Author Topic: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write  (Read 29186 times)

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #60 on: December 22, 2011, 10:28:35 PM »
Steve telephoned the farm and was surprised when the colonel answered. He asked if Gavin could stay there while Brian was in hospital. The colonel replied that he could and in return Steve must do him a big favour-return to Follyfoot himself. Steve and Gavin took a taxi back to their hotel to pick up some clothes. The driver waited and drove them on to the farm. The doctor's car was outside and as Steve entered the colonel was just being told that Dora had symptoms of a nervous breakdown and needed complete rest. 'That's where you come in Steve. I'm taking her back to my place so Mrs. Porter can look after her. I want you to take charge-stay in the house, use Dora's room. Gavin can have the camp bed in the study.'
'Dora won't like me being here after the way I've behaved these last few weeks. Me and my damned ambitions!'
'Here's a prescription for Dora. Get it filled tomorrow. I've given her a sedative so she'll need to be helped downstairs.I'll call tomorrow evening to see how she is but if she show's no sign of improving with a day or two we might need to use St.Genevive's!'
The mental hospital? Surely she's not that bad' said Steve.
'We'll just have to wait and see' said the doctor.
'Where's Ron?' asked Steve.
'Stupid young fool's gorn orf somewhere. I can't rely on him.' said the colonel.
Steve carried an unresisting Dora downstairs and put her in the colonel's car.
'Here- you'd better have these' said the colonell giving Steve the keys to the landrover.
When Hazel and Gavin were in bed Slugger rounded on Steve.
'I don't know what the colonel's thinking of letting you come back here. You're the cause of all this.'
'Don't Slugs- I'm telling myself exactly the same thing. I said weeks ago Dora wasn't well but no-one listened and I walked out on her because we were fighting.'
'Well you can get your own bacon and eggs' said Slugger poking him hard in the chest.
'I'm not lifting a finger to help you. The sooner you're gone again the better. Ron's worth three of you!! I'm going to bed and I don't wish you goodnight or sweet dreams!'
Steve had changed the sheets on Dora's bed but her flowery perfume clung to the room.
'Oh Dora- what have I done. How do I get you and Slugger back onside? Me and my stupid ambition!'
Next day Ron roared into the yard and ran whistling into the farmhouse. 'Only gone and cracked it aint I!'
'Cracked what?' asked Steve.
'Who it is that's paying Bent. 'Ere 'ang abaht wot you doing back 'ere? Best get out before her ladyship catches yer!'
Steve explained and asked what Ron had founfd out. Just the the door burst open and in ran three masked men carrying shotguns.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #61 on: January 03, 2012, 10:21:29 PM »
'Where's the Foley kid?' asked one of the men.
'He's in hospital' said Steve.
'The other one stupid!' the gun was poked into Steve's chest.
'How should I know?' said Steve hoping that Gavin could here and would have the sense to hide.Slugger, who had no time for any of the Foley's said 'Tell them!' Ron also found himself staring down at a gun said 'I reckon he's through there.' and pointed to the study door. Steve could do nothing- he gave Ron a look of utter contempt. Gavin was brought struggling from the study. Lengths of rope were produced and everyone was tied up and gagged. 'We're taking this squirt with us- we'll be getting in touch with his old lady and if she wants to see him again it'll cost her a pretty penny. You're all lucky I'm in a good mood and you're being allowed to live.' One man slung Gavin over his shoulder and all three ran out to where a fourth person had kept the car engine running. From an upstairs window Hazel watched and wrote down the registration number. As the car pulled away she was already running down the stairs.
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #62 on: January 04, 2012, 08:09:48 PM »
As soon as Hazel untied him Steve ran to the window, craning for a sight of which way the men had gone.  

"I can't believe you two would sell out a kid like that!" he glared at Ron but his look was met with indifference.

"Mrs. Moneybags Foley can take care of her own" spat Ron. "I reckon they won't hurt the kid if they think he's worth some'at to 'em. We've got more important things to worry about.  In case you've forgotten there's them what's tryin' to take over Follyfoot and there's them what's tryin' to save it.  In't it about time you decided which side you're on!"

Ron fished in his jacket and pulled out the wad of papers he had found the previous night.  He was just about to start explaining what he had found out when Slugger put a gentle hand on his arm
"Hang on son, we have to do something to help the lad first" 

Hazel showed them all the scrap of paper she had written the registration number on and Steve went into the study with her to make a few phone calls while Slugger kept busy making a pot of tea. Ron was itching to tell his tale from the night before but Slugger was insistent he wasn't to say anything until they were all back round the table.

"Right!" he said at last, "as I was saying, I've only gone and cracked it ain't I?"
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Offline Rob

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #63 on: January 04, 2012, 08:36:41 PM »
Meanwhile, oblivious to all that was going on, Bobby was going through a crisis of his own. When the horses had all been let out of the stables, he had set off towards his old home in Leeds, where he hoped to find his beloved master, Ed Foley. When Dora and Steve had rounded up the other horses, he'd somehow been overlooked in the panic and the dark.

Bobby, exhausted and panting, crossed the A59 and trotted on towards Leeds. It was dark and the roads were fairly quiet. He got a few hoots from impatient motorists, and a Wallace Arnold coach swerved to avoid him, but he knew his destination - he had to get back to his old stables on Banker Street, just off Lilian Street where the Foleys lived.

He hadn't been feeling well for a long time, but somehow his youthful energy seemed to come back as he approached Kirkstall Road. Just across the road was his old home. He just had to negotiate the road and then everything would be back to normal.

Jeff Bromley was driving along Kirkstall Road in his AEC Matador lorry. He was off to pick up some hardcore from Lilian Street, where the town council was demolishing some old Victorian slums. "Good riddance!" Jeff thought to himself. He and his wife Doreen lived on the top floor of Holborn Towers, a new block of flats on Shay Street. They had central heating and a nice new fitted kitchen and bathroom. Who could wish for more? As far as Jeff was concerned, the sooner all the old back-to-backs in Leeds were demolished the better!

Jeff had Radio Luxembourg on in his cab. He was whistling to Dawn's "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree" when suddenly he had a terrible shock.

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #64 on: January 05, 2012, 08:02:34 AM »
Meanwhile, Dora had woken from a nightmare with a scream. “Bobby!” She cried. “I must get to him!” and hastily pulled on a yellow polo necked jumper and red jeans. Mrs Porter heard the scream and hurried along the corridor in her night gown towards Dora’s room but she was too late! Dora was racing down the twisted staircase and out into the cold night. “Colonel!” shrieked Mrs Porter “Come quickly! Dora has finally lost her senses!”

Dora hurried on towards the stables, oblivious to the lashing rain against her face. She had to save Bobby! Again the dream came flooding back to her, Bobby in the road, a lorry swerving on the wet tarmac sliding towards him, coming closer and closer. She screamed again as she saw the lorry plough into the helpless pony. “Noooo!” she cried, tears streaming down her face.

Copper nickered softly as Dora entered the stable, he was always pleased to see his mistress although a little surprised to  be taken out so late in the evening and in the rain too! But he liked nothing better than a good gallop and away they flew across the sodden fields towards Follyfoot.   

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #65 on: January 13, 2012, 11:12:16 PM »
The wail of sirens could be heard in the distance. Jeff was out of his cab and kneeling by the pony. He was sure he hadn't hit it yet it lay very still. A police car, on its way to the hospital to see Mrs Foley stopped to see what had happened. The driver radioed for assistance before continuing on his journey. Minnie Foley was dozing in a chair beside Brian's bed. A nurse roused her gently 'Mrs Foley I need you to come to sister's office. Minnie looked in alarm at Brian. 'He's doing okay.' Nurse Heather Wainscoe steered Minnie to the office and sat her down in the chair usually occupied by the ward sister. Two uniformed police officers followed them in. Sergeant Larry Nolan introduced himself and constable Anne Reece. 'There's no easy way to tell you this Mrs Foley' said Nolan. 'It's about your son Gavin. I'm afraid he's gone missing'
'But he can't be- he's at Follyfoot.'
'I'm afraid he's been kidnapped. I don't know the full details but we've been sent here because we believe you're going to be contacted by someone about paying a ransom.Our colleagues are out at Follyfoot now taking statements. We have the registration number of the car the abducters used and we have patrol cars searching the county. The alarm was raised quickly, they won't get far.' Minnie began to tremble violently. Heather put her arm round her. 'I'll see about getting her some tea' said Anna.
A sleek Rolls Royce approached the newly set up road block. The uniformed chauffeur brought the vehicle to a halt. The window of the passenger side was rolled down. 'What's the trouble officer?'
'Just on the lookout for a car used in a crime sir- you can drive on, thankyou!'
The car pulled smoothly away. Gavin Foley lay tied up and gagged on the floor covered by a blanket. The passenger in the back seat was pressing down hard on the blanket so that Gavin was afraid he was going to suffocate.
At Follyfoot Inspector Garnet's driver took him the news that the car they had been looking for had been found abandoned and empty  only a few miles away from the farmhouse. Alerted by a phonecall from the colonel an officer had been on the lookout for Dora and now brought the soaking wet girl in. 'Let me go- I haven't done anything wrong. I need to find Bobby. Ron- it'll be quicker on your bike- come on!'
'Sorry miss but this is a crime scene. No-one leaves until I say so' said the inspector. The radio in the police car outside crackled into life and minutes later another message was taken to the house. 'One of our cars is out by Kirkstall road- they've found a pony lying beside a lorry and the driver's  insisting he didn't hit it. They're checking all places where there's horses to see if one's gone missing.'
With a startled cry Dora made towards the door fending off all attempts to stop her. Once again driving rain hit her in the face as she stumbled towards Bobby's stable and finding it empty collapsed in an untidy heap on the floor.
linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #66 on: January 20, 2012, 11:51:22 PM »
Harold Pilkington looked at his watch for the umpteenth time and wondered where his chauffeur Danvers had got to. He and his wife should have been picked up from the party  30 minutes ago and he could see that their hosts were waiting to wish them goodnight. 'I think we'd better call a taxi my dear' he said. There must be something wrong with the car though why the devil Danvers hasn't telephoned I don't know. He'll have some explaining to do!'
'Can't offer you a lift I'm afraid old chap' said Hugo Raines.' Had a bit too much to drink. Phone's in the hall.'
The rain was still falling heavily as the Pilkington's got out of the taxi. Jessica ran indoors. Harold paid off the taxi and went to try the garage doors, they were locked. He thought he heard a noise coming from inside. He hurried into the house, found his set of keys and opened the garage.As he flicked on the light switch his foot connected with something on the floor- no not something, someone! Anthony Danvers lay shivering in his underwear bound and gagged on the floor. He had heard the taxi pull up and managed to kick a can against the door which was the noise Pilkington had heard. 'Good God man what the deuce has been going on?' he said bending down to remove the gag from his chauffeur's mouth.' Jessica had followed him. 'Get a knife Jess- and put the kettle on. I think we all need a strong cup of tea.'
When Danvers had got dressed and recovered sufficiently he told them what had happened.
'I passed this car parked on the road about a mile from the house. A man had the bonnet up and was looking at the engine. I stopped and asked if I could be of assistance. He asked if I could tell him where the nearest telephone box was and I told him to get in and drove him here. I was going to let him use the phone in my flat. I told him to hang on while I put the car away. I remember putting the keys in the garage door then everything went black. I presume I was hit on the head, tied up, gagged and locked in here.'
'I've telephoned the police and they seemed very interested, said they'd be here  soon.'
said Jessica.'
Gavin was relieved when the car stopped. Even when the man's feet had stopped pinning him down it was not very comfortable on the floor. He thought he could hear water. He had been blindfolded but it had slipped as they lifted him from the car. He could see boats and he was taken on board one of them by two of the men. The third drove the car away into the night.
Roy Long was reluctant to leave his warm bungalow on such a filthy night but it was his job to care for sick animals whenever he was needed. His headlights picked out the still form of the pony. He knew this animal- had tended it before when it belonged to Ed Foley.
'I think it's a goner sir' said young PC Grimsdyke.
'I swear I didn't hit it' said Jeff.
Roy examined the animal as best he could in the light available.' He's still alive. I'll do what I can for him here then he'd better go back to his stable, I've nowhere to keep him. I believe he lives at Follyfoot now so we'd best ring them to come with the horsebox.'
'If you give me your name and address sir you can go home and we'll be in touch in the morning Grimsdyke told Jeff Bromley. He gave the necessary information then climbed back into his cab. Mercifully the vehicle was undamaged and he was able to drive away.
He wondered what his wife would say when he turned up so late and told her his story.As he drove along he saw a Rolls Royce ahead of him-beautiful car, just what he'd always dreamed of having. He let his mind wander and pictured himself behind the wheel. A police siren sounded not too far away and the Rolls Royce stopped in a deserted car park. The driver got out and hurried away anxious to cross the road and get as far from the vehicle as he could. Jeff was still in his dreamworld Rolls and caught sight of the fleeing figure. For the second time that night he slammed on his brakes but this time he knew the sickening reality of hitting that which he was trying desperately to avoid.

linda-norfolk dumpling

Offline loopylin

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #67 on: January 28, 2012, 03:42:45 PM »
Back at Follyfoot the call came requesting the horsebox. The inspector was still insisting that no-one could leave.'Now look' said the colonel. 'The animal is obviously very sick. It belongs to Gavin, the boy who is missing. Mrs. Foley is distraught enough as it is with one son quite ill and the other missing.If the horse dies out there how will she feel and more to the point what will she tell Gavin when you find him?'
'If you find him' muttered Ron under his breath.Both the colonel and the inspector glared at him.
'Let Ron and Steve go and fetch him-they'll bring him straight back here won't you?' Ron gave Steve a hostile glance. 'I s'pose I have to go do I colonel- wouldn't it be better if you went?'
'I have to get Dora back in here and look after her. For once Stryker do as you're damn well told!'
'I'll have to send an officer with you.'
'He'll have to go in the back'
'No Ron- you'll have to go in the back, you'll need to be there with the horse on the return trip anyway. Go bring the horsebox round Steve.'
In the back Ron lit a cigarette regardless of the danger 0f dropping it in the bedding. He heard a noise and flicked his lighter back on. There was definitely something moving, a rat probably. Ron looked round for something to throw and found a plastic bucket. He took aim. 'Ouch' said a voice. He went over and moved bedding aside and found a still very wet and bedraggled Dora.
'What the blazes are you doing in here girl? The colonel's going to go mental when he can't find you.'
'I guessed the horsebox was for Bobby. I want to be there for him.' Ron took off his denim jacket and handed it to her. 'Put this on. If you catch pneumonia your uncle'll kill me.'
Dora sat hugging her knees and began rocking backwards and forwards her thumb creeping between her lips. Ron puffed away until she began to cough as the smoke drifted towards her and she yelled at him to put it out. Once again sirens began to scream. Steve pulled into the space the lorry had vacated.
'What's going on now?' he asked. 'Bad accident just a few streets away' said the constable who had picked this up from his radio.Steve was worried sick when he saw Dora. She was still shivering her eyes wild and frightened looking. 'Get back in the horsebox!' he ordered. The vet had several blankets in his car and tossed one to her. Ron helped her to settle back down with the blanket tucked round her. They fashioned a sling from two other blankets and the vet, two constables from the roadside, the one who had travelled from Follyfoot and Steve and Ron managed to manoeuvre the sedated Bobby into the vehicle where Dora hastened to his side caressing his neck. 'Bobby, oh Bobby' she cried.
'Someone needs to keep an eye on him through the night' said Roy Long. 'I'll be over to check on him first thing.'
Back at the farm Dora wanted to stay with Bobby but the colonel was adamant.
'No you won't my girl. I want you where I can watch you. Hazel's offered as Ron and Steve need to give their statements to the police. You're going up to your room and I'm coming with you, then as soon as they let us leave it's back to my house for you.' No amount of hysterics from Dora cut any ice with the colonel. 'I'll bring you a nice hot drink' said Slugger handing Dora a large towel.
Anita Bromley looked anxiously at the clock. Jeff should have been home by now. She'd heard the sirens but hadn't given them a second thought. In a big city like Leeds they were always heard at night and they were not all that far from the hospital. There was a knock at the door and she answered it thinking Jeff had forgotten his key but two uniformed police officers stood there.' Mrs Bromley?' she nodded. 'I'm afraid your husband has been involved in an accident.'
linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #68 on: February 12, 2012, 11:48:13 PM »
'We'll give you a lift to the hospital.' Anita hesitated.
'I think I'll leave it till the morning.'
'I think you ought to go love- he's in a pretty bad way.'
'Did he ask for me?
'He's not regained consciousness but we found an electric bill with this address on in his pocket.'
I- er- we're not exactly married. Jeff does have a wife but she lives the other side of the city. ' The police officer took out his notebook.
'Do you have her address?'
'There's a telephone number in the book in the hall-it's just under Doreen.'
'Be in the phone book then would it?'
'No- they're ex directory.'
'Thank you madam- you've been most er helpful. Perhaps it would be better if we didn't take you to the hospital.' Anita was looking very white.
'Shall I make you some tea?' asked WPC Lawson.
'N-no thanks. You'd best find Doreen.' After the door had closed behind them Anita sat down and began to twist her handkerchief in her hands. Her relationship with Jeff had kept the black cloud of despair that had dogged her all her adult life from enveloping her completely. Icy fingers of fear crept down her spine. She did not want to end up in St Genevieve's again. She put on her raincoat and headscarf and walked out into the night lifting her face to the onslaught of the rain which mingled with her tears. She shut the door then realised that the Yale lock was on and her key was inside. Now she'd have to go to the hospital and get Jeff's key.
Butch watched in horror as the lorry clipped Rollo and crashed into a streetlight which immediately died. Before anyone else got there he ran to Rollo and retrieved the pot plant which he carried then ran for the shelter of a nearby alleyway. The white envelope now spattered with rain was still in between the layers of cellophane wrapping the plant which had miraculously escaped damage clutched as it was tightly to Rollo's chest. He was now torn- should he make his way to the boat and tell the others what he'd seen or carry on with what Rollo was on his way to do. He stood and watched as ambulancemen took the lorry driver into their vehicle then turned their attention to Rollo. One shook his head. They put him on a stretcher and covered his face. Butch knew that like himself  Rollo would be carrying no identification. Dead men tell no tales. He would carry on with the plan but not until the morning when the fuss had died down a little. Sad about Rollo-Butch didn't even know his real name. Still one less person to get a share of the money. He took a plastic bag from his pocket and put the plant inside. Then,avoiding the main streets he made his way to the grotty little room he'd rented for the week grateful that he had his own key. He was shaking from head to foot from a mixture of cold and shock. He had a bottle of Navy Rum by the bed and he began to drink.
Gavin was determined not to cry. They had untied his hands but left his feet tied up and locked him in a very small cabin. There was no light or heat. He was cold, hungry and thirsty. Miserably he curled up on the bunk. He could hear muffled voices-one of them sounded like a woman's but he couldn't make out what they were saying. In another part of the boat Loxy was making sandwiches. 'I'll take some to the boy.He'll need a drink and some blankets-it's freezing in here.'
''Let the little brat get a taste of the hard life for a change.' said Solly.
'You daft 'apporth. You'll get no money for him if you let him starve or freeze to death'
'Okay- but don't you get feeling too sorry for him lass.' Loxy picked up the things she needed for Gavin and Solly followed her to the door. 'Don't forget to put your hood on and don't speak to him!'
'He'll not see me in the dark.'
'Do as your told' said Solly raising his hand. Loxy, who had already felt the weight of Solly's hand on her face did as she was told entering the room and putting the food, drink and blankets down on the floor. As she turned to go Gavin said in a shaky voice 'Please- I need the loo!' She conveyed this to Solly and the next minute the door opened again and a plastic bucket was thrown in. As he heard the key turn in the lock the hopelessness of his situation fully hit Gavin who wrapped himself in one of the shabby blankets and began to cry noisily. Loxy heard him and wished to heaven she had not allowed herself to get caught up in this scheme. It was no good appealing to Solly's better nature-he didn't have one. She just hoped that the boy's mother would pay up- and quickly. In the morning Solly turned on the radio and heard about some of the goings on the night before. No names were given and he did not associate the dead person with Rollo. So he waited for word from him that he had carried out the next stage of the plan and later he would move on to the most important phase.
The rum did its work and Butch slept on and on past midday when he was awoken by the sound of dogs barking in the street outside. He looked at his watch and sat bolt upright. The plant hadn't been delivered! He had to stop Solly!

linda-norfolk dumpling

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #69 on: February 27, 2012, 11:38:27 PM »
Minnie Foley felt miserable. Anne had sat with her all evening until it was the end of her shift. Nurse Wainscoe brought her a cup of tea and she sipped it as she kept an eye on Brian. Suddenly she saw Brian stir. He gave a gentle cough and his eyes opened. “Is that you, Mum?” he asked.
“Oh, son! You’re going to be alright!”
Nurse Wainscoe rushed to Brian’s bedside. She took his pulse and looked into his eyes. “You’re doing fine, Brian. I’ll get the doctor to come and check you over again. Now, Minnie, I really think you should go and have some rest. You could do with a decent sleep yourself!”
Minnie couldn’t sleep when she didn’t know where Gavin was, and when she still wasn’t sure whether Brian was going to be OK. She waited outside while the doctor examined her elder son. He came back and told her all was well. Brian was out of danger and would make a full recovery. He was still heavily sedated and needed more rest, and the police would want to question him about what he’d been doing back at Follyfoot.
Relieved that Brian was on the mend, but aware that there was little she could do, Minnie gave her son a gentle kiss on the forehead and left the hospital, taking a taxi back to the Queens Hotel.
As she walked through the lobby a bellboy came up to her. “Scuse me, madam, but a bloke asked me to give you this.” He pressed an envelope in her hand. It was the sort of cheap white paper envelope they sold in Woolworths. She ripped it open. Inside was a message made from letters and numbers cut out of a newspaper and glued onto a sheet of paper: If yOu wAnT to sEE GaViN AgAiN, BRinG £100,000 iN cASh 5PM ToMoRRoW to ThE pHOnE bOx bY tHe ViADuCt oN KirKStaLL RoAd. AnD Don’T CaLL tHe PoLIcE!
Minnie folded up the note and took the lift up to her room. She flung open the door, sank onto the bed and tried to think what she should do next.   

In Holborn Towers, Doreen Bromley was irritated rather than worried. She’d suspected for some months that Jeff had been having an affair. A couple of times the phone had rung but gone dead when she’d answered it. Once, during their lovemaking, she was sure she’d heard him cry out the name “Anita” – but he’d denied knowing anyone of that name. He’d been coming home late from work, and he’d been bringing her a lot of presents – flowers, chocolates – a sign of a guilty conscience, perhaps.
That morning she’d told him there would be a nice beef casserole for dinner, and he’d said “Sorry, love, I can’t make it. I’m working late tonight.” She’d tackled him: “Out with some fancy woman or other” and he’d replied “No, love, I’m doing it for you. It’s a special job for Councillor Earnshaw. He’s asked me to take a lorry load of hardcore from the slum clearance site at Lilian Street to Gallows Farm. He gave me cash in advance for it. Told me he could trust me as I was a good worker.”
Jeff’s story sounded pretty unconvincing, but she couldn’t disprove it. And when PC Grimsdyke and WPC Lawson turned up on her doorstep and told her of the accident, she felt so bad that she’d doubted Jeff at all. So he HAD been in the lorry after all, working late.
As they were escorting her to the hospital, PC Grimsdyke asked her: “I realise how difficult this is, but please could you tell me - does your husband usually work so late at night?”
“He never used to. It’s only been recently. He told me it was a special delivery.”
“Do you know what sort of delivery?”
“It was some rubble from some old houses. He was taking it to a place called Gallows Farm. A man called Earnshaw from the Council had asked him to do it”.
“Gallows Farm” exclaimed WPC Lawson. “That’s next door to Follyfoot. Fairman and Jackson were attending an incident there earlier today… and I think Inspector Garnet’s been over there taking statements.”
“That’s interesting” replied Grimsdyke. He was a young constable and very keen to make his mark on the force. Perhaps he ought to contact Inspector Garnet on the radio. Could there be a connection between the night-time deliveries of hardcore and the strange goings-on at Follyfoot Farm?
“We’re just approaching the hospital” said WPC Lawson. “I’ll take you in to see Jeff now”.

Back at Follyfoot, Ron and Slugger were sipping cocoa in the kitchen. Hazel had gone up to bed. The Colonel had just phoned to say that Dora was resting and would be staying with him for the time being. Ron got out the mysterious roll of papers that he had extracted from behind the loose brick at Gallows Farm.
“Now, what’ve yer got there, then? The bloomin’ Crown Jewels?”
“Not exactly, Slugs, but I reckon this could be very important. Just look ‘ere!”
Slugger looked at the top paper. It appeared to be a map with a plan of Gallows Farm and Follyfoot, with the two lakes. There were various faint lines that didn’t correspond to any of the farm buildings. Slugger took the next sheet of paper and skimmed through it. “Here, you read it – I can hardly make out this handwriting with me old eyes!”
“Er – this bird I used to go out with, Laura, she told me about this. She’d heard it from her grandfather who was related to the Micklethwaites. Apparently he found these papers when he was playing as a kid. It were Ned’s father who ‘ad the tenancy in them days. Laura’s granddad was scared he’d find out he’d been poking about, so ‘e put them back. I was right chuffed when I found them, I can tell you.”
“Well, go on, Ron, what does it say?”
“It seems that this bloke in Victorian times was a bit of an archaeologist. He investigated the ‘istory of the area, and found out that ‘undreds of years ago this land belonged to Kirkstall Abbey. An’ the monks ‘ad a little farm there, with a chapel, like, and they used to ‘ave a sort of ‘ospital, where the monks went when they were ill. An infirmary, they called it. And the monks made the lakes to keep fish in, ‘cause you see, they were very religious, and they ‘ad to eat fish on Fridays”.
“Why’s it called Gallows Farm, then?”
“I was coming to that. Well, good old King ‘Enry the Eighth, the one with all the wives, ‘e decided to destroy the abbey. But some of the monks didn’t want to leave. So the King ‘ad ‘em all arrested and ‘anged - and they built the gallows where the farm is now”.
“So this is an important archaeological site?”
“Reckon so. Think of all them monks’ skelingtons under there!”

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #70 on: February 28, 2012, 12:49:55 PM »
“Slugger rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “You know Ron, I think you might just have saved Follyfoot from demolition. I’ll give the Colonel a ring and see what he thinks.”

Slugger shuffled off to the hall and Ron continued to study the papers, grinning to himself. Dora would be so chuffed to hear about this! Ron Stryker the saviour of Follyfoot. He might even get promotion and Steve sacked!

" ‘ang about Slugs, I’ll take these papers over to the Colonel meself now, it can’t wait fer the morning, far too important.”

Slugger stopped dialling as Ron rushed past him stuffing the papers hastily down the front of his denim jacket.

“Don’t yer lose them papers!” he shouted after Ron but the words were drowned amid the roar of Ron’s bike as he sped away down the lane.   

Offline Rob

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #71 on: February 28, 2012, 11:22:07 PM »
The next morning the Colonel woke to find the sun streaming through the windows. He went downstairs to the kitchen in his carpet slippers, and found Mrs Porter pouring the tea.

“I’ve just looked in on Dora", she said. "She’s still fast asleep”.

“That’s just what she needs. Don’t disturb her. She needs all the rest she can get. I’ll go over to Follyfoot later and give Hazel and Ron a hand”.

The Colonel picked up his copy of The Times and flicked through it idly. Things were looking bad. A war seemed likely in the Middle East: Syrian and Egyptian forces were attacking Israel, and columnists were gloomily predicting all kinds of disasters ranging from the start of World War III to petrol reaching 70p a gallon. But he had other things on his mind, much closer to home. He remembered the conversation he’d had earlier with Bendiger about Douglas Bent, and decided it was about time he phoned his friend again for more information.

“Hello, Geoffrey! Nice to hear from you. I was about to call you, actually.”

“Now, why would that be? It’s not something about Bent, by any chance?”

“Got it in one. You’ll have to thank my daughter for this. She took Bent’s clerk out to dinner and pumped him for information, and even managed to have a poke around in his office. Now, I shouldn’t really be telling you this, but it appears that Bent’s been acting on behalf of Councillor Earnshaw.”

“Earnshaw - wasn’t he the one who tried to flog off New Wortley Cemetery a few years ago?”

“That’s the one. Only this time it seems he’s after Follyfoot. Earnshaw owns Gallows Farm, the other side of the lake, and he wants to develop it. But he needs access from the Leeds road. The only way he could get that is through Follyfoot. He was using Bent to get Mrs Foley to buy the farm, and writing a clause into the deeds to give him the right to build the access road.”

“But is that actually legal?”

“The way he’d have drawn it up, I’m sure it would have been. And being on the planning sub-committee himself, I think Earnshaw will have no difficulty getting permission to develop Gallows Farm… And he could then try to get a compulsory purchase order issued for Follyfoot…”

“But surely he’d never get away with that?”

“I hope not, Geoffrey. If only the site were of scientific or archaeological interest - then he’d never get permission to develop it!”

“Well, the buildings are pretty ancient, but I’m not aware of anything special. They do say that back in the 1800s an old guy poked around up at Gallows Farm and found some medieval bits and pieces, but I’ve never seen any of the evidence.”

“Pity, Geoffrey. That could be just what we need.”

The colonel said goodbye and replaced the receiver. Almost immediately, the phone rang again. He picked it up and was surprised to hear Slugger’s voice.

“Mornin, Colonel! What d’you think of young Ron’s news then?”

“Ron’s news, Slugger? Whatever are you talking about?”

“He found these old papers up at Gallows Farm. Seems there were some kind of abbey buildings there or something hundreds of years ago, only old ‘Enry the Eighth hanged all the monks. I reckoned it could be interesting. Hasn’t he shown them to you?”

“No, Slugger. I haven’t seen Ron since I was last at Follyfoot.”

“Well, where’s the young blighter gone then? ‘E took off on ‘is motorbike last night with all them ole papers to show you. I do hope ‘e hasn’t come to any ‘arm. I reckoned he’d ‘ave spent the night at your place or gawn off ‘ome after seeing you.”

“Look, I’ll drive over to Follyfoot when I’ve finished my breakfast. I’ll give you a hand with the horses, and we can start looking for Ron. Perhaps he just had trouble with his bike or met up with some of his mates and spent the night with them - you know what he's like."

The Colonel said goodbye and returned to the breakfast table. He was eating a rasher of bacon when there was a ring at the door. A few moments later he heard Mrs Porter’s voice from the hall: “Geoffrey, it’s a woman called Mrs Foley. She says she wants to speak to you, and it’s urgent!”

“Tell her I’m coming!” Wondering what this could be about, the Colonel strode out to the entrance hall, with its equestrian prints and Georgian furniture. Minnie Foley was looking rather lost. The black rings under her eyes told of a sleepless night, but she’d made an effort to look presentable with some lipstick and a bit of make-up. She was quite an attractive woman, really, thought the Colonel. He put his arm on her shoulder and asked “Well, dear, I know things must be difficult at the moment. Is there anything I can do for you?”

Minnie Foley pulled the crumpled ransom note from her cleavage and presented it to the Colonel. “It’s this” she sobbed. “They’ve got my Gavin! I couldn’t think of anyone else to turn to, but I know you’re a nice, kind-hearted man. What should I do?”

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #72 on: February 29, 2012, 02:42:43 PM »
Ron raced along the lane away from Follyfoot feeling very pleased with himself. He really hoped Dora would be impressed that he, Ron Stryker, had saved the farm single-handed and she would get rid of Steve once and for all and turn to good ‘ole Ron to help run the farm. While indulging in these selfish thoughts he lost concentration and failed to negotiate a sharp bend near an old quarry works. The bike skidded from under him and he plummeted over the edge of the quarry. As he tumbled down the slope, his denim jacket ripped open against jagged rocks and the precious papers spilled out, some caught in scrubby bushes, others drifting slowly down to land in the muddy waters below. Ron landed heavily on a ledge and groaned. He carefully lent over the edge and watched his dreams float away with the papers.

Offline Rob

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #73 on: February 29, 2012, 10:47:37 PM »
Slugger banged a couple of saucepan lids together to tell everyone in Follyfoot that breakfast was ready. Hazel came in from the stables and Steve ran in from the field by the lake where he had been exercising one of the ponies.

“Hey, where’s Ron?” asked Steve.

“Gawd only knows!” said Slugger. “E went off on ‘is motorbike to see the Colonel last night, but ‘e never showed up. Reckon ‘e met up with some of ‘is mates and spent the night on a friend’s settee. We’ll probably see ‘im coming round the corner soon on that bloomin’ noisy machine of his!”

“Why on earth was he going to the Colonel’s so late at night?”

“It’s all about some old papers ‘e found at Gallows Farm. They were proof it’s a historical site. He insisted on taking them over to the Colonel.”

“So that’s what he was going on about, when he said he’d gone and cracked it? I thought it was just typical Ron bravado. I didn’t even bother to stay and listen to the story. So, Slugs, do you reckon there was anything in it?”

“It seemed genuine enough to me. It looks as if Gallows Farm used to be some kind of outhouse for Kirkstall Abbey. The last monks were all hanged on the orders of ‘Enry the Eighth – that’s how the farm got its name.”

“How gruesome!” exclaimed Hazel. “But where’s Ron got to? It’s very strange that he hasn’t phoned if he’s going to be late. He knows how short staffed we are here now that Dora’s sick.”

“We can cope alright here” said Steve. “Now, finish your breakfast and get back to mucking out those horses!”

Colonel Maddocks ushered the sobbing Minnie Foley to a sofa in the library, and got Mrs Porter to bring her a cup of tea.

“Look, Minnie – if I my call you that? I really think this is a matter for the police!”

“But they said I mustn’t call the police!”

“Look, dear. The police are already aware that Gavin is missing. If we keep this note from them, we could be withholding valuable evidence. Besides, they have very clever methods these days. They might even be able to identify the paper or the glue. Did you keep the envelope?”

“No – it was only a cheap white one”.

“Did it have any writing on it?”

“No. The bellboy at the hotel gave it to me”.

“So someone must have given it to him. Now, listen, I’m going to call Inspector Garnet.”

An hour later, Inspector Garnet was sipping tea with the Colonel and Minnie Foley and was looking at the notes he had taken. He’d already called the station and got them to send someone around to interview the bellboy at the Queens Hotel. When the phone in the hall rang, Mrs Porter answered it and then called out “It’s for you, Inspector!”

Garnet rose and picked up the phone, which was on a table at the foot of the beautiful curving staircase. “Yes – what is it?” he bellowed.

“Sir, it’s Sergeant Nolan here. I’ve spoken to the bellboy.”

“Good work, Nolan. Anything interesting?”

“Well, yes sir. The bellboy remembers the bloke who left the note. Seems he left quite a generous tip. And the description tallies with the man we’re hunting in connection with the theft of Pilkington’s Rolls Royce”.

“I understand the car’s been recovered. Did they get any prints off it?”

“Just had the lab report through. Other than Pilkington, his family and his chauffeur, they’ve found two clear sets of prints. One set belongs to an unidentified male who was killed in a road traffic accident in central Leeds last night. The other we can’t identify, but we’ll circulate them to the other forces and to the Met to see if they’re on record. Mind you, that’ll take ages. And there were also some other prints in the back of the car – rather smudgy, but looked like a small boy’s.”

“Could be the Foley kid. Send someone over to their old place – 20 Lilian Street, and see if they can get a match.”

“Right, sir. Oh, and there’s one other thing…”

“What’s that, Nolan?”

“We had a call from Constable Grimsdyke. He thinks there could be a link between this kidnapping business and that road accident. The lorry that crashed was taking a load of rubble to Gallows Farm, next door to Follyfoot. And it’s bizarre that one of the guys whose prints were all over that roller was killed by the lorry driver. If it’s a coincidence, it’s a very strange one!”

“Any news on the lorry driver? Has he regained consciousness yet?”

“Nope. Still in intensive care last time I heard. We’ve got PC Jackson stationed outside his ward to interview him if he comes around”.

The inspector thanked Nolan and went back to Minnie Foley. He started to explain how they would try to entrap the kidnapper.

At the hospital, PC Jackson had rather more to do than he expected. It was nothing to do with Jeff Bromley, who was still unconscious. But he’d just been called by one of the nurses to break up a fight that was taking place in the waiting room. He’d hurried downstairs to find an audience of hospital visitors and out-patients cheering on a couple of women who were brawling on the floor, tearing at each other’s hair and clothes.

“So you’re this tart Jeff was seeing. I knew there was something in it. Honestly, Anita, I’d have thought he’d have better taste!”

“You can’t talk, Doreen Bromley! If you’d treated your man properly you wouldn’t have lost him to me. He was going to divorce you and marry me, he promised…”

“You slut!”

“Ladies!” exclaimed a rather embarrassed P C Jackson. “Break it up at once!”

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Offline Jane

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Re: Foley's Fortune - a new fanfic for everyone to write
« Reply #74 on: March 01, 2012, 01:19:43 PM »
Dora stared at the latest Horse magazine without really taking it in. She was bored, bored, bored! The sun was shining in a clear blue sky, not a breath of wind stirred the brown and orange leaves on the magnificent Oak trees in the park. It was a perfect Autumnal day. The urge to be galloping away across the fields on Copper became too strong to ignore. Doctors! What do they know thought Dora. I’m perfectly O.K. now. I just need to get out!

Quietly she dressed and let herself out without being caught by Mrs Porter. The Colonel was busy in the Drawing room with visitors so she made a quick dash to the stables. She’d have to take Dragon as Copper was back at Follyfoot. In no time she had him tacked up and was just about to lead him out when a voice made her jump guiltily.

“What are you up to Miss?”

She’d forgotten old Thompson the groom might be around.

“Uncle said I can start riding again” she lied.

Thompson peered at her white, drawn face but decided to make no comment for the moment.

“I’ll give you a leg up” he said helpfully and hoisted Dora into the saddle.

“Thanks Thompson. I won’t be long” she smiled down at him and Thompson fully understood her need to ride. Do her good, he thought, instead of being cooped up in that house.

Dora felt so much better as she trotted down the drive. Dragon was feeling fresh and shied at every little thing that moved in the hedgerows. He might not be Copper but he was a horse and it felt so good to be in the saddle again.
Away she galloped, laughing with pure joy!

Dragon suddenly shied violently as a piece of paper flapped out from a bush into his path. Dora grabbed his mane just in time to stop herself falling off.

“Silly Dragon!” she laughed It’s only a bit of old paper!” But Dora stopped laughing when she saw a motorbike lying on its side by the Quarries edge. Ron’s bike! She leapt off Dragon and peered over the edge. She could just about make out a denim- clad figure lying on a ledge.

 “Ron!” she screamed.