Author Topic: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum  (Read 32283 times)

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2010, 10:04:43 PM »
The following morning, Slugger was surprised to find Steve was no where to be seen. However the Colonel was sat down instead, smoking his pipe.

'Where's Steve, Colonel'.

'He's busy in the yard already, Slugger!' Suddenly Dora came rushing down the stairs.

'Oh uncle, the Dr said it was all a mix up with the X rays and they assume I must have badly sprained my ankle instead. They also think the pain killers are making me think the pain has gone away-but I just feel fine thanks. Slugger there is nothing to worry about now'.

The Colonel took his pipe out of his mouth and glanced hard at Slugger. Slugger nodded back. The Colonel then said, 'Well the thing is Dora, there have been some pretty strange things going on at Witherby Hall in recent years- ever since the two old sistors took over from their older sistor five or six years ago, when she died. They inherited the place of course, rather than being sold on to a private buyer. Burt's been telling me about suspected horse rustling there and sightings of 'ghosts'! Well Dora, Slugger worked there for many years and he never saw a single strange thing happen -except of course about hearing the legend of the murdered squire and the hidden Candlelabrum-said to be made from solid gold I believe.' The Colonel hesitated and began drawing on his pipe again, the smoke wafted upwards towards the ceiling and seemed to dance around in ghost-like apparitions-only to dissipate when the Colonel took the pipe out again and placed it on the table.

'You see Dora', the Colonel continued more solemly, Slugger and I do not want you venturing to Witherby hall again - on the account of you nearly getting hurt -and ending up in the casulty ward. There are mishief makers said to be taking advantage of the old ladies there and I don't want you, Steve or Ron innetvertantly becoming involved and possibly causing trouble again. Do you understand Dora?'

'But Uncle-they have horses there that are being mistreated-we must do something!'

'No Dora!' The police will handle this at the correct time -and not before. In the meantime, I hope you have learnt your lesson tonight.' Right I must go. The Colonel got up and took his pipe, adding to Slugger, 'Perhaps keep an eye out on Steve and Ron will you.' Oh, one last thing Slugger, there was somone outside here last night knocking on the window pane-I thought they looked rather elderly-perhaps an old woman- with a black cat on her shoulders.' Most peculier, I went outside to have a look around but I'm afraid she had cleared 'orf by then.' Right I must go-and Dora do what Slugger tells you please in future.'   


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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2010, 10:43:21 PM »
Uncle Tom couldn’t fathom his great-nephew these days.  He jumped at every sight or sound almost as if the devil himself were on his heels. The merest touch, the most innocent invite for him to join him in a flagon of beer or taking the horses for a ride and he behaved as though he'd seen a ghost. 

Poor Steven had been orphaned at an early age, his mother dying in childbirth and his seafaring father drowned.  Uncle Tom and his two spinster sisters had taken him in, fed him, educated him, taught him a trade.  Although they were not destitute, they had not been of great wealth, but their fortunes changed drastically some years ago when Steven had been no more than four or five and they came by the golden candelabrum. 

Aye, t’were a curious thing indeed when at the stroke of midnight three thunderously loud knocks sounded on the door and nobody and nothing there but a seaweed-covered, soaking wet treasure chest.  His sisters, Mercy and Charity, who earned a living dabbling in magic spells and selling their potions to neighbours to make them well, watched, their beloved cats milling around, as he broke open the lock.  Inside was nothing more than a brass candlestick holder smelling of brine. 

As they stared, wondering at its meaning, Steven, woken by the commotion, hurried to see whatever was amiss.  And as he looked inside, the candelabrum suddenly glistened with a red and gold fire…

Offline Loopy

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2010, 09:47:08 AM »
Steve had been almost too afraid to touch the book last night but now his fingers gently smoothed over the lettering on the brown leather.  He had worked hard to finish his chores early so he could get back to the book, which he had hidden in his room. He had carefully wiped away the dust to reveal 'Holy Bible' and now, as he fingered the gold lettering, he felt at peace, calm and somehow reassured, almost as though he had held this book before.  The book was large and heavy and each page edged with gold leaf.  He opened the ornate cover to reveal a family tree.  It was beautifully drawn and much care had been taken over the small, italic writing.  Steve had never seen such beautiful work.  The writing was old, he could tell that.  He glanced over the names but his eyes kept coming back to one in particular - Thomas William Lodder.  Steve looked at the name and in his mind's eye he could see the stables at Witherby Hall and the old man shouting his orders.  Uncle Tom!  Steve traced back down the family tree and was shocked when he saw the name of his father Stephen Thomas Ross.  Steve was moved and felt a tear come to his eye but he quickly wiped it away, only for it to be replaced by another, then another until Steve could no longer contain the emotions he was feeling inside and wept openly.

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Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2010, 06:40:29 PM »
Dora couldn’t get the thought of those mistreated horses at Witherby Hall out of her mind. Absentmindedly brushing the mud from old Lancelot’s back, a plan formed in her mind. She knew Steve was upset about something and was in no mood to listen to any of her hair-brained schemes. So she would have to ask Ron for help. She found him having a quiet smoke in the barn. “Oh Ron! If Steve catches you, especially the mood he’s in…!”

Ron leapt up from the straw and hastily stamped out his Cigarette. “You won’t tell ‘im will ya?” he pleaded.

“No, I won’t, but in return you must help me with a plan to save those poor horses at the old mansion.”

“Oh gawd, you know what yer Uncle said Dora. Leave well alone!”

“I can’t Ron. I have to do something.” He could see she was about to cry. “O.K. O.K. don’t start the water works. I’ll help ya.” Inwardly he was rather pleased at another opportunity to nose about and see if he could find that candelabrum.

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2010, 09:36:25 PM »
Later that evening, Ron was sat quietly on his own, having a pint in his local, the Hound and Hares and began pondering. As a youth, he had worked at Wetherby Hall. In those Days, the old lady and her husband, whom both had no children to either inherit or help them manage the home, ran the mansion all their adult lives; and treated Ron as a 'son', rather than a worker or stablehand, come 'odd- job' man.

There were several other hired hands who had also worked there but Ron was clearly their favourite. It was because of this favouritism that Ron had been alowed to share a 'secret' with them, in which he was told about the secret Candlelabrum- made intirely from solid gold. Ron was amazed by this story and had instant plans to become rich and to buy a motorbike and give as many girls a 'backy' with him onnit! Ron had further ideas and having aquired a metal detector from a mate, began seeking out the hidden treasure; starting at the base of as many oak trees he could find- but all to no avail! Finally, after several weeks he had given up and called it a day. But upon making his way back through the thick forest of trees during the late evening when the light was beginning to fade, he had suddenly 'froze' on the spot and his complexion had turned intirely 'white' -just like a ghost-for he had in fact seen one!

The apparition appeared to be real about 20 yards away and all what Ron could make out, was a hunched figure, dressed in rags but also clothing that seemed distinctly worn from another age, several hundreds of years into the past perhaps. The figure appeared to be carrying a golden, candle holder and was busily pushing this into a hole in the ground, just underneath a large rock. In Ron's mind, he could see the figure had also very clearly placed something on top of the rock and then throw soil onto it. The specture had suddenly turned around and glared directly at Ron for a few moments, it's wild eyed and bearded face grinned like a devil, then slowly faded away.

Young Ron was in a state of profound shock -the story was true! As Ron kept staring, the rock itself was still there but now was covered in moss and a large oak tree was 'sat' upon it, with it's roots spreading down like a giant, knarled old hand-as if clasping a 'hidden secret'. Ron then ran like the wind and upon eventually reaching the manor, vowed never to return again to the woods and within a few weeks, to the surprise of the owners, had also left his job at Witherby Hall-Ron was now a changed lad!

Just then a friendly and familiar face walked in to the pub and said, 'Hi Ron.' It was Dora.   

Offline Loopy

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2010, 02:20:26 PM »
His dreams woke him again but this time he was pleased.  He jumped out of bed, pulled on his dark blue jeans, black jumper, boots and finally his black leather jacket.  He had carefully copied the family tree onto a piece of paper which he now put into his coat pocket.  After grabbing a torch from the bedside table he tiptoed down the stairs from his loft room (even though there was nobody around to hear him) and walked the half-a-mile over the fields to the road where he had left the Land Rover earlier in the evening.

There was no moon and the clouds were building up into a mass which Steve knew promised heavy rain at any time.  The journey to Witherby Hall seemed shorter this time around and he was soon heading up the road leading towards the mansion.  He parked amongst the trees but this time the Land Rover was well hidden in the bracken and he knew nobody would find it.   As he walked towards Witherby Hall he felt the first drops of rain falling and thunder sounded in the distance.  Steve pulled his collar up, hunched his shoulders and put his head down against the wind. 

As he walked around to the back of the house he could hear noise coming from the old tithe barn, which was set back from the stable block and outhouses.  He walked towards the din, expecting to see Uncle Tom at any minute but as he crept along the wall of the barn and peered in through a large crack in the door, the sight that met him made him feel sick to his stomach.  No ghosts but about twenty to thirty men inside, shouting and screaming as two cock birds fought each other in a frenzy of blood and feathers.    Steve turned away and held his fist to his mouth.  By the state of the birds, the fight had obviously been going on a while and it wouldn’t be long before one, if not both, died.  Steve took a deep breath and looked in again just as one of the men scraped up a dead bird from the bloodstained floor.  As his eyes got used to the light he saw a familiar face on the far side of the ring.  Lewis!  Steve was angry now but he knew that he would have to wait until he could get the louse on his own. 

Steve knew Lewis must have transport hidden away somewhere so he searched the grounds until he found what he was looking for.  In one of the outhouses was a motorbike which Steve knew belonged to Lewis.  The rain was lashing down by now and he could still hear the rumbles of thunder and see the occasional flash of lightning.  He sat himself down by the bike and waited….

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Offline loopylin

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2010, 05:28:59 PM »
Steve was aware of the sound of sirens- were they coming here? If so who could have tipped them off? Uncle Tom? The old lady? He couldn't risk being found here with his record. Would they find his vehicle- he hoped not. He disabled Lewis's bike- making sure he couldn't make a run for it. Those sirens were definitely getting nearer but what was that? It sounded like Ron's Tiger. He crept out of the tithe barn and sure enough spotted Ron-with Dora on the back. Oh blazes she mustn't see what was going on in that barn! More to the point the police mustn't catch them either. The men inside the barn were obviously too engrossed in their 'sport' to take any notice of the sirens. As Ron and Dora dismounted several cats appeared round their legs. Steve ran over.
 'Get your bike out of sight Ron- there's trouble brewing.' The old lady appeared.
 'Come inside- you can hide upstairs. Bring the bike in too.'
 'But the barn' said Steve. 'They must realise soon that the police are coming.'
The old lady addressed the cats. 'You'll take care of that won't you my beauties?'
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2010, 06:07:46 PM »
Steve looked at the old lady. She really is potty he thought. How are her cats going to take care of anything?! But he had more pressing things to worry about than a dotty old lady and a few moth-eaten cats.

"What's going on Steve, are the police going to arrest someone because of the horses?" Dora asked anxiously.

"Get inside Dora, quickly, and Ron get that bike inside now!" Ron was just about to argue but thought better of it as sirens began to wail again. He manouvered the bike into the kitchen and plonked himself down at the kitchen table. "So, what's really goin' on then Steve?" asked Ron.

Steve was saved from answering as the old lady started to speak. It was a strange language that none of them could understand. It started as a whisper and rose steadily into a fearsome wail. She swayed from side to side, chanting on and on. Cats started to appear from seemingly nowhere. More and more poured from every corner until the room appeared to be heaving with cats. Ron's jaw dropped open and Dora screamed. All of a sudden the cats disappeared. The old lady walked over to the old range and started to boil the kettle. "Well that should sort out those trouble makers. Cup of tea anyone?" she asked.

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2010, 09:02:47 PM »
The many dozen of cats made their way -like a small plague of oversized rodents-towards the barn, whilst the police had turned up nearby, in several units. Some of the cats had already managed to get inside the barn through cracks and gaps and began to disrupt the illegal activities taking place. More cats appeared and the men betting and drinking within had began to wonder where they were all coming from. Even more cats followed suit, until there seemed to be a sea of moving furs and tails, meowing, hissing, snarling-all expecting their food but none had been put out!

In the past, the two old sistors would open up numerous tins of cat food and tip the contents straight onto the floor- twice a day-and over the coming years, the fast breeding felines had learnt to conform and indulge! However since Lewis and his Night Riders buddies, along with several other like-minded gangs had realised secluded Witherby Hall was potentially an ideal place to rustle horses, steal poultry, nick the odd car or two and set up illegal gambling dens, the sistors had been forced to daily feed the cats within the mansion itself. The criminals had decided to devise a plan and take the place over, which was conveniently away from any prying eyes -being surrounded by a thick, vast forest of trees. Moreover, as it was owned by a couple of elderly ecentrics, whom with a bit of 'friendly persuasion', could easily be persuaded to oblige- in return for free, handyman maintenance of the property and grounds. Their plans were secure and sealed- even the odd 'ghost' or two-including a headless horse- could be used as a ploy to scare away any intruders or unwanted trespassers.

Despite this audacious scheme, incredibly, no-one -not even Lewis was ever aware of the legendary 'Golden Candlelabrum'. Otherwise, a small sorty party could have easily and systematically searched for the prized, hidden treasure over a period of several months-until it would be found and the proceeds then shared out!

The police surrounded the barn and the order was given to 'gatecrash' and apprehend everyone within. 

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #39 on: July 16, 2010, 07:01:01 PM »
Ugh! Cats…...I hate ‘em!” Lewis snarled and aimed a kick at a huge black and white Tom. This particular Tom was not one to be messed with and didn’t take kindly to being booted in the ribs, so he retaliated by sinking his teeth into Lewis’s ankle.

“OW!” shouted Lewis.

The sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.

 “Coppers! Quick, run for it! Come on Lewis stop messing about with that cat!” called one of his mates.

Lewis shook his leg, trying to remove the fur ball which was still hanging firmly onto his ankle. He tripped and fell, landing head first into a pile of chicken poo.

“Hello what have we here then?”

Lewis peered up into the grinning face of a policeman.
Meanwhile, back in the mansion kitchen, the old lady was pouring out tea for everyone.
“Sit yourselves down.”

 Steve and Dora sat down reluctantly.

 “You too, Uncle Tom” she said pointing to a chair by Steve. The chair started to move slowly backwards by itself. Steve gasped and quickly looked away. Ron and Dora appeared not to notice anything unusual. Ron tapped his forefinger on the side of his head when he thought the old lady wasn’t looking.

“I’m not bats you know” she spun around and stared into Ron’s face. He shivered as her green eyes bore deeply into him.

“I know why you’re here and it’s about time you all knew the truth. I’m going to get my sister and then all will be revealed……”

Offline squeakytre

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #40 on: July 16, 2010, 07:32:59 PM »
Meanwhile, the several dozen or so officers had stormed the barn-some had alsation dogs with them that barked agressively at both the criminals and cats alike! The men inside the barn had realised the game was up and manyof them put their hands in the air, whilst others just stood looking on, wide eyed and jaws dropped. One shady character had tried to make a run for it -but the numerous cats had accidently tripped him up! Another man had likewise fallen to the ground and hit his face hard aginst the dusty floor, spitting out both dirt, bird muck, feathers and blood! Another man whacked his head against another, whilst running in panic. Both men fell to the floor with loud thumps! There was pandomonium everywhere -with several of the cats attacking the hapless rooster, Steve had earlier witnessed 'winning' the fight inside the barn; more cats were now jumping up onto the shoulders of some of the arrested men and scratching their faces, digging claws into necks and drawing blood!

The police were as surprised as everyone else as to where the myriad of cats had appeared and decided it was best to get all of the suspects out of the barn quickly and then to shut the doors! The suspects were led away in single file towards the main driveway exit and were then told to sit down by the entrance gates. Some were actually handcuffed to it, whilst others simply protested their innocence. In return, they were abruptly told to 'shut it! Several 'paddy wagons' appeared suddenly from out of the shadows and with headlights now switched on, illuinated the manic scenes and chaos that befell the grounds of Witherby Hall.

In the mansion kitchen itself, the old lady gently sipped her tea and then quickly called out- 'Amelia dear,oh Amelia -it's safe to come out now'. 'Come and meet our new friends.......'   

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2010, 12:16:57 PM »
A tall, thin elderly lady appeared, dressed in twin-set and pearls, pleated tartan skirt and thick wrinkled tights. Which was all quite normal of course, except she wore a brightly-coloured woolly hat pulled well-down over her ears, and a peac*ck feather sticking jauntily out of the top.  

Ron smirked and was about to laugh out loud but Dora kicked him under the table and glared at him.

“Ah Amelia dear, there you are. Sit down and have a cup of tea with these nice people from Follyfoot.”

The tall lady sat down next to Ron and smiled at him. She patted his hand affectionately. "What lovely red hair you have!" she exclaimed. Ron snatched his hand away and scowled.

Steve glanced at the chair next to him, he didn’t want to, but he felt compelled to see if Uncle Tom was sitting there. And sure enough there he was, and he was looking at Steve and smiling at him. And for some strange reason Steve didn’t feel afraid of him anymore. He smiled back, but at the same time wondered what on earth he was doing!

“Now then, Amelia. These people would like to know all about the Golden candelabrum. Would you care to enlighten them? …….”

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2010, 05:02:24 PM »
Amelia settled into her seat and began to retell the long story.  Steve, Dora and Ron listened intently.  When Amelia had finished she looked at the ‘empty’ chair next to Steve and said “And you’ve been guarding the golden candelabra to make sure it doesn’t get into wrong hands, haven’t you Tom?” 

Dora and Ron looked at each other and frowned.  They had noticed Steve  watching the chair all through Amelia’s story.  Sometimes he had even smiled at it and now he was doing it again, as Amelia was talking to it.  Dora called his name “Steve.  Steve.”  Eventually Steve turned his head and looked at Dora.  “Are you OK?” she asked him.  “Yes, why shouldn’t I be?” he replied.  Steve seemed strange somehow  and Dora couldn’t put her finger on it.  She spoke to Amelia next.  “We must be going now and thank you for hiding us from the police and telling us the true story of the candelabra.  I do hope you find your little nephew, the rightful guardian of it….. although he wouldn’t be so little now I suppose.”  Dora added thoughtfully.  Amelia smiled at her.  “But deary, we have found him.”  She stood up and walked across the room to Steve.  He stood up as she reached him and she hugged him.  Dora and Ron were speechless.  They stared open-mouthed as Steve hugged her back.  Dora finally managed to stutter a few words “But, I don’t understand.” She said. “How can Steve…..”  she didn’t finish her sentence – she was transfixed as the chair next to Steve starting moving by itself! 



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Offline Jane

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2010, 01:20:05 PM »
Dora jumped up, horrified by what she had seen. “Steve…please tell me I never saw that chair move by itself!”

“Look more closely Dora, can’t you see Uncle Tom?”

“No!” she shouted “No I can’t! Ron, can you see anyone sitting in that chair?” she turned pleading eyes on Ron but he just shrugged.

“Nah! I fink Steve’s finally flipped!” Come on, let’s go and see if we can find this candelabrum. It’s supposed to be under an old oak tree, ‘aint it? You old dears gonna help us then?”

“Oh how lovely!” cried Cissie, “ A treasure hunt in the woods. Come on you lot, last one to the tool shed is a sissy!”  She roared with laughter at her own joke. Ron rolled his eyes. “Come on Dora” he tugged her arm “Don’t worry about moving chairs, it’s all in Steve’s imagination”

“But Ron, I did see that chair move by itself….” She took one last look in Steve’s direction. He appeared to be talking to no one; she squinted hard and thought she could see a faint outline of a man. She shook her head, puzzled. “Are you coming Steve?”

“Yes Dora, Tom and I will be along shortly. We’ve got a lot to catch up on.”  He smiled serenely at her. Dora was starting to think Ron was right and Steve really had lost the plot!

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Re: Dora and the Golden Candlelabrum
« Reply #44 on: July 21, 2010, 04:32:22 PM »
Lewis' father had put up his bail money and Lewis was glad to be released from the small cell he had been locked in.  He was feeling quite pleased with himself, or rather with his father, who was going to hire the best lawyers to get him off the charge.  As he sped on his motorbike along the country lanes he wondered who had shopped him to the police and thought he might pay his old mate Ron a visit.  Ron had been nosying around there and he knew that goody goody Steve Ross had been there too.  They would pay if it was them that had called the Police!  He headed his noisy machine towards Follyfoot Farm and crashed through the gate into the yard.  The horses 'spooked' and called out in fright.  Slugger came rushing from the house, thinking it was Ron.  He stopped in his tracks when he saw Lewis.  "And to what do we owe the pleasure of your company." he said sarcastically.  Lewis was still wary of Slugger since the day he caught him by the throat and threatened him, so he smiled and spoke with a friendly tone in his voice.  "Hi old man, wondered if Ron was about?"  Slugger didn't trust him at all.  "Well he aint."  "D'you know where he is then?" Lewis continued.  "Nope... and I wouldn't tell you if I did.  Now get lost."  Slugger said loudly.  Lewis stood his ground and changed his tack.  "Look, it's urgent - I've a message from his dad."  Slugger looked Lewis straight in the eyes.  He couldn't tell whether he was lying or not.  After a few minutes Slugger decided he had better tell him.  "The last I knew he was at Witherby Hall - the old mansion..."  "Yeh! I know it." Lewis cut in.  "Ta, old man - I'll go now and make sure he gets the message."  Slugger noticed his evil grin and knew he'd made a mistake in telling him where Ron was.  Still he thought, Steve's with him so Lewis won't take them both on.  He watched as Lewis roared out of the gate, his motorbike engine still sounding in the quiet countryside long after Slugger had lost sight of him.

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