Author Topic: The New Venture  (Read 1372 times)

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2024, 07:06:14 PM »
Dora was drawn the next day to a set consisting of  ladies and gents engagement rings with matching wedding rings which of course was beyond Steve's budget. He knew that she was disappointed  but as she walked away for another look round the assistant said
'You won't want the wedding rings yet will you sir?'
'No, not for ages.'
''Then might I suggest that if you have enough for the engagement rings you take just those and we can keep the wedding rings for you  to pay off as and when you can afford them.'
Steve beamed and called Dora over. Her rings fitted perfectly but Steve's needed adjustment.
'There's no rush' said Steve. I can come back when my engagement ring is ready- probably pay off a bit more too.'
Dora's ring was put in a box and the others put aside to be altered and stored as needed. Steve had enough to pay for Dora's ring and most of his engagement ring leaving enough for a takeaway meal and a bottle of wine for later. He was given a payment card for the balance which was also recorded in the shop's ledger. The colonel was delighted with their news and promised a bonus for Steve when it could be managed.
'We should have a party when I get out of here.'
'No uncle, we really don't want a fuss. Mummy and daddy mustn't get to hear about it.'
'They will you know once the locals know, they still have a lot of friends round here. Now don't you worry, I'll give Steve the official title of manager. Of course it won't mean much in financial terms yet but things are going well and I have high hopes for the future. Now, let's have a close look at this ring.'
The colonel had asked for his wallet to be taken in and gave Steve £5.
'Here, put this towards a meal. Mrs Porter said you were going to eat out after visiting. I'm sorry it's not more. In the top drawer of my bureau there's an envelope with the safe combination inside. There's enough in there for this week's wages. Dora I trust you and Steve to deal with them. There's a note of how much everyone should receive- now off you go and celebrate.'
They decided on a Chinese takeaway which they ate down by the secret lake. Steve had bought a bottle of sparkling white wine to have later. When they'd finished their meal he said 'Now let's go an get engaged properly and they drove back to Follyfoot.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2024, 07:21:57 PM »
'Oh heck, we should have bought a chain so you can wear your ring round your neck when you're working.' said Steve.
'Don't worry darling, I've got loads of necklaces with chains which people have bought me at various times. I'll just use one of those.'
By this time they had parked and were walking towards the lightning tree. Once there Steve took the ring box out of his pocket.
'You're sure you don't want a one knee job?'
'After  all the rain we've had I don't think so.' Steve took both her hands in his and looked into her eyes.
'Dora Maddox, I love you more and more each day. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?'
'I love you in the same way, Steve Ross. If we could I'd marry you tomorrow but for now, yes, I'll be happy to be your wife when the time is right.' They shared a loving kiss and the farmhouse door opened and a sleepy looking Slugger said
'What are you two up yo out there?'
'Just getting engaged Slugs' said Steve slipping the ring onto Dora's finger.
'That's alright then' and after a pause 'What, say that again.'
Steve did so holding up Dora's left hand and kissing her ring finger.'
'You'd best come in then.'
Steve got the bottle of wine from the land rover. 'It's time for a celebratory drink before I take my fiancee back to her uncle's for our own private celebration.'
Hazel was still up which was unusual for her and had a small glass of wine.
'I hope you know what you're doing.' said Slugger 'Because if you----'
'I know, Slugs. If I hurt her I'll have you to reckon with and her uncle, Ron and her parents.'
'You think on too girl. Don't hurt each other and I'll be content.'
'Oh Slugs, thank you for caring.' said Dora giving him a hug.
'Go on with you. It's getting late and you've got an early start tomorrow.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2024, 03:32:22 PM »
After giving Slugger a final man hug and handshake they left taking the remainder of the bottle of wine with them.
'We'll give Mrs. Porter a glass then take some back for Ron' said Steve. The housekeeper had already retired for the night so the wine was put in the fridge. neither of them wanted a hot drink so Dora went straight upstairs while Steve locked up. She was already in bed when he entered the bedroom so he undressed quickly and slipped in beside her. 'Hello fiancee' he said.
'Hello yourself.'
'Are you feeling tired?' he asked.
'No, how about you?'
'No, just relaxed and happy and ready for love.'
'Mmmnn, me too!'
Steve took her in his arms loving the feel of her naked body against his. It was quite a while before they finally fell  into a deep sleep and when they awoke they felt refreshed and ready to face the day ahead. Dora put her ring back in its box until she could return to Follyfoot and find a chain to put it on. She helped Steve with the morning chores and they had breakfast together. They shared their news with Mrs Porter who said she really wasn't a wine drinker and was in fact allergic to red wine which was what they had bought. Dora went and got her ring to show the housekeeper.
'Very nice. I hope you won't be wearing it to clean out the horses.'
Well not on my finger but I'll have it on a long chain round my neck.'
Ron's reaction to their news was just what they'd expected.
'Must want your heads examining. It doesn't bother me that your having pre nuptial relations and shouldn't bother anyone else neither.'
'That's not why we got engaged Ron. We love each other,; said Steve.
'So are we going to hear wedding bells then?'
'Not for a while yet but eventually, yes.' said Dora.
'I'll believe it when I see it- but for what it's worth- congratulations. Thanks for the wine. Cheers- and I'm claiming a kiss!'
He kissed Dora's cheek and shook Steve by the hand.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

Offline Kali

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2024, 11:38:08 AM »
It's a pity follyfooters are missing out on this story norfolkdumpling. I think we all wanted to see this sort of progress with Steve and Dora in the end. We may never know how the intended film would have ended so it's now up to you, the last active fan on here?

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2024, 02:47:40 PM »
Later that day Dora followed her uncle's instructions and opened the safe to take out money for the wages with Steve looking on. The colonel spent the weekend in hospital but continued to make steady progress and was allowed home with increased medication at the beginning of the week. He was instructed to rest and still looked very frail. Dora again dealt with the wages and told her uncle that there was only enough cash left for the following week.
'Steve will need to take me to the bank on Monday'
Dora and Steve were both at Follyfoot on Saturday when Slugger came out of the farmhouse looking worried.
'The colonel's on the phone for you girl. He says it's urgent.'
Worried in case he was feeling ill again Dora went to the phone and came out again almost immediately.
'My father has just phoned , Steve. They know about us and are on their way here. They'll arrive around lunchtime.'
'Oh mate, how on earth--' said Steve.
'Uncle doesn't know but says we need to get back to his place and be there when they arrive. Slugger, we won't be here for lunch.'
They got into the land rover and went to the colonel's going straight to the library where he was waiting for them.
'You don't need this when you're still not feeling well uncle.' said Steve. 'Dora, you're over 21 and have a mind of your own. We need to be strong.'
'They could cut my allowance off.'
'Then we'll just have to work harder.' said Steve.
They busied themselves with chores and were assured by Mrs Porter that there was plenty enough food for them all. When they came to a convenient stop Dora and Steve went indoors to shower and change. Dora put on her favourite blue denim skirt and white broderie anglais trimmed blouse and Steve his best jeans and a clean white shirt. He had on the spicy aftershave that Dora loved.
'You look gorgeous '  he said giving her a long hug and kiss.
'Mmnn, so do you!'
Dora took her ring off it's chain and put it on her finger. They found the colonel still in the library pacing up and down.
'Uncle, I hope you have taken your medication' said Dora. 'Now sit down and relax.'
'I can't, I'm going to be in trouble.'
'You, why?'
' For encouraging your relationship, not that I regret it, mind.'
'I think you should have your meal in your room and leave Dora's parents to me.' said Steve with more confidence than he felt.
'Whatever happens, I'm not going to fire you.'
'Me neither.' said Dora. ' Now uncle, please stop worrying or you'll make yourself ill again- and no hitting the whiskey bottle!'
Just then the doorbell rang and Prudence and Arthur walked in without waiting for it to be answered.
Prudence marched towards Dora with her hand raised as if about to strike her. Steve put himself in between them and Arthur said 'Prudence please!'
She let her hand fall. 'Now let's all sit down please.' said Arthur. They all did as he said and straight away Prudence launched into a verbal assault on Dora.
'To think that a daughter of mine has behaved in the way you have, Dora. 'I'm very disappointed in fact disgusted with you!' she said.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: The New Venture
« Reply #35 on: May 11, 2024, 02:53:55 PM »
'Mrs Maddox' said Steve- but he was allowed to get no further.
'I'll deal with you later but at the moment I'm talking to my daughter.'
'Mummy, calm down and let's talk about this.' said Dora.
'I want you to promise to stop seeing this boy.'
'We're engaged, Mrs. Maddox- and I'm not a boy!' said Steve.
'And I have no intention of giving Steve up!'
'You'd rather give up your parents and your inheritance?' said Prudence
'Money does not mean much to me so long as I have enough to live on and it certainly does not mean more to me than Steve does!'
'I will work my fingers to the bone to make Dora happy.' said Steve.
'We're prepared to make it worth your while to walk away' said Prudence.
Steve felt his colour rising but managed to stay calm. 'I feel much the same as Dora about money and I 'm going nowhere. I have a good job working here for the colonel doing the job I love and the business is expanding. This means I am spending a lot more time here and less at Follyfoot. Dora is working very hard there so when our work is done we need to spend time together. Our relationship has deepened and I am fully committed to sharing my life with Dora which means spending the night together more often than not. We take precautions to make sure there is no unwanted pregnancy.'
Arthur spoke for the first time. 'Dora, we really have your best interest at heart. Perhaps it would be a good idea if we took you away for a holiday. A nice two weeks in the sun so you can relax away from here and think things over.'
'No thanks, daddy. My place is here. Uncle has not been well which is why he is not  here with us. Steve is on hand most of the time and looks after his needs so well. They have a very good relationship. I see him every day and have no wish to be parted from him or Steve.'
'So you're determined to go your own way.' said Arthur.
'My way and Steve's.'
'Then you're a very silly girl!' said Prudence.
I'm no more a girl than Steve is a boy. I'm a grown woman with her own mind.'
There was a knock on the door and Mrs.Porter announced that lunch was ready.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin