Author Topic: Stardate 2221.6.28  (Read 28244 times)

Offline Loopy

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Stardate 2221.6.28
« on: January 14, 2011, 11:05:20 PM »
Stardate 2221.6.28

The rocket landed on the edge of a lake.  Inside the metal cylinder Zelah teased Orn about his landing.  Orn wasn’t the best of pilots and she had seen the fear on his face when the lake rushed suddenly towards them.  The radar system had broken down on the old rocket months ago and he hadn’t noticed the small patch of blue amongst the grassy surround.  Still, they were safely down now and Zelah couldn’t wait to get clearance from Cellono to begin exploring outside.  She knew that Cellono was not a man to be messed with, so she waited patiently for him to do the safety checks.  Orn had slipped off his seat belt and slowly raised himself from his seat, stretching his aching limbs.  The flight had taken much longer than planned and although three of them shared the piloting task, he had done the longest stint from Batow Patinnou Minor to Earth.  Orn was a skinny scamp.  His red hair matched his temperament at times but on the whole he just enjoyed having a bit of fun, usually at other people’s expense.  He got on well with Zelah, whose hair was also red.  A rare phenomenon on their home planet of Yoflotolf.

Zelah was a young trainee and hadn’t been aboard ship for long.  She was a quick learner but her temper let her down at times and at those times she was reprimanded by Cellono.  The rocket was not large and there were times when the claustrophobic conditions got the better of her.  She had a soft spot for Veest, who was a charming and very handsome man.  He helped her through her ‘bad’ times and she knew she could always talk to him if she felt the need.  In fact, he was always there for everybody, much to the displeasure of Rado who sulked if Veest spent too much time with other people... especially the females like Zelah, Ellica, Nait or Dynew.    

Orn stretched his arms above his head and yawned.  The long flight had really taken it out of him.   He was pleased when Greguls appeared with a drink for them.  He grabbed the glass and drank thirstily but the refreshment was far from that and he quickly spat out the contents of his mouth back into the glass.  Zelah laughed at Orn’s contorted face.  Greguls was not renowned for his cooking abilities but he insisted on cooking the old fashioned way even though the life tablets gave them everything they needed to live healthily.  “Food”, Greguls had said, “should be enjoyed on the palate.”  

Down in the hold of the spaceship, Rado was grooming Creppo and Lexa with Ellica.   Rado and Ellica were at their happiest when tending their beasts.  Rado had a real way with them... almost magical Ellica thought.  They had felt the rocket land and were now getting their mounts ready for the outside exploration when Cellono gave the all clear.   Rado wondered what Earth must be like.  She had heard from her mother and father when she was little that it was a beautiful planet, full of milk and honey, and she couldn’t wait to see it.  However, her father had also told her that humans were a simple life form with very little intelligence and lots of emotions.  He said she must be careful how she treated it if she ever had the chance to meet one.  She really hoped she would get the chance during this visit.

Everyone gathered by the exit shoot as soon as Cellono gave the all clear.  When the doors opened they slid down two at a time to the grassy surface.

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Offline Jane

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2011, 02:02:04 PM »
Once they had all departed from the spaceship, they headed for a large stone house and out-buildings near to the lake. “How primitive humans live!” remarked Zelah, turning her nose up as she glanced distastefully around her.

“Shhh” said Rado “someone might hear you!”

“So what? I’m not scared of any silly old humans!” pouted Zelah and she ran across the grass towards a large barn. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks “Euuww!” she shrieked.

“Oh what’s wrong with her now” Ellica said rolling her eyes.

 “I’ve trodden in something brown and smelly!” shouted Zelah and rubbed her silver boots in the long grass trying to get rid of the gooey mess.

But Ellica had ceased to look at Zelah and was staring over her shoulder at a large black and white animal lumbering towards them.

Veest! Veest! yelled Ellica “Help!”

Whilst all this commotion was going on a figure slipped down the exit shoot of the spaceship and crept unseen toward the stone house…

Offline Loopy

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2011, 09:46:28 PM »
Veest rushed to Ellica's side and put his arm around her to comfort her.  The lumbering animal had stopped now and was staring at them, it's big brown eyes and long eyelashes reminding Ellica a bit of Veest.  Cellono had his cryptoboard with him and laughed when he looked up what animal it was.  He told Ellica not to be afraid and that it was called a 'cow' and used by humans for meat, milk and leather.  Ellica felt silly and blushed whilst Veest chased the poor animal away.  

Everybody was exploring in different places and Dynew and Nait were by a wooded enclosure.  They passed through a broken fence and found another lake.  Nait thought it was one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen and she told Dynew that she was going to sleep there under the stars.  Her ancestors had been 'Spigeys', a wandering nomadic tribe, years before and she still had the 'Spigeys' love of the outdoor life.  Dynew turned up her nose, ran her fingers through her pretty silver/yellow hair and tossed her head.  There was no way she would sleep under the stars.  She preferred a roof over her head and preferably somebody sharing her bed!  Perhaps she would try enticing Veest again soon - she felt sure he was interested in her but was positive she could get her man even though he was shy.  Nait saw Dynew grinning to herself and knew why - her Spigey ancestors were renowned for fortune telling and special powers and Nait had inherited these traits.  Dynew was still grinning as she crossed back over the fence and headed towards Veest, who was standing with Rado by the stone house.

Meanwhile, Orn and Greguls were in the stone house next to a big fireplace.  Greguls told Orn how humans cooked raw food on fires before they ate it.  Orn laughed.  How primative he thought...  give me a life tablet any day.  Suddenly, there was a loud crash which sounded as though it came from up the stairs.  Orn and Greguls ran up the creaky wooden steps and were shocked to see...

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Offline Loopy

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2011, 12:44:47 AM »
... a weird horse-like creature with long ears and short legs and a terrible sound emanating from its large mouth, which was full of brown teeth.  Orn laughed at the simple creature.  Greguls thought it was an ugly brute and made his way back downstairs, calling for Cellono.  Cellono identified the brute as a donkey and explained all about the creature's long earthly history.  Orn took charge of the donkey and decided to call it Iswel after an old friend of his who was incarcerated back on Yoflotolf for evil deeds, although Orn thought they were overstated and always stood up for his friend.  

Rado was sad that they still hadn't found a human or any milk or honey come to that!  Oddly, she found herself drawn towards an old bit of wood not far from the stone house.  It was tall and black and had several slender limbs extending at various angles from its large central limb, which went down into the earth.  She put her hands on the central limb and she felt strange.  Her head went wobbly and she felt faint.  Once these initial feelings left her, she leaned against the wood and put her arms around it.  She felt part of it and didn't want to let go.  It seemed comfortable to her, as if she had been there before.  Perhaps her parents had brought her here years before when they travelled the universe?  She couldn't remember it if they had. She closed her eyes and thoughts were filling her mind.

Dynew was angry.  Veest wasn't having any of her advances.  What was the matter with the male?  She couldn't understand why he was so nervous when she was offering herself to him so obviously.  He kept looking over to where Rado was embracing some kind of old black post, and mumbling something about having to go and see to Creppo and Lexa, Rado's stupid riding beasts.  Dynew hated the animals and she wasn't too keen on Rado either!  How could she entice Veest.  She would have to get him alone first and then she would think of a way.

Cellono sent a mind message to everyone that it was time to return to the spaceship as it was becoming 'night' when this half of the Earth became black and that it was best for all to be inside in the light.  Everyone started back towards the ship and even Rado, on Cellono's command,  had managed to tear herself from the wood.  Orn was just leaving the stone house with the donkey when he thought he heard his name being called.  He stopped and listened again.  Silence.  As he walked out of the door he heard it again and then saw a familiar shape kneeling behind a large shrubby thing by the wall.  Orn's jaw dropped open.  "Iswel!" he exclaimed.

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Offline Jane

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2011, 03:05:31 PM »
Dynew lay down in her capsule and sulked. How she hated Earth, so cold and windy. She shivered and tucked her space blanket up under her chin. There was a light tap on her compartment door. "Come in!" she called, secretly hoping that Orn had given Veest her message. The door swished open and sure enough there stood Veest.  "Are you going to stand there all night? Your'e letting a draft in!" she complained. Veest shuffled in looking embarrassed.

"Oh whoops, clumsy me" said Dynew, "My space blanket has just fallen to the floor, could you pick it up for me?" She looked coyly at him, batting her eyelashes. Veest jaw dropped open as he stared at her naked body.

"Erm...I think I can hear Cellono calling me..sorry I'd better go!" mumbled Veest as he beat a hasty retreat.

Dynew grabbed the space blanket and flung it in frustration at the closing door.

Its no good, thought Dynew, I'll just have to make him jealous. She smirked as an idea came into her head....

Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2011, 09:52:53 PM »
On his way back to his capsule Veest bumped into Orn. 'Well- were you able to help Dynew?' Veest laughed.
'I didn't give her what she wanted. ' Orn took a small phial from his pocket. 'I thought Cellono forbade you to bring that stuff-you know what a bad effect it has on you.'
'Oh you're such an old requas! I suppose it's no good offering you some?'
'You suppose right. I need my wits about me. I'm on watch soon.'
'I bet Dynew wouldn't say no!'
'You're probably right there. Don't go using it in front of Zelah and Ellica- they're too young!'
'Dear, dear, dear- I think I feel a touch of luf coming on' Orn produced a scrap of fabric and making sure there was no-one else around carefully put a drop of liquid from the phial onto it and held it to his nose inhaling deeply- too deeply because he began to hocug uncontrollably. Quickly hiding phial and fabric he patted his chest dramatically as Cellono approached. ' Touch of luf I think sir- perhaps I ought to rest tomorrow.' Cellono looked him up and down. 'Hmmn- we'll see. Take over the watch from Greguls please Veest- and you Orn get to your capsule- your watch next!' Orn made a noise expressing disgust and sloped off. As he passed Dynew's capsule he heard the sound of targui music coming from within. 'Dynew- it's Orn- I like the music- can I come in?.' The door opened. 'Of course'
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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2011, 10:51:56 PM »
Nait closed her eyes and tried to contact Zelah with a mind message.  Blast, she thought. she's asleep.  She tried again, this time trying to contact Ellica.  Still no luck.  Nait opened her eyes again.  Who can I get to let me out and cover for me, she thought.  Then she smiled to herself.  I know, I'll contact Dynew, she won't worry.  Nait tried a third time.  This time she made contact but she was having much difficulty in getting her message through.  It was unusual with Dynew as usually her mind was fairly empty and contact was easy.  Nait tried harder but there was definitely something very wrong with Dynew tonight.  It was all very strange... muddly... Nait could feel.... ohhhh!   Nait opened her eyes quickly, breaking the contact immediately.  She couldn't believe what she had experienced and it upset her greatly! 

She was more determined than ever to get out of the spaceship and under the stars next to the beautiful lake she had found.  She felt trapped and unhappy.  She unlocked her capsule and looked around her.  All was quiet and she crept silently past the other female capsules, hoping that nobody else would hear or see her. 

As she reached the main door she wondered how she would release the exit shoot without disturbing everyone.  She was lost in thought and when a hand touched her shoulder, she screamed out.   "Shhh!  It's only me."  Veest whispered in her ear.  She breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to face him.  "What are you doing out of your capsule?" he asked her.  "Oh Veest - thank goodness it's you on watch.  I have to get out of here - I can't tell you why but please help me."  She looked at him with her beautiful dark eyes and Veest knew he was in trouble.  "Oh mate," he said "I just know that I'm not going to like what you're going to ask me!"  Nait smiled and knew then that Veest would help her but she must never tell him what she had found out that evening during her attempted mind contact with Dynew.

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2011, 12:56:48 PM »
Meanwhile, Iswel was lurking outside the spaceship.  He was supposed to be meeting Orn but Orn hadn't shown up.  Iswel was hungry and thirsty and needed a tablet and he couldn't understand why Orn had not brought him one out.  Perhaps he's on watch and can't get away, thought Iswel.  He sat down by the lake and waited patiently.  After quite a few inutems the door of the craft started opening.  Iswel stood up quickly and watched for Orn to appear but it wasn't Orn at all, it was one of the females.... and Veest!  Iswel felt his skin prickle when he saw Veest.  He hated him!  He was the one who had given the evidence that had him incarcerated!  He was the one who always got the better of him!  Orn hadn't mentioned that Veest was aboard and Iswel had been so well hidden in the hold that he had not dared venture out to see who was on the ship.  Well, well, he thought, I will be able to get my revenge after all.  He watched the two figures as they embraced at the door.  The female then took the shoot and slid to the grass below.  Veest put his hand up to her and then went back in and closed the door.

Nait was so excited.  She ran across to the hidden lake and found a nice spot by a tree to lay down and sleep.  She felt exhilarated and close to her ancestors.  As she lay on her back looking up at the stars, she wished she could stay on Earth forever and not have to go back in the ship and fly amongst those twinkling lights ever again.

Iswel watched her from a safe distance.  She was very pretty, he thought...

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Offline Jane

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2011, 02:00:12 PM »
Zelah watched Iswel watching Nait. Well, well she thought what a tangled web we all weave. Just wait till I tell Orn! She jumped suddenly as a hand came across her mouth stifling her scream.

“Shh! You aint seen nuffing, right?” whispered Orn, slowly releasing his hand from her mouth as she nodded.

“It aint none of our business, so get in your capsule and forget it!”

Zelah dutifully ran towards the spaceship but there was no way she was going to forget what she’d seen! Rado would be interested to hear all about it and maybe she would be so grateful to Zelah for telling her that she’d let her ride Creppo!

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2011, 02:29:33 PM »
Nait woke up feeling very relaxed and happy.  The sun warmed her and was shining down through the trees onto the lake so that the water sparkled and glinted, just like the stars she had watched last night. Feeling in need of refreshment, she felt the pouches of her belt for the life tablet she had put in but she couldn't find it.  That's funny, Nait thought, I know I put one in.  She looked around where she had been laying but there was no sign of it.  She shrugged.  Oh well, she thought, must have dropped it somewhere.  She was very hungry and thirsty so she started to make her way back to the ship to get another tablet.  (Little did she know that whilst she was sleeping, Iswel had gently removed her tablet from her belt and taken it himself.)  He was watching her now as she made her way back to the ship.  He didn't feel the need to get back on the ship as he knew they would all be coming off again sometime today.  Now he had swallowed his tablet he felt refreshed and was happy to bide his time.

Cellono had called everybody together for his 'Planet Earth' presentation.  "Now is everybody here?" he asked.  Nobody spoke until Zelah shouted "No! Veest isn't here..... nor is Nait.  Rado glared at her for telling on them but Zelah continued.  "Veest was on duty all night and only finished as I was getting up this morning..... and I haven't seen Nait for ages."  She elongated the last word to emphasise how long it had been.  Rado nudged her with her elbow and glared once again.  Cellono decided to carry on without them (he would deal with them later) and he began his talk. 

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2011, 12:11:34 AM »
Rado and Ellica were transfixed as Cellono explained about the Earth.  The vast oceans and seas which covered a majority of the planet were unlike anything they had ever seen before and so unlike their home planet which was rocky and mountainous and, being a lot further from the Sun, darker and colder.  Cellono went on to tell them about the different weathers the planet endured and Rado listened intently to the description of rain that helped give its green lushness and full rivers.   She so wanted it to rain.  She could not envisage a cloud picking up water from the ocean and when it was full, releasing its contents in droplets over the earth.  She wanted to know how it felt when it touched her.  Did it give pain, she wondered?  

About half way through the talk Nait finally joined them, slipping in quickly and sitting down at the back without looking at Cellono.  He made nothing of it and carried on but she knew she would have to explain herself to him later.

When it had finished Rado went down below to prepare Creppo for a ride.  She was surprised to see Veest there with Lexa.  “What happened to you?” she questioned. She thought Veest looked weary.  “That tig Orn didn’t turn up for his watch did he.  I’ve been up all night and half the morning.  I had to get some sleep.”  Rado asked him what he was going to tell Cellono.  “I’ll tell him the truth!  He’s not stupid anyway - he knows I would never miss a presentation without a good reason.”  Rado looked at him.  “Orn will get into terrible trouble.” She groaned.  “Well, he should pull his weight and do his duties, shouldn’t he?” Veest retorted angrily. “And I suppose you’ll tell him how you helped Nait too?” Rado spat at him.  Veest looked shocked that she knew.  He stared at her but then she turned her back on him and went over to Creppo.  Veest put Lexa’s riding seat on his back and led him from the hold.  Rado watched him as he went.  She hated it when they argued.

Cellono had given permission for everyone to go out again except Nait, who he wished to see in his tudsy.  She stood in front of him and told him where she had been but she didn’t tell him that Veest had helped her.  Cellono liked Nait and couldn’t be cross with her for long.  He told her he understood her need to be under the stars and that she must be careful not to venture far from the ship.  She promised she wouldn’t and ran from the room to find the others.  Cellono smiled, picked up his emergency belt and, securing it around his middle, followed Nait towards the exit shoot.

Orn found Iswel in the stone house and explained what had kept him from meeting Iswel last night.  When he told Iswel the full details of his time with Dynew, Iswel understood and said he would have done exactly the same.  They both grinned and giggled and as Orn produced the phial and fabric from his belt, Iswel said "You must introduce me to this Dynew!".  

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2011, 07:25:28 PM »
In Cellono's presentation  trees were mentioned. Rado discovered that the thing which she had been drawn to yesterday was in fact one of these, there had been a brief reference to the fact that some of earth's inhabitants indulged in something called 'tree hugging' they gave the tree a duceld. Rado decided to give it a try. Giving Creppo a final pat she began to walk towards it. 'Ailh tree!' she said putting her arms as far round it's trunk as she could. Watching from the stone building Orn and Iswel looked at each other . 'What on Yoflotolf is she doing?' laughed Iswel. 'I'm magboscked' replied Orn. 'It looks like she's getting ready for a bit of koyon with it. 'And I thought she only had eyes for Veest.' Orn ran out of the building waving his arms. 'Rado- stop that. It's not right. ' 'Get lost Orn. I'm trying out an earth custom.' 'I'm telling Cellono.' 'Do that- and at the same time explain to him why you let Veest do your turn on watch as well as his.' Orn sloped off. Veest had just returned Lexa to the hold. He had been reluctant to go back he seemed to like eating the green stuff which was all around . Veest took out a container and took a plamse meaning to get it analysed to see if it was okay to eat.' Veest - go get Rado I think she's going to do something she shouldn't.' He pointed to the tree and Veest ran over. As he did so something landed on his face- a small drop of quildi-then another until there were hundreds of drops falling on him. ' Rado' he yelled. 'Get back to the ship now. I think we're being attacked.' Rado , however was smiling because she recognised what it was. 'It's koya Veest- it's what earth people call 'rain.'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2011, 02:10:31 PM »
Rado lifted her head and let the rain fall onto her face and then she ran around the tree with her arms held high, whooping with delight.  
“Yimble!” exclaimed Orn “She’s gone yoolp.”   Veest couldn’t believe his eyes as Rado laughed and screamed in the rain.  He had never seen her like this before and he was taken aback as his reath gave a little flutter and seemed to miss a beat and he found himself smiling as he watched her.  Orn saw his face and laughed.  Veest glared at him but Orn raised two fregins at Veest and stuck his nose deep into the fabric again.  Veest suddenly had a terrible thought.  He grabbed hold of Rado, shaking her gently as he shouted  “Has Orn given you anything Rado?”  Rado looked at him quizzically, smiling at his worried expression.  “Given me anything?” she repeated, shaking herself free of his grip.  “No, why do you say that?”  Veest had to think carefully before he answered as he didn’t wish to upset her.  “Well you’re usually mis…. umm, I mean you’re not normally so hypap."  Her previously smiling face turned into a frowning one and she said sulkily “What are you trying to say Veest?”  Veest looked embarrassed and smiled, trying to rescue the situation.  “Nothing, I just thought that maybe you’d…”  Rado cut in.  “I can’t believe you, of all people, would think me capable of taking….” She couldn’t finish her sentence as setra started to escape from her eyes and she ran off into one of the other stone buildings through an open entrance with big blue bits of wood either side.  
Veest raised his eyes and sighed.  I suppose I’d better go and say rorsy, he thought, and he followed her into the building.

Iswel, who had been hiding from Veest, reappeared and stood next to Orn.  “You didn’t tell me Veest was aboard ship.”  He said to him.  Orn looked at him and chuckled “Well, I didn’t wanna stir fings up did I - you know I’m not one for causing trouble.”  

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2011, 01:02:26 PM »
Excitement broke out on board the ship the following day.  Greguls had been on watch and had noticed humans outside.  He immediately checked that the cloaking device had been activated on the ship and was relieved to find it was.  He sent a mind message to Cellono who reached him in no time at all.  "Put them on screen Greguls." he said.   Greguls pressed two buttons and the humans appeared in front of them on the huge screen.  The humans looked like two males although Cellono sometimes found it difficult to distinguish between the two.  Cellono and Greguls watched their movements as they hunted in and around the stone buildings.  They went out of sight for a long time at one point but eventually re-appeared and went over towards the lake.  "Is Nait aboard Greguls or is she under the stars again?" asked Cellono.  "I think she went out last night sir."  Greguls replied.  Cellono immediately sent a mind message to Nait to activate her personal cloaking device, if she hadn't already done so.  Whilst Cellono was doing that, Greguls thought he saw another figure, one that seemed familiar to him, crouching down behind a shrubby thing by the stone house.  He zoomed in on the shape - he knew that face anywhere - it was Iswel.  Greguls decided not to tell Cellono yet, not until he had spoken with Orn anyway! 

Nait had been exploring the woods around the hidden lake when she spotted the humans.  She was so excited that she almost forgot to cloak herself but by the time she had received Cellono's message, she was already hidden.  She watched the humans with wonderment.  They weren't too unlike Yoflotolfers in appearance, in that they seemed to have two of most things... arms, hands, legs, eyes, ears.  She watched them, utterly amazed, as they pulled out some equipment from long bags.  They had long rods with what looked like thread hanging from the end.  They put two huge nets in the water and then placed two little stools on the side of the lake.  Next, they threw their arms backwards and then forwards and the thread dropped into the lake. Once this was done, each human sat down on their stool, apart from each other but close enough to be able to communicate.  They sat there for a long time, doing nothing it seemed to Nait, so eventually she became bored with watching and decided to make her way back to the spaceship to tell everybody about her sightings and how grinbo these humans were.


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Offline loopylin

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Re: Stardate 2221.6.28
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2011, 04:38:40 PM »
Suddenly another earthling burst on to the scene. He was dressed all in navy with a protective helmet on his head and carrying a small black object. He waved his arms and shouted pointing to a notice which said 'Private-No Fishing Allowed.' 'Ere I've 'ad the honourable Dorothy on to my boss. Says you're to get off 'er property immediately. Saw yer on her big screen she did.' 'Drop dead- we only want a couple of trout for tea then we'll be off. Times is hard since er flaming ladyship came back 'ere and started ruling the roost. Why she didn't stay in London is a rum do.'
Back on the ship the Yoflotolfers were having difficulty in understanding what was going on. Orn seem to find the figure in navy highly amusing and was having a snigger to himself. As everyone seemed engrossed in the goings on outside Greguls seized his opportunity. He walked behing Orn and said 'I wan't a word with you my lad- come to the rest room now.'
'Silly old loof ' muttered Orn but followed him anyhow.
Dynew, meanwhile still wanting to get Vesst alone in her capsule went to stand beside him. 'Do you think it's dolc in here?' she whispered. 'Er no not particularly.' She put her hand out and touched him.'
'Shenave- you're so oth. Share your thrawm with me.' Nait having become rebod again was watching. She sent Dynew a thought message.' Keep your hands off. How many more rolves do you want?' Veest was aware that both Nait and Rado were now looking at him-Rado had caught part of Naits thoughts.
'Go sit by the therea Dynew. I've got work to do. Veest set off in the direction of the alb to analyse the
plamse of green stuff he'd taken earlie. The door to the rest room was open
linda-norfolk dumpling