Author Topic: New Story- Cathy.  (Read 2871 times)

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2023, 07:23:20 PM »
Steve was 19 on November 5th during his second year at the reform school. Milly had filled in the required form to allow her to bring him a card and a small box of chocolates. She was horrified when the chocolates were opened and the contents subjected to close scrutiny. The inmates earned a small amount of money each week and from this they were expected to buy soap, toothpaste and other necessities from the onsite shop. Steve's tin of money had been taken from him and counted before him. He then signed a form and was told he would get it back on his release. The small amount left from his wages after buying the things he needed only left a small amount which he saved and spent on a tube of fruit gums or pastilles when he had enough.' I'll come again in a month with a little something for Christmas.'  Millie said. A couple of weeks after his birthday Steve was summoned to the governor's office for an interview and wondered what he had done wrong. He stood before the desk with his hands behind his back. 'Well Ross, do you think you've learned to control that temper of yours while you've been with us?'
'Well you've stayed out of trouble. Have you got somewhere to go when you're released?'
'My aunt has offered to let me stay with her and my gran for as long as I need to.'
'And do you have a job lined up?'
'Not yet sir.'
'What can you do?'
'Farm work, looking after horses and simple mechanics. I've been having some instruction on how to do basic repairs from the teacher in here.'
'Unfortunately having a record will go against you but we'll give you a letter testifying to your good behaviour while you've been here. You have earned a reduction in your sentence and your release date should be 3rd January but I think we can let you go the week before Christmas. I'll speak to your aunt next time she visits at the beginning of December. Make sure you make the best use of your remaining time here and good luck. You know if you offend again it wll be adult prison for you.'
'Yessir. I'll keep my nose clean. I value my freedom.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2023, 08:10:21 PM »
After leaving Bert's house Cathy found a room in a very cheap boarding house and was now working the night shift at a supermarket filling shelves five nights a week. She still helped Bert when she could and he kept her well supplied with tea and bacon rolls. The supermarket had a staff canteen where she could get breakfast when she finished work each day. She was very busy in the run up to Christmas and she was exhausted at the end of her shift. Bert invited her to spend Christmas day with him although as usual he would open in the morning to give a bit of cheer to the homeless and for this day only provide then with a mug of soup and a roll free of charge.
'Didn't you say you had a sister living near Leeds?' asked Bert. 'Yes, why?'
'Thought you might like to pay her a visit.
'What and get told off for not keeping in touch? Not likely!'
'Do you ever wish you had kids?'
'Who says I haven't?'
'What do you mean?'
'I was married once and lost my husband in a mining accident- that much you know, but I had a son, Steven. I couldn't cope with him after my Brian died. I saw his dad in him and it upset me.'
'What happened to him?'
'I left him in an orphanage near Holesworth, told them I'd go back for him when I was settled.'
'But you didn't.'
'No. I did mean to at first but then it was easier on my own. That's another reason why I can't visit Millie and ma.They'd want to know where Steve is.'
'Do you not think they might have looked after him for you?'
'I dunno Bert.'
'You're a strange one Cath. I'd have given anything for a son.'
'Well find yourself a young bit of stuff to marry, it's not too late.'
'Who'd have an old goat like me?'
'You're not old, you're the same age as me.!
  On the day of his release Millie met Steve outside the gates at the appointed hour.
'EE lad, you're that skinny, we'll have to put some meat on those bones. There's a nice little cafe just up the road by the bus stop and we've a half hour hour wait, time to get you someat nice.'
'I haven't got much money.'
'Don't fret yourself. It's my treat. It will make up for all the birthdays and Christmases I've missed.'
'You can do some little jobs in the garden and the house to earn your keep if you're worried.'
When they were seated in the cafe Millie asked what cake he would like. He had not eaten cake on many occasions so opted for a jam doughnut which the farmer's wife sometimes bought. Millie ordered two for him and a meringue for herself laughing at his protests. Steve really enjoyed the treat and the tea tasted so much better than the dishwater the institution doled out. They finished with a few minutes to spare before the bus arrived. On the way to rose cottage they passed through a couple of villages where Christmas trees adorned the village green. 'We'll be having our tree delivered this afternoon. You can help to decorate it. Steve vaguely remembered his dad bringing home a tree one year but neither the orphanage or the reform school had one. He remembered little else about the family Christmases except for receiving the stuffed pony which had gone with him to the orphanage and had gradually fallen apart and had to be thrown away.
'I'll need to look for a job auntie. I've a letter from the governor of the reform school saying I've behaved myself whilst I've been in there and some reports from the teachers of the classes I've attended but of course no proper references.'
'Don't worry about that for the time being, there's no great rush. Let me take care of you for a while. It will be lovely having some young company. I just wish we knew where your mum is!'
'Why should we worry about her, she obviously doesn't care about us. As far as I'm concerned she might just as well be dead!'
'Oh Steve, don't talk like that!'
'Sorry auntie but she said she was coming back for me when she left me at the station 15 years ago and she never came back.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2023, 07:56:32 PM »
Cathy meanwhile had been offered the chance to train as a checkout operator and as it was a bit more money had decided to go ahead after Christmas. As a surprise Bert had booked them Christmas lunch at a well known Leeds hotel. As they were eating a familiar figure walked in and noticed them. 'Miss Ross, how lovely to see you. Have you got another job yet?' Yes, thanks Mr. Graham but not in a dress shop this time. This is my friend Mr. Lane,' The two men shook hands. 'Won't you join me in the bar for a drink later. I don't usually take long over a meal as I only have the one course. ' 'Thankyou, we would love to.' said Cathy.
'What are you thinking of Cathy? He's out of our league. I can't afford a round of drinks in this place which is why we're having lemonade with our meal. I am driving you know.' 'Just one drink won't hurt. You can have a cola and we'll say we have to leave soon afterwards.' They had coffee served in the bar after Bert had paid the bill and Paul Graham joined them soon afterwards. Bert did indeed have a cola while Cathy had a Martini, Paul had rum and coke. After his drink he looked at his watch and said 'Sorry i have to leave now, duty calls even on Christmas Day. After he'd gone the waiter brought them another drink each. 'Compliments of Mr. Graham.' he said. 'He's a very nice man, good looking too.' said Cathy and later reflected how her Christmas had been better than she'd been expecting as did Steve's turn out to be.
Millie's cottage was neat and homely. It had three bedrooms. In Steve's room the bed had already been made up with fresh clean white sheets, cosy blankets and an eiderdown. This was covered by another blanket made of knitted squares. 'We've all got one on our beds. I usually take mine off when I go to bed but if it's really cold I leave it on. Steve thought this was by far the most inviting looking bed he'd seen anywhere he'd stayed. You can come up here for a rest any time you want to- no need to ask. You'll have to excuse your gran. I've told her several times who you are but she'll probably ask you. After a delicious lunch of soup, ham salad and a fresh crusty roll Millie brought out apple crumble. Would you like some custard love or there's ice cream if you prefer. ' Steve had only tasted custard once before at the farmhouse and vaguely remembered having had an ice cream cornet once when he was  very young. 'I only want a small piece of crumble with a bit of custard thanks.'
'We don't have dessert every day but as it's your first day back I decided we'd have a bit of a treat, She gave Steve a dish of crumble and custard and had some herself. Gran just had custard. Steve was then given the task of filling a large container with soil first putting some bricks in the bottom to make it more stable. Before the tree arrived he got the decorations down from the loft and following Millie's instructions tested the lights which fortunately worked first time. The tree arrived mid afternoon and Millie placed newspaper on the carpet where it was to stand. Steve planted it carefully. He fixed the star to the top and followed Millie's directions on how to place the lights, afterwards she began to decorate it. 'Come on love, join in, it's not hard.' Steve watched for a few more minutes and then attached some coloured baubles to the tree. Millie added tinsel and when all was done the lights were switched on. 'What do you think mum?' she asked. The old lady smiled and clapped her hands. Steve suddenly felt very emotional and hurried to the kitchen to make some tea. Next day he went to the village with Millie to do some shopping. 'I'm going to get some peppermint creams for your gran, they're her favourites but she likes Newberry Fruits too. '
What do you like auntie?'
'Oh I love Dairy Box and Milk Tray.' Steve looked at the prices on the things she mentioned and hoped there was enough in his tin to buy a present each for his aunt and gran. Millie bought wrapping paper too and Steve also noted the price of that. On the way home they passed the library. 'Do you like reading Steve?' When he said he did they went inside and he was issued with a library ticket. 'I'm a member and usually come in once a week she said. Steve chose two books which did not have to be returned until after Christmas. 'If you've not finished them just come in and we'll renew them for you,'the librarian, who Millie introduced as Mrs. Fosbury. Steve is my nephew and will be staying with me for a while she had explained. She had introduced him to everyone they met and they had greeted him with smiles and handshakes which he didn't think they would have done if they'd known his background.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2023, 08:41:13 PM »
Next day he told Millie he'd like to go for a walk to explore the village. He had counted his money and was glad that he did have enough to buy gifts and paper and have  a bit left over. He bought a box of Newberry Fruits and a box of Milk Tray. Mrs. Dobson put them in a carrier bag for him and he went to the post office to buy paper. He noticed there were some cards in the window with details of items for sale but also there were some from people who needed jobs done. He wished he could drive or had a bike because the greengrocer needed deliveries done. He went in to buy the wrapping paper. 'Been shopping for Christmas presents ?' asked Mrs. Gibson. 'Yes but I didn't bring enough money for sticky tape.'
'Come through to the back and I'll wrap them for you.' She gave him a plain card like the ones in the window.' Here cut this in half and write your labels then I'll stick them on for you.'
'The chocolates are for Millie, the others for gran.'
'There you are then luv. Sorry I can't offer you a cuppa but I'm a bit busy like.'
Steve thanked her and put the parcels back in the carrier bag. Outside  he studied the cards again. 'Looking for a job son?'
'Yes.' 'Well I'm desperate for those deliveries to be done. I'm Jack Baines, the greengrocer.'
'I'd willingly do your deliveries but I'd have to walk as I don't have a bike.'
'Can you ride one?'
'Yes.' It was one of the skills Steve had learned on the farm and he could also drive a tractor though not on the road.
'Well that's not a problem then because I have a bike you can use. The last lad upped and left me in the lurch , got himself a better job. you can use it if you're willing.'
'Yes definitely. My aunt's expecting me for lunch but I can come back afterwards.'
'That'd be grand. I can't afford to pay much but there'll allus be fruit and veg that needs using up.
'Anything's welcome. I'll see you later.. ' Steve hurried off and managed to get his shopping up to his room as Millie was busy in the kitchen and gran was dozing in her chair. When Steve told Millie about the job she said 'Well done, I'm really pleased for you. Here, take this map of the local area, it'll help you find your way around but folk are very friendly for the most part so you only have to ask. Steve coped well with delivering the produce. He wondered whether he should tell Mr. Baines about his record but decided he wouldn't because he had no intention of stepping out of line again. He worked hard right up to lunch time on Christmas Eve when he received a little extra as a bonus and some apples. Millie had already bought all her fruit and vegetables and he had taken them home for her the previous day. When he arrived home there was a delicious smell coming from the kitchen and after consuming home made vegetable soup and a fresh roll  he had a mince pie which Millie had baked earlier. There were a few parcels under the tree and after he had helped Millie with the washing up. Steve added his to them. Millie was preparing vegetables for the evening meal and Christmas lunch. 'Let me help. I did a stint in the kitchens at the reform school so I won't waste anything. 'You've go a good heart Steve and I'll be happy for you to help.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2023, 07:59:54 PM »
On Christmas Day Millie cooked a breakfast of sausage, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms and fried bread because she was not planning on serving lunch until after the queen's speech. After the washing up had been done and everything cleared away she said 'I'm off to church now Steve. Do you want to come it's a carol service so I'm sure you'll know the words. Steve did indeed know some words that he'd learned in the reform school but he doubted they'd be singing about shepherds washing socks or Hark the Daily Heralds sing so he said. 'No I'll keep gran company even though the old lady was fast asleep and likely to stay that way. He settled down to read his book and enjoy a cup of coffee and a mince pie.
He was enjoying life but knew that soon he would need to scan the situations vacant column for a job. He didn't think he should take advantage of Millie's hospitality for too much longer although she insisted he was welcome to stay as long as he liked. For now he was happy to spend time with two people who he had become very fond of. He knew that when looking for a permanent position he would have to be honest about his record and hope that the letter from the institution would help. When Millie got back she was a little quiet but said there was nothing wrong. Lunch was delicious and Millie and gran were both pleased with their presents. 'You shouldn't have spent your money on us though. I know you haven't got a lot Millie admonished him. 'My job at the greengrocer's helped. Maybe I can do a few more shifts after Christmas.
'I wouldn't bank on it love.' She knew that she would soon have to tell him that the greengrocer had been told about his record by someone who had read about it in an old newspaper and he had said 'You can tell that nephew of yours I won't be needing his services any more!'
'Did he give you any cause for complaint when he worked for you?'
'No but you can't be too careful. I know some of the old folk invited him in for a cup of tea and once he's got his feet under the table he could be using the opportunity to get to know them and plan a robbery.' 'Steve is not a thief. He was trying to stop a man from ill treating a horse. He's made a new start and does not want to do anything wrong again!' The conversation was held in front of many other church goers and several said that they would be happy to give him some jobs to do including the post office and the general store owners. 'He's a nice polite young man' said Millie's friend Emily who had known all about Steve from the beginning but he greengrocer was not going to budge. 'So much for the season of goodwill to all people' grumbled Millie.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2023, 05:14:42 PM »
He's still welcome at the library.' said Mrs. Fosbury,
'Well don't say I didn't warn you if something happens' said Baines.
He'll make you proud one day, see if he doesn't.' said Emily. all these conversations buzzed round in Millie's head as she tried to figure out how to tell Steve about Baines' decision. She had knitted him a warm jumper in a lovely shade of blue and there were socks from his gran.
'This has been my best Christmas ever.' said Steve. 'I'm glad, and it's lovely having you here.' said Millie deciding she would leave telling Steve the bad news about his job till after Boxing Day.
Cathy had spent the evening of Boxing Day in her local where she had not refused any of the drinks offered to her. She made her way back to her digs on unsteady legs avoiding contact with the bobby on the beat and had almost made it home when she was suddenly very sick in the gutter. When the attack had passed she crept indoors and when she got to her room was sorry to see that her  coat had vomit on it and smelled disgusting. She sponged it down but knew it would have to go to the dry cleaners when they next opened. She needed a good night's sleep as she had promised Bert she would help him in the morning. She was glad that she  had a mac to wear and left the house without having breakfast knowing Bert would have fresh rolls. She passed the dry cleaners on her way to work and saw they would be open the next day.
When she got back to her lodgings her landlady was waiting for her. 'You had quite a night of it last night didn't you?'
'I enjoyed myself, yes.' 'And came home the worse for wear. I heard someone throwing up when I was putting the milk bottles out and looking down the street I saw it was you. When you came in the stink of vomit came in with you and I'm not having it happen again. You can get out at the end of the week!' So Cathy found herself back at Bert's. 'The offer of marriage is still there Cath.'
'No thanks, I'd rather remain friends. ' She still had her supermarket job and began training as a checkout operator. A few weeks later Bert came up with another suggestion.
Millie eventually told Steve about what Baines had said. Although most people had been kind and supportive Steve knew that Millie could well be on the receiving end of some unkind remarks so he knew he must start searching for job in earnest. Help came from an unexpected source, the local vicar who asked Millie one Sunday if she would ask her nephew to go and see him. Steve went and was invited into the vicar's study.
'Now Steven, tell me a bit about yourself and why you ended up in the reform school.'
'Steve  told him  about the orphanage, his work on the farm and his assault on the man mistreating his horse.'
'And you say you have a letter from the governor confirming your good behaviour while being detained and the hard work you put in all the classes you attended?'
'Yes sir, I have it here if you would like to look.'
'Yes please.'  Steve handed it over. 'Very good. Now the clergy in a 30 mile radius of here meet together every month and one of the things we try and do is to help young people who have only offended once and are not likely to do so again to find employment. We have a list of people who are prepared to give these youngsters a second chance and try to match them up. There is a landowner called Heston-Smith who has a place near Whistledown which is about 30 miles away and he's looking for a stable hand. He's willing to offer the chance to learn to drive vehicles including horseboxes. I have to go to a meeting not far from there in a couple of days time. Are you willing to go and see the squire?'
'Yes of course.'
'If I were you I'd bring your belongings as he is looking for someone to start as soon as possible.'
So it was that two days later Steve said goodbye to a tearful Millie and a subdued gran promising to visit often when he had earned enough money to afford transport. Millie found him a large carpetbag in which he put his few possessions including the tin box. It was only later that he found it contained much more than the remains of his earnings. Millie had visited a Church bazaar before Christmas and added to his small supply of clothes. One really good find had been a leather jacket which would serve him well for many years although once almost got him into trouble. All went well for around 6 months during which time he learned to drive and got quite friendly with the squire's daughter Isabel. Then the nightriders struck.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2023, 05:05:15 PM »
Steve was almost handed over to the authorities accused of horse stealing but colonel Maddox interceded for him with the squire and gave him a job at Follyfoot working alongside his niece Dora, Slugger Jones and Ron Stryker. When he had been there some time he read in an old newspaper that his mother Cathy Ross was in trouble in Liverpool and went off in search of her. He was gone several months and raised enough money to clear his mother's debts but she spent it on a good time and had to be bailed out by Bert Lane, not for the first time. Steve eventually paid Bert back and saw no more of his mother until the day he married Dora and then contact was spasmodic until the day she once again got into trouble with the law this time more serious. That story is told elsewhere but meantime we go back in time and  catch up with Cathy still working in a supermarket as a checkout operator until the day Bert told her about his plan for the future one Sunday afternoon in January when the tea stall was not busy as it was cold and snowy and no-one was about.
'You know Cath, I can't see myself keeping the tea stall on beyond another 18 months or so. The cold gets into my bones and I've been looking around for another business to invest in. There's a cafe just come on the market quite near the city centre and I know that's where your heart is. There's no living accommodation but there's places to rent nearby. Will you come and look at it with me with a view to me buying it and you getting it off the ground for me. you're a good cook, I know that.'
'But Bert I know nothing about running a cafe.'
'I'd do the purchasing and the accounts and help you out when the tea stall is closed, I'll probably cut down my opening hours.  I have a friend who has a busy cafe quite near your supermarket and he's willing to show you the ropes fitting in with your supermarket hours. There won't be any pay but you can still stay with me while I sort out the purchase details. Then we'll find you a flat nearby and I'll help you with the rent until you're earning enough to support yourself. What do you say?'
'Are you sure you can afford all this Bert?'
'Trust me, I have the wherewithal.'
'Well, I'll come and look but I'm not promising anything.'
'Course not and I won't  buy it  if I don't think it's suitable. You'd have to have help other than mine of course. There's just one thing Cath. You have to cut down on the booze.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2023, 04:32:33 PM »
Both Bert and Cathy liked the look of the cafe and after thinking things over carefully he decided to put in an offer. He introduced her to his cafe owner friend ,Jim Holmes and arrangements were made for her to spend several hours  a week including her day off working for him. She found she really enjoyed the work and was encouraged to try her hand at cooking for the customers who praised her efforts. The buying process took a couple of months so by the time Bert was ready to prepare for opening she felt fairly confident that she would be able to manage. They decided on a menu of simple easy to prepare meals. After they had been open for a few days who should walk in but Paul Graham. 'Miss Ross, how long have you been working here?'
'Just since the beginning of the week. My friend bought the business. '
'I used to come here quite often. My house is not far away and sometimes I get a fancy for good plain food as a change from the business dinners I have to attend. They used to do a really good Cottage Pie.'
Well, you're in luck because that's one of my specialities.' After he had eaten Paul said 'Well done, that was even better than i used to get here.
Would you care to join me for a drink after work?''
'I'd love to, I've moved since you gave me a lift home.' She gave him her address and he arranged o pick her up at 8pm.' This suited Cathy fine as she would always take home some left over food for her tea and knew it was important to have a good meal inside her before going out for a drink. This was to be the first of many outings which soon became dinner and not just a few drinks. Paul was good company and easy to talk to so Cathy found herself telling him about being a bit too fond of drink and Paul made sure that neither of them  consumed too much alcohol introducing her to alternatives. Cathy wanted to look nice for Paul so began spending more money on outfits. Soon it became a struggle to pay her rent and other bills . Being able to eat at the cafe, take home left overs and dine out at least twice a week with Paul made it possible for food spending to be minimum. Then one night Paul announced that he had to go away on business for at least 6 weeks, maybe more. He put some money in Cathy's hand and said she was to treat herself to a meal a week to help her to keep thinking of him. He had taken to calling her Katherine and he gave her a tender kiss before  they parted. If Cathy had been more sensible she would have used the money to pay off some of her debts but instead she went out drinking for the first time since she'd begun dating Paul.

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2023, 05:09:57 PM »
The next morning she was late getting up and when she got to the cafe it was to find a very angry Bert behind the counter while the assistant, Susan was cooking the meals. 'What did I tell you about the booze Cath?'
'I'm sorry Bert it won't happen again.'
'You're right, it won't because you're finished here. I've given Susan your job and we'll find another assistant.'
'Don't be like that. Paul, my fella has had to go away on business for several weeks and I was upset-
'So you went on a bender! I'm sorry but you've gone too far this time. Here ,take this to tide you over till you get another job.'
'My rent's in arrear, this won't cover even that!'
'Pack your things and get out. I'll pay the arrears and see if Susan wants to move in. She lives a fair distance away at the moment.'
Cathy could see that Bert was not going to change his mind so she went back to the flat, packed what she could into a large holdall and wandered in the direction of the docks where she knew here there usually cheap rooms to be had. She would wait a few weeks and see if Bert had cooled down if not go to Paul's office to see if he'd returned. She found a room in a grotty boarding house, left her things and went job hunting. Not far away was a greasy spoon which had  card in the window saying 'Staff Wanted. ' The owner was desperate enough not to ask for references and Cathy started immediately. She soon became a favourite with the customers, she was still very attractive and had some good clothes. The wages were not very much and by the time she had paid her rent there was not  a lot left for food and things like make up so the inevitable happened and she was short. It was then that the cafe owner made a pass at her, pinned her against the wall and began kissing her. She kicked him where it hurt and ran out of the shop. One of the regulars was coming down the street. Where are you off to in such a hurry Cath?' 'To see my friend Bert at the tea stall.' She replied hoping he would not turn his back on her. Her landlady was out so Cathy packed her things and left. The curtains of the house next door twitched. She had got quite friendly with the woman's daughter, Judy, but didn't dare try to find her to say goodbye. Bert was busy and Cathy slipped in beside him and began helping without saying a word. The customers were pleased to see her back and said so, when there was a lull Bert turned to her and said 'You've got a nerve coming here.'
'I'm desperate Bert. I'm good for business, you know that. Let me come back it'll be just like old times.'
'I won't have you staying with me again!'
'I've no money. I've been working in a hole of a place and the old goat who owns it suddenly started getting fresh with me.  I ran away and he owed me two week's wages. Can I have a cup of tea and a roll Bert I'm starving.'
'I don't know why I put up with you but I'd never turn you away, go on help yourself. Take this money and go to Mrs Lang on Paradise Street. i know she's got a spare room, then come back and help me. you owe me!'
'You're a gem Bert Lane!' said Cathy giving him a kiss on the cheek.

norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2023, 08:03:31 PM »
Bert was pleased when the tea stall business picked up. The cafe was doing reasonably well but Susan did not have Cathy's gift of interacting well with the customers. Bert paid Cathy enough to over her rent with a bit over and deducted the rest of her wages from the considerable amount she owed him. Cathy made friends with some of the other lodgers but sensibly refused when they asked her to go and have a drink after work. She didn't really have enough to buy a round of drinks so contented herself with buying the occasional bottle of supermarket plonk. All went well until one of the girls had a birthday and insisted that Cathy joined her and the others for a celebration drink. Stella was well known and liked in the local and the male customers kept the drinks flowing for her and her two friends all evening. Stella and Angela attached themselves to a couple of the men and left with them before closing time. Cathy sat on nursing her last drink and was still there when the landlord called 'time'.
'Come on luv, time to go home to beddy byes 'Joe Nuttall said making to help her to her feet. 'Gerroff me' she said giving him a shove and sticking out her foot. Joe was pretty drunk himself and being unsteady on his feet fell over backwards striking his shoulder against a table on the way down. Cathy decided it was time to leave and got drunkenly to her feet. 'Stop right there' called the landlord. 'That was assault that was!' A murmur of agreement went up from the remaining drinkers and one got in Cathy's way. She kneed him in the groin and kicked him in the shin for good measure then staggered out of the door. A couple o men followed her and saw the local bobby on the beat coming along the street. 'Stop that woman constable. She's assaulted a couple of people in here.' Constable Dawson had no trouble in catching Cathy and marching her back to the pub where two men were nursing their injuries. 'I've called an ambulance Peter Lake, the landlord said. '
Right i'll just take your names and addresses and you can make statements in the morning' he said and started with the two injured men. when Cathy tried to get up from the chair where he had put her Dawson handcuffed her to it while he did his job.  He then called for a police car and said 'You madam will be spending the night in a cell sleeping off the booze and be charged in the morning. Now - name and address?'
Queen Elizabeth 2nd ,Buck House, London.' 'Very funny. Try again!'
'Her names Cathy Ross and she lodges with  Mrs. Lang on Paradise Street.' said Peter.
'Right then, car's arrived so come with me and keep your hands and feet to yourself' he said swapping the handcuff from the chair to her other wrist.'
Cathy was charged with two counts of assault and was given a  fine which she was given 21 days to pay. During that time she changed digs again and hid every time she saw a policeman.  She made Bert swear not to give her away and continued to work on the stall. Steve read about her case in the newspaper and went to Liverpool in search of her.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2023, 08:20:52 PM »
After Cathy spent the money Steve had earned to pay her fine he decided reluctantly that he could not help her any more and returned to Follyfoot
Before he left he went and saw Bert and left his address with him. Later Bert wrote and told him that he had gone and paid Cathy's fine directly to the authorities and Steve berated himself for not thinking of that himself. He put a bit aside from his wages every week and eventually paid Bert back. Cathy had moved to yet another cheap boarding house and helped Bert out while looking for a better full time job. One evening when Bert was at the cafe cashing up Paul Graham walked in. 'This gentleman has been in before looking for Mrs. Ross.' said Susan.
'What do you want with Cathy?' asked Bert. 'I'm Paul Graham, Katherine may have mentioned me. I've just got back from a trip abroad which took longer than I expected . I understand that she doesn't work here any more and she's moved from her flat in the city.'
'You're right there. After you left Cathy went on a drinking spree and I had to let her go from this job. She is however working with me on my tea stall. Come round about 8 tonight  and she'll be there.' Bert gave Paul directions. He decided not to tell Cathy in case she decided to make herself scarce. The stall was very busy when Paul arrived and he waited in the queue asking for a strong black coffee when it was his turn. 'Paul' gasped Cathy. 'What are you doing here?'
'Looking for you of course,'
'Drink your coffee and go, Paul. I'm no good for you.'
'No Katherine, we need to talk. where are you staying?'
'You can't come there. Male visitors are not allowed.'
'When we've dealt with the rush you can go back to my place.' Bert said. 'I'll close up here and give you some time alone.'
Paul waited until Cathy was ready and then walked her to his car. She sank gratefully into the front seat and told Paul the way.'
When they were sitting in Bert's comfortable lounge with a pot of tea and a plate of chocolate digestives Paul said 'Tell me what's been happening.' Cathy did leaving nothing out and being brutally honest. 'So I suppose I caused all you trouble by going away.'
'No Paul.It was all my doing. I know what too much drink does for me and yet I still hit the bottle . I told you Paul, leave me alone. I'm no good for you.'
'But Katherine, I love you and I want us to be married.'
'What? How can you love someone like me?'
'You're attractive and you're really good company. I reckon I can help you to stay off the booze. I wasn't always a successful businessman. I was born in a council house but as soon as I could I left home and went to sea. It was a hard life but the money was good. When we went to places in Asia where they sold silks really cheaply I bought as much as I could afford and then sold it for a good profit when we got back to Liverpool. My bank balance grew and after three years I bought a share in a racehorse. I still went to sea and when I came back I was amazed that the horse turned out to be a winner. I bought my first house cheap because it needed work done and paid someone to do it while I carried on buying and selling silk and anything else I could buy cheaply and sell at a good mark up. That's how I started my property business. I could afford to drink as and when I wanted but in the end I realised it was a waste of money that could be better spent elsewhere. I can teach you
Katherine if you'll only let me. The first thing to do is to get you set up in a comfortable flat. I'll pay  6 months in advance and I'll take you on as a receptionist in my office.' 'I couldn't do that job Paul.' 'I don't want my fiancee working on a tea stall. Tomorrow we'll collect your things and I'll put you up in a hotel till I can get you a flat. you could stay at my place  but it's probably not wise at the moment. We will go and buy the ring though.' 'You haven't asked me yet.' Paul got down on one knee. 'Katherine Ross , will you marry me?'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2023, 07:24:16 PM »
'Oh Paul. I don't know what to say. I am not in your league. I don't know which cutlery to use first and I like to mop my gravy up with a piece of bread at the end of a meal. I'm very fond of you and I 'm not sure I can make you happy.' 'Do you really want to spend the rest of your life doing moonlight flits from one cheap lodgings to another. I understand you have  family living near Leeds. Wouldn't you like to re-establish contact with them?' 'They wouldn't want to know me. I spell trouble. ' Katherine I've been a very lonely man for many years now and I suspect you've been lonely too. Marry me and you'll want for nothing ever again. 'You make it sound very tempting.' 'Let's go to 'The Ambassador' hotel for a meal. Then We can spend the night there- separate rooms of course and you can think things over till tomorrow morning. 'I'm not dressed for a fancy hotel and I don't have anything with me.'
'Let's go and pay your bill and collect your stuff. I know you've got some nice clothes.'
'I still owe Bert some money.'
'I'll pay him back.'
'You can't come in while I pack there's a rule about male callers.'
'I'll go and chat up the landlady and pay your bill then hopefully she'll let me bring your luggage downstairs. Change into your glad rags while you're up there.
After the lodgings had been dealt with they went to see Bert at the tea stall and Paul insisted on paying him more than Cathy owed.
'Thanks for always being there for me Bert.' said Cathy.'
'I'm always here if you need me.  Best of  luck' he said kissing her cheek.'
'We'll send you an invitation to the wedding.' said Paul.
'I haven't said yes yet!'
'You will my love.'
After a night in one of the hotel's best rooms Cathy thought she could get used to being treated like a lady and when Paul asked for her decision there was only one answer she could give. 'Yes Paul I'd love to marry you.'
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2023, 05:08:42 PM »
The next few days passed in a flash. First Cathy and Paul went shopping and he bought her a diamond solitaire engagement ring. Then he signs the lease on a flat in the city centre and paid 6 months rent. They shopped for furniture and Cathy was installed. 'Shall we go and see your family Katherine?' asked Paul.
'No, not yet. Let me get used to being engaged .' she said. Paul took her to his office and installed her in a room adjoining his  making her his personal assistant and taking her to all the meetings he went to. This way she learned a bit about the business. If any of his staff actually wondered what exactly her role was no-one dared to say anything as they valued their own jobs too much. He put a small sum into her bank account each month and took her clothes shopping so that when he had a business  lunch or dinner engagement she could  act as his hostess.
When he announced that he had to go away on business Cathy assumed that she would go with him but in that she was disappointed.'Sorry, not this time, maybe next time. I want you to look after my parrot. I usually get one of the staff to do it but they are all now saying they don't want the job as he can be rather rude. I think he will be company for you. He actually sounds like me sometimes and perhaps you can teach him some manners. I've arranged for you to have driving lessons too.'
'No Paul, I don't want lessons. I'm too scared to drive.'
'Just try a couple and if you really don't take to it you can stop.' The parrot duly arrived and greeted Cathy with 'Hello darling. Give me a kiss!,
'He did indeed sound a bit like Paul which Cathy found a bit unnerving. When Paul left he said 'I'll be back as soon as I can.' Try and stay off the drink. I've put you some extra money in your account to cover driving lessons. I've paid for the first two.' Those two lessons were all it took for Cathy to realise that she was not cut out to be a driver and the instructor agreed with her. With time on her hands Cathy visited Bert and helped him out in the evenings finding this much more to her liking than sitting reading magazines in her room while pretending she was helping Paul. There was a typewriter on her desk sitting gathering dust. Inevitable she found that she sought more company than Bert and began once again visiting pubs. Paul would ring her twice a week at 9pm so she always made sure she was home usually with a bottle of whisky for company. She called in at the supermarket where she used to work and found out one of the girls she knew was leaving and got an invite to the leaving party being held at a small hotel. That was the night she once again found herself in trouble with the law. She was waiting for a taxi to take her back to the flat when a policeman stopped and asked if she was okay as it was raining and she was sitting on a dustbin.
'Of course i am. mind you own business ,filth.'
'Now madam, there's no need for that. I don't want to have to arrest you for being drunk and disorderly. ' As the taxi pulled up Cathy tried to stand but stumbled and the officer put out his hand to steady her. Thinking he was going to arrest her Cathy gave him a hard shove  and said later she didn't mean to kick him but somehow her foot connected with his shin. The taxi driver witnessed the incident, The constable blew his whistle and the next thing she knew Cathy was once more in a police cell.
When Paul got home he found the flat deserted and Cathy and the parrot gone. Knowing that her son owned a place called Follyfoot Paul set out to find her.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2023, 10:04:53 AM »
Steve was at home having morning tea when there was a knock on the door. opening it he found a very smartly dressed man.
'Good morning, you must be Steve.' he said and when Steve nodded he went on. 'I've been to Follyfoot and they directed me here. My name is Paul Graham and I'm looking for the lovely Katherine Ross, my fiancee.' Steve could not disguise his look of surprise.
'Please come in Mr. Graham. There's a lot we need to tell you.'
'Call me Paul, after all we're going to be family. Ah i see you have my parrot. As he's covered up I assume he's been coming out with some rude remarks!'
'We have two children and while some of his remarks are amusing some are not for their  ears or my wife's.'
Dora appeared and Steve made the introductions, her look of surprise matched his. Over tea and coffee Steve related what had been happening to Cathy.
'Oh dear, i know she has a problem with alcohol. when she's with me i help her to control it but i often have to go away on business. i must go and see her as soon as it's visiting tiome.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

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Re: New Story- Cathy.
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2023, 10:08:14 PM »
I'll take Perry with me. I Have a key for Katherine's flat and will stay there for the time being. We need to get the wedding organised for as soon as possible after Christmas'
'Mum has this court appearance to face and has been warned she will probably be looking at a custodial sentence because this isn't her first offence.' said Steve.
'I know all about that. Katherine and I don't have secrets from each other. Maybe if I can convince the judge that I will be looking after her and keeping her out of trouble in future she may get off with a heavy fine which is no problem for me.'
Paul refused Dora's offer of lunch but asked if he could return on Saturday to meet Jeff and Pru hopefully with Cathy. He picked Perry up after first removing the cover to say 'Hello'
'Morning you old Romeo' the bird said in a perfect imitation of Cathy's voice. When he had gone Steve and Dora looked at each other.
'So the fiancee really does exist!' exclaimed Steve. Neither of them had believed Cathy's story even when she produced a ring.'
' How on earth did those two become an item' said Dora.
'I expect we'll get to know the full story in due course' said Steve.' but for now I'm just glad the parrot's gone!
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin