Author Topic: Stardate 2221.6.28  (Read 28245 times)

Offline Loopy

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2011, 01:07:17 PM »
Veest heard Greguls voice as he passed by the rest room door and was continuing his way towards the alb but something made him stop dead in his tracks.  A name was mentioned. A name Veest thought he wouldn't hear again for a long, long time.  Veest lingered outside the room and listened.  He heard another voice and knew straight away it was Orn.  Veest was intrigued now and strained to hear better what was being said.  When he had heard enough, Veest quickly took his leave before Greguls or Orn saw him.  He reached the alb and slammed the door behind him, locking it so nobody could disturb him.  He was at a loss as to know what to do, how to handle the situation that he knew would eventually arise.  Should he tell Cellono?  Should he find Iswel and have it out with him there and then?  Should he just keep quiet and let Iswel make the first move?  He fingered the green stuff as he thought.  Finally he decided he would wait and let Iswel come to him. 

Iswel had to be careful with the humans about.  He had no belt and therefore no cloaking device.  He was upstairs in the stone house watching from the window, hoping that the three figures would soon leave so he could venture outside again.  At least Orn had furnished him with some tablets so he wouldn't get hungry for a while.  After what seemed forever, the three humans left the area.  Iswel left the house and made his way over to the spaceship.  He had been up all night hatching his plan.  Now he needed to get into the ship so he sent a mind message to his mate, Orn.

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2011, 07:27:14 PM »
Orn picked up the message and quickly took his leave of Greguls.When he had gone the older yug took off the headgear he always wore wherever he was and scratched his head. 'Now what do I do? he muttered. When Orn and Iswel get together they're outbler- yet I'm very fond of young Orn really. It's Veest I'm worried about. When he got put away Iswel swore his revenge. I really ought to tell Cellono
but Orn's in enough outbler as it is.' Orn was in a bit of a daqurny too. Although Iswel was his mate
Veest had been like a brother to him helping him out by covering for him on numerous occasions and when Cellono tried to get him dismissed he'd pleaded his cause. Iswel had asked him to find out when Veest would be alone on watch and then let him into the ship. Suddenly a loud warning sound came from the lortnoc desk. 'All personnel to report to me immediately' When all were assembled Cellono spoke. 'I have a very disturbing announcement to make about our home planet'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2011, 07:47:43 PM »
Dynew found Veest later that day in the viewing room.  Veest loved the dark room at the very top of the ship.  The huge glass dome allowing views of space that were unimaginable at times.  He remembered laying on one of the large, soft, couches watching the meteor shower near Tulpo and the closing of a black hole between Starun and one of its nooms.  He had never seen anything so wonderful in all his life.  Now he was looking up at a blue sky with clouds but not the sort that carried the rain, they were whiter and fluffier.  His mind was wandering to his home planet and the terrible news that Cellono had broken to them and he didn't hear Dynew enter the room.  When she saw Veest laying on the couch her eyes lit up.  She walked behind where he was laying and before he could move, threw herself over the top of the couch onto him.  Veest yelled but he couldn't move.  Dynew wrapped her arms around him and held on tightly.  Veest shouted.  "What d'you think you're doing - get off!"  Dynew kissed him but missed his lips as he moved his head away.  "Oh, Veest.  Don't tell me you don't feel the same way about me as I feel about you.  I must have you Veest!"   Veest couldn't believe what was happening.  He pushed and shoved, trying to get her off but she seemed to have the strength of ten males!  During the struggle her lobsue ripped, exposing her naked streabs underneath.  She closed her eyes and seemed to relax so Veest took his chance and pushed her hard down onto the floor.  He quickly stood up and turned to escape but found himself looking staight into the shocked eyes of Rado.  Veest was frozen to the spot whilst Rado leaned over the couch, looking at Dynew and her nakedness.  Rado watched disbelievingly as Dynew stood up, walked over to Veest, kissed him on the mouth and said "Another time then ovler."  Veest was still in his frozen position as Dynew held her lobsue together and winked at Rado as she passed her on her way out.

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Offline Loopy

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2011, 02:35:37 PM »
Nait and Greguls were with Zelah and Ellica, trying to console the youngsters after the terrible news that Cellono had given them.  "But why? I don't understand why it happened." Ellica questioned tearfully.  "Nor does anyone." Nait said sadly.  "Nobody could have predicted it." she continued.  Zelah howled.  "I'll never see my family again!"  Greguls spoke sadly.  "Nor will any of us lirg.... nor will any of us."  

In the stone house, Orn was relating the news to Iswel.  "... so we can't return." he finished.  Iswel was quiet but then he shrugged.  "No odds to me.  I had nobody anyway."  Then his face lit up and his eyes became bright.  "Hey, this means that I'm a free man." he said.  Orn looked at him.  Iswel grabbed Orn's shoulders.  "I'm a free man.  I'm a free man."  he shouted louder and louder.  Orn looked at him sadly.  He was shocked at Iswel's reaction to their home planet being blown out of the universe.  How selfish can you get? Orn asked himself.  He turned his back on Iswel and walked back to the spaceship.

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Offline Loopy

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2011, 04:22:04 PM »
Veest searched high and low for Rado but he couldn’t find her anywhere on the ship.  His face was still stinging from the slap she had planted hard on his cheek before she ran from him shouting that she hated him.  Veest felt so low.  He had desperately wanted to be alone, to think on the unthinkable.  He had gone to the viewing room because he knew nobody would be there at that time of day.  He hadn’t been prepared for what Dynew had in store. 
He needed to see Rado - to make her understand.  He went down into the hold to see if she was there and saw that Creppo was gone.  He knew then that she was out riding.  It could be a long time before she returned.  Veest decided he would confront Dynew instead.

She let him into her room without looking up at him, as if she knew it was him before she opened the door.  She sat but he stayed standing.  Veest could see how unhappy she was and his heart softened towards her slightly.  She looked up at him forlornly.  “What the hell d’you think you were doing Dynew?” he asked crossly.  She swallowed, trying to ease her dry throat before she spoke, but her voice sounded brittle and broken.  “I’m so sorry Veest.” Was all she said.  Veest paced up and down the room trying to think what to say next when he noticed a phial on the shelf.  He picked it up and knew what it was immediately.  Dynew had a look of horror in her eyes when she realised what he had found.  Before he could speak she quickly said “I only had a small amount Veest, honestly.  It didn’t taste very nice.”   He was astounded “You took it orally.  Do you know what that stuff does to you?  It’s bad enough sniffing it let alone swallowing it!”  Veest continued.  “Did Orn give you this?”  Dynew slowly nodded her head.  She was going to tell him that Orn had told her not to take it orally but Veest had stormed from the room with the phial still in his hand.   

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2011, 04:55:42 PM »
He was heading off in search of Orn when Cellono came towards him. 'Veest! What have you got there?
Have you been taking that waluf stuff while on duty ' Veest shook his head. He didn't want to get Dynew into trouble.'No I just found it by the exit door. I was going to bring it to you.' 'Then you won't mind taking the test.' 'Of course not.' Veest followed Cellono into the lab and stepped into the diagnostic cubicle placing his hands on the sensor panel. He felt a lingting sensation as Cellono pressed the button.' 'Alright-you're clear. I know strictly speaking taking this stuff is not against regulations so I have no grounds to insist on testing the other crew members but I want it known... 'They were interrupted by a loud noise announcing an incoming message. The screen lit up. 'Valletrer 2 to Valletrer 1. We were on our way back from a Lerisue trip when our home planet disappeared. Is it safe to come to where you are? If so give me the co-ordinates.' Rado had given up on her ride as it had begun to send down white rain and turned really cold. She gasped as she saw the face on the screen. 'It can't be! I didn't think I'd ever see him again.' Cellono was already busy entering co-ordinates. 'Let me have a list of people on board' he said. 'Rado- we need to talk.' said Veest. 'I have nothing to say to you.' she said and ran to her quarters without waiting to see who was on the other ship. 'I wish you two would stop this constant pinsing at each other- though I've a feeling things are about to get worse!'
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Loopy

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2011, 07:56:08 PM »
Cellono and Veest were overjoyed that others had survived the death of their planet.  Cellono said "Three males and three females aboard."  Veest looked over Cellono's shoulder at the Valletrer 2 passenger list:

Leoc - female
Tharam - female
Phillsy - female 
Jeo - male
Dorkbelc - male
Phic - male

Cellono and Veest looked at one another and raised their wobereys.  "I think you're right Sir, things are likely to get much worse!" groaned Veest.

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Offline Loopy

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2011, 01:01:46 PM »
The news of the other survivors spread like wildfire around the ship and the atmosphere became more joyful.  Everybody wanted to know who was aboard.  Cellono called a meeting and read out the names.  Veest saw Rado enter and cross to the opposite side of the room from him, deliberately ignoring him.  He watched her as Cellono read out the names.  She showed no emotion at all until he read the last name.  Veest could see the colour rising in her cheeks, her mouth slightly open and her eyes wider and brighter.  Veest couldn't identify the feelings he was having inside whilst watching her.  He felt strange but he didn't know why.  All he knew was that it was not a pleasant sensation.  

Cellono told them that it would be another 12 ushor before Valletrer 2 reached them and until then, everybody should continue as normal.  After Cellono had left the room the noise levels rose as everyone chattered excitedly.  Veest turned to leave and glanced once more at Rado, who was with Ellica and Nait.  The UFI were still troubling him as he followed Cellono from the room.  

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2011, 04:50:19 PM »
It occurred to Veest that he had not yet looked at the analysis of the green stuff lexa seemed to enjoy so much. The printout contained just one word-grass. He looked it up in the dictionary of earth terms explained in his own language and found several definitions the main one stating it was eaten by animals which would probably mean lexa would not suffer harm. There was another definition- slang term for the drug 'marijuana' or jimaraanu the same substance that was contained in the drug cocktail Orn was so fond of. Cellono entered and asked what he was doing. He told him about lexa eating the green stuff and how he'd analysed it and found it to be harmless but not about jimaraanu- he had hoped this substance was not available on earth but evidently it was. Cellono opened a large refrigerated container.
Hmmn- not much stock in here We'll need to do something about that as soon as possible. The other ship won't have any at all being just used for short journeys. ' He shut it quickly. Veest, being one of the senior werc bremems, knew what was in the contained. He hadn't given a thought to preserving their race. 'Oh tema! now what.' 'First things first' said Cellono. If we want to settle here we shall have to negotiate terms- we're a peace loving race and we don't take territory by force. I need to look at the recorded footage of the people by the lake. I think they mentioned a person of importance.'
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2011, 11:42:18 PM »
Cellono left and Veest made to follow but Rado came in. 'I just need to make some more food tablets. Our stocks are running low.'
 'Need a hand?'
'Unless you have something better to do.'
'Oh Rado- don't you know me better that to believe I would want a quick poger whilst on duty? She threw herself at me- almost literally. I know I've taken her on a couple of ateds and helped with her ginratin but that's all. Rado looked into his eyes which looked straight back at her-she could tell when he was gliny and he wasn't now. 'I believe you but you'd better be careful Dynew can be trouble.
'Don't I know it - but there could be more in store for me. I wasn't going to tell you but I think I need a friend in whom I can fideonc. Iswel is here. ' 'Veest- you must tell Cellono.'
'I want to handle it my way. Orn and Greguls know, that's how I found out. I overheard them talking.'
'Promise me you'll take erac. I couldn't bear anything to happen to you.'
'You'll soon have Phic dancing attention on you.'
'He's walked out on me once- I'm not sure I want to get involved again.'
'Come on girl- I saw the look on your face when his name was on the survivors list. Anyway- we've work to be done.' They soon had a batch of food tablets made. A few minutes later they heard a loud noise of negines. 'The other ship is here. '
When the landing procedure had been safely completed the two crews spilled out to greet each other.
'Rado lingrad!' exclaimed Phic giving her a warm embrace. Cellono and Tharam grasped hands.
Phillsy had a proc in her hand and tapped Phic on the rear. ' No time for that now ghirt! It's getting late. Need to re-organise the sleeping arrangements. Cellono will take charge of lemas on his ship and selfema will move to Valletrer 2. Plenty of spare room in both ships ghirt!'
'What a bero' exclaimed Dorkbelc. 'Phillsy- I don't think we need--' but she had already begun removing the kit of the lemas out of Valletrer 2.
'I want a meeting of all elders first thing tomorrow. Tharam, Phillsy and Jeo, Greguls and myself. We need to formulate a plan. We'll have a working farekbast in the tarch room.'
'Now just what have we done to deserve that old gondra?' asked Nait.
Phillsy smacked her proc on the ground near the girl. 'No discipline- always the trouble with Cellono. There'll be changes- gracious yes!' 'Now see here gondra face' said Greguls. 'That's no way to speak about the CO! Shut it if you don't want to be put on a gercha.'
'Give it a few days and we'll see who's on a gercha' Phillsy said driving the girls before her into the ship to collect their arge.' 'Aba, Aba little peesh' said Orn.'
Iswel had been hiding near the ship and when everyone was occupied greeting each other he slipped inside.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2011, 04:13:33 PM »
Iswel spent the night in the hold with Creppo and Lexa or, as he liked to think of them, the stinking beasts.  A sudden noise startled him and he knew he’d slept too long and somebody was coming to see to the animals.  He should have been gone long ago to a safer and more comfortable hiding place.  He looked around urgently as the footsteps became louder.  There was nowhere to go so he dived behind the oop gabs which were piled in the corner of the hold.  Ellica arrived just as he landed on a pile of oop that had spilled out from the overladen gab.  He cursed to himself and wrinkled his face up in disgust at his new bedding.  He lay still and quiet listening to Ellica talking to the beasts.  

Ellica was bright and cheery.  There was nothing she enjoyed more than seeing to Creppo and Lexa.  Every day she saw them at least once and they were always pleased to see her too.  She was there a good rhuo before she began to pack up and say goodbye to the animals.  Iswel had blocked his ears long ago.  Ellica just didn’t stop talking or singing or hummming or making some dreadful noise.  How can anyone think of so much to say to a couple of stinking animals, he thought.  As Ellica left the hold Iswel came out of his hiding place - his one and only spacesuit covered in shiny greeny/brown oop.  “Oh tish.” Iswel shouted angrily but was shocked when a voice replied  “Yep, you’re right there.”

Ellica found Rado and told her she’d already seen to Creppo and Lexa.  Rado was so grateful and she told Ellica that she could ride Creppo the next time they went out.  Ellica was ecstatic and ran around telling everybody.  Rado smiled and went to the Bridge to find Cellono, who was talking with Phic when she arrived.  She waited until they had finished and then asked Cellono when they could go out again so that Ellica could ride.  Cellono was hoping that it would be today but more humans were gathering beside the lake.  There were males and females and offspring too.  “Look outside Rado and see for yourself.”  Rado did as Cellono said and stretched to look out of the Bridge’s huge window.  Although the ships were cloaked she could see them as clearly as if she was standing next to them.  She wondered what they were doing there but she didn’t have to wait long to find out.  She looked on in wonderment as different coloured abots were taken out of one of the stone buildings.  They put them into the lake and the humans filled each one.  They used roas to propel the crafts.  They were all laughing and having so much fun and Rado suddenly felt sad.  She remembered the one time that her parents took her on a dadple abot and how excited she had been.  She watched for a long time and then Phic put his hand on her shoulder.  She turned to look at him.   “Can we talk?” he said.  She nodded her head.

Nait was also watching the humans on the lake.  She felt at one with them and something about this planet pulled at her strongly.  She laughed as two males pushed each other into the lake and each came up from the water spluttering.  As Nait watched she decided there and then that, whatever the others decided to do, she would stay on Earth and find a way to integrate with the humans.  

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Offline Loopy

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2011, 02:23:17 PM »
In front of Iswel stood a young girl.  She was short and thin with long red hair and a pretty face.  She spoke with a strange accent that Iswel found hard to decipher.  She looked him up and down, a large grin on her face.  “You look like you could do with some help?” she said to him, without even asking who he was.  He smiled at her.  His thoughts were working overtime as he studied her.  She might be very handy to have on his side.  He would have to work this one carefully until he knew her a bit better - knew what she was like and whether he could trust her.  He spoke softly.  “My name is Iswel.  I’m a friend of Orn’s.”  She paused before she spoke.  “I’m Zelah.” She said quietly.  Iswel couldn’t make out the words “Hazel?” he queried.  “No!” she retorted “Zelah - Z.E.L.A.H.”  she spelled it out to him.  Huh!  He can’t even get my name right, she thought crossly. “Oh, Zelah.” He said at last.  After a short pause Zelah said “Orn’s told me lots about you.”  Iswel wasn’t sure how to take this comment.  How much did she really know?  Could she be trusted?  He laughed a forced laugh and said “Oh, all good I hope?”  She laughed then and nodded her head.  Iswel felt himself relax when he heard her laugh.  “You’re hiding aren’t you?” she suddenly said.  He tensed again and didn’t reply.  “I won’t tell.” She continued.  Iswel didn’t know why but he believed her.  “Can you get me a clean suit and let me werosh?” he asked her.  “Sure,” She said “follow me.”       

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2011, 11:08:32 PM »
While the meeting was taking place in the tarch room Veest was on watch. Zelah sent Orn a thought message to get him out of the way. Veest was moodily watchin Rado and Pich walking down to the tree- there were no humans around. Phillsy had ordered all the flamse to stay out of the main hisp until the meeting was over and only Zelah had disobeyed. Orn told Veest he would relieve him so he could go to the viewing room for a while and he was only too happy to do so. Not thinking about what would happen if the theft of a suit was noticed Zelah took one for Iswel from the store. she gave him an oop gab to put the old suit in and soon he was hiding in one of the unoccupied capsules with a cloaking device and supply of food tablets.
The outcome of the meeting was that contact was to be made with the commandant of earth to try and obtain permission for those of their number who so wished to establish a colony on the planet. In exchange they would share their scientific skills particularly their skills  in food tablet production, medical advances and ways of synthesising fuel. The commandant was known to be fair and peace-loving but they were aware that once a message had been transmitted their whereabouts could be traced. Tharam had offered to help Cellono compose the message. There had been a heated discussion as Cellono wanted to offer anyone who wished their freedom to take the second hisp to seek some other habitable planet but Phillsy had said it was the tudy of everyone to stay together. The decision was to be left until they knew the views of the commandant. As they walked through the hisp Tharam wrinkled her nose. 'Where is that lemsl coming from?' Phillsy pointed to a trail of oop leading to the  werosh area. She opened a cubicle door and there was more. 'Disgusting mess!' she said. When we find out who has done this they will be up on a gercha,ghirt?' Zelah had dropped the bag containing Iswel's ruined suit into the hold among the oop. She was aware that she did not lemsl very sweet  so she hurried to Valletrer 2 where  she picked up her spare suit and made for the werosh unaware that Phillsy was hot on her trail. Orn tried to send her a thought message to warn her but she was too busy with washing to notice.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2011, 10:35:02 PM »
Phillsy began interrogating everyone. The elders were all in the clear, Orn was on watch and he and Veest vouched for each other that neither had been in the shower so Phillsy sought Rado and Pich and was satisfied that they had been outside the ship for some time so she turned her attention to the flamse in Valletrer 2.
After much tothugh and reath searching Cellono opened the communicating channel to earth headquarters and gave this message.
To Davidandnick, earth commandant greetings from the survivors of the recent destruction of the planet of Yoflotolf. Two of our ships are currently located in England and we number 14 personnel and two beasts. We seek permission for those of our number who wish to remain here on earth and establish for ourselves a small community gradually over the earth years building up our numbers to ensure the pure blood survival of our race. We are quite prepared to move to an uninhabited area of earth if required. We have noticed there are still large areas unpopulated. Our technology is such that we would have many skills to share with the people of earth such as food and fuel synthesis, thought transferrance, computer controlled transport and medical diagnostics and treatment. Our ships carry no weapons and you will see from our history we have always been a peace-loving race. I request a screenmeet with you so we can discuss the matter further. I await your reply and in the meantime, for the security of all our ships will remain cloaked and personnel will not be allowed contact with humans. I am your friend Cellono supreme flight commander of Yoflotolf
Tharam and Cellono sat together awaiting a reply talking quietly until they were interrupted by Phillsy
demanding that her reluctant companion should be put on a gercha immediately.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2011, 05:02:01 PM »
Zelah was scuffing her teef and looking guilty. Cellono did not want to make a great fuss but Phillsy was insistent. 'Well Zelah- what do you have to say for yourself?'
As she tried to find her voice Greguls who had taken it on himself to clean the werosh room hurried up.
'That werosh was sanitised not long before we went into the meeting and no-one used it till the person who made this mess.I noticed there was human hair in there so I put on my sterile lovegs and obtained this.' He held up a sample delis. 'Excellent!' said Cellono and bore it off to the alb. When he came out he looked grim. 'Everyone is to assemble here now!' he said pressing the button to call those in the ship. He sent urgent thought messages to the rest of the flamse and Phic. When all were assembled he announced 'We have a security breach that could threaten our safety here. Someone is aboard this ship who is a known lanimirc. I have a feeling that one or more of you know who I mean. Your thought transferrance powers will now be frozen.' He pushed a button on the control panel.' Does anyone wish to speak before I have both ships searched?' Greguls looked at Orn. 'You're talking about Iswel sir. I know he stowed away on this hisp but he could now be hiding anywhere.' 'Who else knew he was here? Raise your hand. If necessary I will use the hurth-reskee.' Greguls, Orn, Veest, Rado and Zelah all indicated as instructed. 'Some of my most loyal werc! I'll speak to you all later. Jeo, come with me.' Phillsy take Phic and search your ship. The rest of you stay here. Tharam- you're in charge. Anyone trying anything is to be instantly immobilised.'
linda-norfolk dumpling