Author Topic: Follyfoot-Episode Forty  (Read 2726 times)

Offline pete.r.

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Follyfoot-Episode Forty
« on: September 03, 2013, 12:34:28 AM »
As we all know the last episode of Follyfoot was a bit of a mystery so for my first fanfic attempt I've written an
episode in three parts entitled 

                                    FOLLYFOOT-EPISODE FORTY
    PART 1

It's early morning and Dora's had a bad night's sleep, thinking about what had happened the day before with Steve.
As she goes into the kitchen she shouts "Morning Steve, morning Slugger". Slugger is sitting there, solemn looking.
"He left you this Dora," said Slugger, showing her a piece of paper on the table. The note read
"Sorry Dora, I have to go, don't know where, I just know I have to go.Take care of yourself, Steve."
The rest of the morning Dora's in a bad mood. Ron and Slugger keep out of her way, but Hazels had enough. She
blames Dora for Steve leaving and doesn't like Doras attitude so she rings her probation officer up and asks to be
taken away. "Blimey, Slugs me old mate" says Ron," at this rate they'll be no staff left, reckon we'll be on an
attendance bonus soon". But Slugger doesn't smile, he goes over to Dora, "It's not your fault girl," he says, "You know
what Steves like". Dora turns away, her eyes moistening. "What can I do Slugs", she says,"How can I carry on".
"You'll find a way girl" says Slugger, "Just don't give up."
          That night Dora can't sleep again, thinking of how first Steve and now Hazels gone. She goes over to the window
and looks out. A terrible storm is brewing up and everything in the yard is blowing about. "The horses", mutters Dora,
"Must check the horses". She dashes out in her dressing gown, and as she passes underneath the lightning tree
she hears a bloodcurdling snap from above and as she looks into the night sky she sees a huge piece of tree
hurtling down towards her. She opens her mouth to scream but before anything comes out she's struck head on by
the mighty piece of timber and left crushed on the ground.

To be continued.......
Cut out the strong to help the weak

Offline pete.r.

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Re: Follyfoot-Episode Forty
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2013, 01:08:50 AM »
     PART 2

Dora's lifeless body lay on the ground all night, found by a distraught Slugger the next morning.
"There she was," he told the Colonel and Ron," Just lying there. Just lying there."
"Killed by the tree she loved", said Ron, fighting back the tears.
         The hospital just phoned said the Colonel. There was nothing anyone could have done. Dora's parents are
coming over tomorrow. I've managed to get some staff to help us out for now, but I'm afraid we're going to have
to call it a day.
         Next day Dora's parents agreed with the Colonel that Dora's ashes should be scattered around the lightning tree.
"It's what Dora would have wanted," said the Colonel sadly. "I've found homes for all the horses" he said to Ron
and Slugger," And also a local farm say they've jobs for you both if your interested".
They both nodded there appreciation, gloomily.
         And so the ceremony was done around the lightning tree. No sooner had the ashes been scattered
when there was a loud shout and banging of the gate. It was Steve, running towards them.
"I've just heard what happened" he blurted out, then stopped in his tracks when he saw what was happening.
"Dora," he gasped, he could hardly speak. "Dora, I'm so sorry I left you, I should never have gone away".
"We'll leave you to say your goodbyes," said the Colonel, putting his hand gently on his shoulder.
They turned around and left. Steve, shaking uncontrollably, sank to his knees, he tried to speak,tears welled up
in his eyes, then ran down his cheeks, then fell upon Dora's ashes. As soon as they did so something amazing happened.
         The sky suddenly turned dark, almost as dark as night. And then Steve heard a voice. The voice of someone
he knew.The voice of Dora.
"Steve", the voice said," I knew you'd come back. I knew you'd come back to me. We're going to be together".
Steve, shaking, looked around, but there was no-one there.
He looked up at the tree.
"We're going to be together", said Dora's voice. "Together forever".
Steves eyes bulged, then his tear stained face trembled, then he rocked back, then forward, then collapsed onto
the floor.
          Back in the house, Slugger said "Blimey, its gone dark, looks like a storms on the way".
He looked through the window.
"Oh my gawd" he said, "Ron, quick, it's Steve."
They ran out to where Steve lay on the ground.
"I fink Steves ad a 'eart attack", said Slugger. "Dial 999 Ron, now".
Ron ran back to the house to phone for help.

To be continued..........
Cut out the strong to help the weak

Offline pete.r.

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Re: Follyfoot-Episode Forty
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2013, 12:24:15 AM »
        PART 3

The ambulance arrived quickly, Slugger Ron and the Colonel waited in the house. After what seemed like an eternity
the doctor came in.
"I'm sorry," he said, "He had a massive heart attack, we couldn't save him. By the look on his face it was caused
by shock".
"Poor Steve", said the Colonel, "I think he blamed himself."
"Don't fink I can take much more myself," said Slugger.
"Me neither", said Ron.
"Well, I think its probably best if you both take a few days off and then start your new job" said the Colonel. It's been
a shock for all of us. First Dora and now Steve."
         Two weeks later the Colonel drives into the farm where Ron and Slugger are working.
"Come quick", he says,"." I've something to show you".
They drive back to Follyfoot, passing a "For Sale" sign on the farm.
"I put the farm up for sale a couple of days ago and the estate agents said they would arrange to have the lightning
tree cut down for safety reasons. Then I arrived today to find this."

All around the lightning tree are hundreds of flowers growing, pink and white flowers.
The area has been cordoned off.
"What are those?" said Ron.
"Who put them there?" said Slugger.
"The British Botanical Society have just been to see them", said the Colonel. "They're Ghost Orchids, the rarest plant
in Britain, almost impossible to grow. They were given up for lost after being declared extinct, but, like a wandering
Phantom they've appeared here. They're protected,so theres no chance now of selling the farm or cutting down the tree."
Slugger looked at Ron.
 Ron looked at Slugger.
"Dora", muttered Slugger," She's found a way to protect her tree".
Ron nodded knowingly.
The Colonel looked at them quizzically. "Well,anyway, that's that, the farms going to be a protected area, no one will be
allowed near it".
         The three men take a last look at the flowers, then turn around and walk back.
And, as they walk back, the camera pans out, and we see the dark silhouettes of two figures rising from the ground.
One a young man, one a young woman.
And they stand in front of the lightning tree.
And they hold hands.

Then the credits roll.

No music.


Cut out the strong to help the weak