Author Topic: New story Pru's christmas  (Read 455 times)

Offline norfolkdumpling

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New story Pru's christmas
« on: December 25, 2023, 12:41:21 PM »
Pru's Christmas.
Pru Ross looked at her watch and groaned. The shops would only be open for another half an hour and she still had to find presents for her brother and his wife. Her bags were already bulging and heavy but there was no way she had time to take them back to the car. The reason she had left her shopping so late was that she had been competing in a show jumping event which was a trial for the British Olympic team which had only finished yesterday. She had done well and was awaiting news as to whether she had been shortlisted or not. Her favourite mare, Copperella, a direct descendant of her mothers horse, Copper had performed brilliantly. She made her way to 'Sampsons' which boasted it was the store which sold everything. She heard her name being calledand saw the Brookes twins, Lucy and Laura with their mum. They were both in her riding class. 'Look what Santa gave us, Miss Ross.' they said and she dutifully admired the small boxes of paints and the colouring books. 'they're lovely girls, but you must excuse me as I have some last minute shopping to finish.

(Sorry grandchild arrived- continue later.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New story Pru's christmas
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2023, 10:37:43 AM »
Merry Christmas'
'Merry Christmas, Miss Ross.
Seeing the perfume counter Pru had an inspiration. Her sister in law, Jenny loved the perfume 'Kismet' so she went in search of some. All that was left on the counter was an expensive set which she couldn't afford and have enough money left to buy a present for Jeff. The assistant came over and addressed her by name.
'Hello Pru, can I help you?'
Pru saw it was Jacqueline Field who had been in the same class as her at school. She explained her problem.
'Does your brother like 'Kismet for Men'?
'Yes he does but doesn't buy it often as he doesn't go out very much to use it.'
'Well there are a couple of these sets left' she said taking one from the mens section of the counter. 'There's a small bottle of 'Kismet' and another of 'Kismet for men.'
Pru looked at the price and was relieved to see she could afford it.' Yes please, I'll take one- and could you gift wrap it please as I'm a bit pressed for time.'
The purchase completed Pru made her way to the exit where she noticed her parents favourite chocolate biscuits were on offer two for the price of one. She was sure she could find a home for the extra box so added two to her purchases. She now had four bulky carrier bags and knew she would have to be careful not to drop any. Outside she was concerned to see it had started to freeze and she had on her best high heeled shoes. She started to walk gingerly towards the car park worried particularly about falling and breaking a limb. She had just returned from a show jumping event which was a trial for the British Olympic team. she and her mare, Copperella, a direct descendant of her mother favourite Copper, had performed very well and she was hoping to hear they had made the short list.
'You look as though you could do with some help' said a young man who was passing by.
'I should have worn my boots!'
'Give me your bags and take my arm. You're quite safe with me. I'm a trainee  doctor, Carl Perkins. I assume you have a car .'
'Yes, I'm on the Regent car park.'
'That's not far from the hospital and I'm on my way back ready for my shift later this evening. I wouldn't like you to be my first casualty.'
'I'm Pru Ross. My family own 'the ross corporation based near 'Whistledown.
'Yes, I've heard of it. something to do with horses isn't it/'
'Mainly yes. Will you get to spend tomorrow with your family?'
'No, they're away on a cruise and I'm on duty from 8pm till 8am.'
'Do they feed you Christmas dinner?'
'Well apparently we can get a free lunch in the staff canteen but from what I've heard it's not that great. Breakfast's good though.'
By now they had reached the landrover.
'Then you must come to us. We don't eat until around 2pm so i could come and pick you up after you've had a rest.'
'Oh i couldn't impose!'
'Nonsense, we have an open house. My family won't mind and it will be a small thankyou for helping me out.'
It hadn't escaped Carl's notice that Pru was a very attractive young lady and the thought of a home cooked meal away from the antiseptic hospital environment was tempting.
'Well- if you're sure. I'll come. Now you're not driving in those things are you?'
'No doctor. I have some flatties in the car.'
'Give me your keys and I'll put these bags in the boot for you.'
'Thanks, there's a blanket in the boot. Can you wrap it round the bags. there's breakables in one.'
Carl did as he was asked then held the driver's door for her while she got in and changed her shoes.
'Drive safely now!'
'I always do! Shall I pick you up outside the hospital around 1pm.'
'Yes thanks. I don't own a car at present.'
Pru took a business card from her handbag.
'That's my number in case there's any problem.'
'See you tomorrow.' Carl shut the door and watched as she drove off.'

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New story Pru's christmas
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2023, 04:01:39 PM »
The drive home took Pru much longer that usual and Dora  was getting worried. 'Pru will be fine, love. She's a very good driver.' said Steve.
Just then they heard the sound of a car pulling up outside and Dora sighed with relief. Steve went to open the door and Pru came in carrying her bags and still wearing her flat shoes. 'Sorry I'm a bit late but the conditions are quite bad out there.'
'Do you want a cup of tea love, the casserole is ready to serve.' said Dora.
'Please mum, I'll just take these bags to my room and come straight down.'
'Did you get everything you wanted?' asked Steve.
'Yes, I just have to wrap the ones that aren't already gift wrapped.'
When she came downstairs Dora and Steve were serving the meal and there was a cup of tea waiting.
'You got back so late last night that you didn't tell us how the trial went.' said Steve.
They began to eat and Pru first of all told them about the meeting with Carl and how she'd invited him to lunch. As she expected there was no problem with this. As the family they collected waifs and strays so Hazel always made sure there was always plenty of food.
'Carl Perkins eh, I wonder if he can sing.'
Pru looked puzzled so Steve, who enjoyed 50s and 60s music ,explained that there was a singer of that name who recorded the original version of 'Blue Suede Shoes.
'Come on love, tell us about the trial.' urged Dora.
'We did very well overall. Copperella was brilliant. We won the puissance and a couple of other events but were pipped at the post in the time trial. Justin Beck won that and we were a close second.'
'What a coincidence you going up against him in a jump off' said Steve leaning over to give Dora a kiss.
'What's he like?' asked Dora.
'Justin's okay, not a snob like his father who was hanging around all week. Justin and I had some good conversations sharing tips. We might end up on a team together so it's an advantage to be on good terms. His fiancee, Jenna Barclay was in the trial too but she didn't have a very good week and his lordship didn't help, he reduced her to tears a couple of times. It's a shame because she's a really nice girl.
  Carl, meanwhile had just finished his meal in the canteen when he heard the sound of several ambulances approaching. Not bothering to stop for coffee he hurried to A and E. He was not due on duty yet but it sounded like there had been a major emergency and all hands would be needed. It was a very busy night as he knew it would be and when he went off duty Carl was exhausted. He ate a good breakfast and went to his room. he set his alarm for 12.30 and lay on his bed fully clothed. He fell instantly asleep.

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New story Pru's christmas
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2023, 11:46:37 AM »
Hazel still had the task of preparing Christmas lunch for the Rosses and their guests and always made sure that there was enough and to spare because they tended to collect waifs and strays so Pru's announcement of an extra guest did not worry her at all. Presents in the Ross household were exchanged mid morning accompanied by coffee and mince pies to tide them over till lunch. Dora did not go to the midnight communion service now but instead went to the 9am Christmas morning service. Steve would drive her there and this year Jenny went too. Jeff was busy seeing to the needs of the horses with Tony. The youngest member of the family, Ronnie was also horse mad and much preferred to help with their needs to going to church. Pru and Marianne helped Hazel with setting the tables and other lunch related tasks in Colonel G's. When everyone had gathered for the ritual of opening presents at 11.30am  the phone rang and Pru hoped it wasn't Carl saying he was unable to come but it was Gip Willens asking if he could bring his family to lunch. They had been going to visit his wife's family but had been involved in an accident. Although none of them had much in the way of injuries their car had been written off. They had stayed the night with a friend in Leeds who would drop them off at Follyfoot before going on to relatives for Christmas lunch. The news was conveyed to Hazel. 'That means just 5 extra for Christmas lunch then- no problem' and she went off to lay extra places. Ron ,Teri and Rikki Stryker had already arrived with their presents  so there was much unwrapping and exclaiming over gifts. Dora and Steve exchanged their presents after everyone had gone on Christmas day. Ronnie Ross had become very fashion conscious and on a recent trip to Leeds with Steve had pointed out what he liked and Steve made a mental note to pass on the requests to Dora. Consequently most of his gifts were clothes although because he was a board game addict there were a few of those including Trivial Pursuit.
'Good, we can have a game later.' he said.
'Count me out mate. I'm no good at quizzes. I prefer other trivial pursuits' said Ron. When all the presents had been examined and the wrappings disposed off the Willens family arrived. Their present were still in the wreckage of the car but they had left some unopened at home so they would be going back to them later. Jeff promised to give them a lift. Pru set off to pick up Carl. She looked very attractive in a powder blue jumper patterned with snowflakes and tailored blue jeans. The road conditions were much improved and Pru had no problems on the journey arriving on time. She did not have to wait too long for Carl and as he approached she smiled a welcome.
'This is really kind of you' Miss Ross.
'Oh please, call me Pru as I have no intention of addressing you as Dr.Perkins all day and neither will my family and our friends. we don't stand on ceremony as you will soon see, Carl.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: New story Pru's christmas
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2023, 09:34:44 PM »
Most people had already gone over to Colonel Gs but Dora and Steve greeted their guest at Copper's Rest. The introductions over they went to join the others where more were made.
'Why, if it isn't the doctor from last night' said Gip.
'I hope you're feeling none the worse after you accident' said Carl.
'We're all fine which is more than can be said for the car' said Gip. how are the other people who were involved in the accident?'
'They all survived but I think at least one will be facing charges.'
'I was breathalised but I never drink when I'm driving.' said Gip.
'It  would make my job so much easier if everyone stuck to that.' said Carl.
There were plenty of soft drinks available to accompany the meal and those who were driving took full advantage of these.
'Would you like something alcoholic as you're not driving Carl?' asked Steve.
'No thanks, I'm on duty again tonight.'
'That's a bit rough' said Dora.
'Well it means that more people who have families can have time off so I don't mind a bit.'
It was getting on for 5pm when Carl said he should be going. The dishes had been put into the large industial dishwashers and the glasses washed by hand. 'I'll make you up a container of leftovers' said Hazel and soon had that done.
'Will you just come over to the bungalow with me Carl? i have a small gift for you' said Pru who had wrapped the extra box of chocolates for him. 'I'm afraid I haven't had time for shopping so--' he said.
'Don't worry. I wasn't expecting anything' said Pru.
Ronnie had decided to go home at the same time as Pru and his parents and after Carl had been given his gift and he and Pru were about to leave he pointed 'You're standing under the mistletoe!'
Pru blushed but Carl smilingly kissed her on the cheek.
'I hope you'll visit us again, Carl' said Steve.
'I'd like that' he replied.
When Pru pulled into the hospital car park Carl asked 'Will you let me take you for a meal to say thankyou for today?'
'That would be lovely.'
'I'm afraid  I can't run to a posh restaurant but there are some quite nice places round here.'
'So long as the food's good that's all that matters.'
'I have your number so I'll ring you when I know my off duty times.'
'I'm not usually busy after the horses have been settled for the night so I should be able to make it any time.'
'I'll look forward to it.' Carl leaned over and gave her another kiss on the cheek. 'Merry Christmas, Pru.'
'Merry Christmas, Carl and try not to work too hard.'
She watched him walk towards the hospital. Before going in he turned and waved to her and she waved back. When she got home her parents were enjoying a glass of wine. Steve poured her a glass.
'Carl seems very nice. Are you seeing him again?' asked Dora.
'Yes, we're going out for a meal when he has an evening free.'
'Well here's to the beginning of a new friendship' said Steve as they clinked glasses. Pru smiled to herself secretly hoping it might turn into something more.
The end- or just the beginning for Pru and Carl.

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin