Author Topic: Danger at Follyfoot!  (Read 10165 times)

Offline Loopy

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Danger at Follyfoot!
« on: September 22, 2009, 01:01:04 PM »
The night was dark and still.  The moon was lost behind clouds and not a breath of wind dared to disturb the silence.  The shadowy figure moved silently across the farmyard towards the stables where the horses were resting and Steve was sleeping above them.  As the figure entered the stables the horses sensed a stranger and became restless so that the person had to work fast, before Steve woke up.  A bottle was thrown onto the floor, smashing glass spooking the horses even more, and then the scratching of a match on the wooden post immediately before the fireball erupted.  The shadow ran as fast as the wind and disappeared over the wall and across the fields towards the woods. 

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Offline sue

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 02:43:20 PM »
Steve turned over in his bed and smiled as the vision of Dora, sitting cross-legged beside him as they sat in front of the study fire, paused in his mind. He kept his eyes closed, he didn’t want to wake up...not yet, her warm body next to his, the glow of the fire casting a golden hue over her face. It felt so real he could even smell the peaty smoke from the burning logs. His nose twitched, and suddenly he was wide awake, the smell of smoke wasn’t in his dreams, it was pouring up the stairs to his loft.  He jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, only to be stopped in his tracks at the bottom by a wall of heat and flames.  Coughing from the smoke, he took the steps two at a time back to his room. He ran to his window and cursed the small hopper type window opening, there’s no way he could get through it. He was trapped!

"all you are, and all you mean to me"

Offline Jane

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2009, 06:22:30 PM »
Dora cried out in her sleep as she tossed and turned, terrible dreams of horses burning to death, trapped in the stables, Steve trying to rescue them and stumbling to the ground, beams from the roof caving in, falling on top of him…..“Steve!” she cried out and she woke with a start, sweat glistening on her forehead. A dream she thought, it was only a dream. But her relief quickly turned to horror, the smell of smoke wafted in through the open bedroom window and she heard horses kicking at their stable doors, frantically trying to escape. Panic seized her, she became frozen with fear….I can’t move she thought….I must rescue them but I can’t move….Slugger burst into her room “the stables are on fire girl, come quickly, Steve is trapped in his room”  Dora stared at it can’t be true she thought…it isn’t happening ….it was only a dream…

Slugger smacked her sharply across the face and Dora slumped against him. He had no idea what was wrong with her; she seemed to be in a trance. “Dora, pull yourself together!”  She shook her head violently and thrust herself away from him. “I’m O.K. now” she mumbled, quickly throwing an old jumper over her head and stuffing the bottom of her nightdress into her jeans. Slugger stared bemusedly after her as she raced towards the stairs.

Offline Pen.

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2009, 10:11:03 PM »
Steve looked desperately around for something he could use to help him get out.  A full water jug sat on his chest of drawers, ready for a quick wash in the morning.  He filled the bowl and squished his towel down into the cold liquid, soaking it through.  Walking to the railing he looked over to see how far the flames had spread.

"Well, Steve me old mate," he thought aloud, " better than sitting up here waiting to be roasted alive..."

He swung the heavy, wet towel over his head and shoulders and set off down the stairs again.  Towards the bottom, as the heat intensified, he took a deep cooling breath through the towel and jumped down the last few steps...
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Offline Loopy

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2009, 02:01:44 PM »
Steve slowly opened his eyes.  He couldn't focus at first but then gradually the room came into view.  He tried to move his head but a pain shot through it and he groaned.  A nurse immediately came to his side.  She smiled.  "Ah, back with us at last Mr Ross.  Don't try to move just yet." she told him.  "I'll get a doctor."  Steve's lips were dry and his throat was sore.  His eyes moved around what little of the room he could see and then he started remembering.  The fire! he thought. The fire... I have to get out of here.  He tried desperately to sit up but the pain was too intense and he flopped back onto his pillow.  Then the nurse was there again.  "Easy Mr Ross.  This is Dr McKenna, he just wants to examine you."  Steve tried to speak but couldn't.  The doctor did his examination and nodded at the nurse before he left.  She smiled at Steve, "Everything's fine, just as it should be." she said happily.  "Now I'll get you a little drink of water, I expect you could do with one."  Steve nodded his head gently.  The sip of water was so refreshing and finally he found himself able to speak, albeit a whisper.  "My friends, Dora, is she OK?"  "She's been here with you all the time." said the nurse.  "She said before she left that if she went home for a while to freshen up you'd wake up.  I've telephoned her and she's on her way back now."  Steve smiled, he couldn't wait to see her.
About an hour went by before Dora poked her head around his door.  "Oh Steve!  Thank God."  She ran to his bed, took his hand and kissed his forehead.  "I've been so worried."  He beckoned for her to lean closer so he could speak to her.  She leant forwards and he whispered in her ear.  "The fire, what happened last night?".  He was desperate to know.  "Steve, it was three days ago.  You've been sedated.  You fractured your skull.  You fell and knocked yourself out trying to escape.  Slugger found you and carried you out."  Steve knitted his eyebrows together trying to take it all in.  He didn't remember a thing after soaking his towel to try and get through the smoke and flames.  Dora continued, her voice lower "We lost two horses Steve.  We couldn't get to them in time." Her voice tailed off and she started crying.  Steve squeezed her hand to let her know he was there.  She looked at him with tears streaming down her face.  "One of them was Copper." She said it so quietly that Steve didn't think he'd heard her properly.  "My poor, poor Copper." she sobbed, louder now so he knew for sure what he had heard.  She buried her face into Steve's bedclothes and sobbed.   

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Offline Rob

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2009, 10:59:17 PM »
Suddenly there was a bang as the door burst open. Dora looked through her tears to see who could possibly have come into Steve’s room without knocking.
“Hi Steve, me old mate! Thought you were a gonner for a while! You get stuck into these - I’ve brought you some lovely grapes – well, I’ve eaten half of them myself, but it’s the thought that counts, isn’t it?”
“Oh Ron!” said Dora.
“I don’t know how you have the nerve to show your face here!” shouted Steve. “We’ve lost two horses thanks to you! And I could have been killed!”
“What do you mean?” asked Ron.
“Isn’t it obvious? Everyone knows you’re always smoking in the stables. A cigarette butt tossed away, smoulders for a few hours, then starts a little fire, finds some nice dry straw and turns into a raging inferno! How many times has the Colonel told you not to smoke in the stables?”
“But it wasn’t me - I promise. I wasn't smoking anywhere near there. And I'm always very careful now.”
“But not careful enough!”
“Listen, Steve, I really don’t think it was Ron who started the fire. I was having a dream. I know there was someone out there. I’m sure it wasn’t an accident.”

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2009, 08:49:16 PM »
Dora felt a shiver run down her spine. Someone wanted to destroy the stables. Someone wanted to destroy her perfect world. She had to find out who that someone was.

"I have to get back to the farm Steve" She kissed him lightly on his cheek. "Can you give me a lift back Ron?"

"Course I can, only you don't look none too well"

"Just get me back Ron" she snapped.

Ron shrugged "OK. Mistress of follyfoot"

Steve watched Dora walk stiffly away. She knows something about who started the fire. Or thinks she does. Her and her silly dreams! I must get out of here before she does something stupid...

Offline squeakytre

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2009, 07:56:40 PM »
Ron was driving fast- a bit too fast - but at least Dora knew they were both heading away from the hospital and back to her beloved Follyfoot Farm. Her life there, amongst those beautifull horses, had real meaning-not just for herself-she thought but for Ron, Slugger, Steve, Callie, Hazel and 'Uncle'. 'Oh Uncle', Dora said aloud as good, ole' dependable Ron, screetched the land rover's tyres as they sped out of the surburbs of Leeds and back onto the main road leading outwards into the open countryside and towards the direction of Follyfoot Farm. 

Offline Pen.

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2009, 06:17:56 PM »
Steve lay in his hospital bed where the nurse had tucked the covers back over him shortly after Dora and Ron had left.  He felt miserable and useless.  He had tried to follow them, begun to push himself up and swing his legs out of the bed, but his head had swum as he came upright.  As soon as he had tried to take any weight on his legs he had felt his knees start to buckle. 

"Oh mate,” he’d muttered to himself  "that wasn't such a good idea"

He had let himself fall back onto the pillows and groaned softly as a wave of nausea overtook him. 

The nurse had chided him gently as she straightened the sheets.

“What do you think you’re doing trying to get up?”  She had asked. “ You’re not going anywhere for some time my lad.”

She had meant to be kind but she didn’t understand.  He needed to see Dora, to understand what it was she thought she knew… …and more importantly what she was planning on doing about it. 
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Offline Jane

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2009, 02:07:23 PM »
Ron dropped Dora off outside the gate to the farm and roared away in a hurry…he had urgent business to attend to. Dora didn’t asked what it was and he hadn’t offered to tell her. She watched him disappear into the distance and shrugged. She had her own problems to deal with.

Most of the horses were living out in the fields since the fire; only a few of the stables had escaped damage and were now occupied by the deserving cases like poor old Lancelot and Charley. Dora felt numb as she stared around the remains of the yard.

She sat on the wall of the donkey pen and glanced up into the gnarled branches of the lightning tree. What was she to do? She knew who had started the fire, she was certain of it, but how best to tackle him? He was a nasty character and one false move from her could spell disaster. Should she tell Uncle or Slugger? No, she decided against that idea. They would try and stop her for certain. She had to deal with this herself.

Sighing heavily she knew the time had come to sort things once and for all…

Offline squeakytre

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2009, 10:46:02 PM »
......but as Dora walked away, once more she began to cry-but this time her sobbing became uncontrolable. She suddenly felt her legs give way and abruptly collapsed onto the cobbled yard. Her mind was spinning-
'why would he do this to me- why?' 'Why'? 'Why?

After what Dora had been through in the last few days, and what with the terrible loss of several of the horses-that included her beloved Copper- (Steve was ALIVE at least), she was now in a state of shock and her tears flowed like a salt, sparkling- stream, blinding and stinging her momentarily of her sight. She felt as if she wanted to die- there and then.
She seemed to be the only person at Follyfoot Farm that had the weight of the world on her young, innocent shoulders.....'where was Slugger to come to her aid?' She pittiably thought.

As Dora continued to weep, she lost herself in another realm (perhaps it was heaven for her)-but her heart was still beating furiously. Emotionally, she felt raw anger and utter,utter disbelief take hold of her already broken mind. A small, gentle hand touched her shoulder and quietly called out- 'Dora, Dora......Dora'. It was Hazel, the teenage reprobate, whom Dora had initially disliked from the very beginning -of course the feelings had been mutual then-however like a Guardian Angel, (or even a soul-sister) Hazel comforted Dora in her moment of great need. In Hazel's eyes, Dora was vulnerable -just like herself -and offered her love and warmth. They both remained there on the cobbled stones, seemingly motionless, like two orphaned sisters that had survived a great terrible calamity.......


Offline Jane

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2009, 08:23:46 AM »
Ron opened the throttle as far as it would go; the engine of the old Tiger Cub screamed its protest, blue smoke pouring from the exhaust.

“I gotta get to Hammonds Riding School” he thought “before Dora does. It’s a well- known fact that me old mate Lewis has a grudge against Steve, and Dora will fink it’s him wot started the fire.”

The Tiger Cub engine spluttered and died just as Ron swung into Hammond’s yard. He leapt off and quickly pushed the bike into a hedge. “Flamin’ thing!” he shouted in disgust and gave it a quick kick before running up to the farm house and banged on the door with his fists.

The door opened and a pretty girl wearing a low-cut top and mini skirt pushed past Ron and wiggled off across the yard teetering in her platform shoes. She turned and and blew a kiss at a Lewis who was standing in the doorway smirking. Ron stared open-mouthed at the retreating figure of the shapely girl.

“And what can I do for you Ron?” Lewis asked as he leered after his latest conquest.

Ron shook his head and dragged his thoughts back to more serious things.

“Look mate, Dora will be here any minute. She finks you started that fire at Follyfoot. You gotta say you were wiv me. O.K?

Lewis’s faced darkened. “I’m not scared of that snooty bird. She’ll regret it if she comes here shouting her mouth off.”

Ron inwardly groaned. He knew Lewis could be a nasty piece of work and prayed Dora would be stopped from coming to the riding stables by Slugger or the Colonel or anyone!

Offline Loopy

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2009, 01:42:34 PM »
Hazel and Dora made their way to the warm kitchen in the farmhouse where Slugger had already put the kettle on.  "I'll make you both a nice cuppa - that'll make you feel better." he smiled, as if tea were the medicine to cure all ills.  "Think I might go and see Steve now - is he OK?" Slugger asked.  Dora looked at Slugger "Oh yes Sluggs, he's going to be fine.  His head's a bit sore and he can't remember much about what happened, but otherwise he's... well, he's Steve." She smiled.  "He'd love to see you Sluggs."   Slugger put the mugs of tea on the table in front of the girls and went to get his coat.  As Dora picked her mug up she noticed a letter addressed to Steve on the table.  She picked it up and read the envelope.  A Liverpool postmark, she thought.  "When did this arrive?" she asked Slugger as he came back into the room.  "Just after you left today." he said.  "I'll take it to him - it looks like it might be from his mum."  Dora knitted her eyebrows together, still holding the envelope.  Why would she be writing to Steve? she wondered.  She handed the letter to Slugger, still frowning.  "Do you think his mother knows he's in hospital Slugger?  If she does, how did she find out?"  "I expect the police found her and told her." Slugger replied.   "Yes, I suppose so." Dora said doubtfully.  "Well, I'm off now - see you later." Slugger said as he left the room. 

Hazel noticed the look in Dora's eyes and knew she was troubled by the letter from Liverpool.

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Offline squeakytre

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2009, 06:08:49 PM »
'I'm sure there's nothing to worry about Dora -it's only a letter' Hazel casually remarked- but Dora said nothing-only to smile briefly as they both sat down and drank their mugs of hot tea. Dora was slowly getting over her sudden shock and collapse earlier on in the yard. She was so gratefull that Hazel had seen her sobbing and had immediately come to her aid. 
'I expect you will try and have the stables re-built again-like they were before-when all this is over?' Hazel added.
'Yes', replied Dora non-chalantly and then added casually, 'and I suppose I will also have to speak to the Police'.
'The police? What do they want?' Hazel became agitated. She had always 'hated' the police and had never trusted them. She assumed Dora might had felt the same way.

Dora said, 'Uncle rung them -he's suspicious about the fire and I think they are as well. So I will have no choice but to do what Uncle says- and tell them, that I think it was an accident'.
'But they will want to talk to all of us', Hazel figured and added, 'I hate them'.
Dora ignored Hazel's last remark. What Hazel had been through,as an orphan,was 'terrible enough' she thought but the police were there to help people-not to take you away.
Also, Dora's parents were not aware of what had happened at Follyfoot farm-especially the tragic loss of her beloved 'Copper Prince'. The Colonel had wanted to let them know of the fire however Dora had already told him not to-at least, not for now. Dora was adament that her father's 'little Princess' would speak to them- when she was ready.         

'Hazel', said Dora suddenly- 'can I share a secret with you?'

Offline Jane

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Re: NEW STORY - Danger at Follyfoot!
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2009, 08:45:22 PM »
Hazel stared at Dora's agitated face. She wasn't sure she was going to like what Dora had to say. She nodded anyway.

"Look Hazel, this must go no further O.K.?" Without waiting for a reply she plunged into her story...

"That letter to Steve could be bad news. He made some enemies before he came to the farm. He told me someone he knew in Liverpool has sworn to get even with him. I think the fire may have been started by this person."

Hazel stared at Dora  "I don't believe it!" she cried and grabbed the letter off the table, ripping it open before Dora could stop her....