Author Topic: New Story- Cathy.  (Read 2872 times)

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #30 on: May 10, 2023, 03:41:25 PM »
Following Cathy's arrest for assaulting a policeman Steve had taken her to 'Copper's Rest' to keep her out of trouble before her court appearance and to make sure she kept all her appointments with the solicitor. She had been quite a problem as she refused to eat the mainly healthy diet that they preferred and insisted on eating tinned soup, burgers and junk food which they had to buy for her as she said she had no money. She had brought a supply of alcohol with her and when this was exhausted she could find no-one to obtain more for her, as Steve and Dora had warned everyone not to do it, she tried to hitchhike into the village. no-one had given her a lift so she had walked all the way arriving on the outskirts absolutely exhausted. Because she was so tired she tripped and fell down hitting her head and landing at the feet of Bert, the local policeman. Eddie Shaw had seen it happen as he had been at the garage filling up with petrol. He recognised Cathy and stayed to give her details to the ambulance Bert had called and had rung Steve. this had all happened two days ago and they were expecting Cathy to be released from hospital soon. the arrival of Paul now meant that they did not have to take responsibility for her. Dora had packed all her belongings into the suitcase she had brought which was considerably lighter without all the bottles.
Dora told Steve that they should go to the pony centre shop before Saturday and buy some branded gifts for Paul. He had asked the children's ages and interest so they were sure he intended to buy gifts and they didn't have time to go shopping elsewhere. Dora had already bought Cathy  a blouse and some chocolates and would buy a Poinsettia from their plant display nearer the time.
'Do you think we should invite them over at some time over Christmas?' said Steve. 'Perhaps mum won't feel up to cooking.'
'I should imagine that Paul has that covered but we should offer of course' said Dora.
Paul rang that evening to say they were arranging for Cathy to have some tests as they were concerned about her alcohol consumption.
'She says you don't need to visit now that I'm back' he said. On Thursday night the snow began to fall. 'Looks like it's going to be a White Christmas.' said Steve. 'It's lucky the schools break up tomorrow. I think we'd better go and pick up our Christmas orders just in case we get cut off.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2023, 10:28:23 AM »
On Friday, after dropping the children off at school Dora and Steve picked up their Christmas order from the butchers and greengrocers and did a large supermarket shop. Dora bought a selection of sweets to be given out at the end of the children's Christmas Eve party. she had hoped to go into Leeds to pick up some small items for party bags but this wasn't going to happen. Even if Rikki Stryker and the children in the Saturday riding class didn't manage to come  the Shaw and Willens children would be able to gather and celebrate. It was just 6 days to Christmas. After school Dora took the children to the Ponderossa  shop to choose presents for Paul promising them they could each choose a pre-Christmas treat. she selected a framed print of the lake in winter and a notebook and pen each bearing the ross corporation logo. Jeff chose a follyfoot mug and Pru a paperweight. Dora asked for these to be gift wrapped to save her time. She then selected a Poinsettia plant for Cathy and allowed the children to browse. Then she spotted the display of Jigsaws. There was one of a horse looking over is stable door. It had the look of Copper and Dora added one to her purchases. She liked doing a jigsaw and if the weather was going to be bad it would give her something to do to relax. Jeff selected an Airfix model of a Spitfire and Dora added the required glue and paints. Pru chose a riding outfit for her Sindy doll. They wrote tags to go on the gifts and Dora paid for everything with her card.
'I've not forgotten to deduct your staff discount' said Lisa Pilkington who was working in the shop during her holiday from college. She put all their purchases into carrier bags which also showed the 'Ross Corporation' logo and Dora and the children wished her a 'Happy Christmas' and left for home. The snow was falling fast and they arrived laughing and out of breath from running.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2023, 10:33:24 AM »
This story overlaos with the concluding chapters of 'A troubled Advent. It will now continue with the happenings after Christmas.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2023, 04:23:02 PM »
The morning of Cathy's wedding dawned bright and clear. Pru was excited as although she had attended weddings before she had been too young to remember anything much. She was disappointed that she would nor be wearing a bridesmaid's dress but Dora had let her choose her own outfit from 'Miss Jacqueline'. Dora's own had been bought from the main 'Jacqueline' store. Jeff was relieved that he did not have to wear a suit but went with Steve to choose his outfit of smart black jeans and white shirt. He'd really wanted black but Steve said it was inappropriate for a wedding. He did however buy him a black shirt to wear on another occasion. He was also going to wear a black bow tie to complement those worn by Steve, Paul and the best man. Steve himself did not really need a new suit as he had several worn for other weddings including his own that he had hardly worn. Dora persuaded him that this was a really special occasion so he splashed out on a charcoal grey suit complete with waistcoat and a silver grey shirt to match what Paul would be wearing. Cathy was wearing an ivory two piece with burnt orange accessories. Pru had chosen a dusky pink dress and bolero and Dora a plum calf length dress and matching jacket.
Steve left early to join Cathy at her flat. Paul and Martin, his best man had spent the night in the hotel where the reception was being held. Cathy was visibly nervous and said she needed a drink to steady her nerves. Both Paul and Steve had anticipated this and made sure that the only alcohol in the flat was a small bottle of whisky. ' You can have one small glass, mum. any more and you'll spoil the day for yourself and everyone else. Cathy knew he was right. 'This is a big step I'm taking.'
'It's a big step for Paul too and unlike you he's never been married.'
'What am I going to do when he has to go away?'
'We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, perhaps you can stay with us again.'
'After last time- I don't think so, and I've still got the court case hanging over my head which will be days after we get back. Paul says he'll wait for me even if I get sent down but oh Steve I don't want it to happen.'
'Well, for now just concentrate on today and the marvellous honeymoon you'll be having.' Steve pinned the corsage of roses and Stephanotis to Cathy's lapel and she attached his buttonhole.
There was a hoot from outside. 'Taxi's here. Come on mum, best foot forward.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2023, 08:00:03 PM »
The rest of the wedding party were already in the register office when Steve arrived with Cathy. She was carrying a posy of spring flowers as well as her handbag and wore the  pearls, which had belonged to Millie. As a wedding gift Paul had bought her a pearl brooch which she wore on her lapel. The ceremony was soon over and they went on to the 'Ambassador' hotel for the reception. Annabelle had been invited and looked very smart in a dove grey two piece with matching hat. The meal was delicious- breast of lamb with minted new potatoes, cauliflower cheese, garden peas and carrots. For dessert there was tiramisu or fruit salad. Dora and the children had arrived at the register office in a txi so Dora allowed herself a small glass of wine. Steve stuck to cola as he was driving. They noticed Paul and Cathy were drinking orange juice.
The best man gave an amusing speech and read out a few telegrams mainly from Paul's staff. He responded and said how glad he was to have acquired a ready made family. toasts were made and the meal ended with coffee and wedding cake. Paul and Cathy left soon after as they were catching an evening flight to Teneriffe.
At home the children were excited and talkative. 'What's happened to Peregrine?' Pru wanted to know. The best man picked him up from nanna Kath's yesterday and he will be staying with him and his wife. Luckily they have no children!' said Steve.
'I'd love a parrot!' exclaimed Pru. 'I don't think so' said Dora.
'We wouldn't teach it any rude words.' said Jeff.
'How about a canary?' suggested Steve.
'They can't talk, only sing,' said Pru.
'What about a budgerigar then?' said Dora. 'You'd have to look after it and they can talk if you're very patient with them.'
'Yes please! Can we go to the pet shop next weekend?' begged Pru.
'We'll see.' said Steve.
'Nanna Kath is lucky going to Teneriffe, when can we go on holiday? ' was Jeff's next question.
'Probably in the October half term.' said Steve.
'Why not in the summer holidays?'  Pru wanted to know.
'Because we're too busy.' Dora replied.
'Can we go to Teneriffe?' Jeff said.
'It's too far for a week but we might manage France or Spain. Now it's been an exciting but tiring day so it's time you two got ready for bed.'Said Steve.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #35 on: May 19, 2023, 05:11:09 PM »
When finally the children were settled Dora and Steve could finally relax and as they had not drunk very much at the reception opened a bottle of sparkling white wine. 'Here's to the newlyweds.' said Steve.
'And may this be a new start for Cathy' added Dora.
while on their honeymoon Paul had encouraged Cathy to drink long cool soft drinks because the weather was so hot and they were more refreshing than alcohol. As the time approached for them to return home Cathy became more and more anxious about the court case,
'I think i have a plan that might stand you a better chance of avoiding prison. i don't think you'll like it much but here's what I suggest....'
Three days after landing back in England Katherine Graham found herself in 'Silver Birches' clinic where alcoholics were helped to dry out.
when Kathy was in the clinic Paul went to see Steve and Dora to let them know what was happening.
'Does mum know that she will not be able to drink alcohol ever again?' asked Steve who had a friend who had gone through the process of giving up alcohol. 'I'm sure that the clinic staff will make that absolutely clear to her and also encourage her to attend alcoholics anonymous meetings.' said Paul. Rest assured I'll be with her all the way and I won't touch alcohol myself.'
'You must love her very much.' said Dora.
'I do- and wouldn't you do the same if it was Steve?'
'Of course but neither of us drink much anyway. Being drunk in charge of a horse is as bad as being drunk driving a car.'
'I tried to get Katherine to learn to drive but she wasn't keen.'
'Is 'Silver Birches' very strict?' asked Steve.
'Well there's no visiting allowed and only one phone call a week on sunday afternoons. It's set in lovely grounds though and they have a swimming pool and hot tubs. There's meditation and yoga classes and daily massage and beauty therapy. I've seen the menu and the food looks delicious.'
'It sounds expensive' said Dora.
'It is but worth every penny. I don't know if you're aware that the hospital said if Katherine continued drinking the way she has been doing her liver could soon become damaged beyond repair.'
'I didn't know but I'm not surprised.' said Steve.
'I'm going to try and stay in the country for the next few months and when I next go abroad I'll take Katherine with me if at all possible. It will mean she is by herself when I'm at meetings so she is going to have to be very strong.'
'What if she does go to prison?' asked Dora.
'I'll wait for her and visit at every opportunity. I have spoken to her solicitor and she thinks we have a good chance of avoiding a custodial sentence. The hearing is only a week after she comes out of rehab.'
'We'll both come along and support her' said Dora 'And if all goes well we'll have a family celebration.'
On the morning of her court appearance Kathy dressed smartly in a navy suit with a white blouse. Her hair had been cut and styled and she wore very little make up. She pleaded guilty and said that she was very sorry that she had committed the offence. Her solicitor mentioned her recent marriage and the stay in the rehabilitation clinic. The judge looked stern throughout the proceedings and Steve felt very uneasy. When he returned after considering what sentence should be passed he looked as stern as ever. When told to stand Kathy got nervously to her feet.
'This offence is a serious one Mrs. Graham and normally I would impose a jail sentence. However you have obviously made an effort to change your alcohol habit so I think that community service and a heavy fine would be more appropriate so I sentence you to do three months community service and pay a fine of £1000. I must warn you that if you offend again there will be no hesitation in imposing a spell in prison.'
Steve, Dora and Paul gave a sigh of relief. 'I wonder what community service she'll have to do.' said Steve.
Paul of course paid the fine. They all thought community service would be good for Kathy and a fitting punishment.
It turned out to be working in a soup kitchen that was held in Leeds 5 days a week at lunchtime. She was assigned to doing the washing up and clearing away at first then after she had done half the time was allowed to serve the soup and rolls. Kathy had always been proud of her hands and nails and they had suffered from the first few weeks. Paul bought her an expensive hand cream and promised her a full manicure when her work was done. He had put the flat on the market and they were living in his house while he searched for the perfect bungalow for them. On the day her community service finished he took her out for a meal in the evening. The next day, after the manicure he took her to see the place he had in mind for them to live. It was perfect having three bedrooms, a modern kitchen and bathroom and a lounge which she could choose new furniture for. The garden was enclosed and boasted a pond with fish and a gazebo. He promised to hire staff including a gardener and would have all the latest technology installed. The shops were only minutes away but there was no public house or off licence anywhere near. 'What do you think my love?' asked Paul.
'It's perfect. I shall really enjoy cooking for us in that beautiful kitchen.'
'You will be able to have the family over for meals too.'
'We'll see.'
As promised Dora and Steve invited their friend and staff to share a meal with them and the happy couple. Hazel prepared it and it was a huge success. They had found some non alcoholic drinks which nevertheless added sparkle to the beef wellington and fresh vegetables a Once upon a time Kathy would have turned her nose up at it but now she savoured every morsel and the banoffee pie which followed.
When Paul issued the invitation to join them for a sunday lunch they accepted without hesitation.
So began the next phase of Cathy's story so different from her chequered path.
The end.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin