Author Topic: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.  (Read 8547 times)

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2017, 02:47:31 PM »
'Ere mate- get me out of here. I don't fancy keeping that company- I mean he could have been a criminal.
'How do you know it's a him?'
Well whoever it is I want out Steve- NOW!'
'It can't do you any harm. Don't be such a wimp!'
Steve felt himself being shoved from behind and then he was at the bottom of the hole with Ron. The torch had flown out of his hand and hit Ron on the head. It went out and all was darkness.
'Help' yelled Steve. Ron groaned
'You ok mate?' asked Steve stretching out his hand. Then he heard a laugh  horrible and eerie sounding. There was a flash of lightning and a loud clap of thunder. Then it started to pour down with rain. 
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

Offline pete.r.

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2017, 09:06:59 PM »
''Look'' shouted Dora, ""Our tree, it's been damaged by the storm, it's all dark and twisted.''
''A bit like you Ron'' exclaimed Steve, ''blimey, get me out quick'', Ron's gone all funny, his hair's fallen out and his teeth have gone
all shiny, it should be the other way round'' said Steve, ''Help, help !''. Ron slowly edged forwards. Dora screamed. Slugger groaned,
he still couldn't get his pancakes right, he threw them down the hole.
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Offline Sabrina

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2017, 09:51:03 PM »
Steve tried to clamber out of the hole but slid on the pancakes, which flipped back behind him and landed on Ron's face.

"Aaargh!!!" yelled Ron. "The ghost has got me!" He scrabbled frantically at his face but the pancakes, sticky and now muddy, had suctioned on. "I can't breathe!"

"You're hopeless, right," snapped Phyllis. "There's no such thing as ghosts." Feeling smug and important and determined to show people how it was done - which was true of anything and anyone she encountered - she jumped down into the hole, felt her way past an astonished Steve to Ron, and pulled the pancakes from him.

"Ta," said Ron, never thinking he'd ever have a reason to say thanks to Phyllis.

"Well, Miss Smartypants," Steve said. "Since you're so good at fixing things, how are you going to get us out of here?"
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Offline Loopy

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2017, 11:06:10 PM »
"Simple," said Phyllis with a smile "we just dig out some soil and pile it up until we can stand on it and get out."  Steve and Ron looked at each other as Phyllis dropped to her knees and started digging with her hands.  "And 'ow long d'ya fink that'll take us?" Ron moaned.  Steve, however, was impressed with Phyllis' idea and started digging himself.  "Come on Ron, it's a good idea and the sooner you start helping the sooner we'll be out of here."  Ron shrugged and sighed and then dug his fingers into the soil at the bottom of the hole, scooping out a handful and throwing it onto the small pile that was forming next to Phyllis.  He looked at the skeleton and grabbed his arm.  "You couldn't give us an 'and too could ya mate?" he joked waving the hand about like a puppet.  Suddenly the thunder and lightning started again only much worse.  Then there was a loud crack and Dora screamed as the lightning tree fell to the ground, covering the hole.

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Offline pete.r.

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2017, 11:40:21 AM »
''Are you alright down there'' shouted Slugger. ''Yes, that's much better'' answered Ron, ''we're not getting wet anymore. Any chance of some
nourishing food. Or is that a silly question?'' Slugger found a gap in the branches and threw down a cold burnt sausage.
There was a loud 'clunk' sound and then a blood curdling scream. ''What's happening'' yelled Dora. Suddenly the rain eased. Slugger
shone a torch into the hole. ''Blimey' he said, ''It must 'ave 'it Phyllis on the head, she's out stone cold.'' ''Must have been painful''
replied Dora, ''That was a terrible scream''. ''It wern't Phyllis 'oo screamed'' said Ron, ''It was the skeleton''. The skeleton lay there, a
pained expression on it's face.The sausage had rebounded and got stuck in it's throat.
''Good Lord'' exclaimed the Colonel, peering into the hole through a gap in the Lightning Tree, ''Just look at that scrawny, emaciated, withered old thing at the bottom.''
''I know'' exclaimed Steve, ''But Phyllis can't help how she looks.''
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Offline Lord Charles

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2017, 10:34:10 PM »
"You lot should stop messing about!" said the Colonel. "I'm going into my study to phone the Fire Brigade. They're the only ones who can lift the tree up and get you all out of that hole. And I'd better call the Police and Ambulance services as well. I think Phyllis may need treatment, and we'll have to tell the police about that skeleton. I mean, it could have been a murder victim!"

"Perhaps it just ate some of your stew, Slugs!" smirked Ron.

While the Colonel walked back to the farmhouse, Dora looked sadly at the remains of the Lightning Tree. The old rotten wood had split open and among the splinters she found a small metal box, about four inches long and six inches wide. She picked it up and shook it. It made a rattling sound, as if it contained a lot of coins. There was a small keyhole on one side, but it was firmly locked and there was no key.

"Dora, I've phoned the Emergency Services! Let's hope they come quickly!" shouted the Colonel, as he ran out of the farmhouse.

"Oh! Uncle! Look what I've just found!" said Dora, showing him the rusty old metal box.

"Good Lord!" exclaimed the Colonel, picking up the grimy object. "I never in my life believed that I'd see this again!"

"But what is it?" asked his niece.
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Offline Sabrina

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2017, 07:59:40 AM »
The Colonel was pondering the fallen tree, concerned about Steve, Ron and Phyllis trapped underneath it.

"Oh, those sovereigns," he muttered.

"Sovereigns!" Dora exclaimed, thinking that gold sovereigns would give Follyfoot the means to go on for years - they were worth a fortune if the noise inside the box was any indication. Why on earth hadn't Uncle mentioned it before?

She rattled the box and because it was wet from the storm it flew out of her hands, straight between two of the limbs of the fallen tree and into the hole. Dora wailed.

"Ouch!" yelled Steve. "That was my arm!"

"Crikey," said Ron, "what are all these yellow things? They look like chocolate coins!"
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Offline pete.r.

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2017, 06:47:34 PM »
"They are chocolate coins" said Steve, rubbing his arm, "And there's a chocolate Santa too."
"I'm starving" answered Ron, biting into the Santa. "Ouch" he groaned, "They're not chocolate, they're tin" he exclaimed, "you numbskull
 Steve." "No, this is the numbskull Ron" replied Steve, pointing to the skeleton.
"Blimey" said Ron, "It's got a coin in it's teeth now, 'ope it's got a good set of gnashers."
"I think so" said Steve, "It looks like it's had it's fair share of calcium." "How can you tell?" asked Ron.
"Well, it's bones seem perfect" remarked Steve, "It seems in pretty good condition."
"Considering bones are all what's left of it and it's dead, yeah, it's in immaculate condition" declared Ron "It makes Slugger look healthy." "And it don't keep it's teeth in a mug by the bed at night either" said Phyllis, coming round.
"How did you know that?" asked Steve.
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Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2018, 08:36:41 PM »
'Because they're still in his head you stupid young fool!!' 'Alright- keep your wig on.' said Steve. 'Yes' agreed Ron. 'Don't you go insulting Steve- that's my provocative.' 'Proper little Mr. Malaprop aren't you' said Phyllis. At that moment something cold came slithering down the hole.
Phyllis screamed as it brushed the side of her cheek. 'Grab hold of it' shouted Slugger. She reached out and grabbed Ron's long Dr. Who scarf which he had wound round his neck to keep warm. 'Oi you're strangling me!' he shouted. 'Stop fooling about and tie one end of the rope to a tree branch' said the colonel. 'Shall I use a granny?' asked Ron. 'No a half hitch.' came the reply. 'Don't believe in doing things by half me' said Ron and Steve guffawed as another rope came down. 'Ere Steve were you in the scouts?' 'No why?' 'Cos I don't know nuffink about knots.' 'Oh for heaven's sake I was an Akela once' said Phyllis grabbing both ropes and wriggling round so she could accomplish the task. 'Now throw the ropes back up' said the colonel. 'There's barely enough room to swing a cat let alone chuck a rope' said Ron. 'If I can somehow get onto your shoulders I might be able to manage it. I was a champion welly thrower in my young days! ' Ron was having none of it and neither was Steve. Just then they heard the welcome sound of the fire engine and a face peered into the hole. 'Well, well, well what do we have here?' said the fireman known locally as Eustace. 'Get us out of here 'said Phyllis as the first raindrop plopped onto her nose. 'Well now the problem is there's not much room for error here. Can't get a ladder down see and if it gets too wet we might have a cave in. Dora screamed. The youngest fireman, Rick had an idea. 'We'll lower down a bucket with some axes in an you can chop the tree up. They only had two axes available and Ron remembered he'd got a bad hand. Phyllis and Steve set to work.' Don't cut the trunk. You can use that to help you get out.' When all the branches were out Phyllis and Steve hauled the trunk upright. another rope came down with a loop in it. 'Ladies first!' said Ron and Phyllis put the rope round her waist and tightened it. 'Up you come.' said the firemen. As they pulled her up something fell onto Ron's face. 'Cor she does wear a wig!' exclaimed Ron and he put it on the skeleton's head. 'I'm next and I'm taking him with me. Might be a valuable architect!' 'Artefact' called Dora as Ron holding the skeleton close was hauled up. 'You don't want this box do you?' asked Steve. 'Oh yes' replied the colonel. 'It may still have secrets to share. Grumbling Steve took it with him to the top. Slugger had given Phyllis his bobble hat to hide her poor bald head and Ron was dancing with the skeleton. The firemen sent down a hook on the end of a rope and retrieved to bucket of axes. The colonel seized one and turned the tin box over. A blow to the side made a secret compartment fly open and a leather pouch was revealed. 'Aha' said the colonel.' Just as I thought!
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

Offline pete.r.

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2018, 11:19:16 PM »
"There's nothing in it." "What, we've done all this, what a complete waste of time" exclaimed Ron. "Well not actually" replied the Colonel, "I did have a nice nap for half an hour and one of Mrs Porters boneless herring sandwiches for my lunch. I suppose you could say I had a kip followed by a kipper. Then I had a nice smoke. A bit like the herring I expect." The Colonel smiled, everyone groaned. "And then" he said, "I
managed to do the Times crossword whilst you were down the hole. And you helped me with the clue for 5 across, "Make no bones about it,
the pirate's flag is the answer." "Oh yeah" answered Slugger, "I's wig." "How do you work that out" said the Colonel.
"Well a wig ain't got no bones in it" said Slugger. "Neither 'as boneless kippers" said Ron "But that ain't the answer."
"It's skeleton" sighed the Colonel. "Bones, pirate's flag, skull and crossbones.Get it?"
"Oh yeah" replied Slugger. " 'Ere, I like kippers, shall we have some for tea?.
"Fried, grilled or stewed?" asked Steve.
"Burn't" exclaimed Ron.
"Now just a minute" hollered an irate Phyllis.
"Keep your 'air on" interrupted Slugger, "Now about this artichoke." "Artefact" you mean" said Dora.
"I know what I mean" replied Slugger, "It's covered in dust, it  makes me want to gag."
"I know 'ow it feels" exclaimed Ron, holding his hands as if he was to going to strangle someone. Suddenly the phone rang.
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Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2018, 11:00:49 PM »
'It's for you Dora.' said the colonel. 'Your parent's housekeeper.'
'Hello- Mrs. Sutherland, what is it? Have the police found the missing things?'
'No Miss Dora. You'll have to come. There's a man in the summerhouse!'
'What's he doing?'
'He's living there.'
'He can't do that!'
'Well he is and the police won't do anything!'
'So what am I supposed to do?'
'Try tears girl- they usually work!' said Ron.
'Perhaps I can help dear.' said Phyllis
'I suppose you're going to suggest having a prayer meeting!' scoffed Ron
'Good idea!' said Phyllis sinking to her knees and beginning to intone a prayer.
Ron put his hands together and looked heavenwards with a pious look on hs face. A loud clap of thunder sounded and rain began to pour down .
'I suppose I'll have to go. Steve you'd better come with me.' said Dora.
'And just who is supposed to look after things here? asked Ron.
'I will' said Phyllis 'And you can help.'
'Oh no missus- not on your Nellie. I'll go with Dora. Steve can stay here.'
'Look' said tthe colonel. 'I've got a friend in the 'Met' I'll see if he can pull some strings and help. I'll go and phone now.'
'All settled' he said when he got back. 'I'm going to London. Steve can drive me to the station in Leeds and Dodson will meet me in London. That way things can run smoothly here.'
'I don't like the idea of you going all that way by yourself Colonel, Sir.' said Slugger.
'That's ok because you're coming too. go and pack, we leave in an hour. Steve you're to sleep in the farmhouse while Slugger's away.'
'Can I stay here too? ' asked Phyllis.
'Won't Bernard be missing you?' asked the colonel.
Phyllis began to sniff. 'He sacked me because he said I kept throwing bible verses at him.'
'Don't you start that here' said Ron or you'll get my version of Ancient and Modern- rude songs!' said Ron.
'I'll sleep on the couch downstairs.'said Steve. 'Phyllis can have the box room.'
Just before the colonel got on the train he said 'Steve- make sure that hole get's filled in won't you?'
Steve nodded. 'I'll be back in a day or so hopefully.'
As the train pulled away the colonel turned to Slugger 'And now my old friend it's time for some adventure' he said pulling from his pocket a crumpled piece of yellowed paper.' Ere I fort we wasjust  going to sort out a squatter.'
'Done and dusted by now I imagine. We've got bigger fish to fry and that will be our cover story- The names Maddocks-Geoffrey Maddocks.
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin

Offline norfolkdumpling

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Re: WHO'S THE DARK HORSE AT FOLLYFOOT? A new story for everyone to write.
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2018, 11:09:08 PM »
'What exactly have you got there?',
'An old map' The colonel passed it to slugger who peered at it.
'You've got it upside down- for heaven's sake man put your glasses on!'
Slugger did so. He had visited Arthur's house with the colonel a couple of times in the war and recognised the house.
'Why is there an X on the summer house?'
'X marks the spot'
'What spot?'
'The spot where we'll find something to our advantage but we have to hope that chap in the summer house didn't get wind of it.'
'How come it's come to be important after all these years?'
'Official secrets act!'
'Cor colonel- you mean you really were a secret agent?'
'Ah we're just coming into the station. Bring the bags, there's a good fellow. I can see Dodson. Let's be on our way!
norfolk dumpling aka loopylin