Author Topic: Hollin Hall - keep to the footpath!  (Read 3469 times)

Offline Sabrina

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Hollin Hall - keep to the footpath!
« on: July 30, 2016, 03:55:48 AM »
I've received the following note from Barney, who has been in contact via Jane Royston and another horse girl Christine about trespassers accessing Hollin Hall. I know it's unlikely to be anyone here as we all have the greatest respect for the Follyfoot site, but Barney has asked me to publish this note:

"Dear Friends

It has recently been brought to my attention from the owners of Hollin Hall, that they were shocked and extremely upset to discover members of the public, entering their private grounds and exploring their outbuildings.

At this stage, there is nothing to suggest that these persons were in any way connected to, or members of the Follyfoot forum , but I would like to remind everyone, that Hollin Hall, the grounds and all the outbuildings, are privately owned and as such, cannot be accessed under any circumstance.

The current owners have been very accommodating to the forum over the years and we must all ensure, that we fully respect their privacy and allow them to enjoy their beautiful home and grounds.

There is a still a public footpath, which is clearly marked and runs near to the house and lake, so you can still enjoy the amazing Yorkshire scenery and tranquil atmosphere, but please remember to follow the path, at all times .  Thank you."

I think we all hope the trespassers are simply stickybeaks who know nothing about Follyfoot and aren't aware of Hollin Hall's part in our favourite show.
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Offline MidnightZodiac

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Re: Hollin Hall - keep to the footpath!
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2016, 05:30:32 AM »
I fully understand their concerns... On our land in Sussex we have a footpath along one headland. A large number of walkers just follow the 'rules' and pass peacefully by while enjoying the views and fresh air. Sadly, others let their kids and dogs run on the paddocks, chasing and trying and catch the horses. Some dump litter and other objects on the horse's home, completely ignoring the rights of land and horse owners. We've even had someone break down the fence in order to picnic on the grass, which led to us having to retrieve the horses from the footpath after they escaped through the damaged section.>103<

Knowing everyone on here by their posts, I'm pretty sure that none of us would do anything to upset the owners of Hollin Hall, given their extreme understanding and generosity in the past. >41< But as always in life it is that uncaring and selfish minority that spoils it for everyone else.

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Offline Tony

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Re: Hollin Hall - keep to the footpath!
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2016, 08:37:34 PM »

.................. there is nothing to suggest that these persons were in any way connected to, or members of the Follyfoot forum .............

I believe this is probably the case as there hasn't been any forum meet ups or Yorkshire visits organised for this year, not that anyone would trespass if there had have been.

Sad to hear this has happened  >103< 

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Offline Sabrina

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Re: Hollin Hall - keep to the footpath!
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2016, 05:34:46 AM »
Knowing everyone on here by their posts, I'm pretty sure that none of us would do anything to upset the owners of Hollin Hall, given their extreme understanding and generosity in the past. >41< But as always in life it is that uncaring and selfish minority that spoils it for everyone else.

Too true.  :(
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Offline Jane

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Re: Hollin Hall - keep to the footpath!
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2019, 05:44:07 PM »
Oh dear  :(

For past forum meet-ups we always obtained permission from the owners to access the barns, who back then were the Harewood Estate. Since the barns were sold to the owner of Hollin Hall they are, of course, completely out of bounds now.

We are lucky that there is still a public footpath that runs past the lake and house and as has been said you can still enjoy the amazing Yorkshire scenery and tranquil atmosphere without resorting to trespassing :)