not blank her mind off from him and asked her to come back or she would be in serious outbler. Dynew replied that she was having too much nuf. He then asked her to show him a mind picture of where she was and she said she would if he would join her. Thought transferrance took a lot of concentration and Veest managed to transmit that he was in enough outbler as it was. Her last transmission before blanking him out was to tell him she always had thought he was grinbo. Hurt by this Veest made his way to the control deck to take over from Greguls. Philsy came storming in. 'Where's Zelah- I thought she was with you.'
'I dunno- I told her to go and find Ellica.'
'Ellica is in a fould mood, Anan is upset, Nait and Rado are off duty and I need Zelah to relieve Tharam. She and I have things to discuss with Cellono.' Orn sauntered up. I've just been visiting Iswel and Zelah arrived just as I left. 'Who gave you permission to visit him?' yelled Philsy. 'He's me tema ain't he, can't leave the poor dos on his own all the while.' Philsy spoke into the communicator. 'Jeo and Phic report to the incarceration area now. ' She then bellowed at Orn. 'Get to your capsule and stay there.' 'What the leebnidg lehl have I done now?' She took hold of his arm, forced it up his back and pushed him ahead of her. 'Just hope that lirg doesn't try to shut off the force field.' she said leaving Orn outside his capsule and hurrying off to the incarceration area.Cellono, hearing the message on the communicator came to the control deck and Veest explained what had happened. 'I'm afraid we're going to have to ban Zelah from this hisp.' 'But sir, she's only young.'
'Yes and proving very irresponsible.'
'I'm sure she wouldn't help Iswel again and risk more outbler. She was very sensible about not staying with Dynew.' 'Ah yes, Dynew- it's time I dealt with her.' 'But how sir? We don't know where she is!'
'Veest, do you really think that I would let any of the lirgs  out with only one tracking device?' 'So are you going to send someone to find her the sir?' 'Yes of course but it won't be any of us. Now Veest you must prove your loyalty. I'm not switching off your thought communicating power. You must give me your word you won't try to contact Dynew or tell anyone else what I'm doing- this is what is going to happen.'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #43 on: March 28, 2011, 04:57:34 PM »
Dynew was flirting outrageously with a group of earth men who were waiting for the concert to start and drinking what looked like cola. Dynew had seen pictures of it and knew that it was a popular drink among the young people of earth. 'Can I have one of those?' she asked the man behind the bar. He told her the price and Dynew fumbled with her money. 'Here, let me get that for you.' said a tall dark young man who looked a bit like Veest so she felt okay about accepting a drink from him.' Meanwhile in the town police headquarters they were looking at pictures transmitted from the concert area and zoomed in on Dynew.'That's the one we had the report about said one office.' 'She looks like she may be getting herself in a spot of bother with the crowd she's latched on to.'
'Well our instructions are to pick her up and take her to the town administrator so we'd better move.'
replied his superior. Dynew sipped her drink, it had a pleasant cherry flavour.' Drink up sweet and I'll get you another.'
'Ooo thanks, you are kind.' She giggled and was just about to start on her second drink when a uniformed female officer approached her.' Show me your identification please.' This didn't worry Dynew as she had been issued with the appropriate document.
'You must come with me. The town administrator wishes to speak to you.'
'Can I just finish my drink?'
'If you do you'll probably be incapable of answering the questions you'll be asked. That stuff is about the strongest alcoholic drink you can get.'
'Yes' replied the man who'd bought it for her 'and very expensive- you owe me!'
'You can afford it, Mendick,crime pays you well.' She ushered Dynew, now subdued and scared from the building. 'Lucky for you I found you when I did. Now let's get the formalities with the administrator over then you can go back to your ship.' Seeing the girl's puzzled expression the officer went on 'Oh yes- we know all about you, Dynew.'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2011, 02:22:55 PM »
Ellica was with Lexa and Creppo in the hold when Greguls found her.  "Hey, cheer up.  It may never happen." he said jovially.  She looked up at him, her face stained from the path of her tears.  Greguls' expression soon changed when he saw how unhappy she was.  "Now come on, it can't be that bad.  What's up?" he asked her.  She didn't reply.  He tried again.  "Phillsy's going mad up there.  She thinks you've cloaked and gone WALO.  He grinned at her, trying to make her smile.  Ellica started crying again and Greguls cuddled her tightly.  "Now young lady you tell me all about it - come on - a worry shared is a worry halved."  She looked up at him and sniffed.  "I'm being sent away." she said sadly.  Greguls looked at her in amazement.  "Nah, you must have got it wrong." he said.  "It's true." she said.  "I'm to go to Grindabo Cholos in the second solar system - to finish my coinaduet.  It's miles away Greguls - miles away and mummy and I have only just got back together.  Why does she want to be apart from me again?" she sobbed.  Greguls didn't know what to say but he felt desperately sorry for her.  Suddenly, she pulled away from his arms, a look of defiance on her face.  "I'm not going!  I'll do anything rather than go there! Anything!" and she stormed out of the hold with Greguls starting, open-mouthed, after her.      

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